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  • Madison Saracen Factory Race Team to cease racing at the end of 2024
  • bigdawg
    Free Member

    see also Pete”where’s the book” Townshend /the Who

    Its coming out in November…

    Funny how know one ever mentions Jimmy Page when these ‘conversations’ come up

    Free Member

    I use maxxis raze although they seem to have gone up in price this year and theyve stopped making the amazing locust.

    For general all round everything schwalbe smart sams are very good on road off road and last a fair while and are also quite puncture proof – if you do a lot of road riding you can get the reflex version with reflective lettering on it..

    Free Member

    has anyone heard any LA comment regards to tyler’s book?? Anyone in the past who’s even thought about printing a bad word about LA has had the full force ofthe best lawyers in the US thrown at them, but I haven’t heard so much as a whisper about what is alleged in the book..

    Free Member

    I think the plan was that bruynell & the docs opted for arbitration, LA has a word with his friends in congress (again) the whole case gets closed and everyone walks away back to their jobs.. Only it didn’t this time (unlike the novitsky case) and now theyve all actually got to face their accusers. Notice they havent been quick to cmment anywhere, and after hamilton’s book they must be crapping themselves.

    I was initially under the impression the LA papers would become public the same time they are released to the UCI but I can’t find the damn link to that now…

    Free Member

    the differences between the two books are listed here:

    The Differences Between the US and UK versions of The Secret Race

    Really nothing that we already didnt know tbh and not enough to stop buying the UK book.

    Free Member

    if anyonehas ordered a small they dont need let me know.. (im assuming its the usual 38” chest)

    Free Member

    thats taken at hadleigh ion the olympic course – not sure if it was in practice or the actual race though, top of the rock garden I think…

    Free Member

    thats a lot of bumping!

    USADA said they would release the evidence at the same time as sending it to UCI and other associated organisations, which I believe is being done wednesday.

    I can understand them making it public at teh same time LA & co effectively get their hands on it so they, or their attorneys, don’t have a chance to ‘have a word’ with the witnesses as has been done with previous witnesses.

    Also with senators and other members of the higher US government breathing down their neck and looking into their funding it may be better to get it into the open before they’re stopped from doing so.

    Free Member

    you do realise in another 900 or so posts there will be some frantic activity

    Might be a bit sooner than that – looks as though the USADA evidence could be released (made public) within the next week.

    However on the back of this and the hamilton book there seem to be ‘confessions’ coming out ofthe woodwork at the moment, maybe this is what was needed to finally stop the omerta, or maybe its the fact that most of these guys are fed up with lying everyday and as theyre retired theres not a lot that can be done…

    Free Member

    Sounds like the OP tried to claim for something that wasn’t covered – if it really is a cock up on L&Gs behalf then make a complaint through the FSA, theyve dealt with a couple for me with good results, if however it was a case of assuming something was covered and wasn’t then rightly thats not their problem.

    Turnerguy – If L&G can source the same TV for £100 less then they have to offer replacement of the original. If however your friend wanted a cash settlement then they arent obliged to pay more than they have to provided they can prove they can get the TV at the price they state.

    That applies to every Insurer in the UK not just L&G

    Free Member

    Im quite sure ive never actually read anything with so many inaccurate statements and lies in it before…

    Free Member

    I would say the python is a perfect tyre for the course – I regularly ride hadleigh downs and its never let me down…

    Free Member

    but will other brands still be going strong in nearly 20 years time – I bought my timbuk2 in 94/95 (from brixton cycles) would love to get another one (in green yellow black), but despite daily commuting all year round, since I bought it) general abuse at races and being used as a climbing and swimming bag its still going very strong, nothings failed, velcro is still velcroing bag is still totally waterproof….

    Ive absolutely no reason or excuse to buy another one

    Free Member

    having had a play with one of these this week I went out and bought one – its a good piece of kit does what its supposed to, not sure what the prob is with the resolution as the pictures and viewing is stunning, I would say actually more intuative to use than most, seven inch screen may be small for some but hey for £129 Im def not complaining…

    I did find it odd though that the 16 & 32gb versions were actually more than the 64?!

    Free Member

    Paul Sherwin and I believe Phil Liggett are both business partners and very good friends of LA, but still its galling to listen to what he’s trying to say..

    Free Member

    I agree but is it their job to judge as well?

    LA was offered arbitration in front of a panel consisting of a USADA rep, one of LA’s reps (prob one of his ex george bush lawyers) and a mutually agreed on person (ie independent agreed on by both LA and USADA) he turned this down stating it was unfair and knowing full well what the outcome would be.

    So yes in this case it was right of them to, and in fact their job to, judge.

    Also this is what LA signed up for in the agreement of his US racing licence.

    Don’t forgeet the UCI had the exact same starting point – testimony from landis and hamilton, but instead of pursuing it they brushed it off stating they couldnt trust the source, USADA pursued it making a case and the UCI look very silly in the process.

    Free Member

    Reading back on this a few people seem to think the USADA have no evidence – they shadowed the federal investigation into the misuse of funds – they have sworn grand jury testimony from a lot of witnesses – both ex team mates, ex team staff and other people. If youre called before the grand jury you tell the truth or end up in jail – end of – hence the supporting witness statements. Its these statements that LA doesnt want anyone to read or hear about.

    The misuse of funds trial was not dropped it was closed down on the day they were about to charge people – to date no explanation has been given for this, the people running the investigation have still not been told why.

    And again this witchunt thing – read the charge sheet this was not a vendetta against one person – it was an investigation into 5 people running a complex trafficking and supplying ring from 1999 to 2010 – its the USADA’s job to investigate drugs cheats in sports I dont think doing what youre paid to do is akin to a witchunt!

    Free Member

    Daniel Coyle – he’s written a few (supporting) books about LA – odd co author..?!

    Free Member

    The reason his teammates gave him up is because they were giving sworn testimony before a grand jury-if you’re found to have lied you’ll end up in jail – so what would you do lie and hope your other 9 teammates all say the same thing or tell the truth? That was also pretty much the offer David millar was given too.

    And where have the stories of delayed bans and lighter sentences come from?? Unfortunately usada have made no comment on this all of these stories seem to originate from one of last press releases – so more spin from the guy at the centre of a witch hunt – oh actually that’ll be an investigation against 5 people, but la decided it was a witch hunt just against him.

    And as for a pointless investigation just to strip him of his titles fraud not as many of the charges relate to 2010 and supply and trafficking of drugs.

    Re the evidence la hasn’t seen it – doesn’t know who the witnesses are (they’re not all teammates) – unfortunately la has a nasty habit of getting witnesses to change stories character assassination and witness intimidation (all public knowledge and easily checked)

    Free Member

    I can imagine the UCI are having a few strong discussions regarding this with Pat disagreeing with everyone else!

    Free Member

    wow that statement is amazing – ignoring most of the facts, spinning it off again as a personal wicthhunt and again stating the USADA have no authority – despite the courts stating they do…


    Free Member

    Im not a hater, but if you do something wrong be prepared to pay the price

    Im a cancer survivor, I said yesterday I drew an awful lot of strnght and inspiration from what happened, but at the end of the day he cheated (as did many others) and thats not acceptable.

    Mike got it right up there – Its a sad day for Cycling, and it could get even worse if the UCI start being idiots too…

    Free Member

    I used to be a big fan of LA, thought what he did was inspirational, and in some ways it still is,(and if you do a history check of me on Bikeradar youll find me vehemontly defending him) but when you go chasing riders down and start bullying them, and when you effectively end riders and other people’s careers in cycling then theres a reason…

    What turned it for me (other than the above) was when he divorced his wife he made her sign a legally binding contract saying she was not alowed to talk about any aspect of what she saw in relation to LA and cycling… Basically a gagging order… Why would he do that if there was nothing to hide..?!

    Free Member

    I was kind of expecting LA to take this route – Im expecting a statement fom the UCI (his mate Pat) later to state that they do not recognize the authority of the USADA (despite lance previously saying how good they were!) and everything stands – I hope Im wrong though as this then makes the UCI pretty much corrupt.

    This is the easiest way out for LA – he doesnt have to face his accusers, the evidence does not come into the public domain, he can still state he’s never been convicted and Im not subject to the sanctions of USADA (a bit like sticking your fingers in your ears and going lalalalalalalalalala….)

    His fans will also (incorrectly) keep on saying hes never failed a drugs test and has never been convicted and LA says Im not gonig to bother fighting allegations depsite spending millinos on the worlds best lawyers jsut to keep the witnesses out of court.

    Interestingly though we’ve still got Bruynell’ arbitration hearing where a lot of evidence will come out, but Im sure then LA will use his usual bully boy tactics and character asasination on them…

    Bit sad really..

    Free Member

    it was different in that there were no actual rules banning the use of drugs alcohol cigarettes etc…

    THey did seem to draw the line at using the train though…

    Free Member

    the problem with the article linked Hora linked, albeit quite good, is thatthere are alot of inaccuracies and misleading facts in it.

    The first the 500 drug tests – He never did that many tests – the number of tests he did is public record and if anyone wants look it up – if you dont its approx 240 tests – less than half what he claims, in a 20 year timescale.

    As for clean tests:

    Alleged Positives:

    •In 2005 L’Equipe reported that Lance Amstrong’s tests from the 1999 Tour were retroactively tested and that 6 samples from the ’99 Tour tested positive for EPO

    •In 2011 it was reported that in 2009 US Cycling requested reports on tests conducted on Armstrong between ’93 and ’96. Five of these tests could not be recovered, but three showed abnormally-high levels of testosterone. Sports Illustrated reported “a 9.0-to-1 ratio from a sample collected on June 23, 1993; a 7.6-to-1 from July 7, 1994; and a 6.5-to-1 from June 4, 1996. Most people have a ratio of 1-to-1. Prior to 2005, any ratio above 6.0-to-1 was considered abnormally high and evidence of doping; in 2005 that ratio was lowered to 4.0-to-1.”

    •Lance tested positive for Cortisone during the ’99 Tour, however a backdated TUE (Therapeutic Use Exemption) notice was provided.

    The Jeff Novistsky investigation they refer to was halted on the day that they were about to charge LA and others. Why – no one has actually explained that – Novitsky’s boss literally called him told him to close the investigation, no explanation no arguments. To this day no explanation of why the case was closed has been forthcoming, and novitsky and his team are still in the dark.

    ”While these types of repeated, tired and baseless accusations against Lance have been proven false in the past, ” – Lance has never actually been accused legally before – the last court case which he won actually had nothing to do with drugs, it was to do with the wording of his contract (re the payment of his bonus for winning the tours) – the contract stated we will pay you $xxmillion for winning the tour – there was no clause in there saying if you cheat we wont pay you. In theory LA could have stood up in court and said yep I took epo to help me win every title, buttheres nothing in the contract about how I win and he would still have won that case.

    Unfortunately a lot of what we hear about allegations about LA come straight from his ‘team’ who spin it all in his favour, this case is the calssic example – a witchunt, a conspiracy against one person – no it never was it was charges against 5 people always was, its just the one with the most to lose has made it look like its a personal vendetta against himself, and he also has the biggest pockets to do that.

    Im not a Lance hater, but I am someone that loves cycling. I actually had Cancer myself 97/98 and took a lot from the fact that heres someone whos been through what Ive been through and is still doing well on an a bike – do I feel cheated, no I actually feel sorry for the guy because Ive always believed that cheats never prosper, and unfortunately it looks like a house of cards could come tumbling down.

    Free Member

    on the failing drug tests story this is very interesting, long but worth reading:

    Michael Ashenden

    Free Member

    this case – despite armstrong’s spin – is not just about armstrong – 5 people are accused here including doctors, the hog and armstrong – they are accused of using & supplying drugs up to and including 2008, its not just a witchunt to strip armstrong of his titles.

    The only reason its gone on this long is that armstrong is doing everything in his power not to stand up and have to face his accusers, this finally has failed, he has to decide by tomorrow what his next course of action is. The other reason its gone on so long is he has the deepest pockets, his attorneys have represented Bush in the past, the judge (Sparks) was actually appointed by Bush – this was LA’s last stand.

    As I understand it now if it goes to arbitration LA chooses his attorney, USADA choose theirs and then they both have to agree on an independent.

    Re the witnesses there are 10 who have already given their statements these include ex teammates, employees of USPS and non cycling related witnesses. As has been said the likes of hincappe arent sore losers – LA has been trying all sorts of tactics to confirm who the witnesses are – hence McQuaids embarassing interlude in the last coupel of weeks, shouting about jurisdiction – the UCI have had the same evidence just didnt bother doing anything about it until last week oddly..?!

    And if the rumours are correct Tyler Hamiltons forthcoming book should make interesting reading, if only for the fact its being published depsite LA’s attorney’s best efforts (again!)

    Free Member

    If he just tries to walk away he’ll be banned from competing – pretty much everywhere, including the triathlons he was doing to try and race in Hawaii…

    Free Member

    i think my giant xtc was from around 2000/01 ex team bike so has seen and is still getting tons of use..

    Free Member

    does it come with the olympic featured ejectable seat post too..?!

    Free Member

    Hadleigh MTB club are all over it…

    as for a

    local BC development officer?

    not a chance – the council try and push for people getting on bikes but most of the cycle paths are lethal and thats pretty much all they tell you to do – ride in the cycle lanes – never see any of them on bikes other for publicity pics in the local rag…

    Free Member

    the course will be used for racing as soon as october, the main priority is to get it ready for racing (it being a race course and all) the other stuff will happen but obviously money up front (or rather lack of) is the contributing factor. As I said before the course will have to be all but self funding, the council have made that quite clear, but with the centre (cafe, shop etc…) the course and other bits planned this shoudl see a steady usage / cash income…

    Free Member

    youll be surprised how many people seem to think its an easy drop in and roll down, until they stand at the top of it, esp when they hold their bike over the main rock and their chainring gets caught on it!

    Free Member

    please dont give the echo any encouragement its the worst of t he worst local rags and this is a classic example – local mtb’er hears through the grapevine all the hard stuff on the course is gonig to be dismantled and goes running to the echo complaining about it – echo print article without speaking to anyone at all!

    The only way the course will be kept at all is if it get s a lot of use by a lot of people, ultimately it has tobecome self funding. At no time has anoyone said the hard stuff is going to be dismantled the only thing that has been said is that the course has to be made so that it can be ridden by riders of all abilities, which if it doesnt means it wont last long, but as its main purpose is as a XC race course it still has to meet that criteria, or no one will want to race there…

    The most probable outcome will be that the there are suitable chicken runs for the those that dont fancy the main routes, and they themselves will be able to be fenced off as and when necessary.

    There is a youth event there early october this will prob show what the course will be like in the future.

    And tbh even though Im supposed to be racing there next year after standing over the drop in to this:

    Ill be taking the chicken route thank you…

    Free Member

    got some gloves, but I did notice a couple of the jerseys (the FS260 Ultralight) were actually more expensive in the private sale than if Id just bought them off the normal site..?!?!

    Free Member

    I dont know the answer but did notice liam on a giant and annie on a boardman…

    Free Member

    Ive just been reading the qualifications needed to join the Olympic Talent Programme –

    Basically you have to be 14 or 15 and have to have gained a top 10 finish within their age category between January 1 and September 2nd 2012 in one of the following events:

    National MTB Series (NPS) – individual event or overall standings
    British National MTB Championship

    So limited to only a very selct few then – Comes down to money I guess if your parents can afford to shuttle you all over the country pay for races, bikes etc… Its not exactly open to everyone and probably out of reach of virtually all future competitors…

    Free Member


    He’s a french guy and had dreadlocks… Saw him wandering around a bit, friend of mine spoke to him…!

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