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  • Fresh Goods Friday 666 – The Number of the Wee Beastie
  • BermBandit
    Free Member

    I think I understand what you are trying to say, but I must say it doesn’t seem terribly useful I’m afraid. What are we expected to take from this simple equation?

    No. 1) Research suggesting that if you eat too much you get fat is not particularly useful
    No. 2) It is even less useful when picked up by the media
    No. 3) Research into complusive and addictive behaviours may be of more consequence
    No. 4) Posting even the most obvious statement on STW is likely to start a fight.
    No. 5) I’m not actually that interested, beyond the fact that I like eating and drinking and accept that as a consequence weight is an issue.

    Free Member

    Yes, how about you ?

    Free Member

    Eat nothing and then see what happens

    What’s your point caller?

    My point is that the bare bones of the issue is that if you don’t eat you will not put weight on. So at that point we have established one end of the spectrum. At the other there is the fact that if you stuff your face constantly and don’t exercise you will put weight on. So I think its fair to say that obesity in broad terms is a function of energy in exceeding energy out. You can dress it up however you like, but that’s the deal whether you like it or not. I have throughout conceded that there are issues that add complexity to the subject, but you cannot deny the simple facts. The vast majority of obese folk simply eat too much for their bodies energy needs. FACT!

    Free Member

    A simple one that often gets missed is to rinse your feet in cold water after bathing or showering. Its a squaddie trick. Basically hot bathing opens all your pores, then you pop your tooties into a sock/shoe which combo keeps them warm and therefore the pores open. This won’t stop your immediate problem which is down to bacteria, but its well worth doing on an ongoing basis to reduce the chances of a reoccurence, and your feet will be in a much better condition as a result. I had problems with sweaty feet and odour control/atheletes foot all my life until I discovered this. Its loads cheaper than piles of expensive powders potions and sprays and it works which is more than a lot of those can claim.

    Free Member

    Eat nothing and then see what happens.

    Free Member

    Of course its bleeding obvious. Go to Ethiopia or Eritra during famine and spot the fat person. Obesity generally is a function of the intake exceeding the output. There may very well be underlying issues with mental health or whatever, but thats it, and I defy anyone to prove otherwise.

    Free Member

    That’s a quote from the BBC website, not the researchers…

    …..thats what I posted wasn’t it??

    and thats my point, the stating of the obvious simply undermines the real issues underlying the problem. Frankly other than the BBC report I have no idea what the study says, and that’ll be true for the majority of media quoted studies. Picking out the tit-bits that will gain a knee jerk reaction is entirely misleading and ought to be banned.

    I don’t know if anyone watched it, but a few years back there was a documentary about publishing the Sunday Sport. The underlying theme to which was a front headline of the salacious variety about an MP being gay. All week long they were taking advice from a lawyer about the headline and the story, and at the 11th hour the editor having been convinced by the lawyer that he was walking through a legal minefield simply changed the headline to MP not Gay,under which he published exactly the same story as he was going to print anyway. Bascially nothing printed was untrue per se, but it was VERY deliberately, VERY misleading. Same here.

    Free Member

    Oh, it’s cos you don’t understand scientific research, isn’t it?

    Scientific research I understand, stating the bleeding obvious and then palming it off as scientific research however I don’t. Neither do I understand the need to fill column inches with minor studies of even less significance knowing full well that it will provoke reactions such as mine.

    I’d be much more impressed with a study into the reasons behind excessive eating, especially into the issues of lack of self worth that are self evident in the condition, but then perhaops that might draw the media into having to recognise its role in undermining body image, but hey thats just my opinion and in no way sceintific.

    Free Member

    Done Perpignan to Calais once. Interesting experience, but expensive and not something I’d do again. As above way quicker and cheaper to fly/drive, or even TGV/Drive.

    Free Member

    Using a pseudonym stick it up on a public MTB forum, and:

    A)you might find a solution to his problem
    B)those concerned might see it and work it out for themselves without further input from you
    C)you might get a cheap laugh out of it

    Free Member

    The problem with the witch hunt school of justice is that it doesn’t let the facts get in the way of righteous indignation.

    Personally I nothing of the guy, I know nothing of the girls involved and I know nothing of the facts of the case. So truthfully its not really possible to hold any opinion other than what a silly boy. In general terms though, I think it might be more responsible for the club and others to be discussing getting the fella some help rather than jumping on an easy mount bandwagon.

    Free Member

    I use UPS for my business. Without doubt the best small parcels courier in the UK by a country mile. Incidentally, if they’ve failed on the delivery generally the gurantee in guranteeed means you can ask for your money back. Never had a problem with getting that either.

    Personally I’d wait to find out more before I launched. Generally speaking IME where failures have occurred its been down to wrong post code or something of that ilk.

    To put it all into perspective I used to spend about half a day a week dealing with courier related problems. Since I changed to UPS I’d be surprised if I do half a day in a year, despite the fact we now send out many times more parcels.

    Free Member

    You need the vehicle owners permission in writing to take the vehicle out of the country. I’m guessing at that point the fuel issue will be addressed anyway.

    Personal opinion if you have to ask on here you already know the answer. Its the one with the “P” in it.

    Free Member

    Fair point

    Free Member

    Plus one for the vote with your feet brigade. Personally I got tucked up on a Ryanair flight, and thus my simple logic dictates that I shall not fly with them again, and I won’t be anytime soon. Its not difficult, there are plenty of other options, and what you get is often surprisingly good by comparision.

    Free Member

    Anyway is she not entitled to an opinion in your brave new world?

    Opinion yes, Offensive no. Simple really

    Next !

    Free Member

    Watched the thing from the “Campaign For Real Education” on breakfast TV this am. Between her and Gove I suspect I’d need to recruit David Hay as an assistant..

    Free Member

    horseriding and rugby both have far higher casualty rates than cycling

    that’ll be be the rotational forces I reckon ……

    Free Member

    To be honest I was a bit knocked back by it and just did a reasonable gold fish impression while she wattled on.

    Free Member

    Yep thats exactly what I was thinking DD. Incidentally she rolled up in a 4 X 4. Make of that what you will.

    Free Member

    Whereas, look how well we’re doing with all the ones we’ve elected instead

    Agreed apart from two important points:

    1) when we elect them its our decision
    2) when we get it wrong we can change our mind

    Free Member

    Had a similar thing at a race recently, where some loony showed up and started ripping up tape and posts expounding on how we had no right to close of sections of trail…… oh the irony. I didn’t catch up with her or her dog, so both are probably still walking without too much difficulty. However in retrospect, I’ve decided that the way forward in future is to enquire about their public liability cover. Might be the tack to take on your footpath.

    Free Member

    Don’t know about you, but at my place I don’t want pints of milk left in the fridge over the weekend, so anyone who wants it on Friday PM can have it or else it goes down the sink.

    More significantly I found the best way to avoid the excess was to order less milk.

    Free Member

    Entering a GB team is seen as giving ammunition to those who want this to change and to have a GB team in all competitions and only one vote in Fifa for GB

    FIFA have given an unequivocal statement that it is of no interest or concern to them, and there will be no repercussion to a GB team in the olympics. However, it would appear that a combination of a lack of self confidence and possibly xenophobia on the part of the minor FA’s in Britain has undermined that position. Shame: personally I would have loved to see the likes of Giggs et al get the opportunity to play internationally alongside peers of his own calibre.

    Free Member

    DS…. please name any other profession where it is a post recruitment requirement to publicise details of your salary.

    Free Member

    Prevention is better than cure, so +1 for Avon Skin so Soft

    Free Member

    put vaseline on it as it smothers them

    Its amazing how urban myths take hold and endure. Check it out

    Learn how to do it right[/url]

    Free Member

    And I’m Scottish not brittish so nor proud of the old empire.

    shame when so many of your predecssors were so actively engaged in building it

    Free Member

    preferably with bermed corners

    I’m sure the landowner wouldn’t have the slightest qualms about having their land dug up and reshaped for one 24 hour event in a year, nor the organiser any issues with the extra work.

    I’m pretty sure everyone would prefer a purpose built course with every feature they’ve ever dreamt of included in, obviously including the entire lap being down hill. However….. then reality kicks in

    Free Member

    Engaging kids in meaningful and constructive activities is a great idea and literally millions benefit from things like scouts, youth clubs, sports clubs and so forth. All run by volunteers with a sprinkling of professionals. The irony is that what funding they have is being cut left right and centre and it is without doubt having a negative impact on the existing voluntary sector.

    The Big Society concept is firstly patronising and ignores the vast amount of people who have being doing such things for donkies years. It is fundamentally flawed by the fact that people do things becuase they get something out of it, not because of any sense of duty or obligation to fellow mankind. By making it harder to be a volunteer, (i.e. cutting funding), if anything Cameron is the architect of the destruction of the real “Big Society”, ie. the one that existed in village halls, scout huts and playing fields waaaaaaay before the his father had a twinkle in his eye and well before the best part of him ran down his mothers leg!

    Free Member

    The British cycling techincal requirement is for a course length to be dictated at either 35 riders per km of 50 per mile of course in old money. Thats a guideline aimed at the maximum number on the course at any one time and is not cast in tablets of stone. However there is sound logic behind it.

    Regarding Mayhem, the issue is about finding a venue suitably large to take the event, which is also prepared to allow an 8 – 10 mile scar to be formed through its grounds. Personally I think Pat does a fantastic job of turning this particular pigs ear into a silk purse for one weekend a year. No doubt its not perfect, but anyone who organises any event let alone one on this scale will appreciate how hard it is.

    Total respect is due IMHO

    Free Member


    I’ll see you a pasty

    and raise you one patsy

    Free Member

    Damn! 🙄

    Free Member

    …….has he gone?

    Free Member

    Edukator : Now if you were talking about half wits who troll on STW forum being barred from jury service you’d have my vote straight away 🙄

    Free Member

    perhaps avoid miscarriages of justice such as the Birmingham six.

    What utter tosh. The jury of the 6 convicted on the basis of the evidence that was placed before them. The issue was that the evidence was to say the least suspect, and this led to the royal commission on Criminal justice, and a new appeals process and methodolgy for reveiwing criminal cases, not to mention the disbanding of the seriously corrupt West Midlands Serious Crimes Squad who fitted the 6 up. It had absolutely nothing to do with the Jury system being in any way flawed. The original issue was in 1975 and the legal changes to rectify those miscarriages were on the statue book by 1997.

    What all that has to do with this case 36 years later and 14 years after the legal system has been reveiwed and changed beats me. The issue is nothing to do with the womans ability to be a juror, she clearly had the wit to understand what she was doing was wrong. shes says as much herself.

    To try to suggest that we change the jury system on this basis case is like suggesting that we put Drug dealers in charge of policing on the basis that they will have more empathy with the criminals.

    Free Member

    Call For Tankslapper…..

    Is there a Mr Tanskslapper in the house?

    Call For Tankslapper…..

    Free Member

    Lets go then, c’mon Edukator, Crazy-legs et al. A detailed rundown of the vastly superior system of justice that you want to put in place that makes the current apparently archaic one redundant… lets be having you

    Free Member

    gossiping on Facebook does not make Britain a safer place to live

    The reason she got chucked in the jug was becasue she caused a drugs trial to get abandoned. There is a high liklihood therefore that the defendants who do not appear to be your run of the mill street criminals, but somthing slightly higher up the evolutionary scale are therefore free to continue to do whatever it is they do. So I’d say theres a very direct link between her actions and the Britain being a less safe place to live.

    You can dig up tenuous arguments as long as you like, but the facts remain the facts, she knowingly broke the law, and in so doing was well aware of the consequences. She is now suffering those consequences. No sympathy and I hope that through her actions and subsequent punishment others will receive some understanding of the link between rights and responsibility.

    Free Member

    Edukator = Oxymoron ….discuss

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