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  • New UK MTB Trail Alliance Gives Trail Stewards A Voice
  • beckykirk43
    Free Member

    That’s a tough one! Ima say beard 🙂

    Free Member

    Add a little bit of water and stir until it’s dissolved, then add the rest of the water – seems to do the job 😛

    I want hot chocolate now…

    Free Member

    Oh, and for those of you that are docs – what speciality have you gone for?

    Free Member

    Thanks everyone!

    I wouldn’t say that I see medicine as a calling or anything like that; the appeal for me is that I’m just generally interested in medicine, its an environment where I think I’d feel challenged and 2 days are never going to be the same. Wouldn’t go into specifically because its helping people (I’m sure there are many things where you’d help people that would be a lot easier!), but I see that as more of an added bonus; if I’m going to do it, now is the time – I don’t have any ties so if I have to move about its not too much of an issue and likewise I’m used to a student budget so as long as I have prospects of getting a decent wage eventually it doesn’t bother me what wages are like to being with etc.

    I definitely need to sort out some experience first though – wouldn’t want to make a big decision without something to base it on, and even if I did I’d never get onto a course!

    Free Member

    Yep – I edited one last year, and my edit is still there – in fact someone else has since added some links in to the bit I added.

    Free Member

    I bought one, really like it (although have very little to compare it to!) 🙂

    Free Member

    I’ve lent bikes to people before, so that they’ll ride with me (i.e. friends that would like to get into biking but can’t afford a bike!).

    Was very tempted to find someone to loan one or more of my bikes to while I’m not riding on a longer term basis than just a ride, but decided against it as I know my bikes are safe and loved in my garage 😛

    Free Member

    I’m 20 and park my 1l corsa on the street – have insured with direct line 3 years in a row – went from £750 to £630 and then about £550 this year. Thats TPFT.

    If you’re buying a “new” car, check insurance first – although some cars seem similar insurance will vary hugely!

    Free Member

    If it’ll mean you can ride and be happy then as long as you can afford it £5k’s nothing.

    Hope it all works out for you Ton 🙂

    Free Member

    Just when you thought things weren’t gonna get any worse, thats a tough break 🙁

    Glad you’re staying positive. Use your riding time to look forward and don’t dwell on it all too much, it’s been a bad year for you but you’ll get past it, and good things will happen too!

    Free Member

    i like the black one 😛
    Not sure about stem and saddle but I like the frame on the red/grey one 🙂

    Free Member

    He was the first out of 5 consultants in 3 hospitals to have any idea what do and he seems to know his stuff. Slightly lost faith after my 45min exploration turned into 3 and a half hours, and I ended up worse off as a result but I think I’ll still do whatever he recommends!

    Cheers 🙂

    Free Member

    2 of my housemates have just bought it – haven’t been able to make conversation with them since! 😛

    Free Member

    Having been waiting since July in hope that things fix themselves I hope I’m motivated enough – well and truly fed up now! Have been doing exercises 6 or 7 times a day since mid august too so hopefully used to the physio! My surgeon is Mr McKiernan in Northampton.

    Thanks Jon 🙂

    Free Member

    Don’t think they’re entirely sure exactly what the problem is – they thought I’d severed my interosseous nerve but surgery said otherwise 😮

    Free Member

    Well I thought I’d resurrect this thread seen as I only had 1 reply (hope your son is getting on OK top dog!) and it’s now 2 weeks ’til I see the consultant again; there has been some improvement in my fingers in the last few weeks, sadly not in my thumb so looks like its still going to be my next option…

    Free Member

    I’m a medium to well done person myself.

    Free Member

    Think ours is set to 11, don’t you love being a student?
    last winter there were many debates saying it’d be better to set it at 15/16 or something than have heating on for an hour at 20, especially when I was frequently waking up to ice on the inside of my window – one morning not just a little bit – the window was covered in a sheet of ice. I expect this year we’ll have it on even less seen as the bills have been so much 🙁 *buys more jumpers*

    Free Member

    Having had deore, XT and XTR I can definitely say that XTR is good, not necessarily worth the extra money but there’s a noticeable difference, even from the XT (which is still very good!)

    Free Member

    That’s awesome, especially if they only charged him the same!

    Free Member

    Sometimes there are good reasons why people can’t i for follow ups – after the operation on my arm I had to go in for quite a lot of appointments but wasn’t allowed drive (and wouldn’t have been able to even if they’d said I could!), my mum doesn’t drive and my dad couldn’t get anymore time off (having already been given extra to get me to previous hospital appointments!), I managed to get lifts from friends and relatives, and got the bus a couple of times as well but I can definitely see why its difficult for people to get in!

    And as has been mentioned – you’re not allowed to get the bus home if you’ve had surgery so they need to provide an alternative for people that can’t get a lift – cheaper than providing overnight care so that they can then be let out in the morning…

    Translators is an entirely different one – IMO if you can’t speak the language or come with a friend/relative that can then you should foot the bill. Not the same if you’re blind/deaf etc. as that’s a disability – the NHS should obviously continue paying for any support they need to receive treatment!!

    Free Member

    Thanks deluded – you’ve just brightened my day substantially! 😀

    Free Member

    Did he just forget there was a corner?!

    Free Member

    me 😛

    Free Member

    Its odd – sainsbury’s basics ones are v nice too!

    Free Member

    As bloggers,is there for you an expectation that others are actually reading it when you go to the trouble of writing it or is it just a cathartic experience? If not, why do you do it and not just write a diary?

    I know there must be a couple of people reading my blog (or at least looking at it!) cos blogspot gives you the pageview stats…
    It’s nice that people have a look at it, but that’s not why I do it – I write it because I quite like writing, but usually the only things I have to write about are things that have happened to me. Probably quite boring and insignificant to most people. I started publishing with the view that it was easy to do, and that no one would ever read it so its no different to keeping a diary but typed. I did it entirely anonymously to begin with, but as I started to share it with more people, more and more aspects of me started creeping in (hence there’s now photos etc.)
    I quite often feel better having to have organised my thoughts well enough to write them down in a vaguely logical manner, and you never know – someone else might be experiencing something similar and it might help them!

    Free Member

    The Southern Yeti – Member
    This is like stalking heaven.

    I do worry that people could probably find out a bit too much about me…especially when blog/twitter/facebook etc. are all linked up!
    Like to think I’ve been careful with the important things though…

    Free Member

    Really like the way that looks 🙂
    Bet it rides nice to 😛

    Free Member

    That really puts things into perspective! Thanks for sharing your story – glad to hear that you’re getting through it!

    Free Member

    I wasn’t going to bother upgrading, but my slightly ancient 3G is dying, so I phoned orange to pre order one…costing me £170 for the phone, but my contract will be less per month (without losing out on stuff), and its being posted to my house so no hassle for me 😛

    Free Member

    Wonder how the tyres liked it… 😛

    Free Member

    I am mostly definitely not an expert but I would assume that as long as you are doing it for charity in a penguin suit, and therefore not pushing yourself you’ll be fine. Just take it easy, try and have a laugh and raise some money for a (I assume) good cause!

    This too 😛

    p.s If you do die, I cannot be held responsible. You reading this is an agreement to these terms.

    Free Member

    If we’re sharing silly hats I’ve got one of these on the way 😛

    Free Member

    See if you can borrow a slightly longer and higher rise stem (or use higher rise bars), might help a bit?

    If you’ve not had it long, it might just take some time to get used to it so bear that in mind too 🙂

    Free Member

    I’ve just gone onto a sim-only contract with my iPhone 3G. Contemplating buying a 4 (not S!) and keeping my existing sim… how easy is it to cut a sim to micro sized?

    (PS sorry for slight thread hijack!)

    Free Member

    _tom_ – Member
    Becky that looks pretty awful. What brakes do you use? Just so I can avoid their sharp levers!

    I wish I knew…was someone else’s brake I landed on!

    Kato – just thinking about that makes me feel ill!

    Free Member

    Now’s as good a time as any. You can always do some work somewhere along the way if you need to.

    May as well enjoy life while you can 😛

    Free Member

    slowrider – Member
    Jessie becky, healing vibes!

    Forgot the camera
    Just an excuse so you have to go on another ride? 😛

    Free Member

    3 months! Wassup?

    see the crash thread – I’m a bit broken 🙁 😛

    Looks like a lovely evening oxym0r0n 🙂

    Free Member

    @Becky – wow – look like Skeletor off He-Man !! – Blimey – big injury from a small skin wound – severed you tendon then and they had to go back in again? Heal soon !!!

    Yeah, wouldn’t believe it had caused that much damage – its the nerves that were damaged (which they then managed to make worse 👿 )

    How long do you have to keep that on for and how on earth are you managing? Do hope you’ll be back on your bike before too long.

    That’ll be on until either tendon transfer or until things spontaneously fix (very unlikely but I can hope…), you get used to it, was difficult at first though as its my dominant hand 😛

    @Penguinni 😯

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