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  • Concern for Kona as staff take down stand at Sea Otter
  • BenHouldsworth
    Free Member

    I just picture Matthew from Desmond’s barber shop

    Free Member

    Believe it or not there are affluent people who do the same in third world countries…

    But they do it via drum????

    Free Member

    I have to say debating the issues of the less fortunate on an online forum is a 1st world problem

    Free Member

    Bwarp, I struggle with these dilemmas as as someone who grew up pretty skint in a socialist/trade union/pity the worker household and through nothing but hard work/shit jobs and never giving up has a comfortable life I just can’t accept that there is not away out for these folk..

    I once lived in London for few years doing the jobs you describe and when the point came when I could no longer afford it I left, for a cheaper area and never looked back.

    Free Member

    I’m sure there are plenty of second home/buy to let/Audi/Orange 5 people on here and Thatcher/Council housing issues aside, if market demand was saying you could get £3000 a month for your house you WOULD be taking it. London, as are most capital cities, is such a place.

    The economy that allows use to own dandy bikes is the same one that means poor folk can’t live in expensive cities, move along.

    Free Member

    Money rich, time poor. I share your pain.

    Free Member

    Social cleansing is a bit harsh, I realise every area needs benefit dependent, long term unemployed people who couldn’t afford to be there without subsidy……..or you could accept its one of the most expensive cities in the world where deadwood has no use

    Free Member

    right before its closed

    Apparently, police psychologists reckon that Dale Cregan’s biggest problem was a total lack of perspective.

    Free Member

    Are we allowed to make jokes about the two police women shot by Dale Creegan?

    Creegan had a glass eye so that would be my starting point

    Free Member

    I did get a warning early on for a poor taste joke that was removed, they are watching.

    Thread closure/bans imminent.

    Free Member

    OJ Simpson II anyone?

    If the false leg don’t fit, you got to acquit

    Free Member

    Police News conference on Sky News, previous domestic incidents at the home and neighbours reporting shouting and screaming earlier in the evening.

    Free Member

    Iirc they are only compatible with Orange Fives


    Free Member

    I’ve ordered from them with no problems

    Free Member

    Ours used to go missing frequently when he was younger, the longest was about 6 weeks.

    You’d be amazed how many ‘other’ homes cats have, even now we put our 15 year old out on snowy, sub zero nights and he always rolls up bone dry and toasty warm the next day.

    Free Member

    Picked up yesterday and yet to be ridden :cry:

    Free Member

    Good choice Porlus, gets busy though so count in waiting for a table if you choose it

    Free Member

    The pub up by the Cow and Calf in Ilkley would probably fit those criteria.

    Free Member

    Gets it first ride tomorrow.

    I did plan to go out when I picked it up this morning but my wife says going to the bike shop was my cycling related activity today.

    Free Member

    They are Quattros, not the most popular pedal ever but I like them; that said when the currently cleats wear out I’ve got a feeling replacements are no longer available so it will be time to change.

    Free Member

    It’s all my old kit Rusty and the bank of Ben is empty :( as time passes all wrongs will be made right

    Free Member

    Lived here 17 years and would never leave.

    Great city, people, riding, restaurants, transport links, parks, close to the Dales and an hour from the Peaks.

    Come for a weekend and bring your bike

    Free Member

    Congrats! I took beer on both occasions, now go and get 4 hours uninterrupted sleep and hold onto the memory when you wake

    Free Member

    Don’t you agree?

    I do but at the same time this is just the consumers complete lack of care or interest in what they eat coming home to roost.

    It’s like the pork in halal food story, an Irish Halal pastry company making faux halal sausage rolls from frozen blocks of meat imported from Poland to sell to prisons, you couldn’t make that up.

    Free Member

    A link to the news story you are talking about might help in future

    Sorry Neal, I’d always assumed everyone on here worked in IT and media with an iPad glued to their hand or worked in office that had Sky News on constant rotation

    Free Member

    I’m not saying horse meats crap, I’d eat it myself, more that surely folk weren’t expecting minced fillet steak when they bought a kilo of lasagne for a quid. Just the strange sensibilities of the the Uk

    Free Member

    She doesn’t look her best here though, I mostly fancy her when she’s on the radio with Huey Morgan.

    Free Member

    I had one of these, I guess it was the US Raleigh version of a Pro Burner at the time. My Dad pimped it out with a Suntour stem and 3 piece chainset plus a selection of chainrings so I could change gears dependent on the track; he even made me ‘train’ by riding up the local hill 10 times every day after school then spent his weekends driving me all over to race.

    He was/is a proper good dad.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Thanks for the heads up, just entered :D

    Free Member

    Still only page 3 on Google and my memory is really poor, is it definitely

    Tel: 0118 907 8799 ?

    Free Member

    I swap between 32/18 for Summer and 32/20 for Winter. I’ve got a 21 cog for days in the Lakes.

    Free Member

    Nothing to add but

    Was that ?

    BERKSHIRECARPETSANDBLINDS or berkshire carpets and blinds ?
    Is their telephone 0118 907 8799 ? and email

    Free Member

    Forget Big Lils, who went to Caspers on Burley Road?

    Free Member

    ” ello little old lady ” Chorlton and the Wheelies

    Free Member

    I had a bar job at the Gardening Club in Covent Garden and on the gay night, Queer Nation, they used play ‘Its raining men’ and it was like scene from Fame, jock strapped men leaping onto the bar and giving it everything; quite a vivid memory

    Free Member

    I think it’s awesome

    Free Member

    Richpips, didn’t the Hayfield get knocked down after a murder??? I used to go the Blues Bar in Chapeltown, that was scary as well

    Free Member

    Davesmate, this is for you, unless you went to the Quad no one will understand

    Free Member

    As a Leeds lad I have to say Basics but I’m glad a few people have mentioned Turnmills; spent the mid 90’s in London and rolled into Trade many a Sunday morning to do the 6am til 12 shift before moving onto Villa Stefano in Holborn, happy days, god knows how my brain’s intact :oops:

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