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  • Fresh Goods Friday 661 – The Hard Lining Edition
  • BenHouldsworth
    Free Member

    pjm, I’m not an engineer so I couldn’t tell you the angle of repose though I appeciate it varies in different soils.

    At present, we both have consvervatories within 1 m of the each other, his 300mm from the boundary and ours 700mm.

    We propose using the existing line of our foundations and have offered to underpin if necessary.

    He by his own admission he has not consulted any professionals prior to throwing his toys from the pram.

    What more assurance can I give than a legal document and the written opinions of three professionals?

    Free Member

    When I worked in the NHS on intensive care units the majority on arsey surgeons, especially vascular and cardiac, were vertically challenged.

    Anaesthetists on the other hand tended to be tall and gentleman like.

    Free Member


    Bit the bullet and paid for an hour with a Party Wall surveyor who told me unless we definitively know, which we don’t and given we live in a semi is unlikely, that we will dig below the depth of their foundations that we didn’t need to issue a Party Wall Notice in the first place.

    In the meantime despite offering to change the wording to offer assurances of underpinning should it be necessary, my neighbour, having been copied in to 3 emails from a structural engineer, the architect and my builder supporting this plus being asked for copies of the plans for his conservatory to confirm his foundation depths (which he failed to get planning permission for) has accused me of bullying him and shut the door in my face.


    Free Member

    I haven’t spoken to the neighbours today be we have proposed we change the wording of the document to the following

    “we do not intend to build lower than the bottom of your foundations, but in the unlikely event that we have to then we would underpin in order to safeguard your foundations”.

    Speaking to builders and the structural engineer they all think such a change in wording would be the likely outcome of a Party Wall surveyor so may as well save the money and see if it works.

    Ernie, as a litmus test would this ease your mind?

    Free Member

    Cheers Mikey, ben_houldsworth at yahoo dot co dot uk

    Free Member

    Last question for the night then, if they agree to a surveyor how much should I expect to pay all in?

    Free Member

    Mikey, is there any defence in the fact they failed to serve a party wall notice on us for the conservatory thus offering us none of the assurances they now ask of us or do I just have to suck that one up?

    The wording could have been alot ‘softer’ but what’s done is done.

    Could the structural engineer who did the internal beam calcs provide them with adequate reassurances and what would these be?

    Free Member

    Ernie; we live in a semi detatched property with foundations at the same level as the neighbours, 3 years ago they built a conservatory with foundations to the depth of current building regs without a party wall agreement and there were no subsequent structural issues.

    Our new foundations will run along the lines of our existing conservatory, simply extending them a metre further from the property and will be to current building regs, basically the depth of those they dug without a party wall agreement.

    I respect they are within their rights but as they saw no risk digging their own I’m slight agast that suddenly ours pose a risk.

    Free Member

    No, they are not disputing it and are happy for the work to take place, they simply want written reassurance as to there being no structural risk to them prior to signing.

    I found much nicer wording online which says “The proposed works do / do not involve special foundations”- this would have probably done away with there nerves- I feel like kicking the architect in the nuts.

    The first time I heard of a party wall agreement was last Friday, 5 months after we told the neighbours we were going to build- if we’d known we could have discussed this ages ago and not as we were instructing builders.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Just asked them if they can provide original proof of purchase, I’ll let you know what they say

    Free Member

    I forgot to mention Restrepo

    Free Member

    I got a G Shock MT-G 1000, cost £400 but the link below has them for £220 at the moment.

    Receives an update from the atomic clock 5 times a day and looks badass

    Free Member

    I bought a Brambles sandwich from the services at Scotch Corner but as I paid with a company credit card and got a VAT receipt I expect this null and void.

    Free Member

    I got to ride a bike with Di2, all be it on a turbo at JD Cycles in Ilkley, and it truely is awesome.

    Pedalling at 30rpm and it glides across the chainset while the mech self trims to maintain chainline, I’m not one for buying new kit just because they change the ergonomics year on year to maintain marketshare but electronic shifting really is the future.

    Free Member

    When one refuses to even consider commenting on such a vulgar conversation

    Love it :D

    Free Member
    Free Member

    When you own the company and choose the machines or import the coffee itself

    Free Member

    We have a Waitrose in ours ….

    We have these dotted around the office with a full range of FOC pods

    Paying for your own goods is actually very working class

    Free Member

    Ordered a new company car

    Free Member

    Hi Spud, I’ve got a Polar CS 200 gathering dust at the moment.

    PM me at ben_houldsworth at if your interested (inc heart monitor belt)- I do good price for STW

    Free Member

    I’ve not read all the last 6 pages so apologies if this link has been posted.

    An interesting article from Outside magazine on where the Livestrong money goes and the minimal real term investment they actually make in cancer research.

    Its actually about promoting hope don’t you know

    Free Member

    Cheers guys, esp BlazinSaddles, much more confident in what the builder is telling us

    Free Member

    Not many crashes this year due to the frozen ground but there was a few

    Apologies to any kids watching for swearing a 2 mins in :oops:

    Free Member

    Barne Riis certainly knows how to pick them

    Free Member

    Cheers mate; did moving the spacer improve thing?

    Free Member

    Aye it was a good race, speed if the top lads was inspiring

    Free Member

    Straight up Al

    Free Member

    No worries,I should add that price is using DT Revolution spokes which were £27 per wheel, I think DT Competions are about £20 per wheel

    Free Member

    I got Hope Pro 2s on Stans Archs built by Just Riding Along, you’ll get them for £335 a pair.

    great service, fast turn around and true as true could be after a year of riding (I’m 13 stone).

    Free Member

    A group of us set out from Gledhow Valley Woods normally Tues, Weds or Thurs around 8pm, led by Neil who know lots of routes, generally head North or in a Horsforth direction; all are welcome.

    Sancho- where do your weekend rides start out from?

    Free Member

    Nothing but praise for SS sintered.

    I’ve had pairs that have lasted over a year and for the price I fail to see why anyone complains.

    I did go through 2 pairs at the Kielder 100 last year but I think that had more to do with not pre bedding in and fitting them then riding them in wet and gritty conditions.

    Free Member

    Why attempt this in January

    My thoughts exactly

    Free Member

    Good sleuthing Bob!

    Free Member

    And the same for me :D

    Free Member

    KoB, there’s a group of us head out one night a week from Gledhow Valley Woods, normally Tues, Weds or Thurs.

    Neil (El Boufador on here)who leads the way knows routes and places I didn’t know existed and knows where to go for decent trails whatever the weather, sometimes with a urban flavour.

    You’d be welcome to come along anytime, drop me a mail, ben_houldsworth at, and I’ll get Neil to add you to the weekly text.

    Free Member

    I’m just not fit at the moment

    Free Member

    If you hold the unlock button down on some VW remote keys, the Windows will open…

    Aye, used to have a Passat and got up one morning to find the windows open and all the contents of the car stolen.

    The previous evening I’d been sat in the living room with my keys in my pocket and unbeknown to me applied pressure to the fob.

    Another arse about VWs is the boot automatically locking when you shut it and you’ve left your keys in there requiring the AA to smash the window (spare key at offcie 200 miles away)

    Free Member

    Jesus wept, I thought I’d seen it all but 2 girls 1 cup; I am scarred

    Free Member

    +1 for Fallen

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