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  • bigdawg
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    how olds the littlun..??

    But middle def – Ive used rear seats you cant see what the littluns doing, if they fall asleep their head just rolls forwards and bounces (even with the reclining seats) and you cont go off road or up decent hills.

    If the littluns around 2ish dont get anything other than a LOCT seat…

    And I havent seen any other threads on seats despite being on here virtually everyday – would have been nice for a link rather than sarcastic comments…

    Free Member

    the eating thing I found quite easy – my other half works 3 days, she’ll pickthem up from pre school / nursery and I get home around 6ish and start cooking – normally something quite small/light, otherwise the other two days dinner is normally ready at 6 when I get home – the one thing we always do though is sit down together to eat – breakfast too…

    My daughter (1 1/2) only has a bottle before bed (which sometimes she doesnt actually want), but within the next couple of months she’ll lose that – during the day she drinks out of a cup whatever her brother drinks (orange juice all day if it was down to her..).

    At the end ofthe day your friend is not spending that much time with his family. Not sure I quite see the point of getting married having kids and then trying to carry on as though theyre not there.. I know a couple who do a similar thing, they spend most of their time planning their next getaway in opposite directions. Not to say you shouldnt do it ocasionally, but these guys are every weekend, I feel a bit strange arranging things to do for all of us!

    Free Member

    What happens when both parents are into riding?

    you buy two of these….

    if youve got two kids of course…

    Free Member

    my two are 1 1/2 and 3 1/2 and for me weekends is my time with them. Albeit I have got a LOCT saddle so my boy comes on my sat morning rides (he loves them), sun morning is swimming (with both of them) at 9am and then 90mins 2hours on turbo while they have lunch and i cycle to work every day – may not sound a lot but its enough to keep me in the top 15 of the vets cat of the local race series (normally over 100 entrants). They normally are in bed between 715/745 and then its guitar practice (at home), band practice (studio), pub maybe once a week or spending time with other half…

    At first your mate’s hobbies/ activities sound envious but how much time does he spend with his kids or other half? I work all week when Im not there I want to be with my kids/ other half, I dont want to be a dad they see the back of as I walk out the door.

    Free Member

    Surprised they’re allowed to not be clipped in.

    theyre not – Im sure I read he was sacked for not clipping in…

    Free Member

    where di I find a copy of the route that everyone uses – or is it just South…

    Free Member

    there are none that vie seen that attach to the seat tube completely, but that may be because the seatposts arent made to take that stress – how old’s the littlun?? A LOCT seat me be easier on a 14” than a weeride but your littlun should be at least 2. Alternatively a 16” bike – my other half rides a 14” and is too small for a rear mounted seat, but she can ride a 16” with relative ease..

    Free Member

    yeah that caused quite a bit of ruction in our house too… little boy loves octonauts and was impressed – little girl not happy, well until that Rosie thing came on..!

    That 20 mins is the only telly they watch at all – Im making breakfast, other half is getting dressed, as soon as breakfast is ready its Dad’s tv (also known as the hunt for a weather forcast!)….. erm…..unless Jen is on Fiver and then we might watch a bit of roary!

    Free Member

    bit of a cheat but its my orig thread….

    will be finished tomorrow and raced on sunday…

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    mesa boogie express 5:50… 8) Goes way past 11…

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    fitted mine around 5 years ago to road and mtb – never had to do anythink to them – bit fiddly if I recall but worth it..

    Free Member

    tyson under cus da mata (sp??)- unbeatable

    buster douglas was lucky with the choice of ref that day…

    Free Member

    anyone been over the downs lately – just wantto know if its still a mudfest…?? My littluns been asking me for weeks when can we ride by the castle again…

    Free Member

    if it is a stretched bolt you can just get a new bolt and hope you havent damaged the thread in the BB…

    Free Member

    one of the most common causes of cranks coming undone is overtightening of the bolt – a lot of these bolts are aluminium and can stretch quite easily if overtightened and once overtightened they obviously dont hold as well as they should. Threadlock can help but isnt a permanent answer…

    Did you do them up using a torque wrench…??

    cue lots of posts saying ive never used a torque wrench and my cranks never come undone..!

    Free Member

    damn I thought you were going to say entries were open…!

    retro solo for me this year… 😀

    Free Member

    I never want to have cancer or survive afterwards. I’m sure I’d be a shadow of my former self. The man is a ray to others around the world.

    Go and shit on someone elses role model.

    I had cancer, also in 96, I took some inspiration from what he was doing but wouldnt call him a role model, I was already back on my back and racing before he was out of chemo. Saying that I was a fan of armstrongs since I saw him in the tour of britain (with ponytail!!), and watched amazed when in 99 he started winning – but it soon became clear watching subsequent tours that there was some assistance… The rumours were around as far back as 2000/2001. Did I feel cheated no, will i be glad if hes found guilty – no, but there will be a lot of people around the world who will be very angry..

    Free Member

    perhaps someone who has suffered through chemo has a higher pain threshold

    It doesnt hurt per se – makes you feel like crap for a while (depending on underlying fitness) and causes massive hunger (well did for me anyhow!) but as for pain other than the needle in your arm doesnt actually hurt…

    Free Member

    How can someone be tested so often and not be found out? Maybe because he is innocent?

    like pantani, ulrich and rasmussen??

    Free Member

    hora – its not just aimed at armstrong its aimed at dopers in general – you may recall lemond had some fun and games with landis and his assistant in court…

    But hey Armstrong did lose him a lot of money when he got trek to sever ties with him…

    Free Member

    the trouble is with landis is his testimony is gaining more and more credibility- he appears to have given himself an insurance policy in the form of photos and testimony from other riders, and is being supported by Greg Lemond, hes also, on behalf of the ‘feds’ worn wire taps to meetings with key people which have given them a lot of evidence.

    Its a shame its happening but maybe this is whats needed to finally clean up cycling…

    Free Member

    I believe they were ‘testing’ the test ie it wasnt at that time a recognised test…

    cant find the original articles re this to confirm..

    Free Member

    howd that happen – dup post!!

    Free Member

    Warton I stand corrected – but I do know the samples as kept at the laboratory are stored by numbers – someone (the journalist) was given the data to let them link the samples to specific riders which should not have happened…

    If he did or not Im not too bothered, I def wont lose any sleep over it, itll be a shame but there is an evergrowing mountain of evidence.

    Free Member

    ive done this one of the cafes on the piste on alpe duez serve it by the pint… nothing is the answer, but then I do drink very strong coffee two or three times a day…

    Free Member

    you guys do know that currently USPS and armstrong are the centre of a federal investigation into systematic doping. ITs not just Landis that has made these accusations he’s been backed up by a few ex well known usps riders and guys from other teams.

    Head over to bikeradar theres a huge thread running about this and quite a few sad people eagerly awaiting LA’s downfall…

    Also the EPO retesting of LA’s 99 tour sample is not admissable as it wasnt carried out properly, it was conducted by a journalist (who somehow knew the unknown sample was LA’s) using an inadmissable test, so draw your own conclusions on that.

    And if anyone thought millar was confronted by evidence and he rolled over and admitted everything youre wrong, he strenuously denied it under questioning until he was threatened with a lengthy prison sentence, and only then did he confess…

    Free Member

    landis has for a long time admitted to doping (except on ‘that’ stage of the tdf) and to there being extensive systematic doping throughout his time with US Postal, and is currently the main witnessat the centre of a major US investigation (theres plenty of pages of venom on bikeradar on this very subject)

    Free Member

    never saw the original documnentary but the young so in love couple who married for life split up about 6 months later…

    I saw the advert and saw the bit about evictions, wonder if theyll go into the cigarette smuggling, the dangerous sofa importing or even the fact that some of them are actually tenants in council houses in wolverhampton… (on paper!), knowing people that live near to the largest unauthorised camp in the UK (billericay) its pretty much hell a lot of the time…

    Free Member

    doesnt look like its got the roof for an ejector seat though… 🙄

    Free Member

    yep still trained like a loon, but tbh it was a bit extreme – having to measure out food every meal, making sure you ate at the right time, trained at the right time etc…

    Always wanted to apply the same kind of thinking and training principals to xc racing, but as there’s never been a headcase trying to take my head off my shoulders on the startline I was never as strict on myself!

    McHamish totally agree with this:

    Maybe I’m being unfair, but I simply can’t understand why people can’t lose weight if they have no medical or psychological reason. All it takes is a little research and a bit of will power.

    what people dont have is willpower, or want to do it badly enough, me included sometimes…

    Free Member

    parents – end of…

    I dont normally post in threads like this but over christmas I was introduced to my brother’s new ‘girlfriend’ a ‘larger’ lady, shall we say.

    5 kids (not a crime) between 3years and 25, I only met one that was 16 and the three year old, the 16 year old was big (Im guessing 15+ stone) the three year old… well he was 3 months younger than my son, exactly the same height but was at least twice the size and weight of my boy.. All was revealed over dinner – boxing day so roast beef, potatoes, yorkshires etc…., within two minutes he’d picked a bit of potatoe and them tried to throw the rest on the floor – mum says ”ooh he’s a fussy eater..”, and then proceeded to give him a pot noodle and half a family size bag of doritos, which he proceeded to eat with no problem at all… I was gobsmacked, my other half said I literally sat there with my chin on the floor for about quarter of an hour, even my littlun asked me why he had crisps for dinner (after finishing his own and not leaving a scrap).

    Ok so we’re an active family my little boy loves coming out on my bike with me and takes his balance bike anywhere that’ll let him, and then spend the rest of the day chasing his younger sister round while shes on the trike, he loves swimming and indoor climbing, maybe we’re the exception, but I would never in my darkest times give trash like that to a child as a main meal, and if I was my parents I would have been massivley offended to boot (which I think my dad was but was too polite to say anything) – and then on top of that they (mum and daughter) worked their way through at least 20 cigarettes in less than five hours…

    They seemed to embrace unhealthy living in the same way I do active and healthy living… it was quite sad, andthe child had no real communication skills (just learnedto talk aged three) and interactive skills – just took toys off my two whilst they were playing with them, if that was my son I would be ashamed personally – he was larger than one ofthose kids in that maccy d’s photo up there too…

    Ive also worked on the calories in less than calories out principal and its worked for me for over 20 years – when I was boxing and had to make weight it always worked and never lost muscle as a result – Ive never heard ofthat before either and dont understand how you can ‘work off’ muscle – and I wouldnt take anythnig in mens health to support that as any proof either!

    Free Member

    this has prob been said in the last three pages but it normal for the usual attention giver to feel jealous once a new attention getter enters the house whether it be a new dog child cat hamster whatever… I was lucky with my son he was two and knew what was happening, but my three lazy cats had a similar reaction to your dog – weeing in the house ( and not in their tray) crying in the night etc…

    Did I read that you little one is only 6 weeks old – the first few months are a pretty big upheaval with any sense of a routine thrown firmly out of the window, and with the stress of the difficult birth youve got more than most on your plate – but you prob dont need anyone to tell you this.

    All I can say is I mglad youve decided to keep him it will get easier once you can get into solid routines again. I was lucky with my little boy slept through from 6 weeks – my little girl on the other hand was nearly 8 months, and then she started teething too (hell shes still teething) but the radiators on in her room and the cats have decided its the warmest place to sleep so after their initial shock and behaviour theyve decided shes worth it after all..

    Free Member

    LOCT seats are awesome – Ive tried other seats but this is the only one that lets us go where I go… Any trail any time… Ive got it one of my zaskars front suspension only and he pre rides any xc course with me.. Also very good for fitness you get a huge amount of satisfaction beating people up climbs when youve got youre son egging you on… 😀

    My little boy started on it when he was just over two, but by then he was also a whizz on his balance bike regularly causing havoc over the bmx track…

    Free Member

    bumped into dean macey on saturday whilst out riding… Nice guy…

    Noel Gallagher in Harrods last week trying not to be recognised, Stephen Fry round the back of carnaby street (years ago), Peter Green is the uncle of a friend of mine, Wilko Johnson lives just round the corner from where Im sitting at work see him shopping…

    all nice guys just trying to get on with the day…

    Oh and bumped into Daniel Powter and band in Lyon Airport a few years back – gave us tickets to his concert in Islington…

    Free Member

    15 years… 😯

    My god, FOund my copy of dirt in the loft the other day, but the video (also in the loft) had long since stopped working…

    An amazing rider that a lot of us aspired to, and truly gutted when I heard he'd died… I dont know if anyone remembers but the August edition of MBUK someone had written in complaining that there was too much JMC in the mag after the huge satory of him living in california (how to clean my teeth with JMC, how to eat my breakfast with JMC), a month later he wrote back in apologizing…

    Cant believe that was 15 years ago, we even had a summer in august back then too…

    Free Member

    the podge – not a blonde lass by the name of nickie by any chance..??!!

    Free Member

    I dont see any actual problem – there are plenty of lefty guitars (apparently I own most of them according to my other half!), and theres no difference in the way a left handed or right handed person learns.

    The other guitarist and bass player in my band are both r/h'd and it doesnt actually stop me doing anything…

    What was the question..??!

    Free Member

    have a look at the weeride balance bike – sell them in asdas for about £50…

    other options are the scoot or the specialized. this time last year specialized ones were going for more than £100 on ebay as no one in the UK actually had any stock..

    Free Member

    just my own experiences but can these seats be reclined?? When my little girl was 7 months we first tried her in a rear reclined seat, which worked for a while but if youve ever used one youll know theyre not great especially when they fall asleep – and they will fall asleep. If you cant recline the seat their head will just be bouncing around in front of them, which is why we went for the weeride as it had somewhere for her head when shes asleep…

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