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  • Trail Tales: Midges
  • BenHouldsworth
    Free Member

    Just had the tape measure out and it’s greater than 3m so I guess I need to track the plumber down

    Free Member

    That I don’t know Stoner; we certainly got certificates for the gas/electrics. Was he legally obliged to notify them if he was only extending existing feeds from the old kitchen to a new one.

    Given the standard of his work I think it’s unlikely he did this.

    Free Member

    Total shell, we (me and a plumber) have audibly located the leak to an area around 50 cm into the pad from the wall of the main property.

    Knowing where the feeds were in the old kitchen we’ve removed plasterboard and visually identified the hot and cold feeds going straight into the pad without any conduit.

    What we haven’t done yet is lift the flooring in the kitchen to assess the damage/precisely locate the leak, the insurers are sending a contractor on Friday to do that.

    The insurance will cover upto £5000 ‘locate and access’ (dig up, dry out, reinstate) but not the repair itself AND that’s where the issue lies.

    If the pipe was in conduit we could slide it out and replace it, what we can’t do is put a joint in an unsheathed pipe (regs) so effectively we will be digging up a floor up and unable to repair in the easiest manner.

    Had an independent builder round last night who said £600 to reroute the hot and cold feeds to meet reg (inc access points).

    What I have to hope is like FootFlaps says that I met all my obligations and the insurers are nice.

    Free Member

    Assumes compliance???

    I need legal advice as ultimately I assume a registered builder who did majority of work to standard is by the book, building control assume the builder works to regs, they all assume that by laying good foundations they must be good at meeting water regs and when it goes tits up the burden is on me.

    I’ll let you know how I get on but I’m up for a fight on this so I’ll be taking it to all of them

    Free Member

    Lightbulb moment!!! If its not covered by building regs then the insurance can’t say that’s an issue :D we’re back in the game

    Free Member

    Well if there is anything I can do to empower you let me know; right now I’m off to camp outside Boston open prison and await the builders release.

    On the plus side I finish wok early tomorrow and will be going out on my bike.

    Free Member

    I’m frustrated as you can probably tell but what I’m hearing is lots of regulations not actually regulated by anyone

    Free Member

    Bollocks! So who enforces water regs then? and can anyone tell me the point of building control?

    Free Member

    water regs schedule 2.7

    1) No water fitting shall be embedded in any wall or solid floor
    Location of water fitings

    G7.1 Unless they are located in an internal wall which is not a solid wall, a chase or duct which may be readily exposed, or under a suspended floor which may, if necessary, be readily removed and replaced, or to which there is access, water fittings should not be:

    a)located in the cavity of a cavity wall; or,
    b)embedded in any wall or solid floor; or,
    c)installed below a suspended or solid floor

    So I need to chase the builder/plumber etc BUT if that’s the case and all liability lies with the builder then what is the purpose of building control who are seemingly responsible for nothing,

    Free Member

    Project, the plumber was the weak link, got sacked on site but as I was living away during the build I believed, like all the other work that things would be to standard. Everything else is good and been checked by another builder for gave it the nod.

    Free Member

    Scotroutes, as a rational man, I completely accept there’s an element of trust involved.

    My issue is that there is no regulation for laminate flooring so if he screwed that up then fair enough but there are regs for water pipes, however, if as Greybeard says, it’s my responsibility to be on site to check he meets regulations I know nothing about what exactly is building controls role??

    Free Member

    Bad luck Roger :( where in North Leeds?

    Free Member

    As someone who knows traveller families, lovely as they are, generally they are upto mischief of one kind or another; they don’t see it as mischief , ‘jus makin a few bob’ but its mischief. Sadly while they’re fun to have a pint with (until they’re drunk then its scary) no generalisations have been mad in this thread.

    Also pikey is a made up word, call them pikey they’ll knock you out, gypo you might live.

    Free Member

    Leglam, the EWTD has covered junior doctors since 2004/2005, how are they still getting away with giving those sort of hours?

    Free Member

    Sounds like my grumpy six year old; he just wants to be on my laptop researching things (which cool in a geeky way) but the moment its time to switch it off and do something else the gates of hell open.

    He’s crap at sharing, constantly winds his younger brother up but like Junior Sinatra had periods of affection, joy and unconditional love and is great at school.

    It could be a phase or he could just be a mardy kid, my sister was a miserable child but turned out alright, we’re just riding it out

    Free Member

    My dad saw something back when I was a kid; he was out walking the dog near York, flat open farm land and says he saw 3 bright white lights sat stationary in a line, he watched them for a while at which point they merged into one a shot up vertically at a silly speed.

    He a standard Yorkshireman and doesn’t subscribe to much so I’ve no reason not to believe.

    Free Member

    That’s the last time I looked outside STW; dude, I’m not young and don’t work it IT, we can’t all be 2013 hipsters

    Free Member

    I had 1×10 on my old Unit, used a Paul’s Components seat tube mounted guide; had to get it from the states and it was about £45.

    I now use a £15 Superstar bb mounted guide which works just fine.

    Your chainring should be fine.

    Free Member

    My large Solaris weighs 27.3 pounds with REBAS, hope/flow wheels, 1×10 XT and 2.25 Ardents, even with Spesh Renegades on its over 26 pounds.

    Don’t stress, fitness will more than make up for a couple of pounds.

    Free Member

    My Yahoo account got done today as well, got an alert from Yahoo to say my account had been accessed from India.

    I assume they copy your address book but once you’ve changed the password it should all be good again.

    N.b I know nothing about IT and will be corrected soon

    Free Member

    Ononeorange, ultimately the best thing to do is eat clean food and a balanced diet; while there is lots of compelling evidence out there for higher fat/low carb diets and certainly from a metabolic/hormonal prospective clear pathways as to how high sugar (carbs are sugars, simple or complex simply describes the chain of molecules) diets impact on various diseases, lots of other factors are at play (sedentary lives, poor sleep etc) for it is be a panacea for all ills.

    It’s a good starting point though.

    Free Member

    Molly, it get more interesting…..I work in home ventilation and Leptin is a potent ventilatory stimulant especially during sleep. Obesity Hypoventilation (under breathing when sleeping) is a growing problem so as people become Leptin resistant due to dietary issues the problem will only get worse.

    Free Member

    The contribution of high carb diets is interesting with regards to high LDL levels.

    Once the liver and muscles are full of glycogen the next step for the liver is to convert glucose to Palmitic Acid, this is a very low density lipid, the sort that sticks to blood vessels.

    Another interesting thing is Palmitic acid decreases your sensitivity to Leptin, one of the hormones that tells you you are satiated.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Just enjoyed 2 weeks on a Specialized Renegade/FastTrak combo but swapped back to Ardents front and rear yesterday with the realisation summers almost over

    Free Member

    In my dreams the Tour Divide and RAAM, in reality I’ll probably give a 24 hour solo a go at some point and I WILL do the Paris-Brest-Paris audax when the kids are a bit older

    Free Member

    Aye Will, good work. When I left Leeds there were blue skies and I think a few of us learnt a lesson about being better prepared for the ever changing weather on high ground.

    Will do the survey later and hope it happens again next year when they’ll be a thread on here full of people moaning they were too hot in their three thermal tops and waterproof jacket :wink:

    Free Member

    Kingkongsfinger, you’ve just Alphamaled yourself into my affections :P

    Free Member

    Chipps, I think you raise some good points regarding incentives for organisers to keep going and the technicalities of bridal ways being used but if there’s a clock running and prizes at the end then some if us will go as fast as we can.

    While I know I’m not going to win I aim for the top third and enjoy trying to out climb, catch others and beat myself up doing it; even our night rides are competitive, it’s just how some of us are :D

    Free Member

    Fatboyjon, I was as prepared as I thought I needed to be….thermal jersey, waterproof, survival bag, long finger gloves; my downfall was that the gloves weren’t waterproof and I wore Lycra shorts.

    If my hands had been warm I’d have continued but was at a point that if I had a mechanical my hands would be no use so better safe than sorry.

    I’ve already emailed the organiser to say good effort and I’ll be back next year

    Free Member

    When targeting smooth off road Strava segments and CX races

    Free Member

    Well Paul finished in 28 hours, winners came in just over 26 hours, good ride by any standard

    Free Member

    Was that you in the Merc Sefton? Seemed a bit extreme when they said they were off to get a 4×4 to pull you when one had even tried a bit of manhandling

    Free Member

    kingkongsfinger, I think we were all together in that bog

    Free Member

    Well that was freezing!!! low cloud, sideways sleet and poor signage meant along time spent on top of the moors freezing my tits off.

    Figure of 8 loop and passing back through the start area with blue lips, legs and hands so painful I was struggling to hold the bars I happily quit.

    Still took some 4th and 5th overalls on Strava though so not a wasted day, with good weather it would be a nice fast race.

    Free Member

    I’m going; MET website says heavy rain and feels like minus 2 tomorrow at Malham which I’m struggling to believe given the blue skies and zero wind in Leeds at the moment.

    I’ll be on a green Solaris wearing a Here ComeThe Belgians jersey.

    Free Member

    It’s more that most members expect a union to stand up for them, challenge policy and protect them as conditions are eroded. They won’t even support a work to rule never mind industrial action. This is why I don’t view them as a union.

    Edit- as a student nurse I was once invited to attend a meeting and dinner at their HQ in London, anyone who spoke out of line with general policy was cut short and afterwards they spent members subs on a silver service meal and got pissed on red wine, so in someways they a very much like a real union

    Free Member

    Project, you describe the RCN as a union, you’ve obviously never been a member of it

    Free Member

    I was an ICU nurse for 8 years, great job, humbling and life changing experience but the NHS is such a poor employer I left.

    I was always amazed by my nursing colleagues willingness to be dumped on by management and do nothing about it.

    Free Member

    During the war when my grandfather was working in munitions in Coventry while he left my gran and family up in Yorkshire he spent his time shagging soldiers wives and god knows how many kids he sired, my Dad thinks he did similar back in Yorkshire.

    Hate to think what our tree looks like, probably a Monkey Puzzle :(

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