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  • BermBandit
    Free Member

    the utterly vapid and pointless Ed Milliband

    Could it possibly be that you may have preconceptions clouding your vision?

    “The Government’s has a responsibility to stop strikes happening. I don’t think they have exercised that responsibility”

    Its pretty clear to me what he’s saying, and in a world where the oppositions role is to oppose I would say hes being pretty direct in that opposition. Not necessarily over stating the issue, but then there are so many nowadays theres no real need to.

    Free Member

    Don’t you not knocking Enfht

    I wasn’t, just a little concerned by his, (and for that matter quite a few others), displaced anger.

    Free Member

    anagallis_arvensis – Member
    Berm Bandit… firstly well put and secondly tell her it will get better, is she doing primary or secondary?

    Thank you. Shes doing Primary in quite a challenged local school. Loves every minute of it even though she got clumped by an OFSTED inspection which downgraded the school and criticised her teaching technique during her third week in the job.

    Ref: Enfht

    Fella you might be wise to consider some introspection. Unless you are an extremely good actor/writer, which there is every indication that you aren’t, all is not well within.

    Free Member

    My daughter is an newly qualified teacher. Interestingly, many of her work colleagues are looking at what they are doing as supporting her. Its her future that is being messed with, not so much theirs. I mean shes got £000’s pounds of debt round her neck that they didn’t have, shes having to deal with a very different contractual terms and conditions that they didn’t have and her terms of employment look like being substantially worse then her colleagues, especially in respect of her pension. On top of that she is having to work way harder than they did at a similar stage in their career due to the asinine way that education is run. currently she leaves for work (which is 10minutes away) before 7:00am in the morning, and gets home after 7:00pm at night. She rarely has a weekend where she isn’t doing something school related like marking or lesson plans. So to be honest I’m at a bit of a loss to understand all the comments along the lines of the “cotton wool brigade”.
    Personally I’ve rarely had a negative experience of a public servant, most especially once I’ve taken the time to understand their situation and constraints. Bit amazed by how many posters on here seem to not have had a similar outlook

    Free Member

    Very difficult to renegotiate contracts that have alraedy been signed

    PMSL : Apparently it isn’t, apparently CallmeDave and the lads can do it at the drop of a hat when it suits them. Haven’t you understood any of what this is about????

    Free Member

    Perhaps one of the hard done to strikers can look after my son whilst school is shut yet again

    How about popping him round to the local Liberal or conservative club and getting them to look after him? I think you’ll find its their fault theres going to be a strike. If they would stop a moment and actually discuss the matter with the unions you’ll find they will cancel it in favour of talks.

    Free Member

    Can you spot the Key words in the first report TJ?


    instead of words like documented, reported, recorded, have

    Very interested by this. Any chance you can point me towards any documented, reported, recorded, data on nuclear power stations that have been successfuly decommissioned? I’ve been trying to find something authorative, but can only find predictions and estimates of what they will be able to acheive in the future.

    Free Member

    You have to admire Mr Pasmore’s research methods…

    Usual story with this sort of tory boy nimbyist, i.e. lets not let the facts get in the way of having a good go at the prols.

    Free Member

    The question and answer both lie here[/url]

    Free Member

    Favourite Definition of The Day: A Misogynist, one who hates every bone in a womens body, except his own….

    …..somehow seems appropriate and explanatory.

    Free Member

    One of those maps is remarkably similar to this

    Which is a survey pattern in anatartica, so I’d guess they are surveying for something….. oil maybe

    Free Member

    look like you’ve annoyed them to the point of your “new” BM doing something about it..

    Very much doubt it they are different banks.

    So why not damage limitation team manager?

    Free Member

    Its given that fuel duty goes to the governments coffers, which is then used to provide us with the services we receive. So a question for all the moaners:

    So without the fuel duty increase either something else will have to be taxed to replace the revenue, or government spending will have to be cut further than is already the case if this revenue is not forthcoming, so which do you chose and why? (Realistic answers only please, you might be right about MP’s expenses etc, but even if they receive nowt its not enough to replace the loss from fuel duty)

    Free Member

    Yeah, goats, sheep, walkers maybe??

    I’d love to see you riding a goat trail or sheep trail for any distance, assuming you can find one. Most of what people refer to on here as natural trails are either bridleways, footpaths, or the remnants of motorcycle enduros or similar. Sometimes they are, like Wharncliffe where someone has raked the debris off the forest floor to form a line and its then been ridden in, but natural? Never! Pretty much like most of the woodlands in the UK too. The point being they didn’t just happen. Someone did something for them to exist, Just like they do at trail centres. So your point is?

    Well, I didn’t

    Never said you did, however, if you have a guilty conscience please feel free to knock yourself out

    Free Member

    trail centres are very crap compared to natural trails

    There really isn’t any such thing as a natural trail. Its a contradiction in terms. With very minor exceptions they’ve all been built by someone at some point.

    Berm Bandit i want that

    Multi use Steve, doesn’t brew coffee unfortunately, but it does pretty much everything else. You can hire one from some Hirebase centres, if you want a try, and the attachment list is here The Toy Cupboard[/url] Personally I particularly like the trenching tool, (duzzy great sideways chain saw)

    Free Member

    Pretty much ditto….

    Seen our new tool yet??

    The boys toy hes riding on isn’t bad either

    Free Member

    It actually amazes me that there are trail builders on here slagging off others trails. WTF??

    Regarding the other moans..

    1) Costs, how about all the people that moan about how much the FC charge for parking make a list of all the FC centres where cyclists are welcomed and a second one of all the non FC forests that do likewise?
    2) Lack on investment in trails: You may have missed the fact, but the FC are currently making about 25% of their staff redundant. There is no money in the kitty. they are however, actively supporting volunteer groups and facilitating opportunities to build trails.
    3)…. Oh bumbiscuits I can’t be bothered …. see here It’s not like any of this has ever come up before

    That apart, FC linked trail builders how about we hook up and swop knowledge? Tried it via IMBA and it was less than useless to the point that we’ve canceled our membership.

    TIMBER: Thetford

    Free Member

    You’re not wrong!

    Incidentally I think thats the whole point…. its a non event both in this thread and the original.

    Free Member

    I’m fairly sure he didn’t mean it in a purely descriptive sense!

    I’m pretty sure he did…. all of it, within his limited descriptive powers

    Free Member

    TJ and my mind started to unravel


    He’s an overpaid, brainless football type…

    Yep but is he a racist for calling Ferdinand precisely what he would describe himself as?? I wholly agree that the name calling and boorish behaviour of people like Terry is unacceptable, but is it racist? I suspect not personally.

    Free Member

    I’m not totally sure how I feel about this, largely becuase I didn’t see the thread, but some randomn thoughts that spring to mind are ….

    It’s an internet forum. 90% of what is on here is not representative of the people behind the key boards that post it.

    Try googling big hitters and click on images …. the first couple of lines should show you that what you see on here simply reflects society at large.

    Whilst I do sympathise and will miss Sue and Emsz, I can’t wonder how female sufferage and race relations would have got on if Emily Pankhurst, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela et al had taken the same attitude.

    Truthfully, its much better to challenge these sort of behaviours than it is to walk away and ignore it, albeit I fully understand that it might not be everyone’s cup of tea to do that.

    Credit to TJ who is one of the few that always does.

    Free Member

    30 months

    Free Member

    Did you also read the Scotland Yard statement I quoted earlier?

    I’m not quite sure why its relevant. I accept that they were wrong, I accept that the behaviour shouldn’t be condoned. What I don’t accept is an instant knee jerk reaction that they should be sacked, despite a full investigation which agrees that they were wrong, and the behaviour shouldn’t be condoned finding that the appropriate punishment didn’t actually involve sacking.

    Free Member

    Clearly it is, as none of the officers have been sacked. In spite of being found guilty of using unreasonable force and unauthorised weapons

    Oh I see, the publication of the outcome of an independant investigation is indicative of illicit Police behaviour…blimey! God knows what the outcome of the Ian Tomlimson case is covering up then!!

    …there was me thinking it was the exact opposite, thanks for putting me right.

    Free Member

    I got to talk to my Relationship Manager the other day. Unfortunately he wasn’t interested at all in the fact that my Mrs gives me a hard time about riding too much, and only wanted to talk about my banking issues.

    Free Member

    Clearly this isn’t a case of the Police looking after their own. The IPCC are independant as the “I” for independant in their name suggests so if anything its an investigation coming to a reasoned conclusion based on the facts. I’m guessing therefore that the outcome is probably about right in relation the evidence as to what occurred, but hey its STW.

    Free Member

    There’s loads of family businesses that are perpetuated by siblings

    Actually there aren’t that many that get past 3 generations, the adage being that it takes one to build it, one to live off it and one to lose it. I think if you check it out you will find that is pretty often the case, although I would concede there are exceptions that prove the rule.

    The stuff they do is just part of what’s expected of you as a member of the family.

    What behaving boorishly, feathering their own nest, breaking their own rules etc etc??

    the main reason people grumble about the Royal’s comes down to money

    Actually you’ve got that back to front, its the main argument people come up with for retaining them, i.e. the tourist income blah blah blah.
    The main people “grumble” about them is that they are an anachronism, which should have been consigned to history alongside such things as ducking stools, stocks, floggings and prima nocta. They are also the pinnicle of the class system, and as such we will never move past that thing which determines the vast majority of peoples life chances still to this day while they are still in place. Sorry to disagree, but financial issues are a minor distraction alongside those.

    Free Member

    I like the way that being a monarchy keeps us right in the forefront of the world thrusting along with the likes of this lot who are the other monarchies that still survive..

    Antigua and Barbuda,
    New Zealand,
    Papua New Guinea,
    Saint Kitts and Nevis,
    Saint Lucia,
    Saint Vincent and the Grenadines,
    Saudi Arabia,
    Solomon Islands,
    United Arab Emirates

    Everyone else has sussed it and kicked theirs out

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Members of the Monarchy aren’t “employed” as staff into the Royal Family… they’re born into it,

    …and thereby hangs the tale doesn’t it. So why do you reckon the passing of job from father to son stopped a good while back?

    Free Member

    So let me ask you guys a question?

    If any of you recruit staff do you limit your recruitment process to one person, perhaps the son of the person leaving for example?

    NO?? Well why not? and if you can answer that you will be half way to answering your own question.

    The second half is if you have God forbid recruited an idle and particularly useless creature into your job, do you simply hunker down and wait for them to die before doing something about it?

    Once you’ve answered that you will pretty much have answered your whole question all by yourself.

    Free Member

    the principle is that you are entering into a contract to pay a fee for parking, which in this instance is £60. It is not, repeat not a fine or any form of penalty charge, what they put on your car was merely an invoice.

    They are prohibited by their own association from “passing off” their invoices as penalties. From the picture above I would guess that they are already treading a very fine line with that.

    The concept of the contract is only enforcable if they can prove that you were driving at the time, so the best advice is to totally ignore any communications and just get on with your life. They will threaten all sorts of dire consequences from time to time, but basically there is nothing they can do.

    Check out British Parking Association and in particular this section of their code of practice:-

    15 Misrepresentation of authority
    15.1 You must not misrepresent to the public that the parking
    control and enforcement work you are doing is carried
    out under the statutory powers of the police or some
    other public authority.
    15.2 You must give clear information to the public about what
    parking activities are allowed and what is unauthorised.
    However, you must not mislead the public into believing
    that the rules you are enforcing are based upon the
    powers of an agency regulated by Statute.
    15.3 Operators who suggest to the public that they are
    providing parking enforcement under statutory authority
    will be acting in breach of the Code.
    15.4 You must not use terms which imply that you are acting
    under statutory authority; this will include terms such as
    ‘fine’, ‘penalty’ or ‘penalty charge notice’.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Long distance…

    Free Member

    From what I’ve read etc, they generally did/do play a reasonably active part when they’ve been in the armed services.

    If you actually believe that you are frankly potty.

    Have a go at getting your kin into Sandhurst with a grade B in art and a D in Geography at A level, and then see what happens when hes in Afghanistan and the Taliban get to hear of it. Let alone try to get into Apache training.

    Free Member

    To get where we are now the “king makers” had to dodge that rule once or twice.


    Like I keep saying, when you actually get to it none, and I mean none of the arguments actually stack up other than actually they are no different to the rest of us. So unless the argument is that we are totally egalitarian and the Royal Family is inteneded as some living form of the “unknown soldier” for our head of state, then its utter toss.

    Free Member

    Tenuous links

    William 1st

    Richard 1st

    Jame Stuart

    George 1st

    We can all claim that your dog smelt my dogs bum and therefore we are related, but are we really?? Direct line of succession back to 847 ??? Like the man said so are 50 million others, so your point is precisely?
    Its more like the Royle Family IMHO

    Free Member

    So you think you can trace your family history further back than 847? ………. really ……… you honestly believe you can?

    You might want to study here for a while Especially the bit about the family names Saxe Coburg-Gotha and Hanover

    PS: 1326 is the offical date that the clan (with incidentally the same name from then to now) was first recognised, and your point was I believe not how far back the family history goes, but that the Windsors were here before me thus I should **** off.

    Free Member

    Happens all the time in my street

    Free Member

    Well you know the old saying, ‘if you don’t like it; **** off’ as they were (and can prove it) here first

    With all due respect no they can’t, they are Germans who are relatively new imports into the country. Phil is a Greek.

    My family are Scottish borderers and can be traced back a looooooooooong way further than that……

    ……and thereby hangs the tale, the whole myth relys on them being in some way “special”, and the reality is that there is no test where they stand up under scrutiny as being anything other than just like anyone else, with the exception of the ability to con people into believing they are special.

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