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  • Singletrack Kitchen: Pub Bike Gumbo
  • bentandbroken
    Full Member

    It sounds like the ‘screen’ that you get with a new iPhone

    Try plugging it in to a puter with iTunes already on it and following any instructions that come up on either device?

    Full Member

    Good Luck! Break a leg…


    Back and still in the same number of pieces :D

    btw what did you do?

    Fell off and broke a collar bone and several ribs. For various (boring) reasons it is taking ages to heal. The surgeon now wants to assess me again a year after the second surgery as I may need to go under the knife again :-(

    Full Member

    Great looking scarves and I like the way the second one ‘hangs’ so don’t see a problem with the lack of a ‘model’

    Maybe try black velvet as a background? I used to have a piece that I kept and used as a ‘neutral’ background and it worked well. Just make sure you hang it far enough back to be out of focus

    Full Member

    Awesome! I’ve only been in one and it was very impressive, but that knocks it into a cocked hat!

    We did get the environmental blurb on our visit. I think they said that the air-con was only on for about 38 days in 2011 because they directed the airflow, and monitored it on the ‘inlet’ and ‘outlet’ of each cabinet. They also used massive ‘car radiators’ as heat exchange units and used solar power to run the water/oil pumps

    No herds of deer in the car park though (love that photo!)

    Late Edit – Ref Iceland comment; Scotland used to be popular for data centers, but because of problems getting services (including fuel during the winter) to them and the increased efficiency they are moving South

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Inanimate objects must be punished for (alleged) inappropriate previous ownership

    I say “burn them all”

    Full Member

    Sorry for the slow response, it’s been a bit hectic for the last 24 hours

    As before, the links posted were great and invaluable to me when we saw the consultants. I don’t want to post too much detail on here, but the outcome (so far) is very positive and we both feel relieved that we have a confirmed diagnosis and a comprehensive plan for the future.

    Bullheart; Thanks for getting in touch, you have mail

    Thanks STW!

    Full Member

    This is all good stuff and much better than my google research so far.

    Thanks for all your help so far.

    …and do try to relax a bit. Cancers don’t grow overnight and the treatments for said cancers don’t happen in the time it takes to stamp your feet.

    Relax a bit, for your sake and for the person with the diagnosis.
    Very valid point. Apparently my input is important because I seem “calm and confident”. I am obviously a better actor/poker player than I thought

    Full Member

    Gotcha! I think the cable will ‘flow’ more naturally that way as well. Thanks :D

    Full Member

    I’d run that front brake hose inside the fork though…

    I’m not sure I understand :oops: Its currently zip tied (lightly) in some grooves on the front of the forks (you can just about see the black zip tie in the picture). The grooves look like they are made for the job, but I can move it if it would be better elsewhere….

    PS – Thanks for the other advice :wink:

    Full Member

    Removed as I think there are forum shenanigans going on :oops:

    Full Member

    Anybody who tells you not to get a Carrera bike is either an idiot or a Liar.Carrera bikes are award winning bikes enjoyed by many on this Forum.They are as good as bikes costing twice there price.The Bullshit of bike brand snobs is not the same as a realistic assessment.

    ‘They’ didn’t tell me not to get any Carrera (hence I typed “Don’t get the Carrera they said”).
    The advice was to get the next Carrera up the range (by buying second hand to keep in my budget) or look at a build it yourself based on an On One Inbred frame.

    Still seems good advice to me :D

    Full Member

    Aah, black and white photography to camouflage the moss in the flags

    It makes a better job of hiding the fact that one of the fence panels is painted and the other isn’t :oops:

    Nice bike though.


    Full Member

    Ooo! It worked.

    Not a great photo, but the best one I have for now

    Full Member

    Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3

    Full Member

    How do I post my photos (they are on my laptop, not online) so that STW can give me the obligatory gardening advice?

    Full Member

    watches with interest :-)

    Full Member

    Healing vibes going his/your way

    Full Member

    OK, I have had to do some google research as I can’t answer in the detail you are referring to :?

    Anyway, I have a Harrison Rod and Cable attached to the spine from about the bottom of my shoulder blades to the top of my hips (T1 to L2?). I have the x-rays at home so can check that answer later

    The reason for thinking I want a longer frame is that I was projected to make 6 foot without the Scoliosis. I stopped at about 5″8 and the surgery took me to 5″10. Although that means my torso is shorter than expected (relative to my legs) I don’t ‘curve’ so sit/stand very upright. Traditionally I sit alongside a 6″ person and look a similar height. Maybe the two things do cancel each other out :?

    As to location. I am based on the West side of the New Forest

    Thanks for the answers/comments so far

    Full Member

    It’s starting to look like I am unique :?

    Full Member

    As above, he is a tool.

    Shame that your little one might be put off Martial Arts by this. I joined the local Tae-Kwon-Do club with my 7 year old lad and roughly 1/4 of the sessions start with fun games to warm us up. No shouting, no derision, nothing too serious. It’s fun, but the lessons of respect, perseverance etc are there

    Given a choice I wold do Judo (from the memories of my Judo club 40ish years ago!). Please try again, but only if the 7 year old is happy to

    Full Member

    Are your tyres as old as the bike? Decent tyres till help enormously.

    Wants to answer no, but then realises that they were taken off a bike bought at exactly the same time :oops:

    What tyres for…… :wink:

    Full Member

    Thread resurrection!

    I’m 5’10”, but have long legs (34″ from memory). Would an 18″ be right for me?

    Full Member

    I’d say from about 10 years ago or so manufacturers had gotten their stuff together and it’s hard to get a really rubbish frame.

    That’s an interesting comment. New would be lovely, but second hand looks to be a minefield. Based on your comment something less than 10 years old (say about 5 years old) in relatively good nick might allow me to get a higher spec

    Full Member

    Looked like a great day out for those that went (anyone from here?)

    I seriously hope I am repaired in time for next years (or maybe even the Devon Dirt in April)

    Full Member

    The little old lady in front of me elected for no sedative as she had to catch the bus home.

    I went for everything they offered and still had a gagtastic time.

    Huge respect to the little old lady, she walked out as if she had had a blood test.

    Full Member

    Sorry, just to clarify, I did not fall on my first ride with them, but after about 7 months of approx 10-20 miles of combined firetrack and singletrack per week (still unlucky, but not quite a 100% crash record!)

    Many thanks for the suggestions/comments. A bike swap is probably not going to work well as I would be swapping with £800+ machines with combinations of 29″ wheels and FS so very different from the budget Carerra I am looking at. That said the Giant Revel I hired last week is a similar value so may be worth haggling for a weekend hire

    Skills training is also thought. I have read the many Jedi recommendations, but dismissed him as way too advanced for me. My riding buddies are very experienced and one has done some MTB leader courses so I get (hopefully) good advice from them, but perhaps paid for advice is worth looking in to

    I also like the comment on max comfortable speed. I think I will be applying that when I am finally allowed to get back on two wheels. Previously I just tried to keep up with the fastest person in the group

    Cheers all!

    Full Member

    costochondral separation.

    Googled it and realised what the ‘popping’ from the rib cage 6 weeks after the initial fall (and from a different place to the broken rib pain) was all about

    Full Member

    You have dragged me out of anonimity to post this;

    Unit 12&13
    Cranbourne Industrial Estate
    Cranbourne Rd
    Potters Bar
    EN6 3JN


    And no, I have no link/interest, but have owned countless minis in my time

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