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  • 2025 Mountain Bike World Cup Series calendar revealed
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    Free Member

    Dont forget his amazing idea of putting an airport in the thames estuary right in the shipping lane of the new london gateway port….
    and the associated money wasted …

    Free Member

    the other thing i struggle with on the garmin site and rainmakers is that looking ‘higher’ makes the model of watch you want and ticked all the boxes now looks totally inadequate!!

    Currently looking at the epix….

    Free Member

    thanks forthe recomendations – Ive looked at the garmin website so many times but tbh i find it quite confusing the amount of models and then the amount of watches under one name (ie fenix), and not knowing the real world differences between them..

    guess im spending the afternoon on rainmakers website…!

    Free Member

    ”Miranda Moore KC, who said in mitigation for Grey that “she does not pose a risk or danger to the public”, stated she would be making an appeal against the sentence.”
    Are cyclists not members of the public??!

    Free Member

    Rest is politics – for a bit of a sanity look at the news
    What the F*** is going on – Mark Steel’s alternative look at the weeks news
    Looking sideways – surfing/snowboard based but other guests include riders, climbers and conservationists

    Free Member

    this was the one day my starting word was one letter out!

    Done in two….for the first time ever…

    Free Member

    Which as a company, with shareholders, is kinda their job ? All companies strive to make profit… otherwise, well, what’s the point.

    Yvon Chouinard, patagonia and similar companies may disagree

    Theres more to life than greed

    Free Member

    I was talking to a Dutch person about this and they explained that living in a country where if dykes and sea defences weren’t doing their job your house would be under water tends to make you very keen on understanding and happily accepting of / contributing towards mutually beneficial infrastructure even though you can’t see it from your window and your house has never flooded…..

    same as Canvey Island round here…. although judging by the usual 2 – 3 mile traffic jam to get off the island to numerous places of work every morning Im guessing they don’t share the same ideaology…

    Free Member

    Nothing will change unless drivers want to look for an alternative form of transport.

    As it is at the moment asking most drivers to cycle in would be like asking most people on this forum to roller blade or skateboard to work, not going to happen because we’d rather ride.

    Motorists are currently paying more than ever for the privilege of driving, higher fuel, taxes, low emission zones, inner city congestion charges, high parking charges, but while they can just pay there way out of they’ll continue to do so and just moan about it a bit more on social media.

    Its the mindset that needs changing and nothing else will work.

    You can try and force people off the road but in the UK most people are too belligerent and will just ignore it, as they do with speed limits, traffic lights, because their mindset says it doesnt apply to me.

    In southend we have 5 miles of sectioned off cycle lane straight down the seafront, which gives easy access to most of the area. Most days its empty, I pass maybe 5 other bikes in rush hour, yet every morning theres a queue of traffic next to me nearly half a mile long looking at an empty cycle lane.

    Most use atthe weekend in summer, families drive to one end of it, park up, and ride to the seafront get an ice cream and ride drive back home.

    And here’s the kicker, after over 20 years of commuting using mainly the cycle lane, Ive driven in most days this winter. of an evening on a meter and half wide cycle lane Im now having to dodge and avoid electric bike (conversions) and electric scooters, and even cars, using it (mainly for food delivery), most have no lights most are doing way over 20 mph and that and the usual car near misses are I’m done with, and thats before we start on the rain and cold weather.
    And locally we have some fairly narrow roads, within the last month a guy riding a cargo bike died as the result of a head on collision with a car.

    A lot of cycle friendly things were put in place during lockdown I don’t think many, if any, are still in place, some from not being used (everyone jumped back in their car after trying cycling for a week) some that worked were forcibly removed by the public and councils as they ‘weren’t need’.

    And then on top of that the bike industry is doing itself no favours, no one is going to pay £1,000 for an ‘average’ bike when they’ve got a perfectly good car, that can carry a weekes worth of shopping too on the way home.

    ITs not just drivers mindsets we need to change its the planners, we need long term planning, not kick it down the road repairs, its the politicians, again need to start running the country and using long term planning not spend four years lining their pockets and just trying to not offend anyone so they can get re-elected, and the councils need to take a long term look at road planning, something that will be effective in 50 or 100 years not just adding another lane to a junction that already needs updating by the time the works been completed, and only then we might have a glimmer of hope of changing a long ingrained mindset.

    Free Member

    Full Member
    I’m staggered the BBC doesn’t appear to be covering the Zahawi tax story (I can’t find it if they are). If so , the process of being comprehensively neutered by their political appointees has been completed.”

    not just the bbc – not immediately apparent on the guardian site either?!

    Free Member

    ”Songbird ?? its not nightingale or lark?” – might be one ofthose!

    Free Member


    thank you – now back to real life!

    Free Member

    seriously – cant see the link between that and the glass but now only that damned cross / kross / crosse / Krose to get….

    Free Member

    apparently the glass pane is a clue top left

    that and the cross (every type of spelling I can think of!!) is all im after now

    Free Member

    2 on the craft beer chalkboard
    5 on the bear mats on the wall

    bear mat ear heart – no not a clue

    peacock feather – its the type of drink

    Free Member

    could help you take your medicine – ive been putting in the character name!!!

    Ive been doing that with cross – literally run out of names… or spelt them wrong!

    Free Member

    There are 5 clues for the beer mats/labels…

    5 to go:
    Wooden X
    Glass Pane
    French Horn
    getting the alien right for the phone

    Free Member

    is ninety three a clue on the beer mats??

    Free Member

    ”I’m afraid that one is just staring at you in the face. Forget about the cushion, just say the first word and think of an actor.”
    ”Umbrella – I personally have 2 heaped in my brews

    whoopee cushion – just spell it differently and you’re bound to get it and kick yourself”

    Now kicking myself..!!

    Umbrella, spoons, sugar…?!?!?! some of these clues are harder than the picture… 😉

    Free Member

    How I would love to have the problem of a mortgage to worry about! I’m still stuck renting in my 40’s and am currently stuck in a cheap flat (been here nearly 10 years with no rent rises!) that the landlord id thinking of selling which is 43 miles away from work. The commute is a drain and killing the car but I cannot afford to move closer to work as the rental market has gone bonkers. Even if I manage to stay in my current place any rent rise will make the economics unaffordable and I’ll be having to move back to my parent’s house. That would mean giving up my job and essentially being back at square one, back to when I was 18 but with 23 fewer years to the end.

    In a very similar position – 55 having to rent after the end of a relationship 6 years ago – just about getting enough together for a deposit and the price increases pretty much have taken away my ability to save, further energy increases will take away any chance of putting a radiator on…
    Rent review next March, would say Ill downsize but not much smaller than a one bedroom bungalow, just big enough for me and the kids to sleep i nthe lounge when they stay over… and not a lot onthe rental markets at the moment, unfortunately live in the south east so pretty much the highest rent property prices you can find…

    Free Member

    got 73, stuck on:
    – umbrella (gone through as many films as I can think of)
    – glass pane
    – french horn (goldring, gold circle?!?!)
    – whoopee cushion
    – trying to find the correct character/alien for the telephone (got the post it)

    got 4 of the labels assuming theres more

    assuming ale and pie is a clue – but the landlord doesnt come up…?!?!

    Free Member

    dont know whether its the same with couriers / delivery services but with road freight your signature is proof youve received the goods in good condition, and trying to make a claim after usually results in the sender or forwarder saying youve signed for it clean no claim to be made.

    Free Member

    New leader in place within a week?? So won’t be going to members vote assumedly, so will be down to the vote of MPs only – then it’ll be Boris

    It was mentioned numerous times from different sources inthe last week that the majority of MPs want Boris back in Power…

    If that doesn’t cause riots nothing will….

    Free Member

    another leadership battle…!??

    Free Member

    She’s late…!

    Free Member

    Please god please don’t let Coffey be the caretaker PM….

    Although at least she’ll be out ofthe job so insanely unsuited to her…

    Free Member

    im not moaning just telling it as i see it…

    I just feel the labour party need to get ahead, I agree that Labour have been leading with tories jumping over to their (labour’s) policies when their own fail, but the average voter won’t see that, and if labour don’t get ahead and be heard (im only seeing a full page of tory stories on the front page of the bbc at least) then come an election the (tory led) media will take over again and just lie to ensure they remain in power…

    Tbh im sick of this crap the country is spiralling into a disaster of insane proportions, as has been said people will die of cold and possibly starvation this winter and the government doesnt care, I just want to see someone that cares about the country and the planet in power working for both. The thought of Boris and his odious cabinet back in power really makes me want to just take my kids and leave…

    Free Member

    The problem with sitting back watching the destruction is the vote could still be split between labour and the lib dems, possibly giving the tories a route back in…

    as Ernie says they should be shouting from the rooftop what the alternative would be, what they would do, how they would help the UK, I have no idea what labour would do, all the average voter would have in their ears are the comments of the tories saying how bad it would be under labour, why are they not shutting this crap down, leaving no room for Truss and co to try and blame labour for everything?

    I’m also surprised theres been no protests specifically against this absolute s***show. Whats changed in the UK since the Poll Tax riots, where people were so angry, that people now just sit indoors getting angry at their computers? Cant help thinking if this was France we’d have already seem riots

    Free Member

    We’re not going to see an election.

    Next ofthe party to go will be (has to be) the health secretary, replaced with another Boris cabinet member (Hunt & Shapps already in place), poss javid (??)then truss will go and instead of another leadership battle will prob see johnson reinstalled as decided by senior tories…

    Id love to see an election but every time I think labour should take over they come out with a ridicluous pre written soundbite that makes me realise it’ll just be more of the same, detached wealthy people running the country without a clue what we’re actually going through…

    And I don’t think Labour are actually taking advantage of the implosion of the Tories, they seem to be sitting there asking inane questions and making jokes, don’t see a lot of action

    Free Member

    The Belize entry is interesting – the Williams Brothers (Legion of LA) are listed

    Free Member

    11 speed, shimano…

    Free Member

    thanks guys – dont suppose anyone has a lionk to a shop that has a 16t cassette currently in stock – as usual needed urgently!

    Free Member

    I was looking for the double, on the current 952 chainset I ditched the granny ring and just run the two larger rings and then limited the travel of the front mech – worked for the last ten or so years..

    I didnt realise all the widths were the same, good to know.

    Free Member

    I got my Silvia and Rancillio Grinder for just under £400 (grinder off ebay for £90), great setup and hasnt let me down in 2 years of daily service.

    Free Member

    im still going on my silly early morning turbo rides… Actually gearing up for the tour of Sufferlandia at the end ofhte month.

    Free Member

    yes they are – my bad, but tbh I was going to buy them but couldnt find one review on them

    Free Member

    Just had a set built up by m pollard at spokesman wheels – novatech hubs sapim Cxray spokes and stans alpha 400 rims just over 1500g for pair. Great set of wheels.

    If you want ready built the Planet X carbon 38mm cross wheels are listed at 1440g

    Free Member

    We (me other half and 5 & 7 year old) all really enjoyed it, my son almost had tears streaming during the ‘facilities’ scene, despite seeing it a dozen times since summer.

    A really good family film, even a brief appearance by Michael Bond too…

    Free Member

    Many thanks for the replies – Ive got the little 2oz bottles so I guess the whole bottle goes in…

    Im running Rocket Rons which I was told were tubeless ready (the Evo version) but I have my doubts as it doesnt say it anywhere on the box.

    Free Member

    Disagree with the opening statement Ive ridden my focus cross bikes through summer and winter as a commuter and raced summer series and winter series races most weekends too

    Id suggest its more of a poor fit ofthe bike tbh..

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