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  • Here’s What Goes into one of Scott’s Marketing Shoots
  • big_scot_nanny
    Full Member

    superb, great link to some amazing shots that really show the size of the bugger. Mahoosive!

    My favourite:

    this is pretty cool. Guy apparently drove 1 hour beyond the police safe zone to get the shot. As he was there, he said the volcano started going crazy and he figured, well, I can't escape it now so might as well get the shot. Stunning!

    Full Member

    Right, will see how we get on on Sunday, will explore further skills courses. A few days in teh Alps might be a great b-day present!

    Full Member

    I have used a croozer (older 2 seat one) on my stumpy fsr without too much bother, although it did start to cause probs with the QR slipping at the back as the mounting block/frame/QR interface was less than optimal (had to angle grind the mounting block to get it too fit).

    LBS had a fit when I pitched up with singing disk brakes and saw the mounting block, pulling the trailer had kinda pulled everything out of line, inc ontroducing some ghost shifting. They told me not to pull heavy trailer + 2 kids and all the crap on the back of my FS, esp as it is quite hilly here so there was a fair bot of extra stress on the rear triangle. And i am fat.

    So, you can do it, as long as not too taxing terrain, but I'm using it only on my HT now. Look at it this way, it could give you an excuse to buy a whole new bike for trailer pulling! :-)


    Full Member

    Thank you for all the responses. 8)

    I get the whole MTFU approach, (see my father's Scottish equivalent 'ah go on yah big jessie'), and indeed sometimes people can really surprise themselves and a huge sense of satisfaction by doing something 'scary'. So there is always an element of truth in stretching someone outside what they feel comfortable, but as others comment, if you push too far it all just shuts down.

    Sooo, also advice on using a wee slightly testing safe area and doing some reps to build confidence a good idea. I understand the advice to go for lessons, so will investigate what is available here in Schweiz, if we were in the UK would deffo pursue one of the kind offers extended here. :D

    But, another ride coming up on Sunday morning, and would like one thing, and one thing only, to focus on for this Sunday. What should I aim for given the description above? (sitting down, death grip, stiff arms etc). Which first piece of advice would you recommend we start with?

    Thanks all, really great input!


    Full Member

    Diane, frankly, it is very hard (phwoar!)to write anything about mtbing without a huge fnaar (ooerr!) just around the corner. :lol:

    Swallow, that was how my bloody father (still love him though!) taught me to ski as a 7yr old – Cairngorms, horrendous weather, top of cor na ciste 'right son, off you go yah big jessie'. Bloody terrifying! Might not take the same approach as I don't want to 'break' them! :oops:

    nice advice from the rest, find a pratical bit and 'session' it essentially. Yep, there are definintely places we can do that safely.

    Once we've got the hang of positioning body fore and aft atnading on pedals, what's next? Skills course not a bad idea but no idea if there are any here (Basel, CH, and just recently saw some posts from other lads around here, may have to hook up. Ash I think?), and I kind of have to get them into it before they will splash out. A bit chicken and egg.

    Next – how to get them to lay a significant amount of wonga on a new bike!


    Full Member

    I actually googled 'sexy pole vaulter' to find a pick of the nice russian lady, and found out about Alison Stokke. Blimey! However, for experience as well as beauty:

    Full Member

    Drink = Red wine

    Listneing to = Annie Mac and the Missus

    Full Member

    "wow, nice bike! How many gears?"


    "Pfft, ha ha, mines got 24" followed by looks of pity.


    Full Member

    Can't do any harm? I also tried the headset in the freezer, but all that achieved was a finger stuck onto the headset. :oops:

    Assuming you are doing top and bottom one at a time, not at the same time, just take it slow, make sure you keep it aligned with each little tweak, and eventually it will slide in. Fnaar.

    Keep at it, go slow!


    Full Member

    Away yah big jessie, you'll be fine!

    I am in similar situation, a few rides in on the HT and it is deffo a different kettle of fish on long fast boneshaker runs, but apart from those it's a blast. Hell, even those are a blast as you remember old fully rigid skills.



    Full Member

    Hey bigsi, your swift looked sweet, nightmare on the crack! what the hell did you drop on it?

    Been out for another go on it on the HX2 on Sunday, proper decent offroad ride into france and back, one mate on a stumpy FSR and another on a Gary Fisher HT 29er with fox forks. not sure which one but a lovely looking bike. After 4 hours all my joints and bones were quite happy, but when we were going down some seriously steep, fast, rutted and rocky track, the full sus 26er was deffo faster, and the HX2 was indeed pretty, shall we say, resilient. However, when we got to swoopy singletrack through the forest, the 26er FS just couldn't hold onto us. Amazing how we could clear logs, and just swoop about a hell of a lot faster than the 26er. Sweet!

    jfeb, might give them a try again as a rear tire, but thanks for the offer!

    Full Member

    Not tried ardent, but Rubber Queen 2.2 folding seems good so far. In comparison to the other tyres I have:

    Sheeds mud about the same as captian control 2.00s (i.e. not great at all)
    Corners better than above
    grips better in all conditions than above
    grips better than Racing ralph in all conditions (not surprising really)
    About the same as mountain king, maybe better on dry rocks, but MK is much better on loamy forest tracks (cornering and clearing).

    In summary, racing ralphs were the most stupid purchse I have ever made, Rubber Queens good, but I prefer my MKs.

    Hope that helps!


    Full Member

    Yes, incredibly fast and no hassles. Even called up to change orders made on the web and their support staff extremely helpful, knowledgeable and actually useful!

    Also, on forks I bought, as they were a return item they put value of 0.00 on teh shipping receipt so the swiss custom nazi's didn;t even sting me.



    Full Member

    Willard, jsut to echo what many of the folk are saying here, strongly consider a 29er. I ended up with one recently, and it is bloody superb.

    I was looking to build a hardtail, and to get anything to fit I was so put off by the 'gate' aesthetics of big 26ers, so the reason for switching was a bit fey. However…

    On Sunday went on a ride with my usual riding buddy (another 6'4" behemoth) who rides a stumpy FSR 26er, and a new guy on a 29er also like me. We totally converted my mate, it just seems to be a whole lot better on 29ers. I am clearing stuff that I had no chance of doing so before (esp rooty stuff), and the wholoe thing just feels right.

    go 29! Naybe chat to charlie the bike monger? he gives good advice.


    Full Member

    Yeah, I don't like people with BMWs. :wink:

    Matt, recognise your name from Bike Radar, don;t think we have ever properly conversed, but good to see you over here also.


    Full Member

    Jesus, sorry for all the typos!

    Full Member

    I'll get in first before someone else… welgo MG1s off of ebay. like V12s, mag body, light, and with 510s pretty mucha perfect combo. like being clipped in except if you puul your foot up. Amazing.

    might have got some of those crazy thing canfield ones if I was a more flush!


    Full Member

    makes sense to me, I say: go forth and purchase! then let me see the photos, as I still ahve a huuuuuuge hankering for a swift even though the geometry is all wrong for me. :cry:

    Full Member

    for me it's not so much stay out of the pub, but can I go to the pub, have only 2-3 pints and not buy and smoke a packet of malboro lights.

    Bollocks to it, I'm going to the newsagent in 30mins to stock up!


    Full Member

    simply price and availability. I got the forks from Jenson USA, they were a return item and cost **** all so I went for it. May be a mistake, my wheels can go 20mm, but so far I am happy. Hope that helps. Again, bear in mind they are the 2009, not the 2010 version that you are looking at.

    Have fun! Let us know what you get.


    Full Member

    rootes1 – Member
    what do you think of the manitou?

    BigDummy – Member
    I do like that, very nice. Fork review please.

    See, now, I find that tough. I am no expert and and I like to be told what I can and cannot do most of the time, hence why I love macs, still try to use film, have a wooden dobsonian telescope and a manual car with big buttons. Comments on the fork have to have that taken into account! I am also a bat fastard that does not do 'extreme to the power of sick' rad manouvers, so might not test the capabilities as much as others.
    1) It is smoothing off, wee bump stiction is slowly but definitely getting better, just as the manual says.
    2) Rebound damping adjustment doesn't seem to do much, which is fine with me as it seems to be just right anyway (whereas my fox float I am constantly fiddling and never totally happy, likely my fault… see above comment)
    3) compression damping adjustment is fairly progessive, I have it at 2 clicks from wide open and that seems to be just right for me.
    4) It has lovely multiple big hit capablity, e.g. steps. really nice travel, does not dive (2 clicks damping seems to help) and nice through the travel.
    5) Seems as stiff as my float (which has the funny 9mm DT thingy), and for a QR 29er fork carrying a fat guy I have no complaints as that seems rather remarkable. It should be noted that IMO it deflects less under braking that the float.
    6) It matched the colour scheme of my build. Actaully, put that up to no.1 :lol:

    Hope that is of some use, no idea about reliability yet, hopefully will be ok (crosses fingers, touches wood, kisses cross etc etc)

    Full Member

    thanks chameleon! They are fugly. Thank god they feel good. Also, when folk see my hideous sweaty visage coming towards them, the abrs are the last thing they are worried about :-)

    Full Member

    OOh, and by the way .duncan, love the remote flash into the umbrella shot. Looks like a marketing shot for a magazine cover. Are any of these stock shots or are you pro? It's brill! In fact, your top 3 are fab.

    Full Member

    scotia – Member
    grum, fantastic two there..

    Rob, stunning westerly shot, miss those from when I lived in Gourock! (Sunset over sea/hills a bit lacking in Switzerland!).

    if you live close to lac leman you can get sun over the lake…not the same i know but..

    and as for sun over the hills..well you cant be in the same part of switzerland that i am! (where are you?)

    Aye OK, hills: yes. Sea: no! I'm in Basel, NW Schweiz (the Swindon of Switzerland), but even in the alps, whilst undoubtedly spectacular, there is just not the same light as a sunset over Argyll. Where are you Scotia?

    Full Member

    Hi Rootes,

    I don;t have the 2010s, but I do have the 2009 120mm ones and rather like them so far. (only 4 rides however!).

    If you have a look over here there's a decent debate on the 2010 version:

    Hope this helps a wee bit.


    Full Member

    Love the top one grum. Cracker.

    Rob, stunning westerly shot, miss those from when I lived in Gourock! (Sunset over sea/hills a bit lacking in Switzerland!).

    Full Member

    Carnegie bars have eliminated hand wrist pain for me.

    Full Member

    So, just thought I would drop an update on the Chumba. Been out for a few rides now, and as this is my first long travel hardtail, and a 29er, and with the odd bars it was a rather interesting experience. First ride confirmed 3 things:
    1) Carnegies are the best bars ever. for me. even though even my non biking neighbours ask if I can affix a basket.
    2) Racing Ralphs are completely shite in mud. Absolutely terrible choice of tires. what a mong. Might be OK for summer, but now replaced with Mountain Kings (2.4s)
    3) A long travel hard tail requires a rather different riding style to my full sus (duh!)

    Further rides out confirmed:
    1) Mountain kings are bloody perfect for my neck of the woods. great grip in a dry-ish forest, and able to lean way over in corners (prob something to do with 29er wheels also, feel able to do much more 'swooping' in corners)
    2) Carnegie bars are still bloody amazing
    3) I **** love the hard tail 29er thing. I guess I kind of learned to get weight on the forks a wee bit more, throw the bike around a lot more (wheeeee!), and the wheels just roll over stuff that would have been much more tricky on other bike. Amazing. I **** love this!
    4) Drops must be cushioned a bit more by my legs. First 1 footer i tackled resulted in such a crash bang wallop landing I thought I might have knackered the rear end. Cue very un-supportive laughter from friends.

    Might still use the full sus for longer days out and alpine trips, but this new thing is really rather spiffing!

    Cheers all!
    Happy Kev

    PS cheque on the way Si.

    Full Member

    I've had my 2008 FSR Comp for 3 years now, it is still going strong. Annual service from a great local LBS has really helped. I am a fat bugger, but not doing huge drops (on purpose) or anything, but enough 2footers to flat to bottom out the suspension.

    Only problem was me stripping the threads on the non-drive side crank arm. Doh! My fault though.


    Full Member

    fantastic, love it when you read people taking back the power in their lifes. Let me know where I can come for some nosh!

    Full Member

    tinsy – Member
    Lovely, as said one of the few 29's that just looks right, that must be as its a big 29'r.. The colour is fantastic.

    Cheers! I never thought I would fret about looks, but suddenly when you are presented with a blank canvas…. waht a big jessie i am! :oops:

    Component criteria flow: 1) Colour (e.g. manitou or RS over Fox as the red/white is a better match than white/blue :oops: ), 2) Function (does it do what it is supposed to, even if not spectacular e.g. hayes) 3) Price – it's gotta be cheaper than retail (I am scottish after all)


    si_progressivebikes – Member
    Looks great, very classy for a big bike

    A phrase never use din connection with me, sadly. Si, any spare rear shifter hangers? I like to ahve a spare or 2 kicking about just in case.

    Thanks folks. my single ring 'widgit' has also just arrived, will post a pick and review when I get that on.


    Full Member

    Ha, yeah, might be familiar Ton! Seatpost is good also, thanks.

    Thanks for the nice comments, yes, it does look rather nice! It also does look nicely in proportion, as it does with me also (tall and heavy). One thing though, compared to other bikes, it is still a shock how fooking massive it is. Once I put the tires on the wheels (2.25 and 2.4 r-f) they are comically big. But for me, it all kinda makes sense. Feels like I could ride anywhere! I should put my large stumpy FSR beside it for comparison.

    When I rode up to friends/neighbours last night who were also out, you could tell they were like 'Oh yeah, that's kev on that new bike he's been building. OH. MY. GOD. It's like godzilla approaching!' as I pulled up beside them.

    Last night was the first spin, just out in the neighbourhood with the kids, feels lovely, but it does feel very different, compounded by the addition of carnegie bars. Thought I would give em a try anyway! Will post when had a spin (this weekend hopefully!).

    Norton, I was also looking at EMD, and it is deffo a fair bit more XC. Chumba is designed around a longer travel fork (can go to 130mm i think), and it is a fair bit more burly. Quality seems very good, welding lovely, plenty of clearance for all important bits on the frame (cables, big tires, forks). EBB seems OK, no creaks or groans. not sure I will use as a single speed, but will prob try 1×9 just for simplicity. Geometry seems just right for me, hence why I went for this one.

    A few things I will prob change as we go along, but at the mo I cannae wait to have a hoot in the forest with it!


    Full Member

    tthew – Member
    Noooooo…. You're doing it all wrong! It's supposed to be cumulative. Add your damages to the previous post.

    Foook! Soz!


    Full Member

    I recently had my best mate and his family come to visit, he also a bit of a whisky fan, so we decided to do a jounrey across Scotland. That was the best way to enjoy them. Why stick with one?!?! :twisted:

    FWIW, we did, in order (did not finish each bottle!) a
    Glenkinchie (12? bit of a beginners whisky but a nice start),
    Glenfidich 15 (I really like this, very easy)
    Highland Park 12 (heard a rumour it is 15yo in the bottle as they ran out of 12)
    Lagavulin 16yo I think, which has shot to the top of my favourite list, possible because we'd had a right old skinful beforehand!)

    All supported by a fab 'genius' playlist, mature cheddar and oatcakes, and some smuggled Irn Bru (bit difficult to find in Schweiz!).



    Full Member

    This is like Robert Shaw and Richard Drefuss in Jaws! :D

    Collar bone – o
    Arm – 0
    Leg – 1
    Jaw – 0
    Rib – 1
    Finger – 1
    Skull – 0
    Ass – 0
    Neck – 1 (scrum collapsed, no lasting damage!)

    Can we also mention dislocations? more painful! Knee = 3 talk about screaming like a girl!

    Full Member

    SnS: cool. Just take your time. Do one at a time (not top and bottom togetehr as I read on here someone tried to do – I would be tearing my hair out!), the top one for me was really tight, and took many attempts to get it to go in straight. Bottom one was a piece of piss by comparison.

    Please note excellent Double Entendres in above comment.

    Putting the crown race on the fork was a laugh: wood + hammer = job done. :-)

    Kojak, it's almost worth doing a batch and selling those, excellent idea!

    Full Member

    I bought one of the homemade ones from ebay:

    Not much more than the cost of making, and finding the bits here in Switzerland can be tricky. Sounds a bit like the wooden one mentioned above, and it is a bit tricky, but you just have patience and take it slow and everything will be fine. Seems a bit of a step up from 'twatting with a hammer and a block of wood'.


    Full Member

    There's the being outside, working hard, building fitness thing, along of course with the fun of the whole endeavour. But to me and my closest riding buds it is about the sheer distance you can travel into the wilderness and back again in a given time. It is amazing where you can get yourself to and the things you can see.

    Full Member

    Russian (when you hear it sung by a big choir, maybe after a visit to the country… oooh. Hairs on end. Or indeed conducted by Sean Connery on the bridge of the 'Red October') (best i can find!)

    Welsh (Millennium Stadium, Big match, belting it out…. oooh!)

    Full Member

    'Where the white women at?'

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