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  • Fresh Goods Friday 698 – Up To No Good Edition
  • beefy
    Full Member

    Flip Ed, those are my local trails and I know that drop, your lad rules!

    Super smooth style. Nice coaching there!

    Full Member

    Yep, four of us went out near Holmfirth tonight, up to deer hill (for the locals), riding in a pretty big snow storm, so cold, pedals froze and had absolutely no grip, absolute blast though.

    Full Member

    Man the heck up, you could do that on local anesthetic!

    My wife is a health professional and she is squirming at the thought of the op!

    That is pretty hard core, imagine the scare though!

    Full Member

    ooOOoo, you say it remains slightly flexible, well surely what we have here is the making of a soft tail bike!

    Full Member

    Yep, its great that this is becoming more regular, means more people will be able to come along!

    I struggled for ages to get people together for nights, but found a bunch already doing it, now there is always someone going out.

    Still want to do something like cut gate at night! That would be awesome.

    Full Member

    Fixing carbon frames when they snap?

    Or just custom frames, mold it into the shape you want and away you go, or even further, expand the bamboo bike thing and start making bikes out or other trees, an oak bike might be nice. Or maybe use scaffolding tubes, oh hang on……….

    Full Member

    Oh poo!!!!!

    Just had a weekend pass, but used it to do studying, can't see me being able to swing another. Nuts.

    Well done, btw, for sorting another one out though.

    Perhaps one in the new year?

    Full Member

    Yeah, glad someone else noticed this, appears to be just right, its just starting on the tv and stuff.

    Great stuff!

    Full Member

    Will definitely look out for the next one! The snow was only around for a but this morning in Holmfirth, looks like you had it bad.

    Well done for getting out!

    I fancy an epic night peak ride thing!

    Full Member

    Man, this is terrible, how many people know more than one person who has committed suicide, I know far too many.

    Brother in laws Dad had a heart a few years ago, his mum could not cope, so she took her life the next Christmas, left my brother in law in bits, with serious mental health issues, even came close to suicide himself, now his two young kids are asking where there grandparents are.

    It is always the people who are left behind who suffer.

    More recently, my auntie went in for a simple procedure, tragically a mistake was made and she had two massive heart attacks and died, the postmortem revealed that her heart was fine, the guy responsible realised his mistake and toppped him self, leaving a young family behind. This has destroyed my uncles life.

    On one hand I do believe that life is a gift, but my wife has worked in a mental health hospital I understand there are states of mind where this is the only way out. She knows a few patients where it has gone wrong and they are left as cripples. I just hope I am never there myself.

    Death is never nice, but it comes to us all. I just don't think we can say when.

    Full Member

    Yep, climb then stay up for a long time, then super steep downhill that lasts forever. Ie Helvellyn!

    Full Member

    Check out, "personal file" it's a very intimate album that was released after his death, made from tapes found in his personal stash, full of his stories behind the songs, really make you feel like you know him.

    He rules, I second whoever said Folsom is the best album ever.

    Full Member

    I am pretty sure no one else have ever even heard of these, let alone own one. Custom made out of pig iron, complete with "breathable" lacquer, which rusts. Awesome. Company is called one-on or something……. :?

    Full Member

    3 days a week, 8:30 to 3:30, 10 minute (on foot) commute.

    Got a wife who earns the big bucks, whilst I work pt and do a physics degree.

    Oh yeah!

    Loads of energy to ride and if the suns shining on my day off, then out I go!

    Full Member

    Oh, come on, I know your out there!

    Full Member

    looks like we have stumbled across a solution. i need the low gears to make my pie powered legs shift my pie based heft around ;-)

    Full Member

    found the same problem when i went to a double set up using a 36t 22 set up. No end of problems going from big to small. Went back to 32 22 and chain suck stopped. Could be too big a drop causing excess slack which flaps about and gets sucked up round granny ring.

    Full Member

    I am experimenting with them too. On the front I had a burp t'other day, not particularly low, but had a big baggy tyre on. On the back been perfect, going to get a proper stans or joes dh rim strip (in fact just won one on ebay for a tenner) and use that and sealant.

    Don't think it's worth the risk on the front IMVHO.

    Full Member

    Pete, you have proved your point, no we don't actually read posts, its all about a chance to express our (undeniably right) opinion without getting into a fight, or caring what anyone else thinks.

    Besides, f(x)=y so whatever you choose, it will depend on your other choice as well.

    Its all just a way to fill in time between riding and eating for me.

    Full Member

    RopeyReignRider, penistone is not all bad, got a great farmers market, some nice indians, great fish shops, a cool little cinema with an interval and everything. Got friends who live there, we live over the hill in Holmfirth.

    Millhouse green is very close to Langsett, which is one end of Cut Gate and some very very good riding.

    Drop me an email at r a dresser at googlemail dot com and I will happily show you around. There is a bunch of us who do Thursday night rides in Holmfirth as well.

    Like you say, first time buyers and all, you could do a lot worse. Lex's is ace as well.

    Full Member

    Just got some 09 xt ones today, they are pretty nice, but they feel too "tight" compared to my old minis! Anyway, a tip I used for quieting down the hound of the diskervilles (hope brakes, in case you don't get me) is to put a little copper slip grease on the back of the pads, not the front, although that will quieten them down.

    Make sure it is a very thin smear though, not loads of it.

    Full Member

    Always found them ace, always open when I went, but I did go during the day, rather than say at midnight. I have won things from their ebay store and gone to the shop to collect them, I didn't like what I won so they swapped it there and then. Ordered some shorts from them online and they were posted from the shop the same day.

    They are fab.

    Vote for them in the Singletrack reader awards.

    Full Member

    Interested in the Scottish rides, anyone got info?

    …..and the Miss Marple ride sounds great, nbt, you planning anything?

    Full Member

    Actually, just come back from being guided around the more natural stuff around innerleithen. I am back up there at Crimbo, anyone fancy making a group Christmas or new year ride? Maybe a new years eve night riding thing?

    Full Member

    I second, third or whatever the peaks ride!

    Peaks rules, except for Scotchtapeland, which rules more.

    Full Member

    Dickbarton, I am interested in the Ochils ride, have sent you and email.

    Full Member

    What is the problem? are they blowing through the travel? not moving, what?

    I have found that there is a fine balance between pos and negative air.

    I run mine with lower pressure (pos) than recommended with lots (but not quite the same psi) of neg air. They are ace then.

    Full Member

    No, no the wee comment was about me. It's not true though. Anyway, what sort of riding is there to be done in the Pentlands? Was also planning to be out all day. Went walking there and it was ok, but didn't look to be my kind of thing.

    Full Member

    Oh, come on, someone must be riding?

    Bump, btw.

    Full Member

    I ride an 18" and am bang on the right size for an 18, but I find tit fantastically chuckable with soft 130mm forks on and big wide bars, I had a normal inbred before and this rides like a BMX compared to that.

    They are chuffin wicked, best bike I have ridden, they are quite exciting on the wet stuff too as the front end slides for extra fun.

    Full Member

    Hi nobeerinthefridge, I am up this week, email me on radresser at google mail dot com. Ta

    Full Member

    Ok, y'all got me interested now. Anyone fancy meeting up to ride it? Got a few mates I am trying to coerce into riding it, but would be cool to make it a mini forum ride.

    Full Member

    The Bike light one, you know 900 lumens, separate battery, you know this one:DX light

    Full Member

    Get one, they climb great, I actually found for tech climbing they are better than steep angles, makes the front wheel really light.

    Get two!

    Stick with 130mm forks though.

    Full Member

    Hello, man this has got everyone in the world interested, but anyway, will there be a chance that there will be a group of folks riding at the end of October sometime?

    Full Member

    When people "source" something rather than just flippin' finding out where they can get it from and then getting it.

    "I just sourced a nice steel frame"

    really means..

    "I bought it from the internet"

    "Cheeky trails", for chuffs sake just admit you were riding on a footpath, we all do it! My dad even got arrested for it once!

    Full Member

    Thank you, yes the bench does indeed need a coat or two, been putting if off!

    Not ever having a white inbred again, they look poo.

    Think I might just put on some spokey dokeys and a teddy bear stuck on the front and pretend I am euro-kerazy.

    Could stick some bar ends on it.

    The bars rule, they were 9.99 from on one. Super width and shape and they are white.

    Still looking for another grey rim.

    Full Member

    Woo hoo, loving some of advice!

    I agree with the seat, it is old, but it cost a lot and has moulded to my big fat ass well, but yes, a white one may be cool, sdg belair?

    Pedals, well they are 10 year old v12's, which rule, I don't want to replace them, but like the idea of repainting them black.

    Yep, the rims ruin it, I want another grey rim for the back, anyone got one?

    Come one, the bars match the forks, they are a little bit pimping. Black bars are so boring.

    Tyres are staying, red walls are never going to happen.

    The seatpost is a KS i850 adjustable, works amazingly so never ever ever getting rid of that, the condom is for protection.

    OK, lets deal with the front mech spacer, it is a shim from a trailer bike connecting bit, I lost the shims from my deore mech and my mate who works in a bike shop has some, but I haven't seen him in a while.

    ahwiles – don't know if you are confusing me with someone else, haven't been riding a ss for a few years now.

    Full Member

    Hello, it appears the Holmfirth lot are not meeting here this week, so if anyone still is up for some riding next week, perhaps on Thursday, then please let me know.

    Been out today and found some nice new stuff, well new to me anyway.

    Full Member

    Hello, I am very interested in helping you out, I work with autistic kids and know how much value autism specialists and research brings. I will be able to get a lot of support from my local high school, (where I work).

    If you would like to email me, then we can discuss it further.

    My email is in my profile.

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