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  • Sleeping Out: Bonus Content | Emma Osenton
  • BenHouldsworth
    Free Member

    God bless and keep your chin up, plenty of sincere and kind words in this thread to keep you motivated and probably plenty of strangers who’d jump in their car right now so they could stand by your side through this. Stay strong and love to your family.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    That looks VERY nice in black Andy, no disrespect to the other bikes on this thread, I’d have them all, but Anndys looks best.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I’ll second the Omen, saw it by accident when I was 7 and it gave me the fear right into my teens

    Free Member

    Metronidazole is used to treat anaerobic bacteria, the gums are susceptible to anaerobic bacteria.
    When I worked on ICU metronidazole tended to be used by general surgeons pre or post abdominal surgery, again the gut being full of anerobes

    Free Member

    Didn’t really see much of my Grans (1x dead and 1x not really interested in grand kids) but my grandad

    *Stank of coaltar soap
    *Was always on the ‘throne’ when we arrived and would stay until the paper was finished, some time 2 hours
    *Immaculately dressed even at half eight in the morning
    *always shook my hand, never hugged
    *his second wife seemed to be locked in the kitchen constantly bring out food
    *the smell of cigars
    *not being allowed to go to the pub with him (thinlk he had another women there)
    *being made to watch horse racing
    *generally offensive/un pc words rolling from his mouth

    Free Member

    MP3 workouts
    There’s some decent MP3 files here, 45-60 mins long and genuinely quite tough.

    I’ve got one by the same guys based around the Tabata protocol and I’ve actually vomited at the end of that one.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    looks like you could take it over some sweet jumps

    Free Member

    To get lost in, One hundred years of solitude

    Dark, Fight Club, its about schizophrenia

    Free Member

    Somone dumped me because God told them too.

    That is class but the use of the word ‘too’ suggests she wasn’t the first, do you give off Satanic vibes?

    Free Member

    Is it weeing or spraying?

    This was on Google for weeing

    Here are some useful tips for stopping your cat urinating inside:

    1/ Make sure your cat doesn’t have an underlying medical condition

    2/ Place litter boxes in areas where your can often sprays, to remind them that the litter box is available.

    3/ Place food, or something with a lemon scent where the cat sprays. This will discourage the cat from spraying in this area.

    4/ To stop your cat from spraying in sinks and bathtubs, place some water in the bottom of them.

    5/ Leave your cat in the laundry or bathroom with a litter box, food and water.

    6/ If you think something that the cat can see outside is causing the cat stress, block visual access to these areas by closing curtains etc.

    7/ Use positive reinforcement when the cat urinates in the litter box.

    As for spraying its normally a natural territorial thing, stress related or they feel threatened by another scent, are you quite musky?

    Free Member

    Did anyone see Stephen Fry talking about swearing on telly last night?
    Suggested that swear words are an evolutionary adaptation whose use inbit violence.
    The example they gave was toddlers biting as a reaction to negative events though this behaviour receeds when they learn to say **** *** *** ****.
    They also had Fry and Brian Blessed put their hands in an ice bath for as long as they could without swearing; Fry, who is not a swearer, repeated the task but was allowed to say **** **** **** and doubled his time, Blessed on the other hand, who swears like a trooper performed worse despite the use of F****** B****** W***** B*******, suggesting using swear words too often reduces their magic powers.

    It’ll be on catch up and was far better than I describe it, they also had a Tourets super hero, complete with cape.

    Free Member

    cool, I take it there’s an industry standard valve? never had supsension before so a bit clueless

    Free Member

    Whats the difference between acne and a catholic priest?

    Acne doesn’t come on your face until you’re at least 13.

    Free Member

    There’s no Edinburgh defence about it, It makes some quite valid points about me, just seems pretty heavy and damning feedback based on 50 multiple choice questions.

    And Project I definitely didn’t nick my dads cars

    Free Member

    No but was that Ben “aggressive” with “a short fuse”? I might be able to palm this post off on him

    Free Member

    I posted it because I find it as random as you lot do; I answered the usual multiple choice questions on a psychometric/personality questionaire, nothing random or left field, and its produced a 15 page report that makes me look like an alpha male prick.

    I wanted it to see the reaction of people who don’t know me based on what it says, luckily the people I work with know me and find it funny but as the reactions on here show its a good job they do.

    Free Member

    oh please like me dj, please please

    Free Member

    I think if they had just written **** it would have been more succinct

    I take it **** = Stud

    Free Member

    never had a fight in my life, you’re quite safe

    Free Member

    my youngest managed to pee in my wifes mouth when she was knelt changing his nappy

    Free Member

    Not me then but I was intrigued as I would have probably been rememebred as a tool

    Free Member

    cracking pics from CYB rightplace by the way.

    Nonk, whats this bit mean?

    Free Member

    Have you just chosen to show us the best bits?

    No, thats the summary at the front, it goes on to break it down further but attention seeking never gets mentioned.

    Free Member

    Nonk, it wasw done through a series of online questionaires.

    shrickvr6, whre did you go to school?

    Free Member

    Interesting though it later suggests I should have access to a “Forum to express ideas and viewpoints”

    Free Member

    No thanks aracer, I’m a lone wolf

    Free Member

    Am I being bullied by a gang? How exciting!

    Free Member

    I wasn’t drinking last night, I come here to let the Daily Mail in me (which is pretty large) flow; where would STW be without rash, uninformed people like me

    Free Member

    Oooh handbags! I had no idea I’d gatecrashed the Oxford Uni debating society, as for looking an idiot do you think I give a ****

    Free Member

    Graham, as this thread has shown their are those with an intricate knowledge of Steve Jobs career who place great value on his contributions and there are those who don’t; it is clear where I stand.

    I’m not suggesting any of the rational thinkers on here are cult members but as people who are debating at ten to eight on a Saturday morning I don’t think we’re that representative of how the majority use, consume and apply value to Apple products

    Free Member

    Darcy, I’ve spent the last 2 days being bombarded with Jobs. Front page of the the Times this morning all Jobs, I simply do not think he worth the column inches he’s getting. I’ll be the first to acknowledge I started reading this thread at page 3 and don’t know if anyone has mentioned Jonathan Ive, the man who actually designed the iPod, but honestly was his mum a virgin?

    Free Member

    you choose to go on and spout about Syria, to detract from the failings of your own argument

    Darcy, unlike some of you I’m not here to be the winner of the thread and go to bed with a hard on feeling I’ve outwitted people I don’t actually know.

    Those are my feelings on the situation, take them or leave them, my line is drawn in the sand.

    Free Member

    If touch screens and apps are how people choose to measure a mans achievements in the world then that is fine, I simply measure people using a different scale

    He did a good job at marketing stuff but 3 days of greiving for him seems excessive given that 8 people were shot in Syria today and it’s not even on the news.

    There’s a saying about worshipping false gods

    Free Member

    door mats

    Free Member

    So a woman posts that her autistic kid can slide his finger across a flat suface and access stuff she put on there and chose for him means that Jobs saved the world?

    The fact she chose to blog about it suggests she’s bought into the BS, doesn’t it?

    Free Member

    Well I apologise for not knowing the financial history of a computer company, I must have missed that while I was having a life.

    My whole point is that a guy is being beatified when, as far as I can see, his only contribution is marketeering s**t we don’t really need.

    Two guys set out together, both generated wealth greater than the GDP of countries, one visibly has chosen to forsake it and the other didn’t, which I don’t like.

    These threads are for opinions and if we are choosing to elevate a guy for his shiny shit rather than the things he did for the greater good then we obviously have a different take on how the world should operate.

    Free Member

    Why not?

    My understanding is that Gates lives in a huge purpose built place on a large estate, whilst jobs just lives in a nice house much inline with those that people in middle management in his company might own.

    But it wouldn’t fit in with your prejudicial views to take that into consideration would it?

    These guys are operating at levels of wealth that we can’t comprehend, Bill gates home is innovation and I’d expect nothing else

    What is important is that when you start developing wealth beyond that which is of use to your family, loved ones and company that you choose to do something worth while with ti.

    One guy did , one guy didn’t.

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