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  • Bike Check: Benji’s Stif Squatch
  • BenHouldsworth
    Free Member

    of course you should take her; she has pre existing condition that affects gait (how she walks) and shes displaying symptoms relating to how she walks.

    Its already been said but the fact a toddler doesn’t want to weight bear is telling you something.

    Good luck.

    Free Member

    Sufferfest rock! Only got ‘Local Hero’ and ‘A very dark place’ but fantastic workout and really keep your interest.

    VDP had me dry wretching at the end of the intervals, thats the sign of some good intervals in my opinion.

    Free Member

    I can clearly remember the following happening at my village primary school (late 70s/early 80’s)

    1. the teacher taking hold of a girls hair and banging her head against the desk

    2. a lad being made to wear a gag and being tied to a chair for spitting

    3. repeated smacks with a slipper

    Theres a few of us have talked about it in hind sight and it was abuse

    Free Member

    Looking at the replies so far and as someone who works in sleep medicine its quite worrying.

    There is a hugh amount of research that shows that less than 6 hours of sleep per night has a profound effect on neurological, endocrine (this includes weight gain and diabetes) and cardiovascular function; Far too much to discuss here but google sleep hygene and try your best to get good sleep.

    Free Member

    up at 6am 7 days a week due to kids and even today when they were at Grans I woke at 7.15am.

    It’s not early mornings but late nights that kill me now, could happily hit the sack at 9pm but if I did I’d never see my wife.

    Pre kids I could live on 4-5 hours sleep, regular 36 hour clubbing sessions but now I’m destoryed by 11pm.

    Free Member

    Aside from you girls bitching at each other, the NHS looks at the cost effectiveness of treatments in terms of Quality adjusted life years, the last time I was aware £26000 per year being seen as cost effective.

    The below is taken from a presentation I use

    The Quality Adjusted Life Year (QALY) has been created to combine the quantity and quality of life. The basic idea of a QALY is straightforward. It takes one year of perfect health-life expectancy to be worth 1, but regards one year of less than perfect life expectancy as less than 1. Thus an intervention which results in a patient living for an additional four years rather than dying within one year, but where quality of life fell from 1 to 0.6 on the continuum will generate:-
    Intervention gives 4 years extra life @ 0.6 quality of life = 2.4
    Without intervention = 1 year @ reduced quality (1 – 0.6) = 0.4
    Therefore QALYs generated by the intervention = 2.4 – 0.4 = 2.0

    In terms of cost effectiveness to the NHS the top three interventions are as follows (primary and secondary care)

    1. Childhood vaccinations
    2. Hip replacements
    3. CPAP for obstructive sleep apnea (my industry).

    A large number of the things mentioned in this thread so far e.g IVF, many form of transplantation (given long term anti rejection therapy), gender surgery are not cost effective but have been establised in the NHS repetoire prior to NICE so are difficult to subsequently reverse.

    Free Member

    Half a pound – a pound being 450 g

    TJ wrote it, I thought it

    Free Member

    Very tragic and difficult to understand given the normality of his TV appearance yesterday.

    My parents neighbour, whom they’d known for 40 years, took his life a few years ago having spent a very normal evening with them.

    I can only assume that once you are in that dark place a clarity mind is achieved that allows you to work to schedule.

    God bless and rest in peace, you will be sadly missed, Leeds has lost a son.

    Free Member

    Whoever put that tag about TJ’s missus is a **** coward – if that’s what you think at least have the guts to say it and not post an anonymous tag.


    Free Member

    Phil, I would suggest that even the most committed geared riders, I am one on road, will sometimes select an easier gear at times when maybe they could get up a hill in the current one.

    From personal experience I feel stronger over time I have ridden SS off road even though my hours on my bikes per week remain the same.

    Free Member

    Go on then, explain that one

    Do I really have to?

    Free Member

    Given the number of dressings used in hospitals, might it not be cheaper to buy a lot of the biggest dressings and cut them to size rather than smaller numbers of the small, medium and large? I work in a clinical department, and that’s what we do. It’s cheaper, which is why we do it.

    That would have been seen as an infection control issue; once a sterile package is opened and not used immediately you cannot guarantee its sterility at a later date.

    If an infection occured and a root cause analysis was carried out, were it to be found the the dressing had been opened on day x but then used y number of days later that would an issue.

    Free Member

    same benefits as off road- simplicity, low maintainence, increased leg strength.

    As someone who does group rides on the road, probably not as useful in that situation.

    Free Member

    I think its fair to say that ernie is in an argumentative mood.

    Despite the fact I saw repeated acts that ‘I’ deemed as being wasteful, because I failed to write a research paper on them my experiences are null and void, apparently inadmissible in a discussion.

    Is there a single area of human activity where there couldn’t be any improvements ?

    No there isn’t, and that is why despite your paper showing the NHS to be very efficient, it could be more so; that is not a ‘red herring’.

    Free Member

    Cheers for a sensible response TJ

    Probably best to go by the opinions of those who have researched the subject rather than those who haven’t ?

    Ernie, is there a particular reason that my 12 years in the NHS and the things I observed are not valid in your eyes?

    Free Member

    A little more research required on your part maybe ?

    I’ve not done any research Ernie, I’m talking about experiences, things I saw with my own eyes.

    And I’m not slating the NHS, I’m saying it could be more efficient than it is

    Free Member

    TJ, I wouldn’t dispute that band 6 and ward managers, those involved in the ordering process, were aware of costs and made attempts to save money through product choice.

    I’m talking about staff nurses being unaware of the cost of products and how seemingly small things, a dressing dropped here and there, sterile gloves, poor selection of NIV mask at £60 a time, very quickly add up

    Free Member

    My experience of the NHS (over 12 years) was gross but easily recifiable inefficiency.

    When I started training as a nurse in the mid nineties I worked weekends at a BUPA hospital; everytime we changed a dressing it had to be costed- how many swabs, how many saline pods etc so a precise costing could be given to the patient.

    When I left the NHS in 2008 it was still the case that ward nurses knew very little of the cost of anything they used, a requesition was filled in and things arrived.

    When I began working for a major wound care company I subsequently found out that a dressing we routinely cut in half on ICU when the right size wasn’t available cost £60, so that was £30 wasted there and then (once opened dressings become unsterile and useless to others).

    While I’m not suggesting nursres become accountants, I never really saw waste being taken seriously in the NHS with regards to those who actually accounted for a large portion of it.

    Flame away

    Free Member

    8th decile for me, quite happy to pay more tax but at the same time annoyed that we’ve lost family tax credits and will lose child allowance when all we did with the money was put it in a college fund for the kids.

    I know if we can afford to save it then we don’t really need it but still annoyed.

    Free Member

    I used something similar but far cheaper a few years when I commnuted Otley to Leeds during winter and can honestly say cars did give me alot more space

    Free Member

    Aye, good skills, far better than me

    Free Member

    Centiles are used in statistics to group data.
    The 10th centile (or 1st Decile) means 10 percent the data falls below your level, like wise 90th centile means 90 percent of all data is below that level.

    If you lined all the data up in size order you’d likely get a Bell curve with the median value being the peak in the middle

    Free Member

    Good thread this; I can say I’ve experienced Elfins sentiments on many occasions when the opportunity to visit my past has arisen but found it surprisingly unsatisfying in reality.
    Strangely I’m actually quite good friends now with a guy I used to have fist fights with every lunchtime at school, hindsight has made me realise alot of those I counted as ‘enemies’ in my youth were actually incredibly similar to me.

    I have to say I’ve really enjoyed finding out how successful some folk have been as well.

    Free Member

    Given the ability for Cat 3 and 4 racers to crash on demand I’d go with Cynic-Als idea of a quality handbuilt, easily as light but repairable.

    Free Member

    There are some visually graphic moments but its the story and acting that make it so unpleasant. Daniel Henshall is so sinister as Bunting you really wouldn’t want to be in the same room as him, even in conversation; his acting is/should be the stuff of Oscar nominations.

    Free Member

    Cheers Neal, I’ll mail you next week; is it possible to retrofit trickle vents?

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Epic music genius. Best live performer ever, plays everything effortlessly – including the rest of the band. Get him in a small venue and it’s just incredible.

    Sums it up

    Free Member

    Fight Club

    “You buy furniture. You tell yourself, this is the last sofa I will ever need in my life. Buy the sofa, then for a couple years you’re satisfied that no matter what goes wrong, at least you’ve got your sofa issue handled. Then the right set of dishes. Then the perfect bed. The drapes. The rug. Then you’re trapped in your lovely nest, and the things you used to own, now they own you”

    The Champ

    Free Member

    I’ve mailed you

    Free Member

    I remember an ex playing this alot

    And I played this when I was sad once

    Free Member

    Bet you get a shite lodge next to the wheelie bins

    Aye, we once came back to our lodge to find our toothbrushes smelling of sh*t after a run in with a cleaner.


    Free Member

    Carl Lewis (10 Olympic medals inc 9 Golds + 10 Worlds medals inc 8 golds)

    Joe Calzaghe (20 World title defences)

    Free Member

    Frogstomp- it gave me the choice of my order being delivered from the UK warehouse but looking at your link none of thr stuff I ordered is on there so I guess I wait

    Free Member

    I’m staying out of this

    Free Member

    Something large and black flew over the central reservation during gales early this year, possibly from a vehicle chassis, either way a second earlier and it might not have been good

    Free Member

    Drone aircraft

    Free Member

    Very cool

    Free Member

    Who’s bad!

    Free Member

    I am, 3 and 5 year old boys, first proper bikes for both and Wii dance, lighten up guy did you not grow up with the threat of nuclear war? I’ve had 20 odd Christmas dinners since then and the world keeps on turning, enjoy life mate

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