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  • Rumble in the Jungle – now sponsored by Sri Lankan Airlines
  • bencooper
    Free Member

    Put it into A mode, and experiment with changing the aperture – I’m not sure how you do that on your model, but there’s probably a scrollwheel to turn. Using different apertures is probably the single most important thing you can do to change how your pictures look…

    Free Member

    Cool :-)

    I can’t think of any tadpole handcrank trikes off the top of my head – the resaon, I guess, is that they’d be pretty hard to get into and out of. Deltas are easier than tadpoles to get into from a chair.

    Free Member

    Messing about where I shouldn’t be, as usual…

    Steam Tunnels 4[/url] by Ben Cooper[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    This wooden seatpost was on a bike at a German show a few years ago:

    Wooden aero seatpost[/url] by Ben Cooper[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    2tyred – I went to a Glasgow primary school too, and I remember even as a young age being made to feel different because I didn’t pray with the other children. I was pretty bloody-minded even as a child so the rebellion was sometimes fun, but it was also often uncomfortable. I still remember being told not to ask the minister awkward questions as it upset him.

    So, while I hope my daughter will be independent- minded enough to question what she’s told about religion in school, I wish she didn’t have to…

    Free Member

    flat faces, falling over at the age of eight due to atrophying hips or suffering from strange liver-destroying diseases

    Have you been to Glasgow? Sounds like some of the locals on a Saturday night…

    Free Member

    But it can do calculations on time itself :-)

    Free Member

    The Time Computer is alright, but not a patch on a HP-01:


    Free Member

    I’ve seen Strathclyde’s finest from both sides – as a victim of crime and as the accused. Always been courteous, if a bit bumbling and amusingly incompetent :-)

    Only bad experience was with a jumped-up idiot who claimed he was an off-duty officer but wouldn’t show me his warrant card, so he got short shrift…

    Free Member

    Not yet – next job is a proper canopy for it :-)

    Free Member

    This week I’ve been playing with this:


    And going sideways quite a bit :-)

    Today’s job is to fit a Rohloff to a Rotovelo trike – that’s bright green and has a windscreen wiper so is even better…

    Free Member

    Going back to the balloon analogy. If we kept going in one direction would you theoretically eventually end up back at Earth then?

    Problem is, the balloon keeps expanding as you try to go around it…

    Free Member

    The funny thing is that the universe is actually pretty simple – the most complex thing in the universe, by quite a long way, is between your ears…

    Free Member

    Yeah, that’s science for you. You just make shit up. Then you test it – that is the important bit.

    Free Member

    How many mice does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

    Two – but how do they get in there?

    Free Member

    What does dark energy do then?

    Sod all :-)

    Quite a few theories about the creation of the universe require that there’s a certain amount of matter/energy (which are, of course, interchangeable) in the universe. The “flat universe” theory, for example. But calculations of galagtic rotation curves etc only accounts for some matter/energy, so it can’t all be in the form of matter, some of it must be in the form of energy. And it must be a form of energy that doesn’t interact with anything, or we’d see it.

    Free Member

    ben cooper – prove it.

    Well, one proof is to look at how galaxies spin. Basically, they are spinning too quickly – they should really be flinging themselves apart. But the fact that they’re not means there’s a lot more mass there that we can’t see holding them together. You can even work out how much mass there is and where it is by looking at the speed of rotation at various distances from the centre of a galaxy – galaxies should rotate like water downa plughole, but they really rotate a bit more like a spinning plate.

    Free Member

    The other 98% is dark matter and/or dark energy. Being dark, we can’t see it :-)

    Free Member

    There is a lot mroe universe out there than we can see – we can only see about 2% of it.

    Free Member

    Quincy, M.E.?

    Free Member

    I am of the opinion that if something ever gets so complex that it’s not understandable then it’s wrong.

    Try reading a book on quantum electrodynamics – if that was wrong then this computer wouldn’t work, yet it’s very, very odd.

    Free Member

    We can see the same distance in all directions – we’re not in the centre of the universe as there is no centre. It is a bit odd to get your head around, but space itself is expanding, it’s not that everything is expanding into empty space.

    The usual analogy is a balloon – if you were standing on a giant balloon as it was being blown up, every other point would be rushing away from you at the same speed – but you aren’t at the centre of the balloon.

    Now try to convert that analogy from two to three dimensions without your brain popping out of your ears :-)

    Free Member

    Yeah, but Scientology was made up by LRH as a joke – he’d think it’s the funniest thing ever that people take it seriously.

    Free Member

    OK so tell me why religion is NOT outdated then? If people still take the bible to be a good or true reflection of modern life, I find that incredibly hard to believe and also quite unerving!

    I guess it’s not that it’s a reflection of modern life, it’s that it helps people cope with issues that appear in any life, at any time. Birth, death, stuff like that. I don’t know any Christians (or, indeed, anyone of any religion) who actually believes the word of their religious book.

    Free Member

    supermarket meat is utter shit, only muppets buy it

    Same with supermarket bikes, but Asda don’t seem to have trouble shifting them.

    Free Member

    Get a spare 1.5mm Allen key, and hit it with a hammer a bit to make it slightly flatter – that might grip better.

    Free Member

    It will wobble. If it’s in and not falling out, it’s most likely fine…

    Free Member

    I very rarely use a torque wrench – the most accurate ones I’ve found are the bending beam type – the clicking type seem very inconsistent, at least with ones that cost sensible money.

    Free Member

    I fit Schlumpf BBs by jumping on the end of a 1m lever – a bit of overtightening won’t do any harm…

    Free Member

    When the title said a two lane road, I was assuming one lane in either direction, in wich case it’s courteous to go in single file so cars can pass – a road like this, when traffic is flowing freely, I’m amazed that it’s even a question. Of course it’s both right and legal that they were riding side by side.

    A side point as well – pedestrians, horse riders and cyclists have a legal right to use the roads. Drivers only do so under license – drivers have less right to be on the road, not more.

    Free Member

    Gloss will generally have a decent shine without – satin or Matt will need a clearcoat to come up shiny. Or you can get a Matt clearcoat as well if that’s your thing (looks cool on bare steel).

    But yeah, find powdercoaters who have done bikes before and know what to mask and how thin to coat. In Glasgow, ESP are excellent…

    Free Member

    A couple of years back, I was filming with the Gadget Show in Eburg, and we had a police car and one of those vans as an escort. Filming was dragging on a bit, so he got bored and did what he said he usually did when he got bored – parked up, extended the mast, and amused himself by peering through people’s windows…

    Free Member

    Cycling home late from the pub, I was doing pretty well I thought – had my lights on, wasn’t wobbling too much, was the correct distance from the kerb.

    It was only the rapidly approaching headlights that alerted me to the fact that I was on the wrong side of a dual carriageway…

    Free Member

    Or at least lacking in depth perception…

    Free Member

    An analogy I suppose is that it’s like how you use a strobelight to watch a fast-moving engine – you view different parts of a repeated event to build up a full picture. With a strobe you take time slices, with this camera they take x-axis slices, but same principle.

    I can think of applications – like studying how light behaves in complex lens assemblies, for example.

    Free Member

    I don’t think LX and XT actually stand for anything (or the old DX) – they were just made up. XTR is XT Race, though.

    More interestingly is Deore. One of their first mechs had a picture of a deer on it (I’ve got one) and someone mistranslated “Deer” – they liked the mistake, so it stuck.

    Free Member

    Well, as usual, mine is still asleep – has been all night, apart from 10 minutes around 2am. You all hate me now, don’t you? :-)

    Free Member

    Bridgestone make quite a few bikes in Japan – including a lovely Moulton…

    Free Member

    Ah yes, that’s the beast. Suntour had one as well…

    Free Member

    I’ve seen the original CVT design – very clever, it used a linkage which changed length to change the effective leverage ratio, the major problem with it was that it required non-circular cogwheels to smooth out the output drive, and they’re an absolute sod to machine.

    The later derailleur-in-a-box design was also called, I think, Petespeed – though that might have been a similar design from a different company.

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