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  • What’s The Cheapest Way To Watch Mountain Biking Now GCN+ Is Closing?
  • BermBandit
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    Free Member

    Isn’t it interesting that at a time when the Government is achieving the highest unemployment figures in 17 years, and “when benefit costs will be soaring due to that simple fact, they chose to once again focus on those poor sod who are unemployed and stick it to them with the “half the world is scamming benefits and bleeding us poor taxpayers white myth”. This is just as cynical as the earlier assault on invalidity benefits, which has done little to reduce fiddling and much to increase stress on the people least able to deal with it.

    Even more interesting the ongoing failure to address fat cats bonuses and the banking sectors excesses. Not difficult to do, simply increase the tax on unearned income, and in the time honoured way have HMRC issue tax demands on anything they suspect is unwarranted, it then becomes the individuals problem to prove it was earnt. If you’ve generated £35 million additional revenue for your bank that shouldn’t be hard to prove, whereas Fred Goodwin might struggle to convince even his Mum he’d earnt what he got. Much easier than trying to do the poor for a few coppers.

    Free Member

    I don’t hold with smashing the tributes up, but its a shame no one spotted the obvious opportunity to do one featuring such things as Water Stick Insect, Pond Skater, Beetle Larva, Caddis Fly Nymph, Freshwater shrimp & water boatman!

    Free Member

    Seems to me that pushing people who need mental health care out of the system onto the street has a fair bit to answer for as no doubt has the aftermath of the miners strike and similar things i nthe context of this show . I wonder will IBS’s carefully thought out headline grabber of today end up the same way? Overly simplistic answers to complex questions tend to end up with the result being the ammunition for reality TV shows. Which frankly is pretty damn obvious without coppers. More so with it

    Free Member

    Usual tripe I see.

    Airplanes/airports killing people? Did you miss 9/11 or have I missed some incredible piece of irony?

    Nuclear Power too expensive: The system would work much better if market forces were allowed to exert an appropriate influence on pricing. The point over insurance is entirely valid. There isn’t a conventional power station that has and is likely to create the potential costs in recent history that Fukiwhatsit and Chernobyl have. That’s why the insurance thing is not now an issue for conventional. It might have been had they known what the issues were 50 or 60 years ago, but they didn’t.SInce then conventional have been closed as quick as possible therefore no longer an insurance issue. As opposed to Nuclear where the issues are becoming more and more obvious and more and more risky, but where governments are intervening to skew the outcome in favour of nuclear and therefore despite all the evidence suggesting that we should get the hell away from them, we are opening them. Trust me if there was a good chance of money to be made the insurers would be in there like no tomorrow. They aren’t daft and their assessments of risk aren’t often too far wide of the mark.

    Free Member

    The thing that really curls me up about it is that the jocks can’t have a referendum on independence without permission from Westminster. Now they’ve got it they don’t want it. A classic opening salvo really. It will be interesting to see how the cards go down on the table between Salmond and the chinless one, as the game of wits unfolds.

    (My monies on the jock.)

    Free Member

    You got my vote

    Which tells us all need to know about you I suspect

    Free Member

    Like I said in the earlier thread on the subject I know that a particular, now resigned/disgraced Police chief told these guys that he would keep coming for them for the rest of their lives until justice was served. To his absolute credit, he meant it, and he did it, and he didn’t just say it to these two either. The underlying principle being that the other 4 scrotes will be cacking themselves and looking over their shoulders for evermore too. I sincerely hope that, that thought also gives succor to the Lawrence family.

    Free Member

    You’d have to be ****ing insane to be strolling through that neck of the woods, looking like a tourist, at that time in the morning! Whatever creed or colour you were.

    Unfortunately as a visitor you’re not going to know that are you?

    the content and tone of your post made me wonder, are you deploying the “The slut asked for it guv” defence on behalf of dear old Psycho ?

    Free Member

    Personally, I think that by token of the fact a person wants to have a gun they should be barred from having one. Seesm self evident to me.

    Free Member

    Thing is, where does it stop? how many times should the Government be allowed to prosecute you?

    Flip the coin. How many times should you be able to appeal against conviction? I suspect the answers to both questions should be the same, and the opportunity to revisit weighed by the same criteria.

    Free Member

    Tory, Labour. Whatever. Keep trying to kid yourself there’s a difference anymore.

    Its precisely that sort of lazy outlook that gets you coalition governments. Remember even after the last 12 years under Labour, which has apparently polarised opinion Cameron and the bunch were still unelectable. That is almost unprecedented after a 12 year term government.

    There clearly is a difference between the parties, there will be consequences either way round, but not as severe as those under a coalition where nobody wins.

    Free Member

    what is the opposite of PC gone mad anyone ?

    Common Sense?

    Free Member

    Suffice to say that a promise was made by a certain Assistant Commissioner at the time of the original case. He was well aware of how badly a certain Police Force had let down a certain family due to lack of diligence, perhaps competence,(but definitely not due to racism). At the time said Assistant Police Commissioner let certain people who were only able to walk away due to said Police failings, know that whatever else happened he and the force who had failed said family would never give up and would constantly seek justice for said family for the rest of their lives.

    Hoorah, for justice, common sense, and fair play. IF the twunts get off here’s to the next time we see them in court regardless of the reason. Here’s hoping they and their ilk never get to sleep easy, and that never again will such things be allowed to go unpunished.

    (GMP We are watching you!)

    Free Member

    I admitted fault as it was pretty obvious, and the lady is the mother of my neighbour – plus I’m a pretty genuine person.

    Thats got nothing to do with it, when you insure you enter into a contract with the insurer whereby you basically give them the right to negotiate the outcome on your behalf. If you admit fault you are in breach of contract and technically have nullified the insurance cover. Its probably an irrelevance here, but thats why you should never admit liability. In fact by doing so you might well be undermining the propsects of the other party receiving any sort of settlement, so its neither big nor clever.

    That apart much sympathy, I’ve had to stump up a few times for the same reason, (my kids on my insurance). Kind of defeats the object of being insured in my mind. In fact in a couple of companies that I have run we changed to carrying the lowest possible level of cover we could find, and instead put what we would have paid in premiums into a contingency fund instead. Short of mahoosive claims they now pay all claims out of contingency. Too date its been cheaper by a fair bit.

    Free Member

    yeah.. cos no-one ever committed crime or misbehaved when it was the norm to assault children..

    Fair point, but then I do think you’ll find that by the same token youth street gangs, weren’t able to operate with impunity either.

    Free Member

    No contest on either front. The original and the best

    Free Member

    The problem here is simple, in that for some time now we have failed to teach our kids that there is a relationship between their actions and the consequences of those actions. For that reason in a way the kid wasn’t at fault, but in the greater scheme of things I like to look on it as the big guy reconnecting the said disconnect, so well done him.

    Free Member

    Those who act without due caution or accurate knowledge gained from understanding, should be at all costs detered from taking any action, for they do not posses the capacity to choose the correct course of action to persue!

    If the facts are irrelevant, then the issues are ignorance and stupidity!!!

    I think you might want to aim that at the fare dodging scrote….

    Trains are called public transport. Probably for a reason.

    Yeah… and public schools they’re the same…

    Free Member

    Personally whislt I don’t condone violence I do wholeheartedly support common sense. Frankly from what I’ve seen and heard ejecting the scrote from the train was common sense, and frankly if a bit more common sense were to be applied a bit more frequently without endless droning afterwards about rights we’d probably all rest a little easier in our beds.

    Free Member

    Seems pretty clear to me both in whats now being said, the body language at the time and subsequently that he overplayed his hand both internationally and domestically.

    Free Member

    along with the rapidly emerging manufacturing industries in the far east,

    PS: Having been one of the first companies to seriously trade in China, which is what you are talking about, (India/Taiwan/Japan/Phillipines etc had been going like 10 men for some time before Thatcher), I’m here to tell you that the boom from there did not really pick up speed until almost 10 years after Thatcher came to power. In the main British companies at the time did not want to do business there because it was notoriously difficult and unreliable. Ultimately we had little choice because of the disasterous state of the UK economy largely caused by selling off utilities and things like coal and steel.

    Free Member

    A few years ago I was managing a business where it looked very likely that we were going to become unionised to a fair amount of panic amonsgt my colleagues in the boardroom. We got ACAS in and I’ll never forget the guy who came down to see us. Completely straightfaced he sat there and told my MD that “you will only get a union if you deserve one”….folowed a few seconds later by “I reckon its going to happen from what I’ve seen”. I had to feign a coughing fit to get past that moment.

    Never a truer word spoken in my experience. Think about it, if you’re working for a good caring employer who plays a straight bat with you, why would you want to pay to be represented by a union? Thats as true at a national level as it is at a organisational one. So then think about the industrial troubles under Tory governments in recent times. Bad crews or bad captains? Pretty sure I know the answer.

    Free Member

    A view conveniently overlooked by the Fatcha haters was that in many industries, the “right” the unions were fighting for was the right to remain in an unmodernised, unrecontructed work environment that was becoming increasingly vulnerable to cheaper imports &/or more modern production methods.

    ..and what if she was wrong and the unions were right?

    The right most obviously being fought for was the right not to be managed by utter cocks in the main, and clearly the failure to win that argument and her policies have led to a strong thrusting British manufacturing base , where we are so clearly not vulnerable to cheap imports…….hang on..wait a minute! 😯

    Free Member

    hora – when there are many millions unemployed how are they all supposed to get jobs?

    If what he says is true, and I have no reason to doubt it, it is pretty amazing that he is unable to empathise with those for whatever reason that are even less fortunate than himself. Some sort of PTSD thing perhaps?

    Free Member

    If theres no work in deepest Wales, why not **** move to where there is work.

    Have you not noticed the scale of Welsh/Irish/Geordie/Scouse/Manc migration ot other parts of this sceptred isle, and for that matter throughout the world? I would have thought even the meanest intelligence would have.

    Free Member

    Think in terms of these issues :-

    Freeing up the banks to do unfettered lending
    The breakdown of traditional monogamous relationships
    The cost of property
    The obesity epidemic
    The current state of British Rail
    The current state of the Gas industry
    The current state of the electricity industry
    The current state of the water industry
    The current state of our Steel industry
    The current state of our coal industry
    The current state of our financial institutions
    The state of the NHS when New Labour came to power and the amount of money it took to repair it

    To name but a few, and you’ll have a general idea of why she’s held in such esteem.

    Free Member

    Yeah baby!

    Free Member

    I can’t really see the collapse of the Euro as the fault of some nobber in posh suit

    Interesting how the nobbers in posh suits seem to think its the fault of the last labour government and never miss an opportunity to say so though.

    Free Member

    …. I was just wondering whats happened to all the Tory supporters who used to pop up on threads such as this and chunder out things like Bliar and so forth. Seems to me that there are a lot less folk who are prepared to admit their toryness nowadays, or am I just veiwing things through my, conveniently close to red, rose tinted specs?

    Free Member

    Scholarships = Mechanism for maintaining good result averages 😉

    Free Member

    a lot more than education in the traditional sense

    Absolutely: For example a few years ago I was working for a public school educated fella who’d got himself into dire straits. A couple of phone calls and a day later a character walked in asked if “the boss” was about, and when I said no he handed me a cheque for £60,000 from his current account and asked me to pass it on. (He never got it back incidentally and they’re still mates!)

    They have entry papers, connections but the ability to pay is of limitedgreater relevance

    Fixed that for you

    Free Member

    these threads are more to get people thinking…and are not trolls !

    Best Advice: When one finds oneself in a deep, dark and damp place with a tiny dot of light overhead, its probably time to stop digging.

    Free Member

    I used to have a Taiwanese buddy. Bascially his parents rocked up there as a result of the Chinese Revolution, when Formosa as it was then was basically a desert island. He was identified as a bright kid and was fast tracked through the educational system eventually getting sent to MIT to study business. On his return he was able to borrow to finance his business at what were then ridiculously low rates like about 4% whereas if you wanted to borrow on a personal basis it was more like 20%. The last time I saw him was at the opening of his new factory complex that he’d built in Ningbo (near Shanghai). Where like many Taiwanese he returned with his wealth to his ancestoral home.

    Obviously the Taiwanese were horribly deluded and got it all badly wrong.

    Free Member

    Anyone ever ask themselves why there is a problem with the people who have the best education our country can offer running the government?

    Yep and it comes back to the same answer everytime, which is because daddy could buy it as opposed to because they are the brightest and best we’ve got and therefore deserve it.

    Free Member

    What the wealthiest in the land cocking up, then mounting the poorest and trying to shag a solution out of them? ….don’t know how you could suggest such a thing, shame on you!

    Free Member

    The real issue here is there do seem to be an awful lot of people about who seem to think that because they personally have been treated poorly that everyone else should be treated at least as badly if not worse, otherwise they are not entitled to complain. Monty Python “You’re lucky, we used to live in a shoe box on’t A1” Stylee

    I had a very similar conversation yesterday with my bookkeeper, who seems to think that because her policeman ex husband is an utter cock then all other public service employees are too.

    All a bit weird if you ask me.

    Free Member

    There are two things that say “spanner” very loudly IMHO.

    1) A rear mudguard of any description
    2) Hi viz jackets off road

    I couldn’t even go as far as to say why, they just do.

    Free Member

    If she just “thought” it. Then she would only have to worry about the fictional “thought police”

    Ah yes, but how long is it before not having the appropriate facial expression in similar circumstances is illegal, and surely the real issue is as I described it. i.e. the fact that this sort of outlook exists and persists rather than the fact that smacked out of her head she has verbalised it.

    And TJ regarding the camera issue, let me just say let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Lets face it if there were cameras everywhere who amongst us wouldn’t have a criminal record???

    Free Member

    I’m guessing the Daily Mail has a hand in the reporting of this, therefore its a fantasy rant for a nothing good to write about Attila the Hun day. Right?

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