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  • I ❤️ Love My… Bike Reviewing Kit
  • BermBandit
    Free Member

    You need to put this on hold till tomorrow Zokes ia abed with his cocoa now.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    The inquests and the IPCC report are badly flawed as alluded to in the IPCC report

    They wrote a report saying “this report is badly flawed?”

    Out of interest TJ, my older brother served a term on the IPCC. He would be the first to say that there are plenty of incidents in the Police where things are not done correctly. However, he would also tell you that the vast majority are. Pretty much the Police force is refelctive of the society it serves, thats flawed and imperfect. What else would you suggest instead?

    Free Member

    Bring on the sale, I’m more for it every minuet.

    Do you actually have any logical reasoned basis for that Kieran or are you merely trolling?

    Free Member

    Just a very brief glace at that independabt article leaves me with the overiding thought…… “and your point is TJ??”


    Publican in Hertfordshire shot in 1993 after he fired rifle at officers in siege at home.


    Killed in 1993, carrying pistol in north London.



    Wild West fan fired at police, but gun may have been replica.



    Shot in Bedford in 1998 aiming a replica Colt 45 at police.



    Shot in Falmouth in 1999, threatening police with an air rifle thought to be a shotgun.



    Former soldier was shot in West Yorkshire in September 2000 after he threatened an officer with an air rifle.



    Shot in 2001 waving a home-made shotgun in Derbyshire.



    shot in 2001 running out of his house in Harrow firing at police.


    Personally, if you point a gun or a replica at an armed officer who will be shouting “Armed Police ETC ETC” you can’t really expect anything else. sorry but the there it is. Regarding the guy with the Table Leg he had been pretending it was a gun thats hwy the bill had been called. Play with fire and you get burnt.

    Free Member

    Nope, but I firmly beleive it’ll end up better off.

    Like I said I want some of what hes smoking 😯

    Free Member

    Try writing to your MP about it. You will get a standard reply refering to the CROW act. As above that only gives right of way to someone on foot. If you challnege them further on that point the fobbing off rapidly reaches a crescendo.

    It is reasonably clear that the uni fees were used to test the water of public opinion. The violence has played directly into the governments hands on that one and the backlash has been deemed acceptable. They are now moving onto the NHS, you know the one with “ring fenced” funding.. If you honestly think the cosy world of MTB on FC estate is going to be an exception, well fair play to you. Can you tell me who your dealer is, becuase I could do with some of that stuff.

    Free Member

    Zokes, I see being upside down hasn’t changed you one bit. Would join in, but its a bit like shooting fish in a barrel isn’t it? Wheres shane when you need him eh??

    Free Member

    Depends what yer pal wants really.

    Elmys are good for Road and CX. Sponsor to Ipswich Bike club
    Cycle Revolution: Dealer for many of the big brands. Possibly might explain responses above.
    Phils: Smaller shop, Kona and Scott dealer. Has willingly helped me many times with difficult but not very profitable problems so respect for that.
    Life Cycles: Not used it but never heard anything bad about them
    54:12 in Colchester are good for Tri gear

    Free Member

    Solo night ride a few years back, lights browned out towards the end, so rode into car park sans illumination, flicked lights back on so I could find my car only to spotlight a couple of the light on their loafers persuasion….(how to put this delicately?) …… doing an impromptu and alfresco prostate inspection.

    Also as OP Adult Stag in the mist early doors…. Absolutely awesome!

    Oh yeah, nearly forgot, night ride in Rendlesham Forest on the anniversary of the UFO incident…. nearly got abducted by weirdos wanting me to take them to my leader.

    Free Member

    watch the clips and read their lips….

    Camilla: The peasants are revolting….

    Charles: Obviously………

    Free Member

    Talking of help….. can I have some too?

    Having taken a look at the offending thread I can’t stop bursting out in fits of giggles at inopportune moments……..

    I mean

    Either that or you must just have a really baggy arsehole.

    …… you couldn’t make it up could you ??? 😆

    Free Member

    Justice should be impartial and cold in its reasoning.

    A complete aside to the main point. However, whenever did I suggest anything else? All I was suggesting was that the emotional pleas of the defendant would be best counterbalanced by an impact statement, otherwise the process is self evidently unbalanced. I’m definately not suggestign that the victim judge the case or decide the penalty. However, how can it be justice if the victim has no opportunity to have any input at all? Rather like your initial post which is givng a great deal of emotional weight to the killers position but is light on facts and is unbalanced in respect of the impact on the victim and their family.

    Free Member

    druidh – Member

    G – Member

    I think you will find that running at a loss has the same ultimate outcome whereever it happens, especially when Sugar Daddy is out of candy.

    In English for the hard of thinking?

    Sorry Druid, I missed it…you must have been at your wits end wondering what I meant. 😉

    The forests in the UK have been subsidised by the state either in the shape of the FC or the EU for a long time: Sugar Daddy
    Public money : Candy

    i.e. the money has run out, so unless they now run at break even or better they will be in schtum and for that reason regardless of who runs them they will be looking to maximise revenues and minimise costs. In short take you and me for as much as they can whilst providing as little as they can get away with.

    Free Member

    Today : MRI scan

    Free Member

    I’m all for restorative justice but I don’t see what point victim impact statements achieve bar letting those close to victims have their day in court.

    Well its a bit like this thread with TJ’s initial post, i.e. you are only hearing one side of the story, and by its very nature that is always going to be looking to mitigate the outcome for the defendant. So hearing an impact statement from the victim just evens the balance up a bit, by pointing out that there are two sides to every story.

    Besides that surely the notion of justice requires the vicitim to have some part in the process however small otherwise how is it justice? I know how I felt when a guy who assaulted me decided to plead guilty. As I wasn’t required as a witness, I was effectively excluded from the case totally, in fact the first I knew about it was when the outcome was reported in the local paper. All I wanted from the process was some sort of closure, what I actually got was an overwhelming feeling that I’d been mugged a second time.

    Free Member

    Driver is traumatised. Unable to return to work, loses job. Unable to pay for house, loses house. Is treated for PTSD from a consultant psychiatrist, on the verge of being sectioned. For two years has the risk of going to jail hanging over her. This is a middle-aged woman with no previous record.

    What is the fair punishment / sentence for her?

    She made a mistake that cost a cyclist a life. She was not drunk or speeding or anything else against the law

    It has had serious effects on her as well that will last the rest of her life

    Usually when these sorts of case are discussed on there there is a lot of kneejerk ” hangings too good for them” ” how to get away with murder – use a car to kill a cyclist”

    I thought this example was a useful way of illustrating that its not always so clear cut what justice is.

    This woman made a mistake and killed a cyclist. what is the appropriate sentence?

    Sorry TJ obviously I misinterpreted the above to mean that this situation was felt to be harsh. By contrast my point is that in a high proportion of cases this is not the case, and in fact court at th is level is a rare outcome of a death crash with a cyclist, unless it is so glaringly obvious that there was negligence on the part of the driver that it is impossible to ignore. In the case you cite it is obviously difficult to comment as there are no facts to hand other than those you choose to share with us, but I would venture to say that I doubt very much that she is either sufficiently well represented or more likely that there are in fact as many straightforward extentuating circumstances as you say. Also in considering the situation it might be a tad more balanced to have a similar impact statement from the family and friends of the dead cyclist just to even up the emotional swingometer.

    Free Member

    Bermbandit – death by careless / dangerous driving is used a fair bit.

    I think you are missing my point TJ. You are saying hat this woman has been at best treated harshly. What I am saying is that its extremely unlikely in fact the liklihood is that you wouldn’t get charged at all, let alone treated harshly or unfairly if you kill a cyclist with a motor vehicle. There is no point whatsoever you trotting out examples of people getting charged anymore than there is of me trotting out those who don’t, we all know that as a cyclist the liklihood is you will get precious little protection in law if you are assualted with a motor vehicle.

    Free Member

    The OP totally misses the point in respect of the legalised murder of cyclists on the roads. In the vast majority of cases the driver who has killed is not charged with any crime at all much less causing death by dangerous driving. If what has happened in this case to the proverbial “friend of a friend” is in fact true and accurately reported, it would represent a major exception to that rule….. In fact I’d go as far as to say that if the reality is precisely as described I’d be completely amazed, and it would certainly be a first in my experience.

    Free Member

    Do you reckon? Maybe they’ve seen it on the cool wall om Top Gear then? 😉

    Free Member

    Honkity Honk Horn

    Totally the way forward, had one on all my bikes for 4 years now, and not had walker related negativity since.

    Free Member

    Oh how I long for the day when you didn’t tell your parents when you’d had a bollocking at school for fear of what the old fella would do when he found out…

    So OP how about just trusting the teachers judgement rather than assuming that he/she is some politcally correct paedophile predating on the innocents? Or is it too much to presume that anything born of your seed may indeed have done something warranting a minor disciplinary?

    Free Member

    The Way of the Truth[/url]

    Mr Nutt: Do it! You know it makes sauce sense

    Free Member

    However, as soon as anyone on here starts to talk about ‘faith’, it becomes a free for all and an excuse to belittle and insult people

    As before caller, who is belittling or insulting people? As far as I can see you are having a good go at doing so to surfer and me, I don’t think either he nor I are doing so to the OP. simply pointing out the obvious flaws in his argument.

    Actually I’ve just read this tosh

    these acts were never committed in the name of religion

    and now I am going to do some belittling. It would impress me slightly more if the religion actually took responsibility for itself. As the saying goes there are no bad crews, just bad captains. So who recruited these people? Who put them in a psoition of authority? Who failed in their duty of care to both the clergy and to the congregation? Who failed to take any action to stop them when their crimes were known? Who now seeks to hide behind the falability of individuals rather than accept collective responsibility ??

    Free Member

    Read the post Mitch

    The Op said:-

    maybe, but if what gives me strength to make the right choices turns out to have been but an imaginary friend then I’ve not lost anything, wouldn’t you agree?

    To which I pointed out:-

    You have to admit that its a bit of a worry if yer imaginary friend tells you to start buggering choirboys though?

    Which in case you missed it is a real and current concern directly involving one of the largest organised religions in the world. i.e. yes harm bloody well can be harm done! Seems to me poignant and appropriate in the circumstances of the debate. More so in that the OP is obviously seeking some form of direction in his life. I think it would be more than slightly unhelpful to avoid mentioning some of the obvious pitfalls and precipices that he would appear to be heading for.

    So whats your point?

    Free Member

    If someone expresses faith or a belief in something that you dont share, why does it make them intellectually inferior to you? Live and let live FFS.

    When did anyone suggest that the OP was intellectually inferior to anyone? I think suggesting that the discovery that ones belief system is constructed round an imaginary friend as being inconsequential by the OP is quite reasonably picked up by myself with real life pitfalls, and by surfer with slightly more nebulous potential problems. That is not the same as calling Mr Nutt intellectualy stunted or a philiosophical pygmy…… personally I find it difficult to understand why the sole argument propogated when the lack of logic or reason behind religious belief is challenged is that somehow by disagreeing with that belief in fairy tales one is lacking in objectivity or wit.

    Free Member

    what gives me strength to make the right choices

    You have to admit that its a bit of a worry if yer imaginary friend tells you to start buggering choirboys though?

    Free Member

    Meaning of Life?

    We are engaged in an endless Darwinian relay race with the object of handing the baton on to our offspring with the biggest advantage we can give them. No more no less.

    Of course advantage is a word that open to all sorts of interpretation 😉

    Free Member

    In my experience, the LBS phenomenon is a bit of a weird one. I’m matey with a coupler of LBS owners, and I have to say it rates alongside jobs such as sewer worker, traffic cop and ambulance driver as things I personally wouldn’t want to deal with.

    The number of times I’ve heard punters telling the LBS guy how little he knows and how much they know is unbelievable that alongside favourites like:-

    Punter: “How much would it cost me for you to check over this bike I bought from Halfords/Online/Tescos??”
    LBS: £30” ….
    Punter: ”**** me it only cost me £60 for the whole bike!”

    Another classic at a recent 12hour event was
    Punter: “Have you got any pads for an XXXX,
    LBS: yes certainly they’re £14 a pair”…..
    Punter: ”**** hell I get them for £11 on-line”…..
    LBS: ”I think you’ll find that Wiggle don’t deliver to the forest in the middle of the night sir!”


    Punter: “Can you just slip in these pads that I bought online”… in a voice clearly indicating that they expect it to be done immediately and don’t expect to pay for that work.

    Ultimately the LBS is going the same way as every other small business in that it is being undercut by large corporates and the online retailers. It’s a shame, but there will be a day when its beyond difficult to get the simplest thing done if you don’t have the tools or skills yourself.

    In the meantime I shall continue to content myself with smiling politely at the folks waltzing about on bikes built and checked by a certain famous retailer as they sail past with the forks on back to front…… 🙂

    Free Member

    The only person who can truly help your SO is herself, and she can only do that when she is ready to do so. Personally I found that being told by my significant other firmly but fairly that I was drinking at the last chance saloon was what motivated me to take real steps to deal with my issues. That was a life changing bollocking and one I’m eternally grateful for, so don’t think that being direct or blunt is automatically a bad thing.

    I am not of the MTFU persuasion when it comes to mental health issues, but one last thought for you is that you can’t be of any use to her if you also end up being fecked up by what is going on. Only you can gauge how you feel, how much commitment you are prepared to make and what the toll of that will be on you. So follow your instincts and do what you think is right for all concerned, and ultimately if you have to bail you have to bail. But and it’s a big but, all credit to you for thinking it through and being prepared to do something other than simply quit.

    Good luck whatever you do.

    Free Member

    Yep thought so.

    Just added a few words to it that make it more accurate.

    a sell-off of Forestry Commission woodland, which could or could not include areas popular with mountain bikers such as Cannock Chase, the Forest of Dean and Grizedale Forest. The government could or could not sell up to half of the 1.85 million acres of woodland currently managed by the Forestry Commission. This managed land includes mountain biking hubs like Hamsterley, Whinlatter, Delamere, Dalby, Cannock Chase, Sherwood Pines, Wyre forest and Haldon Forest Park. According to the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs: “All of the Forestry Commission’s sites are included in the proposals

    This is a part of the spending reveiw proposals, where a realisation of assets is one facet of the scheme. Any such realisation would go to public consultation and that is unlikely to be completed in less that 4 – 5 years. The expectation is that it is likely to represent 15 – 20% of the forest estate which is expected to be the least profitable and most difficult to manage. i.e. smaller isolated units with nothing other than forestry to sustain them. ie very unlikely to be the larger sites with multiple revenue streams, either way the process has barely started and no one currently knows any detail other than simply guessing.

    The best way forward is to get yourself into a position where your voice has as much clout as possible. So join your local trail group as they will be the sort of people who get consulted. A group representing 20 members will not get as much say as one representing 2000 its that simple!!

    Free Member

    I’d be interested to know where that apparent quote came from dan. Its not quite the same as the picture we are getting directly from the FC. There are however, no end of journos running around trying to whip up a story out of nothing.

    Free Member

    More of a Saturdays man myself …… but then I’ve always been into aesthetics rather than content

    Free Member

    Much like the invention of VTOL and Supersonic passenger travel, its not the invention that really matters it is the commercialisation. the yanks are better at that than we are. The end…….

    We have better ideas though… 😉

    Free Member

    What nick jb said. I’m 5′ 10″ and 31″ and it feels on the small side to me. Given time again I’d a) go for a large b) waste my money elsewhere.

    Free Member

    If you listen to what Boris said he was indeed then quoted out of context. It was a political gaff on his aprt to allow that to happen. He no more gives a **** about poor people than Dave or George.

    Brakes you should not have to put up with crepe from anyone, however neither should the majority of well behaved and law abiding benefit calimants have to put up with being portrayed as scum etc. Regrettably the current economic situation makes it less likely that you will have any recourse rather than your situation being improved.

    Free Member

    Just done the same thing myself at Coedy this weekend just gone. It doesn’t matter which of bruising / costal cartilage / intercostal muscle damage hes done TJ, it still **** hurts the same. However, on a point of order and returning to the point of the OP, can I jsut point out that bruising does not attract the same level of admonition that broken ribs does…… so mine are merely bruised… fair enough?? 😉

    Free Member

    triple is a triple ring –

    Fair enough, just couldn’t believe anyone would be wally enough to have that as a qualifying criteria for a bike to be preceded by the word mountain. Thought I must be the one that was losing the plot, but apparently not then.

    Free Member

    Delhi is the Birmingham of India. Personally you couldn’t get me to go anywhere near the place. Even without the offer of 72 virgins and a guaranteed place at the right hand of God, self immolation would be a better prospect. Not that I want to put you off at all……

    Free Member

    they are still mountainbikes.

    apparently not, they have to be made in america and have a triple… whatever that is

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