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  • BermBandit
    Free Member

    BTW: Gears that just won’t fooking index properly 90% Certainly due to lack of appropriate maintainence. Either cables are buggered or your chain is stretched.

    Free Member

    IME Obsessive maintainence does not automaitically lead to good component performance, in fact often the reverse is true, i.e. if it ain’t bust don’t fix it. You can **** your bearings up by pressure washing/using a hose/GT85 or similar, basically either forcing shit into the bearing, or washing grease out. Generally, all you need to do is to keep the thing clean where there are wearing surfaces, mainly the drive train area, and regularly lube it where the manufacturer tells you to.

    If it carries on may I recommend a move to single speed rigid?

    Free Member

    It’s funny how they’d say exactly the same about the Brits

    and who says they don’t have a sense of humour eh?

    Free Member


    Like I said

    Original plan = 40% reduction in FC funding resulting in a 15% estate sell off amongst other things.

    Protest starts

    New Plan = 100% Sell Off

    Protest reaches crescendo

    Revert to Original plan while protesters pat themselves on back

    Smoke screen!

    Free Member

    no no, otherwise who could we have as comdey foreign people whom we can all feel superior to?

    Free Member

    Royal familys gotta be o nthere somewhere, you can’t have a revolution without topping the toffs…besides I want to see their overseas assets getting frozen

    Free Member

    I admire anyone who can stand up and say we made a mistake.

    Spoken like a person not quite able to admit that his idol is in fact a complete tool after all.

    The real acid test is whether Dave gets the boot from his chums or not. If this is indeed a humiliating U-turn hes had it, if he doesn’t get the heave then you can take it as read its a cyncial manipulation to get the original plan through. Frankly I credit Dave with more than getting strung up over a non issue in the big scheme like selling the forest……..

    Off to listen to the Francis Maud interveiw again 😉

    Free Member

    all of the above

    Free Member

    keep ypur hand off the zip to yer purse TJ, like I said on the other thread

    Original plan = 40% reduction in FC funding resulting in a 15% estate sell off amongst other things.

    Protest starts

    New Plan = 100% Sell Off

    Protest reaches crescendo

    Revert to Original plan while protesters pat themselves on back

    Smoke screen!

    Free Member

    Original plan = 40% reduction in FC funding resulting in a 15% estate sell off amongst other things.

    Protest starts

    New Plan = 100% Sell Off

    Protest reaches crescendo

    Revert to Original plan while protesters pat themselves on back

    Smoke screen!

    Free Member

    The best thing about this?

    It took 11 years to bin Thatcher, 10 to bin Blair, a mere 3 for Brown, but within a year I’m pretty sure that even the most chinless of Toryboy STWers have sussed out that Daves a complete twerp, so who knows we might be shot of him and his glove puppet sooner rather than later.

    Free Member

    Football supporter = Mindless Moron Shocker!

    but wheres the sense of proportion in this?

    10/10 Crawley Town quite right
    10/10 Old bill to stop the twot travelling.

    All the rest is a bit OTT don’t you think?

    Free Member

    Knobblies on yer road bike

    Free Member

    The problem with democracy is that you have to persuade half wits to vote for you. 😉

    Free Member

    Do you reckon they’ve got the same PR consultant as General Mubarak?

    Free Member

    I’m not agreeing with TJ, but to be honest I am finding this Friday A & A business a bit dull frankly. Much more fun with a bit of controversy attached. Can we re-brand it as A & A with Guilt Trip or similar?

    Free Member


    Thought Murdoch had snuffed it…

    Free Member

    It simply shows how slim their case is. The reply you got is the same as the reply I got. Basically telling you that they are going to sell off the whole forest estate to protect poor little me from those nasty Labour people.

    Its really simple. The FC control between 15 and 18% of the entire forest estate in the UK. i.e. 82 – 85% is already in private hands. Easily verifiable figures, so don’t just believe me, check it.

    Once you’re happy take yourself off in a corner and write two lists, one of all the FC controlled forests that encourage cycling, and the other all the private ones that do the same.

    Simple really: My private list extended to Llandegla, my FC one had 20 or 30 names on it.

    Think about it FFS!

    Free Member

    So in short the Tories are nailing those least able to protect themselves whilst making life easier for their mates, and pretending to stick it to the bankers…or have I missed something?

    Free Member

    Recently diagnosed after an MRI scan with two discs pressing into the spinal column. Basically was totally crippled by it with sciatica like symptoms. Once diagnosed my physio took about 5 minutes to sort out the major symptoms with some very simple exercises. Now having ongoing treatment to minimise the pain and damage on an ongoing basis, but its not going to get better as such. It was not spotted by anyone prior to MRI and it definitely looks a lot like some of the above solutions would have caused more harm than anything else, especially if such manipulation had caused any sort of pain.(Pain being Gods way of telling all is not well with the world apparently). So personally I would urge caution and make sure you know what you are dealing with before you go too far. It took a while, but I’m glad I went the route I did with the NHS.

    An aside to all of that is that I definitely have issues with shortened hamstrings and so forth, which may very well have been a contributory factor. Stretch after riding kids…you know it makes sense.

    Free Member

    Plan your escape….no need to be too devious they are quite slow 😉

    Free Member

    You are now attempting to “nit pick” by claiming that it wasn’t us in the West, but the US.

    Wrong again Ernie, what I am suggesting is that the view is very “Cold War” and out of date especially in respect of the UK. I really don’t have an insight into what the US state department gets up to so can’t comment except where there is a historical perspective. I also think that people do tend to rubbish our country and what we do rather too easily. Obviously our government acts in what it believes to be our national best interest, but then so does every other government in the world. What the hell do you expect?

    Free Member

    And btw, you can find all the “excuses” you want to claim that it was justified – Cuba, the USSR, etc, but remember, you had said that it had never happened !

    oh yeah and btw no I didn’t, what I was suggesting was that there is little evidence to support the supposition that the original political activity in 1960’s Nicaragua was “free and fair”. In fact the weight of evidence is that it was heavily funded and manipulated by the Cubans/Russians in precisely the way the Op is suggesting that the greater “we” do. That being the case and bearing in mind that my question was regarding democratically elected governments hows that for you misintepreting so you can nit pick??

    I’m off home now, so please don’t misinteprete the forthcoming silence for anything other than what it is eh? 😉

    Free Member

    And btw, you can find all the “excuses” you want to claim that it was justified – Cuba, the USSR, etc, but remember, you had said that it had never happened !

    Actually Ernie, I what I asked was

    So which democratically elected governments have we been engineering the overthrow of then?

    To date I’ve been told a whole lot about what the US gets up to and something about Winston Churchill directing the US to overthrow the government in Iran 60 years ago.

    As the OP had to hastily emphasise his point is only valid if you take it to mean

    If we means US and us,

    , or taken another way perhaps the US does, but there is no current evidence that we, ie GB inc does it. Mind you if you listened to the twaddle on here, you would expect us (the Brits) to trade solely with countries that have heartily pissed us off.

    Free Member

    Nit picking again ernie?

    I believe the use of the words “is involved in” indicates current affairs rather than ancient history. We were involved in the slave trade, doesn’t mean we still are, neither by the same token does the fact that we were instrumental in stopping it mean that we have entirely clean hands in that respect. These our historical events that have brought us to where we are now. Bit like what happened in Iran during the cold war frankly.

    Regarding Nicagura, I suspect that the fact that the sandinistas were trained and funded by Cuba and the USSR at the height of the cold war and the location of the country on the southern doorstep of the USA wouldn’t have appeared even slightly provocative at the time? Obviously both Cuba and the USSR have had a long record of supporting free and fair elections without any anticipation of reward or favour …….right? And I presume the acknowledgement by of all people, GDubya, of the 2007 election result finally putting that dispute to bed would mean that matter is obviously still current?

    Free Member

    Is that the the best example you can come up with, something from 60 years ago?

    How about those bastard Frenchies invading all their neighbours eh? ….. what do you mean that was 945 years ago….its like yesterday to me.

    Free Member

    Iran …. democratically elected?

    And which particular south and central American countries?

    Personally I’m not aware of any democratically elected government that “western governments” meaning ours is involved in engineering the overthrow of. Absolute load of cods

    Incidentally are Jordon demonstrating the efficacy of having a monarch or is someone hanging onto power?

    Free Member

    So which democratically elected governments have we been engineering the overthrow of then?

    Free Member

    Personally I got the impression that the van driver knocked into the cyclist and in so doing thought he’d kicked the van. He got done for it so I’m guessing that was the case, as no doubt the cyclist would have been stoned to death for tax evasion had there been the slightest opportunity to do so.

    As far as I’m concerned I’ve got no sympathy for law breakers on either side of the fence. However, I do suspect that a lot might be to do with too many people in too small a space rather than anything else.

    Free Member

    I think the appropriate playground platitude is “two wrongs don’t make a right”

    Free Member

    I my point was that Egypt and Tunisia seem to have had their governments nailed on for a couple of decades and suddenly things have flared up with a popular uprising. Just wondered why. I don’t think events in Sudan, Zimbabwe, or South Africa are in any way similar currently, nor China for that matter, (where incidentally I agree completely with Ernie). Can’t see any signs of a popular revolution in Somalia or Ivory coast either for that matter.

    Free Member

    Then there’s a few of the African states which chop and change quite regularly too


    Mugabe in Office since 1980 (since 1987 as president)

    South Africa : A stable democratic republic since 1993

    Sudan : Omar Il Bashir President since 1989

    If having the same government for 20 years or so is chopping and changing we must be on the magic roundabout.

    Free Member

    From the point were Hitler turned away from Calais there was never a chance that the Germans were going to win. All military wisdom is to avoid war on two fronts. Hitler actually chose to open up on three, Africa, Western Europe and Russia. Having split his forces he was screwed….. am I the only person here to play Risk?? 😯

    Free Member

    Tunisia, because of unemployment, food inflation, etc, and enough is enough.

    Yep but el Presidente has been having them over for 20 years or so and all of those things have been in place all that time so whats changed?

    ditto Egypt

    Free Member

    the two main trails are in a very poor state

    Wouldn’t disagree in general with your comments footflaps, but you obviously haven’t ridden the Red route in recent memory. Pretty much all of it has been renovated and it is in very good highly rideable condition regardless of the weather conditions. That apart the region is predominately flat, so if you’re expecting sphincter tightening descents then its not the right place. Its about fast flowing single track and there are miles amd miles of it, but its a case of knowing where to look, and providing the motive power yourself.

    Free Member

    I don’t think anyone anywhere denies the need for cuts and austerity, however, there are two sides to the equation, one spending less, and the other earning more. To achieve one without the other is not a route to success. Current lot are cutting busily, but failing dismally in the earning bit. Thats the point, any prat can cut everything that moves (an apparently is doing), it takes considerable skill and accumen to do it without killing the economy.

    Free Member

    Personally I never fail to be amazed by how neanderthal some people can still be. Personally I think they both need to get the bullet as an example to others who see this as a “minor gaff”. In essence it is no different to Ron Atkinsons racism, and has no place in our society as far as I am concerned.

    Vote with the off button kids. Its the way forward.

    Free Member

    So, if I don’t agree with someone’s views, I should just burger off, is that what you’re saying? That I shouldn’t respond at all?

    Pretty sure I didn’t say that, and here we go again trying to put words into or an interpretation on someones words that simply isn’t there for the sake of argument or worse self engrandismen. Leave it I’m not worth it!

    Free Member

    BB; your comments came across to me as sneering, condescending and culturally ignorant

    In the playground the correct move at this point would have been to flounce off home with the ball, perhaps with a nonchalent flick of the hair. Definately a bad idea to continue the argument at this stage, especially with slightly less than witty insults.

    Free Member

    I am self evidently not your mate. 😉

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