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  • Reverse Base flat pedal review
  • bigdawg
    Free Member

    you can do it but youd have to cross and ride on some pretty busy (read normally gridlocked) roads to be able to do it…

    Free Member

    weve already received notification that pretty much every road surrounding the venue will be closed to parking or permit only – driving tbh would be a nightmare on a normal saturday, train and walk or train shuttle or park and ride will be best options.

    Im still contemplating cycling there – there seem to be two bike parks, but no one actually has any info on them?!?!?

    Free Member

    and the fences are more crawl under than jump over, but there will be perimeter security esp after the local paper pointed out you could crawl under them!

    Free Member

    ok he may have been slowing waiting for his 2 teamates but we’ll not dwell on that…

    Free Member

    I over took one of the czech riders last night whilst riding home… 😀

    Free Member

    this is a lot better than the woman’s race – thinking about it this is prob the first time Ive watched triathlon for 15 plus years – interesting to see how the sport has evolved in that time.

    The breakaways and working together made sense, the sitting in a huge pack with lots of people sitting up didnt really make any sense – prob becasue I think of triathlon as an individual sport not a team sport.

    Free Member

    now thats more like it – 5 guys working together chaingang style to pull them forward… No one resting there… 🙂

    Free Member

    aracer – yes I was watching it and it was the BBC’s commentator (presumably racer) that stated that there would be riders deliberately getting into the draft to save energy.

    Free Member

    I didnt know about the rule changes, but glad to hear its still the case in some races…

    the reason its a big deal for me is that Im an awful swimmer, the bike I coudl actually get back into contention on as I was usually a lot better cyclist than a lot of the others. Got out of when I realised I could do 4 or 5 mtb races for the price of one triathlon..

    Ill be watching this morning, hopefully they’ll remember wet white lines dont hold a lot of traction..

    Free Member

    Ive always used maxxis tyres never had a problem with pinch flats, in fact the only punctures I do get are due to tiny bits of broken glass on the road bits I ride…

    Free Member

    I just got back from Lyndhurst (well a couple of weeks back)

    I love the area, but highlights were beauli (the james bond exhibition), Swanage railway (even the kids loved a real train) but the real winner for us was Moors valley country park (go ape, off road segways, trails and the best cafe Ive been in forever – huge portions of dorset apple cake….

    Free Member

    Why not – If its not rusting or cracked go for it… I currently race a 96 Ti Kona hei hei – through choice, my favourite race bike of all time (and yes I have tried the current crop)and have been now for 3 or 4 years…

    they’ll last as long as theyre looked after…

    Free Member

    how quickly we forget:
    Bradley Wiggins – first ever TdF winner, Olympic Time Trial gold medalist and greatest British olympian based on medal tally (unless Hoy goes nuts in the next few days!)
    Jessica Ennis – One gold medal..

    Am I missing something, I knowshes theface of the olympics, and its a hard earned medal, but what makes it any better than Wiggin’s, Farrar’s, the rowers etc…????

    Unfortunately it seems people just expect the track guys to get gold now, they didn’t even include the gold on the run down of todays medals on the news headlines tonight..

    Free Member

    From reading further into this I don’t think all the tricky stuff is being taken out – as I understand it the course is being modified so some parts can be shut off until race days. And with good reason Id say, get an inexperienced rider trying some of this stuff being egged on by his mates and you’ll soon see liability claims coming in or the place branded dangerous and shut down:

    We’ve already had some local areas (danbury which featured quite heavily in the earliest issues of dirt) balldozed and flattened do to an inexperienced rider literally going over his bars at the top of a 15ft vertical drop in and landing on his face at the bottom

    Free Member

    why do people who (a) havent ridden the course and (b) live no where the area just assume it’s rubbish. to date I havent heard one rider thats ridden or raced on it say its rubbish…

    From my own epxeriences its a lot more demanding than some ofthe european world cup courses Ive ridden and if its so easy why were a lot of the riders on the test event (ie supposeldy the best riders in the world) opting for the b and in some cases c routes..??

    Hopefully be racing on it myself next year – cant wait.

    Free Member

    Oh and the olympic XC course is neither crap nor easy…Everyone whos actually ridden it and raced on it has said how good it is, it’s prob one of the most demanding courses Ive ridden (and Ive raced extensively in the UK, Some in Europe and in the US)

    Its not designed as a trail centre, its not designed to be ridden on 30lb 8 inch full suspension bikes – its an olympic XC course, and next year theres tohe possibility of it being included in the local race series – I cant wait…

    Free Member

    Alex Dowsett turned up at a round the local Mud Sweat & Gears series a year or so back – anhialated the elite field and quite literally came past like a train…

    I think in his mind it was just a time trial with bumps…

    Free Member

    thats interesting race radios are aloud in this one…

    Free Member

    Could you not just fill your Camelbak up with Vodka and Orange?

    you could but you wont be able to take into in with you…

    Free Member

    I cant see where Dave has done any of that – Most people here have been sent the plan free of charge – if you stick by it you lose weight

    Never been asked to pay money for the ‘full package’ and yet somehow Ive still manage to lose nearly 2 1/2 stone, and my race times and results are better than ever.

    The only money Ive HAD to shell out was for an entire new wardrobe as nothing fitted me any more…

    Anyone had any different experiences?!?!

    Free Member

    technicallyinept – just sent a copy to your yahoo address…

    Free Member

    Coconut flour muffins are good too. – recipe please!

    I started on the idiet last May quickly lost 2 stone (12st 7 to 10stone 7 in three months) and have had no problem at all keeping it off, infact Im now usually around the 10st3or4 mark. Don’t have any problem sticking to what I eat and love chickpea nad chicken curry!

    Free Member

    so whats this bolt for..??!:

    sowhats this bolt for..??!:

    Free Member

    just thrown away a stage win..

    Free Member

    theres no reason to keep him back now though thats just ridiculous…

    Free Member

    according to the limpic site the £20 tickets just seem tobe for the award ceremony not the race..?!?!

    Free Member

    Ive got tickets for the women’s race

    Free Member

    and in 2012 racing mode…

    Free Member

    got a couple of zaskars I use with the kids LOCT seats, but my main racing/ playing bike is a 96/7 Kona Hei Hei…

    Free Member

    The fact that me listening to The Clash is to my children what my mum listening to Bill Hailey was to me.

    That really puts it in perspective for me….

    and Ive just worked out the years gap is actually greater from now to the clash, than clash to bill hailey

    Free Member

    yes it is definately possible – just depends how much you :

    a – want to win races
    b – want to spend time with your kids

    Ive got a 4 year old boy and a 2 year old girl because I work all week I see them in the morning for about an hour and then again just over an hour before they go to bed so my weekends I spend all day with the kids, and when Im racing it’s usually a family job with picnics their bikes etc…

    Regards to training most sundays Im up at 5am and then approx 90 minutes at race pace on the turbo, (tacx Fortious – so I can actually ‘race’ against people) and thats all year round, and other than that its commuting, or saturday rides with the littluns with LOCT seats…

    Free Member

    its not the course that is waterlogged that would be very rideable (and in a lot of parts totally dry) its the carpark and event ‘village’ area thats waterlogged – apparently a tractor was having trouble getting across it this morning..?!?!

    Free Member

    and the feed has effectivewly stopped!

    why did I think they may actually have managed to arrange coverage around the course..?!

    Free Member

    unfortunately it has become increasingly apparent this (and I assume previous) olympics isnt centred around sporting excellence its about the income of money and not a lot else…

    Free Member

    if you look at actually who came second its a resounding yes.. Most of them have admitted or been convicted…

    Free Member

    from where – the official site..??

    Free Member

    Really! are you talking about Marco or another Pantani?

    Yep he never failed a drugs test – he was once chucked off a tour for odd haematocrit levels but never failed a test.

    And for all those claiming armstrong is the most tested athlete ever – this is not the case – more spin from the publicity machine.

    I used to be a huge armstrong fan, wastotally in the def clean camp but unfortunately for me there’s too much evidence against him now (epo in urine samples, the failed test, his treatment of jesus, simeoni and other riders, the gagging orders on his wife and girlfriends,the team being pre warned of tests and having half hour to prepare for tests, and now the sworn testomony of ten ex team mates). At the end of the end of hte day he’s also not a nice person (anyone remember the youtube footage of him deliberately riding into a man at the end of a race and then having a go at him?)

    Free Member

    couple of things that people seem to be missing.

    This case is not aimed solely at armstrong (his press are spinning this as a personal vendetta) the case is about supply and use of illegal drugs in sport with from memory 5 people (incl LA< ferrari & bruynell) charged armstrong is one of them, and also relates to incidents that took place as late as 2008.

    there are 10 witnesses who testified against the five people confirming what they witnessed, Hincappe, vaughters, leiheimer and verde are supposedly among them, although reading vaughter tweets he seems happy to pretty much admit this, and oddly has also anounced that he nor anyone in the team will be serving a 6 month ban, which seems to indicate that it was armstrong’s ‘team’ that leaked the story.

    The federal investigation was to investigate whether or not federal money (via usps) was used in the sale and buying of drugs, even if LA had stood up and said I used epo everyday for 10 years that would have been useless in theor investigation as it didnt prove it was bought with government money. It’s USADA’s job to investigate doping in sport which they are doing.

    Personally I think LA’s back is against the wall and his only defence now will be to discredit the witnesses, todays leak seems to be the start of that.

    Free Member

    despite what he says Armstrong has not faced charges realting to this before..

    The first court case reagarding the payment of his winning bonus was solely to sort out the wording of the contract – the people paying were trying to say why should we pay when he could have cheated, LA’s team argued and won, that the contract stated the bonus would be paid, end of, it doesnt stipulate anything about not payig if he cheated, which of course they won.

    The second case (the jeff novitsky federal case) was solely to decide whether or not any federal/government money was used in the purchase of drugs. For some reason, still unbeknown to the investigators, was stopped just hours before LA was due to be served papers to appear. This gave the consipracist theorists plenty of ammo regards to LA pulling big strings to get it shelved.

    The latest investigation is not solely aimed at LA (so can’t really be classified as a witch hunt), it’s aimed at the ‘ringleaders’ involved in supplying trafficking and implementing drug use, incl bruynell, ferrari, and others still involved in the pro peleton today, and also relates to incidents as late as 2009 (the ‘clean comeback’ year). As I understand it though this is not a criminal investigation, the worst that could happen as a direct result of this is that LA loses his tour titles (whcih is pretty pointless!) and those found guilty will lose the ability to compete or be involved in pro cycling. If the case is then taken up by other law enforcement agencies will depend Im assuming on the outcome of this.

    I used to be a fan of LA, and used to defend the usual accusations but then when you look at his treatment of ex tem members, the Jesus & simeonni (sp??) incidents something is just not right, he appears to go out of his way to bully people to stop information coming out.

    Regards to the UCI, if this does blow up they will be seen to be complicit in the cover up too… hiding failed positives, accepting bribes (donations?!)…

    Free Member

    how close exaclty do you live to the sea… or to a coastline with a break, your profile would suggest not very….?!?!

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