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  • New SRAM X0 Eagle AXS: First Ride Thoughts
  • BermBandit
    Free Member

    +1 for Darcy

    Free Member

    Ah I see.

    OK well there you are, the whole problem with democracy is that you have to get elected. A large proportion of the electorate are shall we say, of the challenged of the attention span type and thus politicions of all hues have to get these to both like them and vote for them. Thus you end up with some very strange things going on pre election, such as NuLabour and the Big Society.

    Hopefully those amongst us who can out concentrate a fruit fly can see through that though. Personally, I really did hope (but not expect) that this election would, given all of the opportunites presented to it, rise above the banality of party politics and award the long suffering public with a cosmic leap forward in the political culture of this nation. Regrettably thats not the case and the same old dogma is once more **** up the lives of those the politicos are supposed to be improving and defending.

    Better for you?

    Free Member

    trailmonkey – Member

    It's a triumph of disappointment over anticipation

    Bit like NuLabour then

    Didn't spot the bit where NuLabour were deliberately pursuing policies that attacked those least able to cope to fund a crisis created by those most able to pay for their misdemeanours. Did I miss that bit?

    Free Member

    Anyone come across the case of the Flying Spaghetti Monster? Google it. Demonstrates very clearly the validity of teaching religion as fact…i.e none at all.

    Personally, I feel very strongly that the world in general is in need of a moral compass by which to live. Far too many people have no moral grounding in their life at all nowadays.

    I think many of the ills of society can be traced right back to that fact. The caving in to sexual desires, licencious behaviour, grasping after wealth, power and status at the exclusion of all morale teaching. The ungodly and vicious attacks on their neighbours. The pursuit of worldly pleasures to the exclusion of the development of the soul, disrespect for others, especially with regard to race, creed, religion, and sexuality all these things are directly attributable to that shortfall.

    So remind me again why are people sending their kids to these faith schools which represent all of the above and definately do not represent any form of right thinking moral example for anyone??

    Free Member

    It's a triumph of disappointment over anticipation…..
    …..which is going some to be fair, as I anticipated a complete cluster **** and expected an assault on the lower middle, working and underclasses, yet I'm still disappointed by what a bunch of self serving and evil bastards they've all turned out to be

    Free Member

    The big deterrent is actually the liklihood of getting caught. You can wave all the fines you like about, but if there is little or no chance of being caught people will not modify their behaviour.

    Has to be said though, a fine being calculated according to ability to pay and the severity of the offence is I feel very sensible. Mind you you can smell the boiling wee all the way over here from Daily Mail towers at the very thought

    Free Member

    Had one of these last Xmas. I replied as per money saving experts advice and the thing just kept going on and on. Eventually I wrote back pointing out that the vehicle was insured for multiple drivers and I had no idea who had been driving at the time, however if they could give me a description I would be happy to pass the ticket on to the driver.

    The ticket I had clearly breached the BPA rules as it had Penalty Charge all of it in big bold letters… it isn't, its an invoice and they shouldn't pass it off as an offical parking ticket coz it ain't.

    If necessary try what I did it stopped dead after that, having gone on for months and months, but best bet I reckon is to ignore it completely.

    Free Member

    I've just spent the day coaching a bunch of "delinquent" kids thorugh a charitable trust to whom they have been refered. Ages 8 – 13.

    An observation:-

    Most of them are screwed up due to their home lives. Many of the issues their relate to parents who were screwed up, no doubt by their screwed up parents too. These kids will most likely be the druggies/chavs/petty criminals of our future. There was not one of them that was not redeemamble or who was an inherantly evil indidivdual, quite the reverse. Guess what? Yep thats right fundings been cut not just for this lot, but also for the local sustrans organiser who organsied today for them. Result? Pretty much guarantee that these kids have just had their life chances severely cut too. Will it save money either in the long or short term? doubt it, but it will defiantely fast track them down a road of pretty much no hope.

    There are plenty of far more fruitful places to look for cuts, Trident, The Royal Family, Westminster, to name a few. So why pick on these people? Is it becuase they are never likely to vote, let alone vote TOry.

    In answer to the OP's original statement. Yep mans a twunt, and we are screwed already. I didn't actually believe it was possible to **** things up this quick, but you've got to give it to em. It has to be some sort of record.

    Free Member

    Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
    Albert Einstein

    Quite right, so why is the chinless **** repeating what hasn't worked before and isn't going to work now pray tell?

    Free Member

    My Mrs has been having some of this at work. She supervises a team of mainly female staff.

    The first problem was with lady who apparently bats for the other side. She had an issue with my Mrs, (it has transpired that the same has happened previously where she has had female supervision, and she has been moved around as a result. When she left she gave my Mrs both barrels at the exit interview. Questions were asked from above, but nothing was found to be out of order. It now transpires the the woman has taken her next employer (female) to a tribunal on the grounds of sexual discrimination.

    Currently she is going through a similar experience with another one of her team. This one has also been "recommended for internal transfers" several times also, (for internal transfer read being moved on due to being a pain in the arse). Similar accusations are being made with a similar lack of substance. However, it does not take a genius to work out that "the no smoke without fire" argument will at some poiint get deployed, and that there will eventually be some impact on the old girls career.

    Seems to me to be a practice with good intentions but a potentially suspect outcome, which in my Mrs employers case leads to poor staff being shuffled rather than dealt with properly, and to that extent is counter productive. Wifey is now contemplating shuffling as opposed to doing her job properly and standing her ground.

    The company is a large multinational with high professional standards and a permanent HR presence on site, and these incidentas have occured some time apart.

    Free Member

    Amen to that

    Free Member

    I reckon a quick scan through the cabinet's little nest eggs would net a good few bob…

    Free Member

    3 mil incapacity claimers, this year there are 11mil,

    Soz people, but this quote just turned my piss straight to steam !!

    Its utter bollocks and typical of the Daily Mail/Tory Boy Convince yourself with statistical made up crap for Dummies style of politics Latest DWP Stats are here: If you look hard you will find Nov 2009 at 2.6 million

    Todays assault on the least able is actually about launching an assault on 2/3rds of 1% of the total bill, which in essence is very small beer in the greater scheme of things. Weigh that up against an admitted level of cock up caused generally by the complexity of the system that represents 2.16% of the bill. And how are we going to do it? ????? …. By reducing the number of people administering it at a time when claimant volumes are pretty much guaranteed to rise to new highs!!

    **** twunt is putting it mildly. Pretty sure that the same level of diligence was to be employed in pursuing tax avoidance/evasion
    could net more than that from just one corporate source.

    This is simply wrong ….. the reality from the governments own stats is that there are no more than 6.7 people per thousand claiming that are defrauding the system. Not the huge and out of control problem that they are painting it to be.

    Free Member

    I'm not convinced she's being truthful!

    Well NC certainly wasn't !

    Free Member

    Berm Bandit, would that be TIMBER then?

    Yep and TROG at Tunstall.

    We are just about at the end of the "Red Route" at Thetford armouring and rebuilding pretty much the whole thing. About to start on the "Black", which currently remains a mud/dust/rut motorway through the forest. We have had plenty of ups and downs along the way, we've lost good people, gained others, but currently are on a pretty even keel with the FC and its going well.

    Happy to help, offer advice, documents or anything else that we have to hand that might be useful.

    Free Member

    I think he might be referring to the "cuts that we all need to make" being principally at the expense of those least culpable in creating the mess and least able to bear the brunt of the axe, whilst those what done it are getting away pretty much scot free.

    Just going off at a slight tangent, given the RBS and Lloyds results starting to show us as shareholders a return on our investment, the fact that even Tory broad sheets starting to mutter about a double dip recession being likely, the level of stupidity being displayed in respect of foreign affairs, and the appalling and blatantly dogmatic Tory approach to government, (i.e. cut and slash everything and then give tax benefits to yer mates), is there anyone who voted for this lot starting to regret it yet?

    Free Member

    Fixed that for you…

    Ta 😯

    Free Member

    and it isn't that strange that one president would invite another to dinner…

    Pretty strange that one of em would give uncut diamonds to a model for no apparent reason though, espcially in the middle of the night!

    Free Member

    Personal Favourite: Ride up next to her on a steep climb, glance down and deliver that immortal line…… "So I'm not the only one who likes to get it into Granny then?"

    No need to thank me just get in there and go for it 🙂

    Free Member

    what the hell is NC meant to add to the investigation

    A link between Charles Taylor and illegally mined gemstones that have been used to fund genocide.

    Personally, sounds a lot like to me that anything other than the denial she gave would a) have nailed Taylor, and b) branded her as someone who prostitutes herself.

    Appalling cow IMHO….check the bit about giving the diamonds to a childrens charity. So we know she did indeed receive "stones" from someone she has admitted as much. Obviously CT just gave them to her for no good reason, and apparently the Childrens Charity are liars.


    Free Member

    Hi defaultslipper,

    I've been involved with two such groups, one at Tunstall and one at Thetford and have "enjoyed the full gambit of angst, frustration and upset at dealing with the FC. If you want to touch base to discuss, rant or simply marvel at the lunacy of it all please feel free to ocntact me here … via the forum or email to berm_banditATtimbermtbDOTorg

    Free Member

    +1 what theotherjonv said

    (From previous and very bitter exeprience)

    Free Member

    60 hours per week x 52 weeks = 3120 hours for £20,000 = £6.41 an hour.

    Go and get yourself a no win no fee lawyer. Keep a diary of events, worst case line up a burger flippers job at McDonalds.

    You stand to make loads from the company via a tribunal. You would easily compensate for the salary by working in Maccy Dees. All of that with no stress.

    Difficult when you are at the coal face, but the reality is that you will do yourself significant harm if you don't do something about this. No CV is worth that. Besides if the company are as you say that will be known in the industry. It will not effect you negatively.

    NB: Regardless of what you think shareholders don't like to see their investment paying out large sums of money unecessarily and featuring in negative press coverage. This is internal management, and you cannot deliver sustained profitability like that. They will change at some point, don't hang about till they do though.

    Free Member

    The Godfather thing is actually you promising to bring the child up in the ways of the faith into which the child is baptised. If you are not of that faith then really you are basically lying to your sister, the kids and to the Church in question.

    However, I was asked to do it for my Best mans kids. The local vicar rejected me without even meeting me on the basis that I'd not been baptised or christened. (No actual specific requirement that I should be incidentally). Strangely, I am one of the few people who would have beecome God parents in his church who actually would have been aware of the role and the requirements prior to the service.

    In essence its a load of old guff, brought about by the fact that the christening service requires some people in those roles. Generally, the individual asking is confering a great deal by asking, so frankly I'd just go along with it, and smile nicely if I were you.

    Free Member

    Ta I will then….. and can I just say its jolly decent of you to accept that with such good grace. A man of exceptional humility of you don't mind me saying so 😉

    Free Member

    Crabbies all the way – Franks is way too chemically for me.

    I'm not 100% certain here, but I was under the impression that Sweden has similar laws in this respect to Germany whereby you are not allowed to put additives into beer.

    Whatever, I'll stand by my analysis. Crabbies sweet and sickly, Franks has more grunt to it but a bit weak alcohol wise.

    Free Member

    No doubt BD, but that wasn't the point that nickc was making, nor the one I was disputing. He was making a statement regarding what went on in the inner circle of Government including discussions regarding trading Megrahi for oil concessions as a matter of fact. All I'm saying is that that is at best speculation on a grand scale and totally unsupportable as anything else at this time.

    Free Member

    So I'll take that as point conceded then shall I?

    Free Member

    Berm, all this is pretty universally available news

    Where?? I can't find anything about the UFO's thats has any weight at all.

    Regarding the Lockerbie thing….. where?? are you confusing facts with opinions expressed in newspapers or did Jack Straw announce this underhand deal or wander into No 10 with documents under his arm with

    It Was Some Big Boys What Done It and run away shocker
    (Better let the Arab go – See what sort of deal you can get)


    Your one eyed Love puppet


    …written on the front ???

    Free Member

    So nickc where do you get all your info from? I'd love to have that sort of detailed insight into the inner machinations of government. Any chance you can clear up the UFO sightings at Rendlesham while you are at it? Personally I've always thought it was mountain bikers night riding.

    Free Member

    The words I use generally mean what I intend them to mean, if they don't mean that to you then you've misunderstood my meaning.

    Yanks has been a generic term for Americans in this country all of my life. Still is.

    Free Member

    Quite right on all counts TJ, my view is that it is a bit of a bleeding liberty to be summonsing members of another countries government to be grilled over something like this which frankly doesn't seem to have the slightest grounding in fact. Especially when that country is the one that provides the collateral for yours to damage!!

    Free Member

    Persoanlly I'd be inclined to be inviting Bush,Chaney ect to the Iraq War enquiry. Reckon we'e got at least as strong if not stronger case for doing that!!

    Free Member

    Steve Wright? Think he got locked up for murdering prostitutes in Ipswich 😯

    Free Member

    Gave us wet rot….

    Free Member

    Right, thanks everyone, the company policy is now this,

    The correspondence is filed along with a downloaded copy of the Act. We have highlighted the sections which we believe indicate that we do not need to buy a licence.

    We will not reply to the circular letters, as we do not believe that they apply to us.

    In the unlikely event that a PRS representative lands on our doorstep we will ask them to indicate which part of the Act defines our premises as a public place, or a place of public entertainment. If they can do so we will happily stump up, if they can’t we will then notify trading standards of what we believe to be at best a misleading, and at worst a fraudulent approach to this matter by the PRS.

    I will also make a complaint to Trading Standards as a private individual to test our understanding of the matter.

    In all cases if we are wrong we will hold our hands up and stump up, whatever it is that we owe.

    (My business partner and I have a side bet on that they have employed someone that used to work for a private parking company or similar, due the simialrity in the approach used.)

    Free Member

    john_drummer – Member
    This system is hardly new – it's been developing since we first started recording and broadcasting music, and while it's not exactly ideal, it's the best they've managed to come up with so far.

    You're not wrong John, but I think what is new is the aggressive and dare I say slightly unsavoury way in which they are trying to convince everyone that its illegal to listen to a radio anywhere away from your home without a PRS licence. From what I can see that is a very broad and blatantly incorrect interpretation of the act.

    Free Member

    The organisation (that I can find on google, dunno about t'other) appears to be a registered charity.

    Type in C-A-T-H-O-L-I-C{space}C-H-U-R-C-H

    Free Member

    **** me it's a miracle SFB's back from the dead!

    Free Member

    Nothing wrong with that, and if it gave her comfort, then that's a good thing surely?

    What a sinister and rather nasty organisation making a handsome living out of conning gullible and desperate people?? I would say thats appalling frankly, and in any right minded society it would clearly be illegal and high on the hangmans to do list!

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