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  • BermBandit
    Free Member

    Nor me…… not enough bandwidth to support demand shocker ???

    Free Member


    Can't really think of anything else to say other than no DIY for at least 6 months until fully recovered, plenty of fresh air and exercise, all lager to be sans blackcurrant because only runners would ever drink crap like that. May need to consider a much improved top end full suss type wheel chair, you know one of the smart new ones with a wheel at each end for improved manouverability, (soz not available on the NHS, but I believe big discounts avaialble via the Bike to Work Scheme, which is I believe the inline wheelchair division of Motability).

    No no Mrs,D.S. no need to thank me, like you I just want to see Derek back in the saddle …..<ahem> bosom of his family soonest.

    Love and Hugs….. (While hes not at home obviously)

    Doctor Bandit

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Carry on, and I doubt if I'll bother responding

    Knight to Queen 4 ….. Checkmate! and ernie honestly believes he has "won" yet again. Apparently toy/pram interface, followed by its my ball and I'm going home is a valid STW discussion technique nowadays….. sad really…… 😉

    Free Member

    ernie 1.5 million unemployed as the stats were calculated in 1979 = Lots
    1.5 million as the stats are calculated now = very low unemployment.

    I would have thought that as the self appointed font of all knowledge you would know that, and therefore avoid using such obviously flawed arguments.

    I'm not a farmer, I happen to run a business based on a farm and therefore have a fairly close understanding of whats going on. Actually as it happens I'm looking out of the window at the immigrant workers hostel as I write this. It is a fact that even on "high" wages it is difficult to recruit staff into agriculture, many people don't want the irregular hours and hard graft that is implicit in it.

    The jibe about cheap labour is a red herring. If as you say there was high unemployment at the time it should not have been difficult to fill low pay jobs, because despite commonly held misconceptions benefits do not pay much and unless you happen to be on a bundle of benefits (which will generally imply that you are not able to work), you are unlikely to be better off not working. If on the other hand I am correct, then the recruitment of overseas labour made absolute sense.

    Regarding the EU, all I can suggest is that you pop off and read up on your history. However, if as I suspect your ego won't allow that could I just point out a couple of basic facts that might help you with your understanding of the subject.

    1) WW2 came about largely due to the punative economic measures taken against Germany post WW1.

    You appear to have forgotten that it was Germany, and …….. clearly do not owe them any special favours.

    It may be a plan for future reference to modify your approiach in the event that something you are doing doesn't work. So by token of the possibility that you might be right in that assertion regarding the Axis, it does therefore make all the more sense to take steps to eradicate the possibility of that reoccurring No? Any suggestions how you might choose to do that successfully?

    Regarding the Indian Sub continent. Run it past me will you? Wasn't it them who kicked us out? Presumably that being because they wanted independance. So accordingly, thats what they have got, and therefore I believe your point rather skips over the obvious facts that with the EU we have democratically decided to join up and abide by the rules, largely because our traditional markets were disappearing down the loo of Empire. Whereas, our erstwhile colonies actually have chosen their independance, and we do not therefore have any logical reason to accept unregulated immigration from there. I don't believe that qualifies as racist.

    By the way did the cock reference rattle you at all? 🙄

    Free Member

    sodafarls – Member
    Talking cock again Berm Bandit?

    Pretty sure I'm not, but happy to discuss, as opposed to ram my perception down you throat.

    So exactly which bit of that did you disagree with?

    Free Member

    Incidentally, I'll go one step further in my reply to Ernies issues about "unregulated" immigration.

    The EU as is now was originally set up post 2 World Wars. The objective was in essence to produce economic interdependancy and an economic equality so that the various European states stopped looking at each others stuff with jealous eyes. Part of that deal is to allow the poorer states the means to join the wealthy on the gravy train. In my lifetime, we have had Italians, Spanish, Irish, Portugese, Greek and many others prior to the arrival of the East Europeans, (obviously not overlooking some form outside the EU). All economic migrants, none of which have led to rivers of blood, and pretty much all of which have left the country richer for their passing.

    Simply put if ny allowing this it prevents my son from dyting in some shitty mud hole in Flanders or Normandy, then thats just fine with me. Long may it last. All the bitching that surrounds it is simply short sighted xenophobic arse. No more no less.

    Free Member

    Perhaps you can give me examples of building projects which, before the EU enlargement, were unable to start because of "labour shortages"….eh ?

    Not really interested in arguing a point on your terms frankly. The basic bottom line of it is that the New Accession countries were allowed free access here at a time of extremely low unemployment, and when it was extremely difficult to fill low skill, low pay jobs with anyone, let alone British people. For example, the farm at which my business is based has survived and in fact prospered by employing East European labour. Prior to that the farmer was seriously considering winding his business up because it was not viable. That is true of pretty much every agricultural business within 100 miles of where I am now. Its a well known phenomenon. Interestingly, what is happening now is a good few of them are leaving for home, as the economy contracts. Good old market forces at their best eh?

    In their wake, they are leaving a legacy of many eyes opened, generally positive perspective of both them and their work ethic. In the main they have contributed greatly to the economy both on a macro and micro basis.

    I can't speak for the building industry, as I have no direct expereince of it, but I suspect that the situation is similar.

    Free Member

    Talking cock again ernie?

    Free Member

    Yeah right………you mean because I am prepared to talk about an "untouchable" subject, ie immigration ? Is that why you accuse me of, quote : "rabble rousing" ? ffs

    Listen mate, I've got things to do, so if you bother to reply to my post, I doubt whether I will be arsed to respond back.

    I'm not particularly looking to extend this particular thread as its original issues have been well debated. However, I couldn't let this tripe go unanswered.

    The response is very simple ernie. I have already responded to your point, and doing the online equivalent of beating your chest and being all macho will neither act as a sufficent response, nor will it intimidate me. I like you have better things to do, but I will not be browbeaten by some self professed expert on all matters who likes the sound of his own keyboard!

    Free Member

    ernie_lynch – Member

    Isn't that the "unrestricted immigration" which is the fundamental right of EU citizens to the right to travel and work anywhere within the EU

    It was "unrestricted". And Britain did not have to accept EU citizens from the new EU member countries at the time of enlargement. Britain did so, because the New Labour government chose to do so.

    If choosing to abide by the rules which they have agreed to in joining an organisation such as the EU is in fact choosing in the context you infer then yes….yes they did choose. The choice was in fact one between accepting now, or accepting later. Not to allow or not to allow.

    by mixing the entirely seperate issues of Asylum Seekers, Economic Migrants from non EU countires

    You can't simply make wild allegations like that – copy and paste where I have done that.

    Well yes you are. Firstly, the UK has some of the most strict border controls of EU member state. Try driving through Europe and then tell me about how many times you get stopped at any border apart from ours. Secondly, given the fact that there is NO QUESTION whatsover of the UK or any other member state being able to legitimately block the movement of EU citizens either for work, migration or simply travel, except for temporarily your statement is as I said disingenuous and frankly rabble rousing.


    BTW : "places you firmly into the BNP/UKIP/Tory Boy school of politics"

    Why ? Because I am prepared to talk about "immigration" ?

    No,becuase you are dealing in half truths and making them into somethign that they are not.

    ……and people are mystified as to why the BNP are doing so well

    No not really, I think everyone is aware its due to ignorance on the part of their core audience and their aptitude for using half truths to perpetuate myths, much like the one you have been using.

    Free Member

    New Labour freely decided at the time of EU enlargement, to leave the door wide open to allow unrestricted immigration from the new EU member states. There were absolutely no controls and no quotas.

    Isn't that the "unrestricted immigration" which is the fundamental right of EU citizens to the right to travel and work anywhere within the EU, and exactly the same privilige that we and the numerous British ex-pats enjoy throughout the Union, and which allows British enclaves in places such as Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Bulgaria, Crotia and France to name but a few?

    To talk of unrestricted immigration in this way is utter arse, and places you firmly into the BNP/UKIP/Tory Boy school of politics, by mixing the entirely seperate issues of Asylum Seekers, Economic Migrants from non EU countires, (both often from regions where we have been or still are **** about and creating this exact problem incidentally), with the right of EU citizens to work and travel freely is disingenuous.

    Sorry but there it is.

    Free Member

    nickc – Member
    So let me get this straight your partner can't "load" the dishwasher, so in your frustration You "have" to do it instead… She's got you sussed hasn't she?

    Nooooooooo!! let me try again!!

    Ah now then don't get me wrong here, I likewise have the love of ramming it full and getting 30% more stowage in there than any other human in the whole of Christendom could possibly manage.

    The question is twofold, why can't the girls do it, and if we are accepting that they can't why can they neither leave it, or alternatively grasp the simple concept of not using it as a cross between a dustbin and a waste disposal unit?????

    Or put it another way I'm happy to do it, but they "Not her" cannot leave it alone and keep repeating daft things to do with the magic cupboard (i like that one…. i'm going to try the magic cupboard approach tonight)

    Free Member

    Ah now then don't get me wrong here, I likewise have the love of amming it full and getting 30% more stowage in there than any other human in the whole of Christendom could possibly manage.

    The question is twofold, why can't the girls do it, and if we are accepting that they can't why can they neither leave it, or alternatively grasp the simple concept of not using it as a cross between a dustbin and a waste disposal unit?????

    Free Member

    Stumpy, I think I answered the entire question in my reply above.

    However, in answer to your new one yes I do know the guy, and no he is not a mate.

    Free Member

    My much better half loads the machine until it's full – then I reload it and there's still 30% space left

    Shes a lot better at it than mine is then.

    she hates unloading the cutlery, that's my job apparently!

    Answer is simple. Fork prong/long nail interface. Bloody painful from what I saw of it.

    I have put things on my dishwasher 'leaning on each other'

    But not when they have

    left over pork chops

    on them I'll wager!

    So is it a boy/girl spacial awareness techy type thing, or have I just been conned (yet again) into being the dishwasher monitor??

    Free Member

    Whats a coworker?

    Free Member

    Paul at Bike Art is a decent guy, and does more than his fair share of supporting Cycling and MTB generally. He sponsors TIMBER the trail building outfit at Thetford and takes part actively, he also sponsors some of the races, he constantly works at badgering the Fc to improve the offer to cyclists, which believe me is a thankless task.

    He has an extremely difficult business to run, not least for the reason of the car parking charges mentioned above, and the fact that the "big spenders" on MTB will tend to park well away from his shop and thus he loses that trade through no fault of his own. His shop is a constant target for theives, and thus he has to be relentlessly observant of what is going on.

    He is also, I suggest, for that same reason well used to numpties coming into his shop and wasting his time. Every time I have ever been in there he has been helpful and courteous, often dropping what he is doing to help people out who are going to miss their ride due to their own poor maintenance or forgetfulness.

    To muller the guy online for not being overly keen to lend his tools to some dick who a) hasn't bothered to check his bike before riding, and b) expects to be given immediate free attention to resolve that fact, is frankly unreasonable.

    Basically Stumpy you have had your point well answered by "nonsense". He is so miserable because he has to deal with cocks who walk into his shop and "intimidate him by shouting loudly at him in front of a load of other customers", and then "slag…. him off to his own son". Personally if that had been done to me the shouting would have been fairly muffled as the idiot concerned tried to pick his teeth out of his throat!

    Free Member

    'Girls; its not a waste disposal unit.'

    With comments like that I'm surprised you actually live with a woman.

    Two actually…… so how should I address them then?

    Free Member

    ah regional stereotypes is anything funnier that gentle bigotry?

    Nothing gentle about the bigotry around here son, its proper man stuff !

    Free Member

    Berm Bandit – did you mean Abu Qatada?

    Nope definately mean Abu Hamza al-Masari.

    As I understand, Abu Hamza is wanted in Yemen in connection with bomb plots – not for preaching hatred

    Bit of a wriggle there if you don't mind me saying so Ernie. Please quote the names of at least three people who are wanted for blowing people up on the basis that they liked them very much indeed. In return I shall ride my bike naked around my local forest for one hour, obviously on the basis that you reciprocate should you be unable to do so.

    Free Member

    I am by nature a bit of a lefty, but to be honest I have no idea at all why the Posties are going down this route.

    My experience of the Post Office, anecdotal though it may well be is three fold, that being via a relative who was a Post Office inspector (dead now, and for all I know the job he did may no longer exist). He was a lazy twunt, who basically did little and obstructed much. I also did a part time degree with a ROMEC senior manager. He was lazy and obstructive, and living in the past. That apart its been from the outside looking in. It very much appears to me that the organisation is a throwback to a bygone era and is working very hard at destroying itself.

    As a businessman I stopped using Royal Mail for anything other than minor correspondance 8 or 9 years ago. It was too difficult, unreliable, out of touch and out of date. I have no doubt whatsoever that there are arguments on both sides of the fence, and that Grey outweighs black or white. However, the simple fact is that I am now in the process of printing on everything that we send out large notices reminding my customers that they need to research other ways to communicate and send their payments to us. Every time this crap happens there is more of that, and less business for the Post Office. It does not come back after.

    I listened to someone this morning describing how automatic sorting had increased the demands of their "walk" to unreasonable levels. Having been in a similar mamangement situation in the past, there is only one answer to that point. If it is truely unreasonable, large volumes of mail will be returned to the depot undelivered on a repeated basis. That fact alone will ensure that the "unreasonableness" does not continue.

    In the meantime the rest of us in normal occupations with normal employers will get on with the stresses and tensions of our working days without resorting to deliberately irritating and losing our customer base. If we find it all too much we will resort to the standard process to resolve it of looking for another job. That usually answers our questions rapidly and succinctly. New Job and thats me in the right then. No New Job, well perhaps it wasn't that bad after all.

    C,mon guys get with the programme. This sort of stuff died out with Thatcher, and all you are doing is proving her right, which is frankly almost intolerable and immediately will stop me and many other socialists supporting you at this difficult time politically.

    Free Member

    To the accompaniment of those Ipswich Town favourites of "Six toes you've only got Six Toes" and "Sleep with your sister, you sleep with your sister"

    Free Member

    Just had a great weekend in Wales, Mrs gave me no hastle at all about it, boss is in China. So no problems.

    Free Member

    soz Ernie, Yemen not Jordon.

    Just something I remembered about the hooker of Islam from the depths of my memory somewhere.


    Free Member

    Wasn't Abu Hamza wanted in Jordon for similar things when we accepted him here? Thought there was a whole issue about him being repatriated there.

    In which case ernie, this ain't right.

    Britain did not knowingly allow someone in on the understanding that they would be spreading hatred.

    Free Member

    I've just spent a week in South Africa on business. I'm not easily phased when abroad, but the overt racism that I came across when I was there really shook me rigid. Two particular instances stick in my mind, one being a discourse at the dinner table by an intelligent, articulate, well travelled white woman as to how the "blacks" are not as reliable as the "coloureds", however, if you want someone who'll be really trustworthy they have to be white. The second being another discourse, this time on the subject of how the Jews are responsbile for the worlds current economic situation.

    The point of this, was that until being slapped in the face with this throwback to the 60's and 70's I was of the opinion that free speech was the significant issue, and that even racists had a right to their opinions. We, in this country have moved on a long way, but frankly it would be a mistake to let that slip. I cannot even start to explain how deeply offensive I found those comments, and it really has made me reconsider my stance on ALL of the intolerants and bigots in this world, whther it be Nick Griffin, or anyone else.

    They are not entitled to abuse and denegrate others. It is simply unacceptable, and as far as I'm concerned should be limited to the closet and nowhere else.

    Free Member

    Just goes to prove that an Oxbridge education does not automatically guarantee a well rounded and balanced individual ……. which is a bit of a concern given the disportionate number of our leaders who emanate from there.

    Free Member

    Watching Tony Benn dismantle Griffin's facade of half-truths, distortions and outright lies would be exceedingly good telly!

    One of the few things you could ever persuade me to pay money to watch. Great idea!

    Free Member

    Still not convinced by the "lets give the BNP the oxygen of publicity" arguments. Seems to me that a central tenant of our legal system is that you cannot promote race/religious/creed intolerance and that all should be treated equally. So surely not allowing Muslim extremists or the BNP to pedal hatred is perfectly equitable within that concept?

    The next step along the line is to give an extremist group at an opposite ned of the spectrum the same privilige, so what next Al Qaeda on Breakfast telly?

    Free Member

    No – because it's not illegal to say what they are currently saying, the chanting etc. probably is

    Not so

    BNP is currently an illegal organisation. The invitation to appear on QTR has been challenged on that basis.

    Geert Wilders is currently subject to prosecution in the Netherlands.

    Free Member

    Not sure about that balance business. I understand the argument, but isn't it the same as allowing racist chanting at football matches? You know, it balances out against the muslim extremeists that brandish signs with Death to the unbelievers and the like. Surely, they are both guilty of racism and hate crime and should be both treated uniformly, which I hasten to add football in this country has dealt with very firmly indeed, so no crticism of their stance intended.

    Free Member

    ever been any doubt that they are in fact just BNP-lite?

    I think there are people, especially older folk who haven't actually twigged it, and just hanker back to the "good old days" ….. admittedly with colonialism and so forth, but not overtly espousing racism

    Free Member

    DrJ – Member

    I am sure they have their fair share of "Griffins" as does every country, but after what was done to them by the Nazis under occupation I would think many would be very offended by that remark.

    Indeed – they had the highest percentage of Jews deported of all European countries (IIRC). We might wonder why that is.

    Meaningless !! Whether people were deported or not is hardly relevant, its their survival one way or another that counts, so for example Poland which had a large number of extermination camps on its soil may well not have had many Jews deported, however they had about 90% of the 3,300,000 jews who lived there pre war exterminated. Hollands 140,000/75% exterminated hardly compares next to that now does it?

    Free Member

    Is fat the new black ??

    Free Member

    trailmonkey – Member
    People who say "lartay" when they mean "latte". Italians do not pronounce their vowels like you mockney twunts.

    So thats a "Ltt" signor then?

    Free Member

    There is a flaw in the argument. If and it is a big IF in my opinion the cunning stunt by that stunning c**t Mandy is to provoke a strike, then surely the CWU are either completely stupid not to realise what is self evident to those that know on here, or are knowingly pressing the self destruct button. In these cirucmstances surely a more sensible course of action is to comply completely with everything that "the management" throw at them?

    Free Member

    I think the CWU would get more public sympathy if its spokesman didn’t mainly sound like the Peter Sellers caricature of a union representative in “I’m all right Jack”. Bad PR and they do come over as antagonistic and belligerent, which I hasten to add they may well not be.

    Personally, regardless of what is going on, I cannot see the benefit in cocking up your employers business to the extent that is being done at the moment. Every time there is disruption more business is lost forever. Last time round we balloted our customer base over paperless invoicing etc etc. We had already stopped sending goods by post, now we are looking to take postage out of the loop completely. We’re small, but Amazon, John Lewis, Argos, etc., etc aren’t. Who wins when this business is lost????

    Free Member

    Simple solution : once this is in place everyone join the BNP, then vote for policy change. Sorted!

    Free Member
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