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  • Trackside: Steve Peat’s Evolution in the Santa Cruz Syndicate
  • BermBandit
    Free Member

    Given the flatness of the region I reckon they’ve done a good job, and its a new venue that will continue afterwards as a legacy. One of the big issues was the ability to televise the event, and this is extremely good on that basis due to the lack of trees.

    Free Member

    I wonder how many people who have been diagnosed with ME actually have Lymes Disease. Sent the link to the website to a mate whose girlfriend has exactly the symptoms described but has been diagnosed with ME.

    Seems to me from reading that lots of people who have had Lymes weren’t aware of it for a very long time until they sussed it by chance. Makes me wonder how many cases go undiagnosed.

    Tool on order

    Free Member

    Having watched the evil one on the news this a.m. justifying himself two things in particular struck me.

    1) Anytime a question hits a soft spot someone pulls the little ring in his back and the phrase ” the deficit we’ve inherited” comes out, regardless of whether its appropriate or not. (so for example in answer to the point “I see you’ve had to revise your growth forecast down to 1.7% chancellor”, “the deficit we inherited” isn’t a really reasonable answer)

    2) I can’t help getting the uneasy feeling that the ridiculous 5p increase on fuel duty that was mooted was solely done so it could be withdrawn and for no other reason. Judging by the number of times he had to run and hide behind it this morning its just as well.

    Free Member

    He could have chosen to get off and walk around them if he thought he was in danger of getting pushed over but he went for ‘full pelt and hope they get out the way’. Most of them did.

    Utter crap spouted again there was. If you read up on it, you will find that the reality is a bit different from your imagining. The kids had been on an all day end of term piss up in a local park, and were baiting the guy, by dodging about in the road. The girl who got hit staggered back off the foot path into his path, and the evidence suggests that he probably bunnyhopped onto the footpath in an attmept to avoid her.

    Besides I don’t know about you, but on my ridiculously expensive MTB I can stop in a bike length and under control when riding on a flat and level road pretty much regardless of speed, all of which does imply that the guy was in full control and was in fact treated ridiculously poorly. As that does tend to reflect the lot of cyclists generally when court cases occur I choose to accept that it is in all liklihood what happened.

    Free Member

    The knackered is one worn (scored) stanchion, and one thats not going to pass muster if I get the other sorted. General condition = well lets just say well lived in, they are regularly serviced, and in operational condition, but they are on the bike that gets most abuse, and I’m feeling a little like its time they were replaced for my confidence as much as anything.

    £23.78? Hmmmmmm might go for that. 😕

    1 1/8″ Steerer

    Free Member

    You know that bit where the cost of service is more than they are actually worth? Well I’m about there, so I want to replace them. Obviously if you want to faff about with a pair of well worn forks, I’m in the market to sell some.

    Free Member

    Can we have a thread that similarly ridicules the bigots on Singletrack World

    Sure why not? Off you go and start it

    Free Member


    According to the WHO – Bullshit!

    ……and like I said Zulu

    You can select statistics to suit your argument for as long as you like

    The problem is at the end of the day, the degree of dishonesty inherant in these things. Today the Japanese have upgraded the emergency to level 5. I could have told you that ,as indeed could the British, American, Chinese and French governments a day or two ago.

    I strongly distrust the Nuclear industry and their assurances of safety, as I do governments. Perhaps if they were more truthful zokes’ option a) might get more support as the sensible way forward!!

    Free Member

    Well Mr Cameron, what first interested you in supporting the people of the oil rich state Libya?

    Free Member

    (so far the reactor has killed no one).

    That is neither correct, nor particualrly relavant. This incident is still progressing and the actual final death toll will not be known for decades if ever.

    In the last 10 years nuclear has killed 7 people, wind farms have killed 44, I’ve no idea how much more energy nuclear has produced in the meantime!

    You can select statistics to suit your argument for as long as you like. Try these: Directly due to Chernobyl 300,000 people have had to relocate, there are estimated to be somewhere between 30 and 60,000 additional deaths due to thyroid cancer as a direct result. 24 years on restrictions remain in place in much of Europe due to high radiation levels. approx 800,000 people were involved in the cleanup no effective records have been kept of the impact on them.

    Now find me a busted dam with similar issues which are still unravelling!

    Free Member

    you seem to be suggesting 40 year old reactor designs are comparable with new build?

    I have no idea how you arrived at that conclusion. What I am suggesting is that throughout my life, (bearing in mind I was born before most were built), I’ve never heard anything other than how totally safe they are, regardless of their age. The simple fact is that that is complete rubbish, as is clearly being demonstrated currently. Don’t give me biggest most unprecendented and so forth, which is also rubbish. The highest recorded Tsunmai is 500 metres FFS!!! Therefore the evidence that is available is very clear. Nuclear power is not a safe option, and you can’t now introduce age as a caveat to make that undenaible fact feel somehow nicer.

    There’s a very specific sequence of circumstances which has led to the issues at these specific reactors at the moment. If someone wrote a book whereby all these events happened, you really would not believe it.

    That might well be comforting to you, but its also untrue …. (totally unexpected earthquake in major earthquake zone followed by surprise Tsunami in country that gave the us the name Tsunami shocker!!)

    Free Member

    the evidence is clear? Do show.

    So whats going on in Japan right now after an entirely predictable natural disaster is having saftey tied down? Get Real

    Free Member

    Phew, clearly the japanese have got everything under control and its all safe. There was me thinking it might have been a crisis.

    Get a grip people. The nuclear industry do not have the safety of nuclear reactors tied down without any liklihood of a massive fail. The evidence is clear and I really can’t understand anyone arguing to the contrary.

    Free Member

    Berm Bandit, how many people get relocated every time we build a hydro dam?

    And I don’t like the term investemnt when applied to renewable energy, investment implies its likely to return a profit. If there was some magic bullet that was going to make wind farms more efficient, or hydro electric defy the laws of thermodynamics we’d have found it by now, they’re not complicated technologies.

    Which planet are you on? Suggest you lighten up on the drugs fella

    Free Member

    I was thinking about this (because I’m lonely and sad)….having considered the pros and cons, do you know, I reckon it was because his feet smell and they were trying not to offend him by saying bluntly Hey you stink!

    hurrah for the Tescos diplomats

    Free Member

    Renewables dont really need much development they’ll cost a fortune whichever one you pick

    How so and compared to what? As I understand it the Japanese have just had to evacuate 328,000 people from their homes, lets say the cost of that currently is an average of £100pw (a tad on the conservative side I’m sure you will agree), but thats a lot of dosh racking up whatever way you look at it, like £32,800,000 per week and thats before you get anywhere near the intial investment, or state support given to these things. How much would you price Chernobyl at? So talk to me about the cost of these here renewables. when you do forget the looks nasty argument. I live near Sizewell and that is pig ugly…… in fact ot was pig ugly before the reactor got there thinking about it, its f***ing pig ugly now!

    Free Member

    Its the problem with democracy. Basically you have to get thick people to vote for you. All parties suffer equally from not having the nuts to believe that Joe Average can actually figure out that you can’t have something for nothing, so they continually try to deliver that, generally in the lead up to an election thus boom and bust. Expect this lot to start handing out tax cuts in about 3 years.

    Free Member

    Incidentally, while we’re in the general area of nukes, can anyone explain to me the logic of cutting the bollocks off our conventional forces while investing billions into a cold war deterrant?

    Free Member

    Its not for me ta, been living down the road from one all my life and frankly I don’t like it.

    Free Member

    In answer to the OP : Its because if they say it often and loud enough thick people start to think its true even though the evidence to the contrary is glaringly obvious, (i.e. all of the worlds major economies being in similar shite order simultaneously being the most obvious)

    Free Member

    I have attended the enquiries into the building of the Sizewell reactors, and been asked to leave more than once. Simple questions with direct answers requested.

    1) Given that after building the station, ongoing the highest cost in production is the tranportation of generated power to the point of use, why are these reactors being built 70 miles from the urban conurbation that they serve (London). The answer given at the time was the proximity to a large water source and that availablity of land. Countered by so the Thames and the Battersea site aren’t technically suitable then? ……… Please will you leave?

    2) Is it correct that the technology doesn’t currently exist to decommission and make these sites safe? Answer: (after some prevarication) It is anticpated that in 120 years time the technology will be available to do so, until that time the site will be managed safely. Response: Given that the site cannot be made safe for that long could I enquire as to why it is being built on the fastest eroding coast line in Europe whose average loss is in the order of 1 metre per annum? ………. Please will you leave?

    Safety is a relative term. Not one of these reactors would get past normal scrutiny for a risk assessment in the workplace. The penalty for failure is so unimaginably high that the risk is just not tenable. so the question then comes back to are we prepared to risk it for the benefits we gain? Personally, the answer is no I’d rather look elsewhere, and try to use less energy as a solution to my energy needs.

    Free Member

    Man who rejects social norms objects to being rejected by society shocker.

    Live by your own rules but don’t be shocked when others disagree with you, as you are somewhat outnumbered by token of your own choice.

    Free Member

    Anyone got any idea how many times any other sort of power station has had to have a 30 mile radius evacuated?

    Seems to me the penalty for failure is pretty severe, so probably worth taking into account in the decsion making process on how much to invest into alternative energies.

    Free Member

    What about the money that the Tories take from their right wing overseas supporters? The MaCarthyists always forget to look in their own bin when the “funded by the commies argument” gets deployed. I mean I bet Phillip Green has never curried political favour with a donation….right??

    Free Member

    Seems to me that the point that everyone is missing is if you want to dip your bread in someone elses soup you need to have the resources to back your actions up. So the moral of the story is if you want to be one of the worlds playground bullies buy the kit. If you don’t want to buy the kit shut up before you make yourself look stupid.

    Free Member

    Personally I’ve never quite understood the disconnect between local government and Westminster. It would seem to make loads mroe sense to me that it was a continuum with parish councils being represented on county Councils, and county councils being represented at Westminster.

    Might still end up being a cluster ****, but at least it would be our cluster **** and we could walk down the road and punch the lcoal guy so he can the pop round the corner and pass the punch on to the county council fella and so on all the way up to millions of punches raining down on Dave and Gorgeous George. Genius IMHO

    Free Member

    LOL again. I take it that you were there?

    No, and I’m kind of sad that you weren’t either. 😉

    Free Member

    I must have missed the bit where we used harriers and tornados to bomb innocent protesting civilians.

    We didn’t, but then what evidence do you have the Gadaffi has? They aren’t actually that effective in a counter insurgency role anyway. What he has been doing however is taking out his own arms dumps to stop them being used by the rebels. That apart, we did use helicopters in NI (they fly too you know) and did you miss the bit about bloody Sunday when we shot innocent protestors? The irony being that those actions exacerbated the conflict and eventually drove the IRA to seek external support from the likes of Gaddafi, who apparently saw them as freedom fighters against an oppressive colonial government.

    The overall point being that one mans freedom fighter is anothers terrorist, and its not for us to decide which is which were it doesn’t concern us directly. Personally, I think we should keep our noses well out of it, except insomuch that we might chose to contribute in a humanitarian sense.

    Free Member

    Visualise a situation where during the Northern Ireland troubles the UN/States/Libya or anyone for that matter imposed no fly zone on us. Whats the difference?

    Free Member

    Yes it is. Next

    Free Member

    Don’t do it…. the reasons you left are still there, just becuase the new job didn’t deliver doesn’t mean the old one will mircaulously do so.

    Free Member

    Berm Bandit. Are you suggesting that we’re not all in this together, after all?

    Not at all…. We’re all in it together, its them other bastards that aren’t!

    Free Member

    What boils my piss is that I very much doubt if there is a single adult in the country who isn’t aware of the need to tighten the belt a notch or seven. Handled well, this lot could have written themselves a ticket for at least another two elections. However, what they’ve actually done is carry on with the same old same old and stuck the **** into the little guy and those least able to protect themselves, while letting the corporate bottom feeders right off the hook YET A-****-GAIN!

    Free Member

    If you need a full face helmet buy one, if you need a regular cycling helmet buy one of those. The Parachute is neither. The biggest danger is the uncertified removable chin guard breaking. It’s weak points are uncomfortably close to important blood vessels IMHO.

    Free Member

    Be honest, the emotion element is part of that so don’t worry unduly. If you are really worried have someone stand by to help you out if you need it.

    Personally I get through it by getting in the zone of thinking about all the positive things I’ve had from the person.

    Good luck

    Free Member

    Take a look at this :- RESPECT! sure you can find something somewhere in there that’ll ring your bell for you

    Free Member

    Anyone figure out why we didn’tt just buy AK47’s and RPG’s for our forces? Cheap as chips and seem to work really well and are battle proven worldwide.

    Free Member

    LOL at Harry. Similar stories, in fact I got into the habit of never missing the opportunity of a European style loo.

    One factory that I went to, coincidentally also in Ningbo, had managed to build a really top quality loo in the reception area, however the downside being that some halfwit had decided that it would be the height of style to put the entrance doorway on the far side of a wapping great carp pool, about 5 metres across. So access was via stepping stones. Not good when you are hunched up with a pucker fact 10 butt wrecker imminent.

    Free Member

    Nothing to complain about at all…. try the public dumpers in China if you want the full experience.

    I went in one in Xian, where the experiences went like this :-

    1) Walk in all cubicles were squatters rather than sitters, all in action not one door closed!
    2) Floor was awash, which I presumed was water until someone walked in saw the place was full so whipped JT out and promptly emptied his bladder onto the floor.
    3) Desperate search for bog paper completed on discovery that for bog paper read buying a pack of tissues (i.e. Kleenex) from the attendant, so crisis over…….until the bit when you realsie that regular tissues do not have the substance that bog paper does….cue vigorous hand washing!

    Think you’ve had it hard Pah!

    Free Member

    Standard STW cliche view on Llandegla

    So here’s a cliche back at ya. If it’s too easy try going faster.

    Not often I agree with grumm, but apart from adding the occasional expletive pretty much spot on response IMHO. It is not intended to be a downhill world cup run, and if you were expecting that you may wish to reexamine the literature for the place. Personally, I find it a good fun place to be, well run and with plenty to recommned it. I’m sure the owners will be mortified to hear Mugbo and anto164 won’t be gracing the place with their presence. However, in the unlikely even that they are worried by that perhaps they should stroll through the car parks any weekend, (presuming of course they can find the space to do that, being as it is rammed to the gunwales with namby pamby losers such as myself and grumm who clearly don’t have the wit to recognise a crap venue when we see one.)

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