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  • BermBandit
    Free Member

    I’m starting a campaign for an independant England, fed up of these whinging colonials who think they can hold the country to ransom. Just wait until we let them have the vote, then they’ll understand what a burden they’ve been these 300 past years….

    Free Member

    Pretty much +1 for all the take it seriously and it might be a symptom posts above.

    My story is that I’ve suffered with sciatica off and on for a few years. In the past two I’ve been getting pins and needles in my legs and numbness, which then progressed to full out dead legd with little or no muscle control at any point where I was standing for more than 2 or 3 minutes. Investigation shows that it is a stenosis, which is basically a flattening out, in my case of 2 of my lumbar discs, to the extent that they are encroaching into the sciatic nerve channel and effectively blocking the signals to my legs.

    Treatment: Physiotherapy on an ongoing basis with a series of exercises done routinely every day. When that doesn’t work any more the next step is an epidural injection, which from what I gather is very unpleasant and not that effective, followed eventually by the vertabrae being fused together.

    Reality Check: The injury is caused by years (I’m 56 and have been riding offroad since I was 6) of pounding to my lower back over rough terrain, lack of stretching post ride with the subsequent shortening of my ham strings. By manning up and ignoring it I’ve managed to terminally cock my back up.

    Pain is gods way of telling you something is wrong people. Painkillers and anti inflamatories simply veil it and enable you to do more damage until such point as you can’t ignore it, which is often as in my case too late. Had I been doing a small percentage the physio I’m now doing to strengthen my core and stretch my hamstrings, none of this would have happened.

    PS: Don’t be fobbed off with a bottle of painkillers. Demand proper investigation and get a second opinion if necessary. took me several visits to the surgery even when my legs were going numb before I got anywhere.

    Free Member

    Personally I am wholly in favour of a None of The Above vote on all ballot papers. As mentioned above the default is currently the one you least dislike, which has to be wrong. A victory for None of the Above would be a powerful statement to all, and should be an option. However, given the obvious potential discomfort for the smug and self opinionated in our midst I have sneaking suspicion I’ve got more chance of a knee trembler with the Queen.

    Free Member

    Berm Bandit – Member

    Berm Bandit – Member

    but that I have worked hard in order not to be a burden to anyone else.

    Out of interest was your hard work truthfully simply for altruistic reasons or was it due to limited choices?


    <drums fingers on desk and examines nails closely> 😕

    Free Member

    Have a look at the wonderful Sue Marsh’s blog

    You are not kidding 😯 Well worth clicking on the I am Spartacus link. Suspected as much, but still a bit of a shocker to see it in print on offical headed paper like that.

    Free Member

    Berm bandit, a very sensible post.

    At the risk of being accused of indulging in a mutual appreciation society, ditto right back at yer.

    Our political system gravitates against anything longer than a 5 year plan which in Macro economics is not very long at all, and whilst I didn’t say it in so many words I agree, the Reagan/Thatcher love in does indeed make it a Anglo-American generated problem.

    Free Member

    Berm Bandit – Member

    but that I have worked hard in order not to be a burden to anyone else.

    Out of interest was your hard work truthfully simply for altruistic reasons or was it due to limited choices?


    Free Member

    but that I have worked hard in order not to be a burden to anyone else.

    Out of interest was your hard work truthfully simply for altruistic reasons or was it due to limited choices?

    Free Member

    Its interesting how entrenched ideas seem to dominate peoples thinking regardless of the evidence.

    Its pretty clear that the current economic situation is totally based on the international banking crisis, and that our nations current debt crisis is pretty much in a straight line related to the least-worse scenario of bailing out the banks to avoid total melt down. It is also pretty clear that the banking crisis relates directly back to the policies of one M. Thatcher and her crony R. Reagan Esq who instituted actions that took the controls off banks that had previously existed. i.e. for example when I got married in 1980 you were not able to borrow more than twice the principle income for a mortgage, if you wanted to borrow money from the bank you faced an interview with the Bank manager to demonstrate the need /logic and it was extremely unlikely that you would get more than 2/3rds of the cost of whatever the purchase might be. There were no credit cards in general circulation.
    Those policy changes have fuelled house price inflation and the credit boom over the last 20 or 30 years, and we now have to pay the ferry man. Its thats simple.
    It is also clear that reintroducing controls on banks might have been a good idea, but as the current government is demonstrating, it’s a doomsday option, and anytime you talk about it the response from the banks is goodbye we’re off to Zurich, Hong Kong or wherever. Having jumped out of the manufacturing pongd and into the financial services one with both feet the simple fact is our economy is screwed without it and it doesn’t much matter who’s in No 10.

    The very best long term policy would be to encourage manufacturing growth, by investing in small businesses and manufacturing, but guess who doesn’t want to lend money to facilitate that? Vested interest? Cynical? Yep certainly.

    Take a look at what Thatchers cabinet all do now. Pretty much across the spectrum on the board of major banks.

    So lets just kill off the notion that Gordon Brown and or Tony Blair are responsible for the international banking crisis. They very well may be accused of not having the balls to try to rein the banks in, but then they aren’t alone in that, or has everyone failed to notice how well the bonus culture has been reined in…….NOT!

    Free Member

    ohnohesback – Member
    So ‘what is acceptable’ is now defined by the people who are most offended by what is said?

    Dear God are there really articulate people in this world who perceive what that hateful git did was exercising freedom of speech? If you do try remembering that when I walk up to your wife/husband, daughter/son or girlfriend/boyfriend and launch into a tirade of foul mouthed abuse, asking them such delightful things as whether they’d like to see my genitals and whether I can touch them inappropriately etc etc. My right to freedom of speech?? Of course not.

    Do not mistake the right to free speech with some fanciful idea that your forebears fought a war to keep your right to foully abuse others. They didn’t, and there is no such right and never has been.

    Freedom of speech??….next thing you’ll be telling me is that you have a black mate and your kids go to school with one so obviously you aren’t a racist. Wake up and take a look at yourself will yer?

    Free Member

    Is this thread a cunning ploy to cast potential entrants in the new series of Life on Mars the Reality TV Show?

    Free Member

    Out of interest apparently the maximum sentence for ths offence as taken from the CPS website is as follows

    s.19 – publishing/distributing written material which is threatening/abusive/insulting with intent/likely to stir up racial hatred

    Maximum Penalty
    Crown Court – 7 years imprisonment
    Magistrates’ court – 6 months

    So in light of that 56 days doesn’t seem that bad to me.

    Free Member

    I’ll take that as a no then….

    OK I’m typing this very slowly to help you understand. This is hypothetical, so don’t take it too literally.

    Do you think Adolf was racist when he was born? Yes/No

    If the answer to that is YES , I give up, but if not we then get to the point of when did he become racist and why? Suddenly or a gradual and insidious process?

    If you think it was a sudden light bulb moment then I give up, if however you think it was a slow insidious thing perhaps from his peers or his parents then we have the beginnings of an understanding.

    If that is what you think, then the idea of preventing casual racism by legal process starts to tie up with what I am suggesting.

    Now I genuinely hope you’ve managed to keep up with that, but if not well frankly theres no hope.

    Free Member

    Nope not really, wouldn’t mind you trying to explain precisely what your point is minus the snottyness though.

    Free Member

    Ah, I see so you think that had Adolf been allowed to spout racist hatred as his message with impunity he wouldn’t have risen to power and been responsible for the deaths of millions??

    Reaches For the “Very Big and Quite Heavy Book of Extremely Obvious Flaws in Ransos Rationale”

    Free Member

    If you really can’t see that making a tit of oneself is not remotely comparable to the intentions of the nazis, then you are too dim to be worth talking to.

    ….and if you weren’t so self obsessed you would have spotted the fact that I mentioned the Weimar republic in my original post on the subject of genocide, i.e. pre dating the Nazis, and the point you are repeatedly missing is that it is necessary to stop this sort of mullarkey before it gets to the Nazi stage. i.e. had AH or his cronies been repeatedly jailed for espousing their racist bile, then in all probability they would never have risen to lead Nazi Germany. That is why we have the law, thats why racism is treated as it is, and thats why I am fully in agreement with the sentence.

    ……reaches for the “None so blind as those who will not see Smiley”

    Free Member

    Yes, because one idiot on the internet is exactly the same as an ideology that was racist from the beginning.

    Probably worse to be fair. I reckon Jo Goebbels would have loved to have had that sort of instant access to the entire world.

    …….now where did I put that missing the point you wally smiley?

    Free Member

    Oh do grow up. If you think that spiteful name-calling by an individual is remotely comparable to state-sponsored genocide then you need to go and find some perspective.

    I presume you think that AH and his goose stepping chums started at genocide? The reality is that it was a slow insidious process over years that built up to that outcome, and thats the point both of this sentence and what I said. Its making the point loud and clear that racism is unacceptable and won’t be tolerated. This twunt might be unfortunate, he might not I don’t know the full details, but its sent the right message in the right way and for that reason I’m 100% in favour of it.

    Free Member

    you’re the only one

    Clearly not…. to be fair

    Free Member

    just wondering why twitter is being taken so seriously

    Probably because of a much ignored aspect of criminal law. Someone has to make a complaint and follow it through. By all accounts Police forces UK wide received complaints and therefore were able to do something about it.

    Regarding not locking anyone else up. Am I the only person who is aware that the UK’s prisons are full to bursting? Not really supporting the suggestion that no one else ever gets locked up is it?

    Free Member

    Sending this racist idiot to prison is an expensive and pointless failure of imagination

    I reckon there would have been about 6 million jews, 2 million Poles, & 250,000 gypsies who would have warmly welcomed a similar lack of imagination in the Weimar republic, and that is the point. If we’ve learnt nothing else from the 20th Century surely to God zero tolerance of racism has to be on the list??

    Free Member

    56 days!! Result IMHO

    Free Member

    Just watched that vid and will admit to a bit of incredulity, but overall + 1 for what M-C just said.

    Free Member

    I think you’ll find that that is why when they carry out a raid they go in suited and booted with helmets, body armour, stab proof and flame proof kit and what have you. The fact that the dog has seriously injured 4 out of 5 even then really underlines the horror of what must have gone on.

    Doesn’t bear thinking about what might have gone on at the local park had the scrote taken it out for a dump there.

    Free Member

    Virgin PE is better than BA PE

    Totally agree. However, their website etc is an unbelievable cluster flunk. Having experienced the incredible frustration of it both with Virgin Mobile and with flights I promised myself I will never use Virgin again as long as I have breath in my body, simply not worth the angst.

    Free Member

    Less seats in the cabin width in Premium economy which is what gives you more room. Last flight I was on was 3-4-3 seat across in economy and 2-3-2 in PRemium. Seat is generally more comfy. No real difference on entertainment or food front, except that you get served before the prols in the back.

    Defo nicer than Economy. Worth the extra? Not if I’m paying No.

    Free Member

    Nope, what I’m saying is being a member of that organisation and standing by idley and accepting that that sort of behaviour goes on makes you culpable in the commission of a crime IMHO. Whether that should or shouldn’t be illegal is an entirely seperate conversation. I am however quite prepared to stand by that considered view and defend it wherever I might have to, unlike the little scumbag who this thread is about. Who, once he realised what he had done, wasn’t prepared to defend his viewpoint and instead tried to weasel out of accepting responsibility.

    Actually not sure what its got to do with this thread, but as you wanted to bring it up I’m happy to accomodate you.

    Free Member

    espouse such abrasive and offensive views

    LOL: So pretending that this is acceptable and isolated isn’t abrasive or offensive?

    Free Member

    Arse: read the title and assumed it was big Brother as the dumbest thing I’ve ever come across on TV

    Free Member

    Yep to be honest to stand quietly by and continue to support an organisation which is so clearly morally bankrupt does in my view push you across into the realms of at the very least being culpable in the commission of paedophilia. Not sure about you, but if I were a Catholic, I’d be screaming from the roof tops for action to be taken, anything less really isn’t commensurate with the belief system I’d be subscribing to.


    Free Member

    do Catholics have a responsibility to go on marches against paedophilia? Otherwise we might suppose they are paedophile sympathisers?

    but they are aren’t they?

    Free Member

    CB: Yep, but you see my point. Its about a line in the sand somewhere. Regarding the law, its always going to be about reflecting societies values, so personally I’m pretty comfortable with no overt racism being one of those. Obviously it isn’t possible to stop every last little thing, but it does make a statement about whats acceptable and what isn’t.

    Free Member

    bermbandit racist chanting at football is illegal see football offences act 1991

    Yep I know. So if what this twunt did shouldn’t be illegal then surely that shouldn’t be illegal either by the same token, being the overall point.

    I’d like to thank you for obviously taking the time to read my post and entering into a discussion about the philisophical and logical points made

    Bad day? 😕

    Free Member

    I had not realised he had made racist comments too

    The clues in the thread title 🙄

    Free Member

    that’s not just an expression of racism, there’s a public order and intimidation aspect to it that changes the picture

    Oh… I thought it was a about freedom of speech!

    What I describe was commonplace in the UK until relatively recently, and still is in parts of Europe. Its all well and good for the likes of you and me to pontificate about “sticks and stones Etc etc”, but its not us who are facing it on a daily basis. (I’m making that assumption for you, that you aren’t exposed to racism on a daily basis, I know I’m certainly not). So sorry can’t agree with you. This particualr twunt is getting precisely what he deserves, and there is no way that it is acceptable behaviour and it should be an affront to any reasonable society and it is therefore precisely what the legal system is there for.

    Free Member

    Hmmmm, so perfectly acceptable for stadia full of football fans to chant racist abuse and make monkey noises everytime a black player gets the ball then?

    Free Member

    Not if it’s just racism, no.

    Someone pinch me I just dreamt that I was in the 1950’s

    Free Member

    Well, so what? Don’t go to the pub with him, then.

    So not in favour of racism being illegal then kona?

    Free Member

    Not sure what he siad, but given the fact that he has been warned that he might receive a custodial sentence I’m guessing it was pretty shameful.

    Free Member

    Whatever happened to allowing a man to go make his own luck in this world

    I think you’ll find that the inequalities fought against by the left and for by the right put paid to any realistic chance of that for the majority of the population.

    Nulabour’s legacy is a more corrosive stain on our country than anything that had gone before.

    In what way?

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