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  • bigdawg
    Free Member

    thats the problem and to some extent my point – we have to rely on the media, be it the times, daily mail or the sun – and in times when people mistrust politicians, big comapanies and even in some cases their own doctor its not surprising that whats happening is happening. Add into that a generation of very young mums who really dont have the inclination to do the research or legwork (and go on the assumption well I didnt have it and im ok then its ok for my child not to have it). I even know of Doctors who have advised a mother (whose child suffers very bad allergies) not to have any vaccinations.

    Look at some of the comments in reply to this article in the telegraph – assumedly from an educated part of the populace –

    ranging from mmr destroyed my child to dont be so silly and go and have the jab.

    I grew up in a pre mmr world, otherwise known as the 70’s – loads of kids had mumps measles and german measles and you know what a week later they were back at school showing everyone their scars, no one died, no one went to hospital – so whats changed?

    Free Member

    There was never any evidence that thiomersal(the mercury derivative used to stabilise vaccines) had any link with autism

    I never said that it did – my point was the resultant damage was similar and that some parents seeing their childs suffering the effects of this may have thought their child had autism.

    Why does everyone ask for evidence when previously theyy’ll be saying dont believe everything you read on the internet?? – the bit about mercury was actually on the Autism UK website, where they were trying to explain that there probably wasnt any connection between autism and mmr…

    And why cant anyone please point out the exact place the MMR/Autism papers were debunked (and not just by a politician saying its ok) and supposedly the doctor who carried out the ‘tests’ of 12 also says he got it wrong.

    The proble with the internet is that you can find somewhere that will say whatever you want.

    The majority of them, as most of the non-third world countries have good access to immunisation jabs.
    Are you implying that measles only kills or debilitates people who have bad sanitation?

    no only in countries that dont have a decent standard of medical care…

    Free Member

    grahamS – how many of deaths are of people living in third world countries with bad sanitation and living conditions

    Free Member

    something the government really hasnt advertised (prob because it was a massive cock up at the time) was that early versions of the vaccine were stabilised using mercury. They actually thought injecting mercury (the most toxic substance on the planet) into 12 month old babies was safe. And what they also arent shouting from the rooftops is that mercury poisoning has a lot of similarities with the early symptons of Autism.

    Also the leaflets and stuff they keep sending out are tantermount to scaremongering. Basically saying your child could die if it doesnt have these immunisations. What a load of crap one person in 17 years has died in the UK as a result of measles and that was more due to the lung infection he had. If you look carefully at the figures serious illness from measles was at an all time low before the introduction of any vaccines, the government at the time and subsequantly have just been praising themselves for something that was naturally happening.

    Its a huge can of worms for which you will never satisfy all parties. I perosnally know of one person who will sware blind his son starting showing autistic traites the day he had the injection and know of someone whose son was in a coma as a direct result of the MMR (and yes that was proven).

    If the government actually laid out the facts as they are instead of trying to scare people into having the MMR (soon the be the MMRC) they may have more of an uptake.

    Free Member

    the s max is just what I want but way out price wise.

    Thanks for the advice now testdriving the Zafira and the Touran this weekend…

    Free Member

    zafira guys did you have the diesel versions??

    Free Member

    Ive just caught up with this from last week, I think Ive got a tear in my eye too. That was a real brave thing to do. I know when my first cat was put to sleep I cried like a baby, and when I got home I did it again. Those lillte guys take up a huge space in your hearts…

    Sorry for your loss…

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