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  • Issue 152 Last Word: Start Something
  • BermBandit
    Free Member

    Don’t suppose a choir boy has accidentally fallen into his lap by any chance?

    Free Member

    The lib dems are finished as a political force

    Did I miss something??? Been in bed ill all week…..when did they get to be a political force….bugger bugger I would have liked to have seen that..

    Just off at a tangent I was listening to Norman Tebbit on’t wireless last week…..its alright, this is all a red herring. Apparently we’ll get substantially more tax revenue out of the rich if we reduce the rate…PHEW! and for a minute there I was thinking that the self serving money grubbing bastards were sucking up to their mates…silly me eh?

    Free Member

    Thought it was a new CIA weapon to control the interweb

    Free Member

    Trickle down economics innit?

    Free Member

    Been a footy fan since the days when Sir Alf left the Town to go off and win the world cup. The Premiership was for me start of a slow decline in my enjoyment in the game. Thats the point where having more money than sense became de riguer in the game. I stopped having any interest at all in the proceedings in 2002 when it became apparent to me that no amount of good management business or sporting wise could overcome the money issues. Hopefully the wholesale demise of well supported clubs will bring sense back into it.

    Free Member

    I know where all those Nazi war criminals are….. they work in my doctors reception. Total bleeding madness…. if you want to make an appointment you have to ring from 8:00 on the day. Which kind of overlooks those of us who will already be at work 20 miles away by then. Then you get into the vortex of Press 1 if theres an R in the month, 2 if its a leap year and so on. Eventually, after a period of toe curling frustration you might if fortunate get through to Hildebrand the SS Reichsfuhrer for the day which always goes like this….

    HB) Vhat can ve do for you today?
    me) I’d like to see a Doctor please?
    HB) vhy have you not used the system?
    me) Well I start work at 7:30 so can’t really make an on the day appointment?
    HB) Vhy not?
    me) Well I work 20 miles away and I have to be there before the surgery is open.. so I’d really like to make an appointment rather than wait at home hoping that I might get in.
    HB) Ve have no appointments until 2038
    me) Well I really would like to get in before then
    HB) Is it an Emergency?
    me) Well I don’t know, thats what I want to find out
    HB) Vhat is ze problem?
    me) Well I don’t really want to discuss that over the phone…..
    HB) Vell if you are going to be difficult I’m afraid I can’t help you….click and the phone goes dead.

    Same battle every flipping time. Madness

    Free Member

    Going back to the OP. From the point of view of the Political Party or from your perspective, bearing in mind under our current system you need to get twunts to vote for you?

    Free Member

    Ahhhhhh just figured it out we’ve not got to “I” in the alphabet yet

    Free Member

    Does make you wonder though, why is everyone so paranoid about upsetting the Jewish lobby, whilst apparently we are not upset about upsetting Argentinians, Afghanis, Arabs, etc etc

    Free Member

    I’ve been upset about this ever since I heard about it. Partly the déjà vu aspect, but mainly the horrible inevitability of it. It didn’t take a genius to see where it was going.

    Free Member

    PC Rathband was always clear that the support he received from the Chief Constable was above and beyond what he expected

    I certainly don’t want to get into an argument about this, as I know it to be true, but strangely that’s what my mate said too. Clearly though PC Rathband wasn’t happy with the support he received as he set up a charity so that others wouldn’t go through what he’d been through, (his words and he wasn’t talking about the actual incident), and the bottom line is that whatever way you turn it up, the outcome indicates he needed more than he got.

    Free Member

    The rugby club, soldier on regardless, man up, mentality in the Police force did for one of my mates a few years back. Its loads better now, but it remains self evident that David Rathbone did not receive the support he needed. That is shameful and if nothing else good comes from this, lets hope that lesson being finally learnt is that thing. God forbid anyone else has to go this way.


    Free Member

    Stockholm last month: 3 small beers & 2 coffees – £38 Not a smart establishment either.
    Hotel Allegedly 4 star : £104 as night. Stayed in better Travel Lodges

    Avoid if at all possible. People lovely but take a mortgage out before you go

    Free Member

    The concept of someone who is taking an £8 million dividend knowing about how to help the long term jobless is what gets me…. I find it difficult to imagine anyone with less idea of what might be needed frankly.

    Free Member

    As the man at RBS pointed out yesterday

    1) All of the management team that cocked up have been fired.
    2) It wasn’t possible to replace them by saying “Come and work at RBS, take loads of shit and get a contract thats worth way less than you get now”.
    3) They have improved the situation of the bank exponentionally in the last year.
    4) The banks got into the crap by lending where they shouldn’t have, so in relation to small business lending do you really expect them to now make bad lending decisions just to meet some imaginaery criteria that keeps the voters happy or do you actually want them to avoid building up toxic debt again?

    Does that cover it?

    Free Member

    Can I be the first to mention Thatcher?

    Under her lot the situation changed to one where it is more a case of an underclass, very little if any working class and then middle and upper. i.e. pretty much everyone is middle class nowadays.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    “why wan’t he charged with assault/GBH?”

    Perhaps thats precisely why he said it!

    Free Member

    the Police/CPS took that view

    …. and that particular statement is the bone of contention. Very often these decisions are made for the shakiest of reasons, and lead to acceptance of crime rather than dealing with it.

    Frankly this was not a driving offence, it was a criminal assault with a lethal weapon, while at the same time risking the safety of the passengers in his care and he should be treated accordingly. Regretably it may well be that what he got was the heaviest punishment available, but it doesn’t make it right.

    Free Member

    I think if there were to be here defence she might well be dropping herself in it in respect of the child.

    Personally I hope Social services are all over her like a rash for the kiddies sake regardless of anything else.

    That apart if I were her brief I have to say my best advice would be a complete cough to it and contrition in large dollops.

    Free Member

    Attempted Murder
    In contrast to the offence of murder, attempted murder requires the existence of an intention to kill, not merely to cause grievous bodily harm: R v Grimwood (1962) 3 All ER 285. The requisite intention to kill can be inferred by the circumstances: R v Walker and Hayles (1990) 90 Cr App R 226.

    From the CPS Website: So tell me precisely how you don’t infer an intention to kill out of someone deliberately driving a bus into a cyclist……what was he doing trying to do his hair nicely for him?

    Free Member

    Yeah sorry, what it actually said originally was “I can’t wait to hear the defence its defo goin to include the phrase” ……… etc etc

    Free Member

    the court seemed to take that view too.

    Actually not, its not the courts that decide what the driver is charged with. Similarly in the case of the Rhyll 4 the same people (CPS in collusion with the Police) decided that the appropriate offence for killing 4 people was driving with bald tyres, for which they were very severely criticised later.

    The simple fact is in this country if you want to do away with someone, buy them a bike and then run them over. You will get off pretty much Scot free. In this instance the only reason the driver got done was the irrefutable video evidence.

    Free Member

    Arrrgh! ….. sorry.

    Here it is

    Free Member

    both IMHO are still unlikely to result in death

    Thats a bit like saying that it was an unforeseen consequence that someone might die after having a shotgun pointed at them and the trigger pulled. Of course being deliberately run down by a bus is likely to result in death. No doubt TJ’ll be along in a minute to suggest that in this instance the helmet manufacturer should also be charged due to the certainty of rotational forces causing injury in an accident likewise being a foreseeable consquence, but just saying something obviously daft doesn’t make it right.

    Free Member

    Pleading not guilty ?????

    Free Member

    Al, is it me or is this statement deliberately provocative and 100% wrong?

    The bus is in front, the cyclist rides well close to his nearside after he changes lanes, presumably to wind him up, and certainly a daft place to put oneself.

    The bus is in front: Its behind him all the time

    The cyclist rides well close to his nearside: he doesn’t change his line, just wobbles when he realises how close the bus is to him

    changes lanes presumably to wind him up. : Could it be that he was just planning on turning right by any chance?

    certainly a daft place to put oneself.: In an argument with a bus maybe, but riding along a road legitimately, certainly not.

    Overall, what you have to ask is what did the cyclist do that a) warranted a potential death sentence, and what did the bus driver do that was worth losing his job and liberty over. I believe the answer in both cases is nothing.

    Free Member

    In respect of the OP isn’t the argument about the Falklands similar to the position of America over Hawaii?
    America had no claim whatsoever over those islands and actually annexed them.
    It might interest a few people to take a look at Hawaii’s flag.

    The guy with the biggest stick gets the goodies basically.

    Free Member

    The Master Plan:

    Try and stick with me here:-

    Apparently the claim on the Falklands by Argentina is by dint of proximity. The Falklands are approx 430 miles off the coast of Argentina, so heres the deal….

    UK to the Faroes = 237 miles therefore Faroes are part of the UK
    Faroes to Iceland = 429 miles therefore Iceland is part of the UK
    Iceland to Greenland = 187 miles from Iceland therefore Greenland is part of the UK
    Greenland to Canada = 16 miles therefore Canada is aprt of the UK
    Canada to the USA = 0 miles therefore the USA is part of the UK
    USA to Mexico = 0 miles therefore Mexico is part of the UK
    Mexico to Guatemala = 0 miles therefore Guatemala is part of the UK
    Guatemala to Honduras = 0 miles therefore Honduras is part of the UK
    Honduras to Nicaragua = 0 miles therefore Nicaragua is part of the UK
    Nicaragua to Costa Rica = 0 miles therefore Costa Rica is part of the UK
    Costa Rica to Panama = 0 miles therefore Panama is part of the UK
    Costa Rica to Colombia = 0 miles therefore Colombia is part of the UK
    Colombia to Brazil = 0 miles therefore Brazil is part of the UK
    Brazil to Argentina = 0 miles therefore Argentina is part of the UK
    Argentina to the Falklands = 430 miles therefore the Falklands are clearly part of the UK

    There you go irrefutable Argentinian logic that a) The Falklands are indeed British, and in fact that they as a region of the UK already have ownership.

    Dispute sorted.

    I thank you.

    Free Member

    Is it easier to get a degree than it used to be?

    No, anything less boring/trolling to talk about?

    Free Member

    Like Yoda said “Decide you must. How to serve them best. If you leave now, help them you could, but you would destroy all for what’s they have fight and suffered.”

    Free Member

    To be honest if thats all shes got to worry about, a holiday in the tribal areas of Pakistan might be in order to put it all into some perspective.

    Free Member

    PS: WE’ve got a round of the NPS series in July

    Free Member

    If you people don’t like that kind of thing there is free choice either as a participant or as a purchaser. Pretty straightforward really.

    Free Member

    Its a prescription drug, so the answer is totally dependent on what dose your GP prescribed for you.

    Personal advice would be to use it as sparingly as you can. Its a very effective pain killer, but you can at anytime get a reaction to it. Its very unpleasant along the lines of anaphylaxis, and once that happens you’ll not be able to use it again, so save it for when you really need it.

    Free Member

    A small postscript to all this. It was interesting today to hear that the governments proclamations of some 391,000 immigrants claiming benefits as if there was some incredible scam going on has been brought up short by the office of national statistics. They have come as close as a civil servant can to calling the governing party liars, by firstly pointing out that 98% of these people are perfectly legitimately entitled to claim under reciprocal agreements which also sees large numbers of British Expats claiming benefits in places like Spain, and that in fact immigrants on benefits are a lower percentage of the total than they represent in the population as a whole. i.e. immigrants are less likely to claim benefits than other parts of the legitimate population. Secondly asking ministers not to quote raw figures until they have been thoroughly vetted and passed as being accurate by the Office whose job it is to provide accurate information.

    Lies, damn lies and Tories!

    Free Member

    There is not, and never has been, and never will be, a “Scottishness”.

    ….. and that is precisely what I said, and also why the whole issue is a farce. Its a relevant as banging on about the independence for Avalon.

    They normally get a vote on account of them living here

    Well actually you only get a vote if you qualify to have one, not merely by dint of living there. Again that’s the point isn’t it there isn’t any qualifying criteria, other than simple residence which reinforces the point about the independent nation of Scotland i.e. its an irrelevant issue from history.

    Free Member

    Who gets to vote really is at the heart of the issue, and its on several levels.

    Firstly, its quite normal for ex-pats and people working overseas to have the right to vote even if they do not return home. In this instance its a bit of a toughy, as there is no record of who is and isn’t Scottish, and thereby hangs the tale. The fact is Scottishness is now so intertwined with being British that it makes the whole concept of independence a complete farce, and thats why Salmond has to insist on the disenfranchisement of Scots everywhere, except where it suits him. You’ll be hard pressed to find anyone in these isles without some claim somewhere to some bloody tartan or other, and that fact also applies to large swathes of the rest of the world.

    Secondly, there are a whole raft of people who reside in Scotland who have no claim whatsoever to be Scottish. As I posted earlier Terry Butcher, ex England Football Captain to name but one. On what basis does he get a vote for the independence or otherwise of the place? If an Englishman living in Scotland can vote why can’t a Scot living in England? That one sentence sums up the ridiculousness of the issue.

    Thirdly, whether Salmond or TJ like it or not, the outcome of this vote will have a profound effect on the Union which we are all part of. I can see no reason whatsoever, why my opinion on that matter has less validity than that of someone living across some imaginery line that used to be a border and now in reality isn’t.

    The whole issue is a farce from start to finish and is clearly being manipulated by Salmond to suit his own ends, which is his right. However it is also mine to have a say in what happens in the democracy in which both he and I live until there is a democratic decision to change that status quo.

    Free Member

    You don’t have any say in the matter?

    Yep thats right, in much the same way as the Scottish ex pat community in Corby/London/Bristol/Birmingham/every flipping town in the country don’t.

    Free Member

    I didn’t, but about this independence mullarkey…. I’m Scottish, I qualify directly to play for Scotland, etc etc, not through residence, but through my father and his father and his back as far as you can go. Due to no fault of my own I live south of the border. In the meantime Terry Butcher, as Suffolk as you like and an Ex England Captain can.

    Whatever way you spin it this decision has a profound effect on me and mine, either as a Scot, or as a citizen of the Union, either way it does. So how come I have no say?

    That’s not democracy!

    Overall, I probably favour less centalisation, and if I had my way the system would work in layers from the lowest level up, so say Parish councils reporting to and being represented at local boroughs, reporting to and being represented at Regional authorities reporting to and being represented at National government reporting toand being represented at Europe. So for my money if we are going down this route that’s the way foreard with Northumbria, Wessex and East Anglia getting the same deal stylee.

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