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  • Cheap Things Tuesday: cranks, brakes, bars and more
  • BermBandit
    Free Member

    Nice sidestepping of the freemarket thing and wazzing off up the I'd like to pay less tax alley, dont you think??

    Free Member

    Everyone wants to know the outcome in a supportive non voyueristic way …obviously,

    but the freemarket isn't free discussion is an interesting diversion while we do surely ?

    Free Member

    and that is just dogmatic. But it's very you.

    Pot kettle and black to you sexy butt!

    Actually, lets dance the dance if you're going to be like that. So please tell me exactly what is so great about the free market and consumerism Stones… please

    Free Member

    What Stoner and Stumpy are actually saying here is that freemarkets are OK as long as they can write the rules for them to suit themselves. Sorry guys you can't have it both ways. Either the market is free or it isn't….that also includeds the freedom for other people to have an input surely?

    Free Member

    Personal political/economic philosophy doesnt have to be all or nothing manifesto stuff you know.

    Whilst I would agree that it is possible for the "have nots" to take a middle stance politically, its virtually impossible for the "haves" to do so. Quite simply free market means the survival of the fittest. Regretably those who argue for that system are rarely prepared to take that fight on an equal footing. If they were I might be tempted to go along with the concept rather more. In essence what I mean by that is along the lines of pass nothing on to your kids, ensure that they receive the same standard of education as everyone else, and stand back and wait for the free market to help them find their own level.

    Free Member

    Just been reading the thread.

    Must agree that taking contemporanious notes is vital. A court will accept those as evidence as long as they are writtne at the time.

    However, not the main reason for posting, I was just pondering Stoners "freemarketeer" claim. Does that not go to the very essence of the political divide in this country? Surely thats what its all about… The Sod you Jacks (i'm all right) v Beer and Sandwiches brigade ?

    Seems to me that Afganhistan is a free market in the truest sense, and I believe that it is known as feudalism.

    Free Member

    When I Fall in Muff Nat King Cole
    Can You Feel the Muff Tonight? Elton John
    I Want to Know What Muff Is Foreigner
    That's The Way Muff Goes Janet Jackson
    I'd Do Anything For Muff (But I Won't Do That) Meat Loaf

    & my personal favourite…. images of a breathless head appearing from under the covers…..

    All Out Of Muff Air Supply

    Free Member

    Out of interest my lad was diagnosed with Asthma at age 6 and given an inhaler by the GP all after about 5 minutes of "detailed investigation" into his persistant cough.

    On reflection we enroled him into the local swimming club. He is now 25 has never used the inhaler, never had an asthma attack of any description and his currently training for the London Marathon and regularly swims a mile in his lunch break.

    Same issue from a different angle.

    Free Member

    Is berm bandit?
    Down south it'd be pronounced "bum bandit".

    Amazed you had the wit to spot the play on words old son…absolutely amazed 😯

    Free Member

    'kin hell ! What a load of cobblers!

    anyway a burning question has arisen in my mind as a result of said cobblers…….

    Is "backhander" a euphemism??

    Free Member

    Interesting how many of the posters on this forum suddenly become supportive of fiddling shits like this. I absolutely guarantee that if this thread started with I injured myself riding so while I was off work found that I could claim benefits, live in a council house and make a living of selling tut on ebay, and have therefore quit my job, I would get villified.

    Its a simple situation.
    1) Twunts like this, who pay no insurance, business rates, tax etc etc, undercut genuine businesses who run legitimately.
    2) Twunts like this who claim for what they are not entitled to, give genuine benefit claimants a bad name, and that leads to really shitty stuff when genuine hard working people lose their jobs and have to sign on.
    3) Through avoidance of tax you and I have to pay more. Last time I looked it was estimated that the black economy accounted for a vast percentage of the trade done in the UK, and if it were properly accountable and therefore taxed the average rate of income tax would drop like a stone.
    4) If benefit fraud were overcome people who genuinely need it could be better cared for.

    So all in all why would you not want to shop the twunt? I menan what possible reason could there be for not?? Presumably, along the lines of "you should never be a grass?" So where does that stop and why? Paedophilia OK? Drug dealing at the local school acceptable? Rape perhaps?

    Call the anonymous phone number, make the complaint. If he's innocent then nothing will happen, and if hes not then thats one less thieving arsehole on the streets. For what its worth, do the same if you see a cabinent minster driving whilst on their mobile, or a banker being a cock.

    and breathe…..

    Free Member

    Yet another example of what a bunch of twaddle footy has become. Everyone knows the guy is a cheating scum bag, yet no action. The simple solution is to come up with a rule along the lines of professional players who are seen to cheat whether it be during the game or subsequent on TV replay will receive an automatic one year ban. About the 2nd time someone gets banned it will all stop. There is however no desire at the top level of the game, so it won't happen…… and don't get me started on that twunt Ferguson!!

    These people are role models, and need to get a grip.

    …..and breathe

    Free Member

    Think I have…….

    Free Member


    An irelevant motoring journalist who makes a living out of being a twunt

    Free Member

    **** all as usual

    Free Member

    So given that 25% of any given market is deemed to be a monopoly and anti competitive, how much of a monopoly does News International actually have ?

    Seems to me that this whole morass is more to do with Murdoch protecting his empire rather than anything else. Successive governments have failed to act to protect press and TV independance in this country, and presumably recruiting one side or t'other in the run up to a General Election is what this is all about.

    As of now my number one question for any canvasser is what do you propose to do about the independance of the press in this country.

    Free Member

    Can we swap him for Rude Boy/Fred?

    Free Member

    it is appalling to attack the mother

    Presumably then the Sun contacted her on the off chance that she might have a story for them regarding her dead son? Surely its very much more likely she has precipitated this, and I'm afraid thats then her resposnibility. No argument that shes in a horrible place and everyone sympathises with that, but frankly her behaviour to date is not respectful to her son, who I suspect might well have been extremely embarressed by her behaviour. I for one, knowing personally how the Scum operate still have the smell of a cheque book in my nostrils. Sorry, but thats how they are.

    Free Member

    Anyone considered simply reducing the amount of power we consume??

    Free Member

    There are many things to criticise politicians for. Taking the time to write individually to the parents of soldiers killed in action is not one of them. Interesting to note that the fact he does do so has neither been leaked or utilised as spin of any sort.

    Total disgust for the Sun, the Murdochs and Mrs Janes, may I suggest we ask vociferously how much she received for the story?

    Free Member

    I note no one yet has answered me asking for real good peer reviewed evidence helmets work

    I'm sucker enough to ask, although with the caveat that I realise that there is unlikley to be any, due to the simple expedient that there is obviously no reporting of non events. (i.e. I've just fallen off my bike and cracked my helmet, I must immediately phone a statisitician who is doing research on the subject to advise him that nothing has happened to me).

    Free Member

    Spinal injury is a feature of many sports. In my experience in cycling it is generally as a result of the infamous faceplant. The over the bars face on the deck while body keeps going is not disimilar to the scrum collapse problem in Rugby, i.e. face into ground while your body tries to overtake your head.

    Unless I miss my guess by much that won't have anything to do with wearing a helmet, and if anything is more an argument for not using SPD's than anything.

    Free Member

    The bottom line is that nobody gets up in the morning and decides to have an accident. The fella in the incident above had been riding all his life and was a very accomplished rider on a relatively simple road ride.

    I'm sure someone will be along in a minute to tell me that there is no evidence to prove that a helmet would have saved his life, and the answer to that point is that you cannot prove a negative. One thing is absolutely certain though, there will be people left behind who will wish that he had put one on on that day.

    Everyone has the right to make their own decisions. Personally, I would hope that most of us take the path of least selfishness and take reasonable steps to protect our loved ones from unnecessary grief.

    No brainer in my opinion.

    Free Member

    Isn't a Tory MEP an oxymoron?

    Free Member

    As above chakaping

    Have to say I'mm 100% with TJ here. Shonky business model blamed on Ofsted.

    Free Member

    hora – Member
    Guys guys. Seriously – why is there so much bloody fighting on STW!!

    Aggresive postings to prove fairly nebulous points IMHO. Personally I can't really see the point of it but hey.

    What really beats me is why the above sort of crap can go on and very often be permeated with abuse and vitriole, and then when a Wee Welsh resident reacts in my view very amusingly

    Perhaps your set top box has detected that you are in fact a knob.

    to a fairly abusive post in respect of his country men it gets closed.

    Free Member

    I reckon the fact that the French are slating him is manna from heaven for him.

    Free Member

    find out which one works the way your brain does

    cheers, but could well be on a hiding to nothing on that unless theres one that does back of old envelopes and fag packets 😉

    Free Member

    Just back from Hong Kong Lighting show.

    Guess what the latest new product is now 100 watt carbon filament lamps are banned?

    Yep you guessed it 99 watt Carbon Filament lamps 😯

    Free Member

    In my experience, treating him like you would have done prior to his illness is favourite. If he is used to you joking around then continue to do so, on the other hand if he is used to you being a miserable sad fecker then do that.

    I reckon he knows the score, so the "can I have your bikes response may well" be the correct one, and no where near as bad as it came across above.

    Free Member

    soldiers are every bit as bad as that lad and generally worse

    Quite so, but we're at war at the moment so its fasionable to ignore that side of things.

    Free Member

    Interesting point regarding was he responsible for his actions…

    The law says that you must not drink and drive because it affects your decision making ability and reactions. I've always wondered by that token why if you are drunk you are then still deemed to be responsible for your actions.

    Free Member

    why, for instance, is a church door any different to a shop door?

    Its not, but a war memorial is in effect a grave. Regardless of relgious issues, its just not done to piss on one old boy.

    Personally, I've always thought a night in the cells followed by cleaning the town centre streets with your toothbrush whilst still hungover the next day is the way forward.

    Free Member

    Think the judge had it about right with his references to the organisers. That apart think about someone peeing on a loved ones grave. I would say this lad has to pay the ferryman fro the journey he chose to take, and I would hope that at some point someone in authority will get to grips with the crass stupidity that goes on at Universities everywhere.

    Free Member

    Worried? Whose worried? I never said I was worried?

    Free Member

    You checking up on me ? 😯

    Free Member

    I think its all a conspiracy…..

    Free Member


    I used the term dimmer than I thought in reference to BermBandit who posted that only the thought police objected to the term half -caste in that thread

    What I actually said

    Been reading through this thread, and a thought occured to me….. Now then, it was only the one, so leave it right there! …….. Being an old farty and all, I am prone to the odd moment of innocent-PC-lessness, in much the same way that I still think in terms of feet and inches. For that reason, I've had more than my fair share of the sound of sharp sucking in of air through teeth. However, and at long last this is my thought…… I can't ever remember any person to whom those non PC words apply challenging their use, its almost invariably a plain clothes member of the thought Police. Isn't that strange?

    My reading of that, is that its not so much the words that cause offence, more the meaning behind their use.

    To which you replied

    you are dimmer than I realised you really must try harder.
    Perhaps when no else challenges it they dont see the point as they realise everyone there is a bunch of ignorant f@ckwits, ever considered that as the reason? why not ask your wide array of diverse mates what they think of the terms 1:1 and report back.

    For my money a somewhat vitriolic rant from which the rest of the thread then developed. In short apparently I'm not allowed to have that thought, and you again apparently as a self appointed member of the "Thought Police," along with Ernie have immediately resorted to online bullying to overwhelm my absolute right to both have and to express my opinion regardless of whether it is right or wrong. Rather proving my use of the term.
    At no point have I said the term half-caste is either right or wrong, merely stating that words themselves are innocent, and that there are much more serious issues, which become overwhelmed by the nit picking about relatively insignificant issues. If I were trying to sideline you, I'd be very happy to push you off to that argument over semantics. Simple enough?

    Thats the last post I'm going to make on the subject as I am truly fed up with the ignorant repetition and recycling of a non argument.

    Free Member

    And yet you conveniently miss out that this was in response to me being called the "Thought Police".

    Brilliant : I think you've made a bit of an assumption there that that phrase was aimed at you ernie. If you check my orignal use of the term there is no reference to you, in fact by your own posting we were actually in agreement on the salient point. However, you then weighed in telling me what I may or may not think. . So I guess from then on its a case of if the cap fits you should probably wear it with good grace.

    Now about this stupid business…….. 😉

    Free Member

    Ignore all this techy rubbish. Its a rock solid case for a round of rear entry retribution! This my son is what is known as an opportunity!

    Take it!

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