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  • Using an eSIM To Stay Connected In Remote Locations While Hiking Or Biking
  • belfastflyer
    Free Member

    @Cougar – yes both my friend and partner have MS.

    I’ve read the book they mentioned re all clean/organic but as others have said, it lacks hard facts. I’m not against the idea and would happily spend the money but if my partner isn’t convinced it’s a no go.

    They did mention lidl is a good place for cheap organic food so might check if out.

    Free Member

    I take a can of it to work with me everyday and haven’t noticed a difference. However, I do occasionally get a “bad” batch and it tastes a bit off.

    Free Member

    Couple things here, bro..

    The cats in America, how many have nra membership? This smells like a liberal elite conspiracy.

    Secondly, there has been a big decline in people getting their cats spayed/neutered (vet confirmed whenever I brought my two in a few months ago). We have a few huge, nasty tom cats on our street and they still have their danglers.

    Free Member

    God damn, count me in!

    Free Member

    Very happy for them to protest (one of the few good things to come out of the internet) but considering a lot of their parents will vote Tory, not sure what difference it’ll make.

    Free Member

    This notion that a British soldier (deployed within the UK) can kill a someone who was unarmed and no threat is a right wing nuts wet dream.

    No one is above the law, being trigger happy is not an excuse and so they absolutely should go to trial.

    Free Member

    I have never heard one good thing about mumsnet.. and the trend continues with this.

    The fact that the OP has to ask strangers if it is normal should ring alarm bells.

    Free Member

    gobuchul – the government controlled the media message. It wasnt until negotiations started in the 80s that they allowed the message to change.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    It’s probably the most beautiful looking film I’ve ever seen. But thats it. Bored the t$ts off me story wise.

    Free Member

    I don’t watch movies or docs about the troubles as I lived it, however I’ve heard positive things about it.

    I always get a chuckle whenever the English are shocked by the government’s tactics. I guess most don’t see NI as part of their nation. Shou3kd be a stark reminder that right wing UK governments take a very scorched earth approach to dissent. I wonder what other examples we have had recently..

    Free Member

    RA is a walk in the park compared to some eastern European airlines. I fly wizz air a few times a year and it’s pure torture. Ryan Air is nowhere near the worst anymore.

    Free Member

    If it’s cancelled there will be a few marches with drunk tank top clowns who will want a fight. That’ll be it.

    If no deal goes through – food shortages, medicine shortages, check points at irish border, inflation through the roof etc – all that will lead to weeks of rioting and given then current crop of wannabe dictators we have, we will have a full on police state/suspension of parliament.

    Free Member

    Buy gold? It always does well during a recession.

    Free Member

    A nice holiday/weekend place on the north coast of NI. Or just invest it and live from the returns.

    The key would be to not tell anyone about it and not show off.

    Free Member

    A couple years ago I would have went a few times a month amd even watched all the oscar movies. I haven’t been at all in 2019.

    Between the bland super hero junk and the not so subtle social engineering messages being pumped out, it’s clear that movies aren’t made for people like me anymore.

    Free Member

    Your CC company won’t deal with this, it’s a paypal problem.

    Contact PP and tell them it’s fraud. They’ll have information about the device etc and will be able to tell it wasn’t yours. However, PP are a bloody nightmare to deal with and you’ll have to press them hard to do something.

    Also, change PP password, get 2 factor auth set up and delete your cc details from it until it’s sorted.

    Free Member

    Nope. If it’s fraudulent funds being used and you accept it you’ll have a bugger of a time convincing your bank to unblock your account and will likely lose the money.

    Use PayPal and take the hit by paying some fees

    Free Member

    Anyone got any experience of the German system? They’re insurance based.

    I’m 100% nhs btw

    Free Member

    A vets priority is to look after the animal, not whisper pleasantries into the humans ear and give a shoulder message when giving the expected cost.

    The owners should have insurance and should have asked for an estimate.

    Free Member

    1.5 TD titanium here. I’m looking to get rid at the end of the year. In 3 years the car has broken down twice and had all 4 tires replaced.

    I think the break downs are due to the diesel engine, so you’ll be dodging those issues. However that and the crappy ford dealerships handling of it all it’s really made me doubt buying ford again.

    Free Member

    Monzo seems to be in the news every month with an IT glitch. Just sayin’

    A vote for nationwide from me. They’ve always been good to me and are generally pretty top notch with most things.

    Free Member

    A lot of good advice here. Sounds to me like she needs more than meds and needs to see a therapist.

    Also, (I don’t say this to be insulting) if she has a pattern of chewing through the people in her life and casting them aside then be wary that she’ll eventually make her way to you. Get her help.

    Free Member

    Going to be that guy and say… why not get a duster?

    Free Member

    I won’t say bring back Errie, indiana. Instead i just wish they had never cancelled it after the first season (and no I dont count the abomination they made a few years later).

    LA to Vegas was also a great modern comedy, should never have been cancelled

    Free Member

    The danish know how to make elections fun

    Free Member

    I’ve nothing but respect for folk looming to give up alcohol. The UK and Ireland have an insane dependency on it and it’s a ticking time bomb.

    I “officially” stopped drinking about 5 years ago. I was a bottle of JD on a saturday night kinda guy and then hitting the town with mates. Took me longer to get a buzz and started to cost me a fortune.

    I was always a social drinker, never drank on my own so it wasn’t a big step for me. As mates started getting married and having kids etc I was also going out less and so pulled the plug. Haven’t missed it one bit.. though I still piss away the money on stupid stuff!

    Free Member

    @boomerlives – looks like someone has been triggered 🤣

    Free Member

    Glad you value how I spend my money so highly.

    Free Member

    I stopped giving Disney my money years ago. Most of the big moments are already on YouTube. Safe to say I was mildly entertained.

    Free Member

    My better half was diagnosed 11 years ago. It’s a tough journey for someone to slowly deteriorate. At least they are better at diagnosing it.

    Free Member

    Granted it’s their job, but a lot of investment sites are showing that the stockmarket (low cost funds) will likely produce more income than a BTL over 10 or more years. Have you maxed out your S&S isa yet?

    Free Member

    Totally agree with the other posts – time for your daughter to pay her way in all of this. It’s also time for the pony to pay it’s way

    Free Member

    A written constitution would be nice.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Thanks, I’d been sitting on some TCM books and this has helped me (finally) pull the trigget!

    Free Member

    Sienfeld and the mentalist are on there. Mrs tells me Supernatural is on it as well

    Free Member

    If you move to virgin check first with quidco for cash back offers 👍

    Free Member

    MEP salary is the same as an MP in their own country. Some MEPs get paid way more than others.

    Free Member

    inkster – it takes a lot these days but I was quite flabbergasted at the amount of factual errors and casual EU hating in your post.

    Anyway, I vote in every election. Being from NI it’s hammered into you from a young age.

    I do find the EU elections in GB strange. In NI we always vote for the person, not the party. The list system used in GB probably explains why so few know who their MEP is.

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