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  • Hope Tech 4 V4 disc brake review
  • BermBandit
    Free Member

    I hope this is a poor taste one, but I fear that its not. Execute the twunt for being a con artist maybe, but not for being a sorcerer for **** sake!

    Free Member

    Come on; a 5 foot something, 8 stone woman, against a 6 foot plus, body armoured up bloke twice her weight?? And he felt 'threatened'? Do me a favour!

    I wonder how many people posting on here have had urine thrown at them, been spat at, had bleach squirted at them and so on and so on. Those things are fairly routine for officers on this kind of duty.

    The situation here is very simple. There is an absolute right to protest, no question about that. There is however no reason to riot nor to disobey a reasonable request or instruction from a Police officer in the course of his duty. This woman is clearly being extremely aggressive and provocative, and having been told to sling her hook several times persisted in having a go at the guy in a very volatile situation. The fact that a small female is having a go at a large tooled up bloke in body armour tends to indicate that she is either potty, or looking for a PR success. The reality here is that she clearly got the latter, and that is entirely regretable IMHO. As stated previously, I object very strongly to the fact that my civil rights are being eroded and my right to protest has been diminished, but not by the Police, its prats like her who are doing the damage.

    Watch the clip and look what the copper does afterwards. He totally ignores her, and immediately returns to scanning the crowd and to controlling the situation. i.e. he has neutralised the threat and is getting on with his job. If he is in fact being investigated for other issues, I can assure you he will have thought very hard about his actions, especially being fully aware that every second of it would be on camera. His career and potentially freedom would depend on it and he will be judged much more thoroughly than she ever will. Not only in court, but independantly of that by the force, and probably also involving the Police complaints authority.

    Free Member

    The point is, that although the whole World saw this thug hit this woman, he's escaped without punishment

    Watch the film clip and count the times he hit her, then look at the picture of her injuries. Shes got two injuries. which then leads on to several interesting questions IMHO

    He warned her off at least 3 times before he clumped her, and to be fair he is perfectly entitled to defend himself, especially in the circumstances as they were, I have to say leaving at the first or second time of asking would have sorted the incident out before it started.

    The real issue in all of this is how our civil liberties are being eroded, not so much by the Police, but by anarchists who show up at demonstrations set on violence and mayhem.

    Free Member

    Dickheads who trot out MTFU lines and “theres nothing wrong with you that a good <fill in your own stupid platitude> won’t sort out”, are the main reason why I made myself a promise to be open and upfront about my experiences because it just might stop someone else extending their problem for longer than absolutely necessary..

    Depression and anxiety are caused by chemical imbalances in your body which effect your brains activity. There is nothing you can do alone that will make that change, albeit there are things you can do that will mitigate the symptoms. I wasted a ridiculous amount of my life manning the **** up and having a good <insert own platitude> to sort myself out. Its called self medication and is widely seen to be yet another symptom nowadays.

    Frankly those kind of comments would at one time have boiled my piss, but now make me pause think about it and look for a different approach so that I can achieve a positive outcome……

    Free Member

    Plus 1 for go to GP
    Plus 1 for Depression
    Plus 1 for serotonin level needs sorting
    Plus 1 for CBT

    Whatever anyone says to yo, if the above is correct and it seems a lot like it may be, (incidentally eczma is another symptom), you cannot resolve it through MTFU or any of the other crap that people trot out. However, solutions are available, very effective and not especially difficult to obtain. If your GP is unhelpful demand (politely and non-violently of course), a second opinion. I didn't, and it took me a further 10 years of utter crap to get sorted.

    One of the good things about STW is that there are loads of fellow sufferers out there, and generally they are very supportive and honest about it. To be honest if everyone who was suffering had a green dot on the forehead as a symptom we would all be freaking out about the epidemic.

    Free Member

    Plus if they are not British they might easily not know WTF you are talking about.

    Surely this is an argument for the Police only asking questions if they can do so in the individuals mother tongue….. (oops sorry that may be offensive to the product of "light on their loafers" stylee parentage…)

    Free Member

    Incidentally, I would just add that we don't actually know who was driving the vehicle beyond the fact it might have been my son, daughter or their respective partners. All of whom have permission to do so. We found the ticket in the boot.

    Free Member

    My Mrs has got a ticket from Parkforce (or Wilsea Services) as they are known. I am contesting it on 2 basic points.

    1) Wifeys car but she genuinely wasn't driving it. (Its insured for 3 named drivers and a further 5 have access to it under cover of their own insurance
    2) The ticket is titled Penalty Charge Notice, which is in breach of their own trade associations rules.

    I would have paid the ticket grudgingly, however the fact that they are passing their bumpf off as a legally enforcable parking ticket, (which it isn't, it is an invoice) is quite simply wrong. The whole principle is based on contract law and basically works on the basis of the 3 main parts of a contract. Offer Acceptance and Consideration. By token of that fact their invoice is to the driver who is the person who has accepted their offer of parking at £XXXX. My wife who most definately wasn't driving isn't therefore liable to pay, but the driver is. I don't beleive there is any legal requirement for an owner to pass on details of who was driving their vehilce at nay given time. There is however a criminal law equivalent. These people use that to threaten and intimidate people into paying or "fessing up". In my book that is in itself illegal, and is I believe demanding money with menaces.

    Free Member

    If the thing is an espagnolette type, (ie. multiple bolts coming out when you turn the key more than once), it sounds like you've reassembled it wrong. Does one door work and the other not? If so take the one that works out open it up and take a digital photograph and then pop it back before you cack that one up too. Use the photo to dismantle and realign the one that doesn't work so that works too. From preference take a piccy every time you move or change something, so you can see how to put it back the way it was.

    Free Member

    & Pinko and commie no doubt 😉

    Free Member

    Re the building houses instead of "improving" the site thing.

    Is it becuase if they built them houses they would become permanent residents instead of transient?

    Free Member

    You've totally missed my point here one of the key words was "Western" which am I meant to be fixing first the horrors of colonialism ? The situation on the Middle East ? The problems with the catholic church ?

    I see what you did there… seeking some spurious connection between the entirely unrelated issues of governmental behaviours, and the voluntary membership of a morally bankrupt organisation. The flaw in that argument is that in fact large segments of the population have in fact protested vehmently and consistently against those actions, thus doing away with such ills as slavery, colonialism and the like. Unlike the Catholic Church where to the best of my knowledge few if any have stood up and done anything similar about the institutionalised corrupt behaviours that are so apparent. In fact far from protesting they have in fact made one of the worst and most morally bankrupt members into their leader.

    Free Member

    I think I'm going to become a Gary Glitterist….. its less distasteful!

    Free Member

    For being born into a Western Catholic Family I pretty much seem to be responsible for every evil in the world. Oh well Im not going to worry about it too much.

    Is this a new form of the Nuremburg Defence….. I was only follwing Gods order as given on Earth by his appointed representative Der Pope?

    Get real man, the simple fact is that the CC is a morally bankrupt organsiation, and to choose to continue to passively support its unbelievable evils is to actively engage in the commission of those self same evils. Or do you think millions of Catholics turning their back on the religion publically stating their reasons would have no impact on the way the franchise is run?

    Free Member

    Given that every sperm is sacred, surely that outlaws bonking as well as <ahem> self fulfillment. I mean at the absolute best every bonk represents untold millions of the little fellas being wiped out (sorry poor turn of phrase). At the very best only a handful will survive the journey.

    So the message to all religious wallers must surely be the "Lord says that shalt not bonk its mass murder"………that should sort the whole issue out fairly quickly!

    Free Member

    Free Member

    There you go, an incisive insight into the deeper issues draws yet another argumentative thread to a peaceful conclusion… 😉

    Free Member

    Looks like its still as per my in depth analysis on Page 1? 😉

    So its basically because they are a bunch of knobbers then?

    Free Member

    EDIT: And this is coming from an American whose belief in the market is unshakeable. I believe that a health market, like in the States is right. To allow you to pay the price on your wife's last 9 months, without being surprised about it.

    You see the difference is that here its a debate about how best to share the available funds, in the states the health debate seems to be much more about how to take the patients available funds. Less of a market more of a bankruptcy sale from what I can see.

    Free Member

    I'm forking out for private insurance just like in the States, thank you very much

    You sure you can find a policy which you can afford, AND will cover you for that drug?

    Free Member

    So its basically because they are a bunch of knobbers then?

    Free Member

    I'm a bit perplexed why everyone is so bothered about the American health care system

    What apart from the fact that it emphasises the idealogical differences between us and our so called special relationship partner?

    Seems to me that it is also an interesting comment on their perception of democracy and how that gets applied fairly frequently to logic behind their foreign policy, which I think gives us a straight line relationship between their health care attitude and its impact upon us.

    Free Member

    I'm just not sure I could cope with the lifestyle and the heat in Beverley Hills tbh

    Soz…. forget the obvious pallid paddy pallor problem 🙄

    Free Member

    Straight forward cost:benefit analysis IMHO TS.

    Weigh up the cost of getting out there plus divorce against the potential benefits arising from the situation.

    No Brainer frankly

    Free Member

    mt – Member
    Wonder what he did with all the KGB money? Supose that went to continually support Tribune.

    Clearly there is no evidence or even a suggestion that he took anything from anyone. However, had he had a relationship with the Communist block it would have been born of the same idealism that saw many young men of his generation sign up with the communists as the only people standing up against facism prior to WW2. Like most of them it would have been idealsim not money that attracted them to do it.

    In my book its a great shame there weren't more like him.

    Free Member

    I think we should all back the Argentinian claim to the Falklands because by the same token all of Northern Europe and Ireland and now going to be known as Great Britain and do clearly in fact belong to us (Geographical proximity and previous historical occupancy)

    Free Member

    …….. that went down like a 40 year old battleship with a tigerfish up its arris! 😯

    Free Member

    Bluff Cove Rarebit ?

    I know, I know, I've put it on and I'm going now

    Free Member

    Worked for me too…. even though we stayed in the worst hotel in the universe and got ripped off by a taxi driver goign there.

    Free Member

    I believe they already do even though he is!

    Free Member

    I've got a strong feeling in my water that I don't want to know the answer to this, and I won't give a **** when I do, but I'm strangely compelled to keep watching on case something interesting is going to happen…

    Slaps you anything to do with Big Brother?

    Free Member

    Apparently whale trainers don't taste great, as they keep spitting them out

    Free Member

    Do Al Qaeda get down as far as Argentina? Could be a cunning stunt to undermine activity in the "Stan"

    Free Member

    Isn't that the exact type of thinking that led to what happened in '82?

    I think it was how do we go from being the least popular mid term government in history to getting re-elected………….Oh bollocks…thats the same too isn't it ??? 😯

    Free Member

    In service where? In the USA or UK? We didn't even ask the USA for Trident until '82…

    I think you may be confusing the c64 variant of polaris with the C4 Trident. The C64 was certainly the final version of its type, but I'm pretty sure you'll find it was out of service and replaced by C4 Trident by 1981 ,which was almost immediately upgraded to C5 which was what was being deployed in 82

    Free Member

    If my recall is correct our bomber subs would have been carrying Polaris at the time, not Trident.

    Nope Trident C4 definately came into service in 1979, no question on that one. However, by 1982 they had upgraded it to the C5 variant with multiple tactical and logistical dial up variants possible. Accordingly the concept of an airborne attack by a

    1.1megaton blue steel rocket propelled device

    was never a practical or realisitc option, so to that extent I'm agreeing with you Steve.

    Free Member

    I know my memory is a bit dodgy, being an old farty an all but isn't the historical accuracy suffering a tad here? The first raid was before the task force were actually on station, and the point of nailing the runway was so that they couldn't fly fast jets off the island thus denying the A's air force time over target, and the opportunity to attack the task force. Interestingly, the day of that attack is also the day that SAS and SBS were inserted onto the main island… a matter of record.

    Again as I recall the task force stood off to the offside until this had been accomplished thus out of range.

    More significantly the Trident missile deployed at that time and also designated the C4 was not deployed at the time, as it had been superceded by the vastly superior C5. Awesome piece of kit with multiple military applications, so clearly all of this about what the RAF could and couldn't do is basically irrelevant

    Free Member

    Capn F that is your best post ever !!!

    Free Member

    1.1megaton blue steel rocket propelled device right down their throats

    Trident not all it was cracked up to be then?

    Free Member

    Now there was a hard man… no helmet

    Hah !! I spit in the face of you Johnny Foreigner and your Frenchy cheese eating surrender monkey weapons!

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