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  • BermBandit
    Free Member

    Not much of a sailist myself, but my brother is.

    He has a yacht moored at Gosport, and occasionally I go down and have a bimble about under his tutorlage. What never fails to amaze me, even as a non sailist, is the number of self evident numpties that get out on the water.

    Simple examples:

    1) Gin Place plowing out of harbour at night, with kids without life jackets playing on the fore deck. Apart from the fact the guy was doing perhaps 3 times the harbour speed limit, the obvious potential for one or more of the kids to not only go overboard, but over the side and under the vessel was incredible. Not by any manner of means unusual.

    2) Large rib (similar to that above) tied up to a jetty at the rear only. Mr Weekend Warrior puts the bloody thing into gear and revs the bugger up whilst still tied up. Net result, boat pivots on the mooring and literaly launches itself onto the jetty, scattering people in all directions. Very fortunate that no one was actually killed.

    3) My personal favourite though, being some tit that decided that “sail before steam” applies when a Brittany Ferry is negotiating the exit to the harbour with approx 10 metres clearance either side on a ship the size of a pretty large block of flats and thus decides that he can sail straight under its bow. We were there when the harbour police brought him in, and he was still protesting that it was his ancient right, and the ship should have given way. The Twunt!

    3 incidents, one weekend.

    So overall I have to say I am in agreement that some sort of controls need to be in place, not so much to stop people doing themselves in, an outcome that mostly I might find myself comfortable with, but more to protect the innocent from their actions. i.e. this weekend tragedy, should it turn out to be Dad being a dick, would have an outcome whereby 3 out of 4 injured parties weren’t him, and thats not to count the others also put at risk by the incident.

    Free Member

    The issue really is that Westminster is full of people beavering away at maintaining the status quo, whilst everywhere else in the country everyone is aware that what needs changing is in fact the status quo. In fact a good slogan would be a vote for UKIP/BNP/Green/(Fill in your own minority party) is a vote for change.

    Unfortunately, what you will hear from the sleazeballs as the days go on is how lthis ocal election result is actually affirming their position, which it self evidently isn’t.

    It amazes me how the Dave and Nick, (whose names I shall truncate for the sake of brevity)….. how Dick take the fact that neither won anything like a majority as a vote in favour of some of the most far reaching, extreme and radical policies, as opposed to a vote for consensus politics is completely beyond me.

    Free Member

    binners – Member
    I think the thicko’s are still voting BNP, and going to EDL rallies

    UKIP are proof that you don’t necessarily have to be thick to be bigoted and small minded. Though obviously it helps. In fact, a large rump of the Tory party are proof of that. And some of them have had the best education money can buy

    I think this is mixing education with intelligence, Whitehall is currently full of examples that definitively prove that a good education does not in any way correlate with intellect.

    Free Member

    Look for any evidence of a leak around the head gasket. If there’s anything there you’ll end up with a big problem if you are intending to run it up to the 100,000 mark. Doesn’t happen to all, but I know of several that have suffered from it.

    If theres a service history, see if you can look at the invoices and whether a smell of coolant has been investigated. Same problem, and another way of detecting it.

    Free Member

    I’ve spent most of my working life averaging 50 – 60,000 miles a year. Some time back I realised that the pointy ears and tail approach to driving was actually going to end badly for me one way or another, either terminating in a heap of twisted metal or with a heart attack. So I have generally calmed down and spend much less time worrying about others and more about me. I just bimble along at hwatever pace the road allows, do my own thing, laugh at the gesticulators and generally arrive at my destination within 2 or 3 minutes of Mr Multiple Lane changer, or Mrs Foot flat on the floor or Master Tail gater.

    It reallty is the only way to go, without shooting yourself in the foot in the long run.

    Free Member

    Errr Of course …. 😯

    <everything crossed and dear God please don’t let him take that as a hint 😉 >

    Free Member

    Mate of mine quit Oz and returned to the mother country after this experience.

    Took family to a barby at a mates place. At the end of the evening gets kids who by now are asleep and puts them onto back seat of the car. Wife and he get in and turn the headlights on, only to see the biggest meanest **** off spider on the windscreen. Wifes on the verge of wetting herself so he boldy says “it’ll be fine I’ll knock it off with the wipers” as he flicks wiper lever…. several second later the realisation sets in that it’s still there and therefore on the inside. Cue screaming, general panic and flapping, followed by a whine of increasing pitch from Mrs to the effect that that it we’re going home…

    Free Member

    Not necessarily recommended, but made me laugh when I heard them.

    I met my wife while I was decorating. As she walked into the room I feel off the step ladder, she asked “what happened, are you alright?

    and I replied….. “Yep, Ilm just ovecome with Emulsion”


    I’ve been told to take great care of my wife by my mother-in law, so heres a little something with that in mind <hands over present nicely wrapped, which on opening is a baby doll nightie with fur trim around the hem> ……. <pause for effect> …. to keep your neck warm …..

    Free Member

    Mental isn’t it?

    Free Member

    Im my neck of the woods thats wrong too, if you want to get rid of garden refuse, you have to pay for an additional wheely bin for that, but its only for compostable items, but you can’t use it for compostable kitchen waste,….. its all just too confusing.

    Not quite mountains, but plenty around my way.

    Yep, I’m quite serious about this one, I have the good fortune to have an office on a farm a bit out in the sticks. The farmer has actually now established his own refuse tip for all the flytipped stuff that is dumped on his land, (and which becomes his repsonsibility when it is). He’s no fool, so he pays for it by running it as a commcercial waste site, but its getting to ridiculous dimensions. Literally after every weekend, you’ll find car tyres, builders rubble, garden refuse… all sorts dumped in the entry to fields, by the roadside and sometimes even in the road itself.

    Madness!! Make it too hard for people to do the right thing, and they’ll do the wrong one IMHO

    …and yes, its still boiling my piss!!

    Free Member

    …in the short term, and then retailers insisted on less bulky packaging, which was the point all along?

    And clearly you’ve noticed the reduced level of packaging in your purchases? Obviously you buy elsewhere to me if you have. Mind you Fortnum and Mason isn’t everyones cup of tea I suppose

    Free Member

    Is that not the whole point?

    Regretably not…usually its down to some aberration caused by poorly thought out rules/legislation. For example, in the 90’s the Germans introduced the Green point thingamebob, where the retailer had to accept packing back for recycling. This created an enormous volume of material for recycling. Good eh? 😆

    Well no not really, as the glut of recyled material knocked the arse out of the market for it, and the fiarly predictable result was a high proportion of the recycling mills in Europe went bust and closed down as a result, thus creating a situation where mountains of material was coming in with nowhere to go. Not so good now eh? 😐

    So the solution to it was trains full of waste material quietly slipping off into the Ukraine overnight, where said materials went into landfill. Not so clever now is it? 😯

    Truthfully the answer is not to be so wasteful in the first instance and to change our shopping habits and consumptionist lifestyle. However, who’d ever vote for that? So instead we just pay lip service to the problem, employ bright young things who aren’t actually quite bright enouigh to be of any real use to come up with stupid names like the Place Directorate, and stupid bloody rules that drive perfectly reasonable and sane people into fly tipping.

    Plasterboard and coving are banned from landfills

    So call me old fashioned, but surely the answer is to come up with a sensible alternative disposal route, rather than simply ban its disposal. Theres going to be mountains of the stuff in the country lanes by that route!

    Free Member

    I believe having a rant about something totally inconsequential is a tradtion that has been kept for many years by the collective hive mind of STW, and frankly I don’t see any reason to stop being Mr Angry of Tunbridge Wells for your benefit Ro5ey. Its a free country and if I want to mount my long legged equine friend (not in the biblical sense) then I shall….. so nerrrrrrr. 😛

    Free Member

    Ok, so lets get a few things clear here.

    1) It’s the General waste bin, which I’ve had for about 20 years now without issue, so if dust in the mechanism is in fact the issue its taken a good while to figure it out, and if its dust on the workforce then they really ought to be reviewing their H & S practices after all this time.
    2) What we are talking about here is emptying a small amount of floor sweepings into the bin, of which a proportion will have been dust, but by no means all.
    3) It joins a long list of thou shalt nots, which include such things no empty paint tins, these have to be taken to the tip, to a specialised disposal area, which hasn’t existed for 4 years now, so if you buy paint you cannot dispose of it, or its empty container.
    4) Regarding wages, I’ve not mentioned where I live or what authority it is, so I’m not sure what other people elsewhere are paid has to do with it. Here it is relatively well paid as unskilled manual jobs go.
    5) At the tip, you are not deemed to have waste if your vehicle is over 1.72m high, they are barriered off and they consider you to be trade.
    6) If you manage to sneak in you are exposed to bin police arguing over what your waste is and where it should go. So for example I tried to dispose of a broken broom head with red nylon bristles, I had to too and fro between the plastics bin, the wood bin and the general waste bin as the attendant at each told me it went in the other.
    7) You’re not allowed to bin more than two “bags” of diy waste….. mind you I had them when I rolled up with it in two 1 tonne grab lorry sand bags 🙂
    8.) You may not dispose of plaster board or coving… apparently that does not exist as waste os its nto a problem.

    Etc etc ad infinitum……. And then they are complaining about the rise in fly tipping the twunts

    Personally, I reckon its some 9 year old fresh out of uni without enough to do!

    Free Member

    Nope, a) they’re not low paid. The people in McDonalds might be but these guys are not low paid as manual workers go, and b), if they have not thought through the kit they issue to me, (wheelie bin), and themselves (cart for collecting said bin), that is actually their employers issue not mine.

    Free Member

    Further quote from the same letter

    “I know you may not have been aware of this problem before as we have not previously included this information in our list (ever growing)of do’s and don’ts for the waste recycling service”


    Free Member

    The phlegm thing is because nicotine deadens nerve endings in your sinuses and presuambly lungs. When you quit they start to recover and then do the job they are intended to do which is expel crap out of your body. You’ve accumulated a lot, so you’re going to get a lot for a while…. think of it as your weakness leaving your body. Its also why the sense of taste and smell improves fairly quickly too.

    Quit February 28th 2005 after 34 years. Never looked back, but still occasionaly spitting out green globules from time to time.

    Free Member

    Sancho – Member
    I can imagine your fighting back saying no no I wont accept these shares and the policy saying take the damn shares i force them on you.

    to which you had no way out and had to accept them.

    Clearly you are psychic, and yes you are right, it was part of a sequence of events around the demutualisation of the Halifax, something I objected very strongly to, and still do, the loss of my job, and compensation paid to me by the demutualised shower of **** that they became. The details are none of your business, but suffice to say given the options accepting what was offered was the only realistic choice at the time. Unfortunately, I ended up thoroughly shafted anyway by the subsequent takeover by LloydsTSB and then the fall by 80 % of what I received to compensate for the previous malpractice, so ironically I would have been better off to stick to my principles and lose out in the first instance.

    Free Member

    Says the man who is worried about his shares in a bank! Thatcher would have loved you.

    WTF are you talking about? They were actually forced upon me by Thatchers policies. I’ve never owned shares in my life up until then, and knowing no better I chose to include them into my pension provisions….foolishly. So your point is caller? 😉 right back at yer

    Free Member

    vinnyeh – Member
    Once again, the tongue-in-cheekness of my post seems to have disappeared during typing.

    Over this least week I’ve been totally blown away by the blatantly obviously unacceptable and unsustainable Thatcherite rhetoric on here, and some from folk whose right wing roots I had mistakenly taken to be a jest. 😯
    As a result I am currently reviewing the bar at which ironic and sarcastic has formerly been pitched, as I am guessing that these societal weevils are more widespread than I had formerly assumed.

    Regrettably your post fell south of that currently fluid bar. Apologies. 😉

    Free Member

    I imagine it comes from the same half wits who think ‘it’s all the tories fault’

    Nah….. pretty sure its the half wits who think that

    the saving grace is the Financial Industry in the Square Mile

    …… or in fact that its actually in the square mile any longer, or even that its any form of saving grace for anyone apart from the very few self serving pricks who benefit from it.

    EDIT: I hold shares in Lloyds TSB, and have personally lost substantially as a result of that, my penison fund is currently severely damaged as a result of the Financial Services industries malpractice, and as a stakeholder in GB plc, I dread to think what share of the umpteen billion used to bail said industry out is going to come from the sweat of my brow. So I’m not being flippant or dogamtic in the above response, merely truthful.

    Free Member

    What I can’t get my head around is this. The tory attitude is that they are the uber mensch, the leaders, the drivers of the economic power house, and you are either one of them or an unter mensch, a pleb, cannon fodder, idle, good for nothing.

    So it is a very small step from there to “we are in charge and you are irrelevant” from a tory perspective. So given that, where does this “it’s the workers fault” attitude come from? Personally, if I believed that I was one of the chosen people I’d be very embarrassed and keep very quiet while the shits hitting the fan as it is now.

    Free Member

    nealglover – Member
    It’s certainly what it sounded like.
    And if it wasn’t what he meant, he only had to say.

    What I said was :-

    5) Where are the tory boys who were accusing everyone of disrespect? (might be nice for them to admit that as with so many other things their reading of society at large is, was, and always will be totally wrong.)

    Which I stand by. If you aren’t a tory boy & accusing everyone of disrespect then it doesn’t apply to you, unless of course you are looking for an argument and choose it to, in which case I’m not interested anyway.

    I then went on to clarify the point by stating

    …… and I was one who pointed out that actually there was very little on here. Somehow it seems that the apologists view of disrespect is seeing her for the self serving selfish cow that she was, and that wasting £10 million of public money on a disgusting homage to a divisive and deeply unpopular PM is wrong in the current economic climate.

    Which I also stand by, in fact there has been remarkably little disrespect at all anywhere, given as I say above, what she was.
    I then went on further as follows:-

    Glad you found it interesting, its all I’ve got to say on the subject other than if the cap fits please wear it with pride, but please keep away from me, if it doesn’t you’re welcome any time on a ride or for a drink.

    Now I’m not sure of which bit of that isn’t clear, but at this point I can’t be arsed to bother further with it, and if this post doesn’t clarify it for you, then I guess it transpires that you are indeed a tory boy, as the lack of empathy for, and understanding of those around them does seem to be a marked characteristic of that ilk.

    Free Member

    nealglover – Member
    Berm Bandit, that’s all vary interesting, but it didn’t answer my question

    Glad you found it interesting, its all I’ve got to say on the subject other than if the cap fits please wear it with pride, but please keep away from me, if it doesn’t you’re welcome any time on a ride or for a drink.

    Free Member

    Well I was one of the people that pointed out the unnecessary disrespect.

    …… and I was one who pointed out that actually there was very little on here. Somehow it seems that the apologist view of disrespect is seeing her for the self serving selfish cow that she was, and that wasting £10 million of public money on a disgusting homage to a devisive and deeply unpopular PM is wrong in the current economic climate.

    Its not, its just honest. Showing up and throwing rotten fruit at the cortege would, whilst warranted be disrespectful at the same time. However, clearly the trotskiest leftist, commy red under the bed hobbledhoys aren’t apparently as insensitive as the arses who think todays shennigans, alongside giving the top 10% of society a tax cut at the same time as cutting benefits for the weakest and poorest in society is a reasonable way to behave.

    and breathe…

    Free Member

    Funeral questions

    1) Anyone actually go?
    2) Anyone watch it on telly?
    3) Can anyone confirm shes definitely gone and not coming back?
    4) Did it kick off?
    5) Where are the tory boys who were accusing everyone of disrespect? (might be nice for them to admit that as with so many other things their reading of society at large is, was, and always will be totally wrong.)

    Free Member

    There is an argument that the reason for Hiroshama/Nagasaki was to finish the war with Japan before the Sov’s could tranfer troops and join in thus taking the opportunity of having a toehold there post war.

    Free Member

    But which ones are the best, brightest and most honourable of the bunch

    I might just piss on Lord Carrington if he was on fire…..

    Free Member

    At the age of 65, she needed to earn a good salary during the rest of her active life if she was to retire in comfort

    Presumably this worked out for her in the end, presuming of course that you can’t get rooms at the Ritz on housing benefit nowadays.

    Free Member

    It was a comment on GB’s management of the economy, please don’t flatter yourself

    I wasn’t, it was a comment on how some folk seem to assume that seeing Thatcher and/or the Tories for what she/they are, automatically makes you an apologist for New Labour. It doesn’t.

    It’s not like knowing the lottery numbers, is it Einstein?

    Pretty much, Pavlov’s mutt, if it were correct and clearly its not, that prediction would have got you a nice comfy boardroom seat in a fair number of institutions worldwide had you actually have been able to foresee it.

    Free Member

    So what should I have done?

    Hey you’re the guy who knows things in advance, you figure it out.

    Free Member

    brakes – Member
    largely preciptiated by the actions of one M. Thatcher and one R.Reagan in the 1980’s

    Yes Really!

    allthepies – Member
    Berm Bandit said »
    You can of course argue about the need for prudence in preparation for said event,
    I guess GB really believed he’d got rid of boom and bust. Ooops!

    I think you may be mistaking me for someone who thinks GB is some form of hero

    sbob – Member
    Berm Bandit – Member
    fortune? do tell sbob
    No, I didn’t make any money out of it, I’m quite poor

    Thought not. I did have you down as a post event smarty pants, so it appears that I’m not going to be disappointed.

    Free Member

    fortune? do tell sbob

    Free Member

    Except that the current ‘lot’ are dealing with labours malcompetence.

    With the modest exception that the current scenario has much to do with a global economic problem, which if I’m not much mistaken has in turn much to do with the shennigans perpertrated by the financial institutions of the entire world, but largely preciptiated by the actions of one M. Thatcher and one R.Reagan in the 1980’s.

    You can of course argue about the need for prudence in preparation for said event, but before that can any of us here smugly own up to having made a fortune from correctly prediciting the crash of 2008? In which case I will of course acknowledge that it was utterly obvious to all.

    Free Member

    Not exactly a wild free-for-all.

    Very selective list that teamhurtmore. Seems a lot like you’ve included all the pro’s but none of the con’s. Things like the demutualisation of the building societies, the removal of controls on credit and so forth and so on to name but two.

    Where did the £22billion go Labour?

    Restoring the shambles left by the previous 18 years at a rough guess, pretty much like will happen post this bunch when they go. Simple current example: Lack of proper road maintainence, the road network is in the process of falling apart. It is blatantly obvious that the current lack of proper maintainence is going to lead to massive future costs.

    Nothing more to say currently, as I’m steadfastly maintaining my dignified leftist stance to the old bats passing.

    Free Member

    all one can do now is hope that next week’s funeral is not allowed to turn into a triumphalist Tory occasion that inflicts permanent damage on the monarchy and also our system of government.

    Au contraire: Probably the best thing that could possibly come from the whole debacle IMHO

    Free Member

    Maggie monopoly…..winner = first to sell off all the assets

    Free Member

    …Maggie firelighters…burning in hell or destroying coal..

    Free Member

    overthrow parliamentary democracy

    I stand open to contradiction, but I think that the hunting ban was part of the manifesto against which that government were elected, as opposed to the total annihalation of a particular industry and segment of society, which as I recall was never openly admitted to as being a policy.

    Free Member

    allthepies – Member
    My shonky calcs reckon that LaThatch’s funeral costs amount to 0.02 % of the interest the UK has to pay/annum to service the national debt. Small change innit.

    Mine show that you breath about 0.0000017% of the oxygen breathed in the UK, so depriving you of that would be even smaller change. However, much like the funeral, it wouldn’t make it either right nor appropriate would it?

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