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  • BermBandit
    Free Member

    My daughters a teacher, and if you approached her like you approached the subject on this forum she would be more than happy to help. Generally what they get is “my child says and I’m going to sue you”, so anything thats on the pleasant side of that is more than welcome.

    Free Member

    *wonders if berm bandit is taking the piss*

    Nope, would have done had I thought of it, but I didn’t so no I wasn’t.

    Just wondering if you would mind me nabbing the pics to use when I’m coaching? I know people don’t get it when you tell em about the risk, perhaps this would help get the message over.

    Free Member

    Derek, refresh my memory, did you have bar ends in when you did that?

    Free Member

    Can I just flag up that I did not actually organise or have anything to do with organising the eventas such. I do have connections in that direction, but it would not be right for me to take any credit for the work that Paul and his team did.

    Free Member

    are you involved in the organisation of the event or have connections to those who do?

    errrr might be 😳

    I fully understand that individually some of these things seem like huge issues, but standing where I do you do get a unique insight into the huge amount of effort that all the people involved in putting these things on invest into what they are doing. It’s a common phenomenon that the Monday morning inbox is devastating for organisers. The complaints often overwhelm the compliments and it really does you in.

    Personally I like to try to counter that by pointing out the alternative view, which is usually that the folk concerned are trying really hard to deliver a great event, have been working non stop for hours on hours and generally are completely exhausted by the time the event starts. Without them we have no events, so respect is very definitely due especially when they do help you out IMHO.

    Free Member

    we were told quite gruffly that we should have been there earlier and may not be able to race.

    So they bent the very obvious and clearly stated rules to accomodate you and you are moaning about it?

    There is quite a lot of admin to do before the race starts. You can’t keep it open indefinately.

    Free Member

    During the rider briefing an explanation was given of the passing etiquette in MTB XC races, that is that it’s the responsibility of the passing rider to find a place to pass in a safe fashion, however it is the norm that a slower rider will give way and move over when reasonably asked to do so by a faster rider. A point was also made of the hazards of going offline albeit not in regard to the specific area where this incident happened.

    It is unfortunate in mass participation events that there are a broad spectrum of abilities which can lead to misunderstandings of this nature. In essence one mans safe and plenty of room is another’s near miss. I don’t believe there is any suggestion of contact being made in this manoeuvre, and if that is the case and knowing the area where it happened I would not have any issue with the attempt.

    As it happens I do know Gee, not personally, but in another capacity. He is definitely one of the more gentlemanly elite riders albeit few of them are anything other than polite and civil on or off the course.

    For those not familiar with the thorough organisation and course preparation at Thetford, the course is cleared to 1 metre either side of the line wherever possible, as indeed it was in the area where this incident occurred. However, especially in wet conditions it is completely possible for obstacles to be unearthed or thrown up by the passage of a race, which I suspect, may have been the case here.

    Overall given the conditions, the event went off in a fantastically good humoured and fun atmosphere, and to be honest I don’t think this thread is doing it justice. Apart from a few minor complaints in respect of people transitioning outside of the designated area there were no real issues at all.

    In respect of the event timing and the weather. In 11 years there have only been 3 wet races, so with a dry success rate of 73% it doesn’t seem too sensible to change the date to me.

    Free Member

    Personally I think the crisis has rather more to do with the costs of waging protracted wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and now Libya than anything else. At a conservative estimate we have spent £20 billion over the last 10 years, while the yanks have done about £4 trillion. I suspect that the impact of that on the world economy is more than marginally significant.

    Free Member

    Well worth listening to this where Michael Portillo, that well know socialist traces the current crisis directly back to Lawson and the Big Bang[/url]

    Regardless of whether you agree with it or not its interesting and really does underpin how hugely difficult it is to resolve what has happened.

    Free Member

    Anyone, and I mean anyone at all not of mixed race???

    Free Member

    Be wary of cards that get bounced overseas. Nearly came a proper cropper in August when all my cards got rejected, been there a few times so always have a plan B

    Free Member

    People who are too thick to understand what a worldwide financial crisis is probably not due to the mismanagement of the UK economy by the UK government.

    Free Member

    The experience would be greatly enhanced by a flame thrower being introduced for the chaff and/or for blubbing. Then change the shows name to last one standing and you’re onto a winner IMHO

    Free Member

    The irony of an Australian telling us about bad national anthems eh??

    Be happy we’ve allowed you to have one and clear off back to your bar job in Earls Court you stereotype!

    Free Member

    I wish someone would stun and/or slaughter that twunt Pickles….

    Free Member

    you sir are presumably a Labour supporter and wearing your optimistic pants this morning

    Wrong on both counts. I do however, hate the **** tories with a passion, especially ones who can announce that they’ve managed to find a quarter of a billion £’s to fund weekly bin collections the same day that 1000 naval personnel are being told they’ve been made redundant.

    Free Member

    Hurrah for Eric Pickles and his masterclass on how to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. I bet Ed is breathing a huge sigh of relief this morning.

    Free Member

    And what a sad reflection on the Labour Party that is. Pathetic

    sorry woody I clicked prematurely the full text reads :-

    a) don’t have any real alternatives b)vote for what doesn’t scare them. Result = Milliband, Major, Hague, Iain Duncan Smith, Michael Howard, David Cameron, Nick Clegg etc etc

    Free Member

    If a party is incapable of something as relatively simple as appointing an electable leader

    Its the big flaw with democracy. To win you have to get idiots to vote for you, unfortunately sometimes they a) don’t have any real alternatives b)vote for what doesn’t scare them. Result = Milliband

    If I was Cameron I’d remind the voters on a daily basis who exactly got us into this collious debt in the first place.

    I wouldn’t I’d try to blame Labour

    Free Member

    No MF, if you want an argument please go home to your boyfriend.

    bickering from twunts like you and TJ.

    The bickering bit is a debateable point, but what isn’t is the fact that neither of those comments were either warranted or acceptable.

    Free Member

    litter on the trails? rubbish in the streets? poo on the floor?

    With the notable exception of some jump sites I’ve never been on any trail where there is litter or rubbish every two metres. I have however been plenty of places where the crap frequncy is at least that.

    Free Member

    😥 with you there mastiles

    Free Member

    It isn’t a great deal to ask is it?

    Yes….. apparantly it is

    Free Member

    During the course of this year I’ve been at a series of events in country parks, or dog crappers as I now call them. The state of these places is utterly incredible. You can barely go a couple of metres in any direction without stepping in dog crap. I have no issues whatsoever with dogs, albeit I don’t really like being slobbered over by anything which a moment or two previously was either licking its own or anothers arse, but c’mon owners have some sense of responsibility for your pet and its output will yer?

    That’s all.

    Free Member

    despite the fact that all the witnesses have withdrawn their statements

    I don’t pretend to know anything about this case, but this statement is not a fact, 7 out of 9 apparently have withdrawn their testimony. I don’t have any clue what that withdrawn testimony was. For all I know it might be testimony to his good character. As always, without knowing the details of the case its impossible to make any meaningful comment.

    Free Member

    Ignore any suggestion of MTFU.

    Avoid self medication like the plague, including drugs, alcohol and tobacco. Allow yourself to accept help, start with your GP. IF that doesn’t work, and it doesn’t always, get a second opinion if that doesn’t work a third and so on.

    Generally speaking the process will be to stabilise the condition with drug therapy. Once that is done CBT.

    Relax into accepting that there is something genuinely wrong which cannot be healed without external assistance. (thus the advice re MTFU)

    Be honest about it, you’ll be amazed how many times you hear “Yeah I know, same for me”.

    Free Member

    I’m with the Race card being played school of thought.

    1) Non EU passport
    2) Mixed Races of customs officers
    3) Attitudes like that in public servants are virtually extinct in the UK, especially in public facing roles.
    4) Inaccurate description of irate Brit speak.

    Besides aren’t they the ones that only abolished apartheid in the 1960’s, and aren’t we the ones who had Willaim Wilberforce playing at centre forward? So we clearly own the moral high ground over our colonial cousins…… 😯

    Free Member

    Unfortunately, in law compensation is normally seen as a finacial transaction. I have no right to speak for the Dowlers, but generally in my experience most people I know of who have suffered from a criminal act would prefer an explanation and a genuine apology. That however, is avoided like the plague, as it is an admission of guilt which may lead to further repercussions. So what you get instead is a mealy mouthed contract style agreement that is full of get outs and refusal to acknowledge liability, and a cash payout which will generally be termed as an act of goodwill.

    Don’t blame the Dowlers for a legal system thats outlawed ducking stools and stocks and replaced them with a cheque book. 99.9% certain I know which style of justice they would opt for if there were a choice, and it wouldn’t be dosh.

    Free Member

    it seems to be about as effective as TPS.

    Elfin: I think you’ll find it works better if you actually register for it……. 😉

    Free Member

    Health grounds? So if I murder someone and then get ill I should be let out?

    Clearly much better to keep them in the nick and take ongoing responsibility for their treatment eh?

    Free Member

    doh! Bloody antipodians getting boozed up in the avo..not cricket 🙄

    Free Member

    Very nice of you to say so Greedy… even nicer that you foolishly shared your rather nice whisky!

    Free Member

    Being one of the “two blokes off here” I can only reiterate zokes comment and add that some day all MTB centres will be this way, so as Abe Lincoln once said…..

    ……this centre, under God, shall have a new birth of cake — and that mtb of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth, while Stu’s Mrs allows him to be nominally in charge

    Free Member

    It amazes me TBH. Never mind though the worlds going to come to an end next year so its all academic apparently

    Free Member

    Blimey! 😯

    Free Member

    I think the problem may be sufficient volume to fill a fatty requires low cost options to be considered. However, a proper volume of better quality food is probably a good bit cheaper.

    I spent a very uncomfortable hour in our local ASDA last night. Pond Life Central would be a better description. Take a look in porkers trollies and the problem becomes fairly apparent. They weren’t groaning under the weight of fresh fruit and veg thats for sure.

    I know its not that simple, but truthfully not being prepared to call a spade a spade will not resolve it.

    Free Member

    Actually the inherited wealth thing is an interesting point. Clearly if the proponents of the status quo are right, there is absolutely no need for it obviously. The cream will obviously rise to the surface regardless, especially given all the advantages they will receive even without the inheritance.

    Free Member

    Deviant, You are trying to apply the morals from hundreds of years ago to modern politics, it doesnt work.

    There you go sorted that one out for you, now then you keep chucking them up in the air and I’ll hit em for you.

    Free Member

    How can we criticise them for censorship and locking up people for thought crimes if we do exactly the same thing?

    Welcome to the hypocrisy that is western morality

    Free Member

    the no to AV vote has let the powers be that know we are all perfectly content with out government

    Actually, it says more about what a total sell out the Lib Dems have been under Nick Clegg. The fact we have a coalition government even though GB made a bit of a cock up of his term as PM actually tells you much more. i.e. here it is on a silver platter….. oops even then you couldn’t get past the fact that people still remember what a bunch of ignorant self serving twunts you are.
    No doubt the no to AV vote will be wheeled out to justify all sorts of things in the future, but it certainly shouldn’t be taken as a satisfaction poll.

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