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  • Making Up The Numbers Fort William World Champs Special
  • BigEaredBiker
    Free Member

    I think membership of this site should preclude anyone from a job where they need to look after anyone 🙂

    Free Member

    It was built by the same people that put the sphinx face on Mars…

    Free Member there are often social rides from Denham/Cowley at weekends and Wednesday nights. Usually some people go further afield riding at swinley etc at weekends.

    Don’t miss the Bucks Classic 100km offroad starting from Denham 10th May.

    Free Member

    STW effectievly did this by failing to address a known weakness in sql, allowing an “sql injection attack” – clue, I suported sql servers 6 years ago, and those servers were protected against this sort of attack then. so, arguably, the hackers tried the door and found it was open.

    Not quite true, SQL injection attacks are often the result of poor application design rather than a software vulneribility. I suspect the servers you supported 6 years ago were Microsoft SQL and the fixes you put in place were against slammer.

    SQL injection attacks still happen today no matter what version of SQL is being run in the back ground, you use a poor application design coupled with poor database security then you can be very unlucky! Personally I think the insurance should probably still have paid out pending a detailed report of how the hack was achieved ie was it really open or was a level of cracking needed?

    If a third party hosted and supported the application\database Singletrack might have been able to claim off their indemnity insurance but I think STW supported its own stuff so not possible.

    Free Member

    I assume you mean PCI Express (PCI is a really old format and pants for graphics).

    Any card by Nvidia or ATI would be good if you are not fussed about games. Even the newer cheaper ones support HD video modes. An ATI HD2600 pro is probably all you need. I now have a Nvidia 8800 GT and it plays games and video files perfectly.

    Free Member

    The world is over populated;

    We need a virus that will become rampant in the poorer uneducated parts of the planet. It should have almost no cure and if there is one it should be prohibitively expensive so that only those in the rich west can easily get it. That might help with the worlds population problem…

    Plus we in the west should also standby and do nothing when people in the third world decide some good old fashioned genocide is in order. we should also stop helping when countries have greedy leaders that neglect their populations, both of those will help to…

    If that was allowed to happen then maybe these pointless charity iniatives to educate the third world wouldn’t be needed and the ‘chuggers’ would stop bothering me in the street when I’m on my way to buy some videogames and a Starbucks…

    Free Member

    I’ve had some mixed results from my old 205 and now my 605. Sometimes it seems quite accurate and other times in really is pants. the best example is when you do a circular ride and it has the finish as 250m lower than the start!

    Free Member

    If you are in a group let your mates do the talking when you are approached by fast talking people trying to persaude you to go/buy/do something. I prefered to stand back and observe his ‘co-workers’ getting annoyed that they were not going to be able to fleece us all whilst distracted!

    Enjoy it’s a fantastic city!

    Free Member

    Agreed, tesco HDMI will give much better picture than an expensive scart as there is no digital to analogue conversion and then baclk again.

    Once you have the HDMI you then need to work out what looks best; letting the dvd player output at 480p and having the TV upscale to 720p or 1080p (depending on what TV you have) or having the dvd player output straight at 720p or 1080p and handle the upscaling.

    For me it worked best when I told the DVD player to out put at 480p but that was a cheap HDMI equipped DVD palyer.

    Free Member

    I was about to say he had morphed from human form into that of a rare breed of south american fuit bat…

    Clearly I was wrong. 😀

    Free Member

    i’m sure it’ll only increase with the amount of council funded pikeys that seem to be moving into the area.

    That’s the kind of ignorant, narrow-minded contemptuous attitude for others, that leads to people feeling alienated and undervalued, and therefore losing respect for others themselves. Which can and does lead to a lack of respect for the Law, and a willingness to undertake illegal activities.

    Not defending the kind of people who chose to have no regard for the peace and safety of others, but it’s attitudes like this, which exacerbate already stressful conditions. Living in an environment where violence is an everyday occurrence, one becomes brutalised to the extent that using violence for self defence, is an acceptable thing. Trouble is, that then leads to aggression, as those who are in very close proximity to violence, see it as a means of gaining power, where otherwise they may feel powerless.

    Not all ‘council funded pikies’ are violent scum…

    {trolling mode on}

    No some ‘council funded pikies’ are just scum…

    {trolling mode off}


    Free Member

    For the last ten years I’ve successfully avoided paying my child support. I move around a lot, and Im naturally suspicious of unannounced callers to my door. Recently though I slipped up – while sh@ggin a bird at curry’s I gave her my name, when asked as you do. Foolishly I gave my real name. Lo and behold a nine months later I received a threatening letter from the child support Nazis informing me they’d received details from the old slapper that I had impregnated her receiving equipment.

    That’s the last correspondence I recieved from them (they still send threats to the two previous occupants of my house) but……twice now I’ve heard suspicious knocking at my door in the evening in the last month or so. Roughly around the same time. I haven’t seen the person as I wont go to the door as Im afraid I’ll find a kid in a basket.

    My question is this – what powers do these people have and how do they go about gathering info? Could they for example get info from the dmv as to who my car is registered to or the like? I dont really know much about them but Im not keen to fork out thousands for the next f****ing 16 years.

    Free Member

    Both fantastic, get whichever one you can get the best deal on.

    Some people prefer one over the other but I’d be happy with either, you soon adjust your riding style for a new bike.

    Free Member

    You guys on mavic 717s are obviously not trying hard enough 😉

    I’ve always smashed lightweight rims as long as I can remember. I tend to just plough through obsticles rather than trying to go around them so it has alot to do with my riding style I suppose. Sun singletracks, Mavic ST’s, 729’s, and Spank SubRosas have all been good for that though.

    Anyway I’ve gone ahead and ordered the Rhythem Elites as the LBS could do them for £200 including tubless ready kit. They are barely lighter than some of the ones mentioned above but if it keeps me racing so be it!

    Free Member

    I like the look of those tripwires that fire a blank shot gun cartridge.

    However knowing me I would accidently set them off!

    Free Member

    Not sure on the weight of mine as I don’t worry too much about that. I’d guess around the 25lb mark, it feels a lot lighter than my Fuel EX.

    Free Member

    I’ve got a new 2009 expert, it’s great! The new sid forks are so much better than the old ones and the Avid Exlir brakes work really well.

    Goes up hill like a rocket and very confidence inspiring on technical (xc) downs. If you get one you wont regret it.

    Free Member

    I hate overtime but there is always plenty going where I’m working. I rarely do it but it’s nice to know its there when a holiday is looming!

    Free Member

    I have a set of ST’s and was wondering the same but back the other way from 20mm to QR.

    I’d previously heard you can’t but don’t really see why not.

    Free Member

    You don’t ‘need’ 1080p but if you can find a good quality TV with it for not much more cash then you might as well have it.

    TBH I think the actual picture boils down to other factors and a well set up 32″ TV can playing back upscaled DVD’s can look better than a poorly setup one playing back the compressed sky HD channels.

    I have a 32″ LCD LG set and it works really well with my XBOX 360. It actually accepts a 1080p signal but then uses some internal trickery to display it at 720p. It looks pretty good and normal DVDs playing back look way better than they used to on my old CRT and you can’t really tell much difference when a 720p avi file is played unless you are close to the screen.

    Likewise my brother has a 50″ plasma and upscaled DVD’s look amazing on that when you are sat 10-12 ft away on the sofa, the colours are really vibrant.

    What I dont understand are the people that buy all this super expensive hi-tech kit and then use it to watch poor quality pirate dvds/downloads! Totally pointless im my opinion.

    Free Member

    All the big stores take on extra staff in the run up to Christmas and then the jobs become redundant in the new year, I suspect a good many of that 1000 is made up from that.

    From what Stuart Rose was saying on TV this morning the stores that are closing are very small food only ones that are not profitible. It’s not like any of the big high street ones are going. All sounds like good sense to me.

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