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  • Shimano GF8 (GF800) Gore-Tex Shoes review
  • BigEaredBiker
    Free Member

    Are you using an Evaluation Operation? This should be Expression and Constraint i.e. the execute SQL task should suceed and resolve to true.

    If you just use a constraint your options are sucess, failure and completion, which probably ignores your varible being true.

    Just to caveate this – I am in no way an SSIS developer, so might be talking out of my backside 😀

    Free Member

    I ran an operational support team in an ‘agile’ environment and we were expected to adopt Scrum for project work to fit in with the Dev team. After a few months of painful learning the team adopted Kanban instead and didn’t look back; done properly it works very well.

    I remember hearing lack-of-requirements being espoused by some manager, it didn’t take long for the scrum teams in his remit to stick something like this up on the wall;

    Free Member

    The last time I had this a BIOS/firmware update fixed it.

    I’ve also had odd problems in the past where the soundcard thought I had headphones plugged in, instead of powered speakers. Once it knew what it was outputting too all weirdness stopped.

    Free Member

    Pah, those flat earthers talk rubbish. Everyone knows the real conspiarcy is covering up the truth that the Earth is actually expanding. Damn Wegener, his jigsaw and subduction…

    Expanding Earth


    Free Member

    I used to have an MG ZT-T, there were loads of bits on it that were marked BMW, which was no surprise as BWM owned Rover when the 75 was designed. The mistake I made was buying the petrol which had a Rover engine and not the diesel which had a decent 2litre BMW diesel engine. It was a nice car and generally very well screwed together but the Rover engine had cheap bits on it that meant overheating and head gasket failures were not uncommon.

    The MG6 sort of fits between the old ZS and ZT. It’s like a slightly bigger Focus, I have not driven one but the guys on the MG forums I used to frequent reckoned the early ones (4/5 years ago) that Avis car rentals had and subsequently moved on were poor but they did get better. I think they have revised it again and now there is only a diesel option.

    If I was in the market for a new car I’d probably go and check an MG6 out rather than just write it off as Chinese rubbish. As has been noted all early Japanese and Korean cars were laughed at. The MG3 looks ugly though.

    Free Member

    I’m not really sure how you can stop your cat pooing in other peoples gardens. I don’t think ours does, but I can’t follow the sodding thing about all day, she definately poo’s behind a bush in our garden though.

    Does anyone else cat follow them when they go for a family walk? It was odd having to carry ours across a stream because she had decided to follow – we now have to lock her up or make the kids run so she gives up and goes home. That cat carrier could be handy 😆

    Free Member

    I’d look at the latest Intel Skylake i3 CPU’s. The i3-6100 is available for around £95 and can be used on a decent motherboard with the latest DDR4 RAM. This would give you an upgrade path to a substatially more powerful (and expensive) core i7 CPU if you ever felt the need.

    You will probably want a different motherboard to fit your case but this will give you an idea;

    Free Member

    My lad has outgrown Peppa. His current favorite is

    Free Member

    My local Maplin is great, I got a good deal on a 144Hz monitor and since then get sent vouchers. The one in Nov & Dec have been things like £50 off £100 which has been used for new HDD & SSD’s saving aprrox £40 compared to Scan or Dabs.

    They do need to sort their wensite out – the search and refinements is basic and reminds me of stuff from over 10 years ago.

    Free Member

    AWS and Database servers seems to be particular bad news, as from time to time your boxes get rebooted and then everything has to roll back to checkpoints and you risk losing data.

    Interesting, this should be the same as on-premises – design the virtual infrastructure correctly and there should be zero data-loss (of committed transactions) even in the event of an unexpected node reboot.

    The biggest ‘mystery’ challenge has been ‘noisy neighbour syndrom’ where nothing really changes on your workload but now eveything is running more slowly. I have two theories on how this happens;

    1) Another company are on the same hardware/storage as you and just kicked off a massive data load/ETL process. This is what most people choose to believe.

    2) AWS/Azure realised you are using their systems in such a way as you are an expensive customer, they live-migrate your VM’s to lesser hardware or shared hardware with other ‘bad’ customers in an effort to make you upgrade your servers and become a ‘good’ customer. This is what most cynical admins believe 🙂

    In either case this is where the good SysAdmins and DBA’s prove their worth as they can quickly identify and tune application/database performance. If you work for a company that has an ethos of throwing tin at all performance issues the cloud will start getting very expensive!

    Free Member

    Meanwhile – yes learn to be a *nix admin, there is plenty of demand and most Windows only environments have plenty of Linux kicking about as well.

    Free Member

    The biggest challenge I keep seeing with cloud is migrating badly designed stuff (that works) into Azure or AWS without really changing the fundementals of how it works. The badly designed bits now stick out like a sore thumb where as before they were covered up by fast servers and storage or short network hops.

    Free Member

    Chemtrails are made up of ash from coal fired power plants. It’s true because it’s on the internet and there are graphs and everything…

    There are even people with letters after their name that believe it, so it must be true.

    and finally the koch brothers and big oil are some how mixed up in it, to prevent the public fully understanding the truth behind climate change, or Princess Di, or something.

    Free Member

    My 6 year old still believes but is struggling to answer my questions as to wear Santa fits in with the nativity. Apparently he is not Jesus’ dad as that is Joseph or God, depending on time of year. Santa may have been one of the wise men (in disguise) leaving a gift.

    Apparently I am stupid for suggesting that Frankenstein was also there to give Jesus a present…

    Free Member

    Meh, we are are already attacking ISIS in Iraq, the Americans, French and Russians are already attacking them in Syria. We are by that definition already at war with ISIS and already in a coalition that is attacking them in Syria; and have indeed already participated in some strikes over the Syrian border.

    Whether we join wider attacks in Syria or not is more of a symbolic thing. I just don’t get the fuss – if the blue jelly baby wants to put British troops into Syria I’d understand it a bit more.

    Free Member

    Wow, I’ve not seem one of those in years. We used to use them all the time.

    Free Member

    The report of military strength lasers being used on occasion was worrying. Your average nilistic tearaway is not going to be able to get hold of one of those easily.

    Free Member

    I’m so rich I probably wouldn’t chase for 10 years or so. I’m also such a nice chap I also wouldn’t seek any interest, but that’s just me.

    Free Member

    I’m all for anyone being able to walk into a shop and buying a chicken farm, but I do think some basic background checks and a 7 day waiting period should apply.

    I’m not sure if you should be able to buy hen houses that can hold more than five hens though, why would anyone need more than five hens in a single hen house??

    Free Member

    I was very impressed with the pen when I had a play with one a couple of days ago. The new Windows 10 unified apps and being able to stream from xbone to it also seemed very slick.

    Free Member

    I have found Linux Mint seems to be an ideal solution for relatives laptops who are getting annoyed with Windows 10. If all you do is browse the web, write a few word docs and play a few indie games it’s ideal.

    Free Member

    No one feared the Irish accent much as they fear an Asian person or a person wearing a hijab.

    Who here is actually scared of any of these people? No one I know or talk to is; is it just a perception we get spoon fed by some sections of the media that we are?

    This perception that there is something to be feared probably makes some people fear it – useful if you want to sell papers or argue for increased surveillance powers.

    Free Member

    I remember working on a few back in the late 1990’s, but my mum always said say nothing if you don’t have anything nice to say.

    Free Member

    If you have name, dob etc finding out his military career details should not be too hard. It sounds like he had an interesting time.

    Is this your Grandpop at around 7:10 with the camera 😀

    Free Member

    we’d not use nukes against a country because they fired chemical weapons again our troops

    I’m not sure some of you are getting this, of course we wouldn’t use them. The other side only has to think we might. 😉

    Free Member

    By no rational or mathematic measure would it make sense to launch nuclear weapons after your nation has already taken a significant hit. What would be the point? World destruction for the sake of revenge?

    But what if that significant hit was just 1kt on Heathrow? It will make a mess but hardly devastate the country. By having Trident it means the other side has to go all or nothing. Thankfully any rational person will stick with the nothing…

    Shall we take a short cut and link to an episode of Yes, Prime Minister. Hackers Grand Design springs to mind 😆

    Free Member

    So are we saying disarmament is the dangerous thing? Are we at the stage where we can’t get rid of the nukes because of the number of people we’ve pissed off?

    No, we can’t rid of the nukes because of the number of people who could then sway our foreign and to some extent domestic policy by leaning on us with either their own nuclear or conventional threats to which we have no counter.

    I just cant see any scenario when I think pressing the button would be a good idea. Globalisation renders them pointless.

    If only it were true, whilst any war (no matter how small) between major powers would immensely harm trade it does not guarantee it. Many wars in the past have broken out despite existing trade between nations – both world wars for example. My concern would be powers that think they can start and control a war to profit from it only to then find out they have no influence or control (WW1 is a good example of this).

    However there are really two points to understanding nuclear weapons;

    1) They are not really military weapons, they are diplomatic tools for posturing and bargaining with.
    2) They will never be used but the other side (whoever that is) has to believe that you could and would use them if required.

    I’m all for a nuke free world but unilateral disarmament is not the way to do it. We should be seeking to reduce our threat posture, and stockpiles whilst others do the same. This has to some extent been happening since the end of the cold war. Our posture is now greatly reduced, and the number and type of weapons is also reduced.

    As a side point we likely now have our missiles and warheads configured differently to the cold war. Rather than having every missile configured with the maximum number of warheads set to maximum yield we probably have missiles with a single warhead with a variable yield. This means that we can deploy a small bang < 0.5kt or a multiple big bands > 100kt. For example we can, if needed, threaten to use a small bang to destroy a single large military installation or massed force rather than an entire city – I believe the Thatcher/Major government made thinly veiled threats to Saddam in 1990/91 that this could be the response if chemical weapons were used against British forces in S.Arabia (although back then it probably would have been a free fall WE177 dropped from a Tornado backing up the threat).

    Free Member

    Pointless weapon…who seriously would press the button that would kill millions for the sake of a few tosser politicians?

    Hardly, the point is it will never be used because the warheads and their delivery system guarantee unacceptable losses to any potential attack.

    With more countries developing ICBM’s and nuclear warheads there will be more parties at the Mexican stand off.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    It’s other aliens imprisoning bad aliens to keep them in their own solar system. For gods sake don’t start sending messages that way or plan to send a ship…

    Pandora’s Star

    Free Member

    Couger has a dead moggie, or something, in his kitchen. The spiders probably put it there.

    Free Member

    I dabbled with old Amiga kit for a while but sold it all and just muck about with the UAE emulators now.

    Amibay is a good place for old Amiga/ST/Acorn kit;

    Free Member

    Sounds like a total non-story to me. We have no name and ‘mutiny’could mean many things not just a coup – soldiers are not allowed to strike or simply hand in their notice and quit. An effective mutiny would simply be to walk and face arrest or likewise go on strike.

    If it soldiers knew they had the support of senior NCO’s and officers simply working to H&S rules would screw things up just by following the rules – especially if soldiers are called to help civil authorities to cover other public servants on strike.

    Free Member

    That model has 2 memory slots:

    I happen to have 2 x 2GB DDR2 DIMMS sat on my desk. Let me know if you want them for the postage. I can also burn you a legit copy of Windows 7 for you to use with your product key, just let me know the Edition.

    If you don’t have a CoA certificate sticker on the box and need to extract the product key for a fresh install use magic jelly bean:

    The processor could probably be upgraded to a Core 2 Duo or possibly a Core 2 Quad obtained for peanuts from ebay, the memory and SSD upgrade will likely be more than enough to get started though.

    Free Member

    If you like Iain M Banks and Peter Hamilton this is definitely worth a read:

    Something Coming Through by Paul McAuley

    The aliens are here. And they want to help. The extraordinary new project from one of the country’s most acclaimed and consistently brilliant SF novelists of the last 30 years.

    The Jackaroo have given humanity fifteen worlds and the means to reach them. They’re a chance to start over, but they’re also littered with ruins and artifacts left by the Jackaroo’s previous clients.

    Miracles that could reverse the damage caused by war, climate change, and rising sea levels. Nightmares that could forever alter humanity – or even destroy it.

    Chloe Millar works in London, mapping changes caused by imported scraps of alien technology. When she stumbles across a pair of orphaned kids possessed by an ancient ghost, she must decide whether to help them or to hand them over to the authorities. Authorities who believe that their visions point towards a new kind of danger.

    And on one of the Jackaroo’s gift-worlds, the murder of a man who has just arrived from Earth leads policeman Vic Gayle to a war between rival gangs over possession of a remote excavation site.

    Something is coming through. Something linked to the visions of Chloe’s orphans, and Vic Gayle’s murder investigation. Something that will challenge the limits of the Jackaroo’s benevolence …

    Free Member

    We just buy one of everything, our two then entertain themselves fighting over it. After the first five minutes the new trampoline (with big nets around the side) was more like a cage fighting ring…

    Free Member
    Free Member

    If there were only a couple of things I needed Windows for I would consider using Oracles Virtual Box. This would allow me to create a virtual machine inside of Linux to run Windows. That way I could boot into it without needed to restart the laptop use my windows apps and shut it back down.

    Free Member

    Robocopy copy commands saved to a .cmd file and scheduled in Windows Task Scheduler works for me.

    The commands I use to backup my Users folders are:

    rem robocopy D:\Users\ G:\D_Users_Backup\ /MIR /XA:SH /W:0 /R:1 /REG /XJ > D:\Users\ExternalBackup.log
    rem robocopy C:\Users\ G:\C_Users_Backup\ /MIR /XA:SH /W:0 /R:1 /REG /XJ >> D:\Users\ExternalBackup.log

    Note – these use the /MIR option which will mirror the contents to the backup drive, if you delete something and then the backup command runs it deletes it from there as well.

    Free Member

    I’m with Molgrips and jamj1974 on this one for IT projects. I hate dealing with project managers who think everything should be in MS Project. In my opinion they spend more time adjusting things in Project than actually doing any meaningful management.

    The best run projects I’ve worked on are where MS Project is only used as a light touch at the start, or perhaps only by the PMO, and then for the actual detail we crack on with SCRUM or Kanban depending on the type of project and teams involved. Once a team have gone through a few sprints or have a decent CFD running the PMO can then adjust their master plan accordingly.

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