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  • Trail Tales: Midges
  • bgascoyne
    Free Member

    my front one had this issue a month or so ago. Seems to only happen when its really hot (weather wise). Working fine now. Given the UK weather I figure I’ll have issues about twice a year! Touch wood.

    Free Member

    my 2007 Stumpy came with RL’s (I think). They were 120mm but after 8 years I found out I could increase to 130 by removing a plastic spacer. Took me about 20 mins to do this. Pretty sure the spacer was on the non air valve side. YOu do have to drain all the oil out so best to do it at the same time as an oil change. It was all documented on the fox website. Good luck.

    Free Member

    had a great weekend. Was on my own but everyone around my tent was super friendly so was all good. Never seen so many punctures before! I held back a bit on the really rocky stuff to try and avoid getting one. Slightly conservative approach, but better to loose a few secs here and there than have to fluff around fixing a flat – in my opinion anyway. Legs were cooked at the end. I prob over did it on Fri doing each stage twice. I was a little excited to be riding on such cool trails! Will def be back next yea if I can get a ticket – this time with mates! 23:05, prob could have got early 22’s or late 21’s if I went balls to wall but anyway I had lots of fun!

    Free Member

    please be dry!!! Could the wind be an issue? Blowing like mad in London today! forecast wind looks ok but could be gusty on Friday. Will it be bog fest after all the rain this week or do the trails dry pretty quick up there?

    Free Member

    My worry now is that if the ‘MTB community’ (as if that exists, you can see the split between those that want to respect this and the ones that think their entitlement trumps all) – I digress – if the MTB Community shows itself unable to respect the requests of the landowner here, then other landowners either adjacent to this land (Hurtwood) or even further afield (MOD around Woking?) will think differently about what they want to do.

    Very valid/good point. We dont want to lose all access. That would be 1000 times worse than losing Winterfold.

    Discussing this at work the other day and we had an idea. The main issue (there are a few though) or real sticking point for Jim, as far as I know, is the insurance implications. I wonder if during the discussions with him it could be discussed how much it would cost to extend the insurance to allow bikers in certain areas.Depending if the cost was reasonable, what “reasonable” is, i’m not quite sure, but we, ie the MTB community who ride there could could do a crowd funding campaign (or similar) to raise funds to cover the cost for a year. Yes, of course there will be people who ride there and who wont pay, but hey, at least it might become available again – with some rules. Just an idea, lots of pros and cons of course, but it could be a starting point??

    Free Member

    Doh, forgot the sprint was on sat

    Free Member

    I saw somewhere that this might be due to the piston swelling up. It just needs a light sanding and maybe a new o ring . Buying a set of circlip pilers and trying that will be a lot cheaper. Good luck

    Free Member

    If no one wants it i’ll try and be him on Sunday. I’m doing the sat ride but hey, if I’m there anyway why not go for another round :-)

    Free Member

    Will do. There is no need for idiots to put trees over his driveway. I was originally annoyed at the tracks being blocked but after a lengthy thread some weeks back I can understand Jim’s POV. Lets not let a few trails closing ruin the access we have for all the others.

    Free Member

    haven’t touched my stumpy headset since I bought it in 2007! Still smooth as :-)

    Free Member

    go for it. I was the same until a carbon bike came along in my budget. I put on a rockguardz for added downtube protection. I love it, although I must admit I still “worry” sometimes when I am riding down a really rocky trail. You just have to ride it like you would any other bike. A minor inconvenience is having to worry about getting the torques correct on bolts. On my alu frames I just “did the bolts up” until they were tight. I’m a little more precise with the carbon frame.

    Free Member

    thanks guys. Just ordered one. Sounds like they are ok.

    Free Member

    no help at all but I feel your pain. Sram parts are just a rip off compared to Shimano. Unfort all of my bikes came with Sram running gear :-(

    Free Member

    days after I just ordered some :-(

    Free Member
    Free Member

    I like the idea but there needs to be a very fast way of charging them. For example…I’m drivingSouth to North UK, I need to recharge – how long will it take?? Petrol – 5 mins, refill tank and done. Recharging time is the issue that concerns me the most.

    Free Member

    Great riding. Just stop talking, please.


    Free Member

    I stopped for about 5 years in my mid 20’s to focus on trail biking. However when I moved to the UK the trail biking is rubbish around London so switched back to MTB and love it. One bit of advice – make the most of the time you have when you are young and strong….it fly’s. However, if you are not in to it, don’t force yourself to go as you wont enjoy it. Maybe stick to summer riding and that lowers the cleaning time and reduces parts wear.

    Free Member

    Interesting reading!! Personally I feel naked if not wearing a helmet on a bike. Since I was about 8 or 9 (many many many years ago) I have been wearing one. Has it saved my ass (or head) on the road….well TBH no it hasn’t as I have never had a big fall on the road. But I don’t trust road users to not pull out in front of me or turn into me. Hit your hit on the road without a helmet and you will know about it…with a helmet, you will still know about it but the chances are it will be a lot less severe. That’s pretty much a given. Basically, I trust my riding but not the others around me! Much like skiing.

    Free Member

    Little bit off topic…but…I’m surprised that helmets are not compulsory in the UK. They have been compulsory (on the road) in NZ for about 20 years and the cops will give you a fine if caught without one! I know my helmet has saved my head many times on off road stacks over the years.

    Free Member

    The RS manual is also confusing regarding the amount of oil to put in each fork. IN the Pike manual 2014-2017 it says 10ml each leg, in the 2014 to present manual it says 5ml in the drive and 15ml in the non drive. WTF Sram, which one is it???

    Free Member

    I thought the fork should be fully compressed. That’s what they show on the MBR video. However when I look at the RS video they leave the shafts fully extended. Will adjust mine tonight as I followed the MBR one on the weekend…..probably trust the RS more!

    Free Member

    its the metal shaft in this pic that I’m referring to. Looks like a pretty basic design

    Apart from CNC how else could this be cut?

    Free Member

    Thanks for the advice guys. I “think” I may have it sussed now. The lever still doesnt snap back like in the vid but it does feel better now. They are such a ball ache to get right. Had to bleed them as last weekend when I left it on its side for a few mins the lever would go in but not return at all for about 5 mins, then it would be fine (this happened a few times). However after doing a google I see that could be down to the piston swelling in hot weather. Wait and see until I try it out properly tomorrow. Nothing is a 5 min job with bikes!At least the pike lower service was easy and calmed me down :-)

    Free Member

    quite a few bubbles in my opinion. My DIY application (as well as DIY cut outs) is better than that. Anything that is not stuck down properly on the edge will come away after about 6 months of use and cleaning. Not sure whether I would send it back or not…

    Free Member

    I was probably a bit harsh in the original post. Its more the disappointment of trails being “open” then closed, then open then closed, trees over them, trees not over them. I have never dug any trails there and certainly do not condone damaging the trees etc (however one could argue that all the trails have caused some damage). Its just a lot of fun to ride! Mag’s digging big hits etc is just silly.

    I was more after a reason (not that he needs one) as to why he has suddenly blocked them off again as it seemed he was “happier” to allow people to ride there now. I would pay a few quid each time to ride there – no issues with that. The insurance issue is a funny thing – would someone sue for getting hurt on a jump? Surely if you ride there you know the risks…..compensation culture is getting stupid now.

    I would be more than happy to be part of a MTB community to discuss and agree on a way forward with him. The problem is trying to control the renegades who insist on building new stuff. If we could agree on x,y,z trails and no more and put signs up outlining that it might work. My feeling is that we have probably lost that area for now, which is a shame.

    Free Member

    agree that some of the big digging is a little un-called for. I wish people would just leave it how it was – nice single tracks and let it be, rather than pushing the limits. All of the forestry work is done miles away from trails (that I know of) so I cant see any danger of people getting hit/hurt by machinery. It would be great to have a peace treaty and agree to not dig anymore and let us ride existing stuff but I imagine that’s pretty much impossible to manage. Its been come and go there for years now. Time to focus on other parts around Peaslake I guess. Shame as it was fun!

    Free Member

    At that junction there is an “area” for cyclists to stop in, in front of cars and trucks. The truck is stopped in that area so there is no where for the cyclists to go. Driver is at fault at the start as he stopped beyond the stop line for cars. At that very intersection a few years back they had coppers giving drivers fines for stopping in the cyclist area. I wouldn’t be stopping next to a big truck like that – seen way to many near misses. Remember trucks are bigger than you and normally win! Either way he is a lucky man!

    Free Member

    +1 for the rockquardz. It was the first thing I bought after I got my first carbon frame. Until it arrived I rode the bike with a strip of camping sleeping mat strapped to the downtube! They look pretty cool as well – the rockquardz that is.

    Free Member

    I was in the same boat as you. In the end I got 1L of motocross racing fork oil as it was only a few pounds more than a 120ml of the Rockshock stuff. I just went for 2.5wt – will make naff all difference compared to 0w as you need so little of it anyway.

    Free Member

    Extreme riding at Swinley? Almost fell asleep last time i went there. Maybe its time for another visit….

    Free Member

    For me Afan doesn’t have the same character as it used to. With the trees gone it’s just not the same. Went there last year for the first time in a few years – it felt like it was constant pedaling all day with hardly any down hill – apart from the all the way down to the cafe. If I had a choice between BPW or Afan it would be BPW every time now, plus BPW is about an hour closer. Interested in the unofficial stuff though! Will have to look into this for sure.

    Free Member

    WTF – so many high profile bike thefts lately. Scum, all of them…how about they get a job and earn their bikes like the rest of us. That’s why I never leave my bike out of view or locked….anywhere! You never know who is lurking by….

    Free Member

    loving the dry in Surrey. Best May riding for ages! I’m sure June will be a wash out as per the last few years!

    Free Member

    Anyone?? No one done this before?

    Free Member

    +1 for the road ID. Had one for about 7 years now.

    Free Member

    gheez, I’m getting nervous now!I might walk that bit!!

    Free Member

    I took two right shoes to work once!

    Free Member

    the only reason not to….would be to get the CF frame instead :-). I love my Capra! Go for it.

    Free Member

    I have a 2007 SJ that I still use. It was my regular ride up until last Aug when I got a new bike. I use it was a winter bike now. Went out on it a few weeks back and thought to myself, this really isn’t that bad. I’m still faster than my mates on new bikes as well. Yes, its not as good as my Capra, but it still does the job, and an OK job at that.

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