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  • Crankbrothers BC18 SOS Bottle Cage Tool Kit review
  • beckykirk43
    Free Member

    I don’t like Baileys on its own – very nice with milk, hot chocolate and angel delight though!

    Free Member

    Been a bit under used as of late!
    Comes in around 24lbs

    Free Member

    My brother has one, he didn’t have the patience, but there’s loads of tutorial videos on youtube.

    This is my favourite ukelele video 😛

    Free Member

    An A4 pad. It’ll get used, but it was bizarre LOL

    I got paper, although I asked for it 😛 I was writing my lecture notes of various bits of scrap paper in the last week of term cos I couldn’t bring myself to actually buy paper!

    Free Member

    main presents were an ipod dock/clock radio thingy, couple of t-shirts (one of which was very awesome!), couple of dvds, zelda for the wii, chocolate and money

    Sadly no bike related stuff (I had optimistically asked for a frame…), still very happy 🙂

    Off shopping today with the family to get Wii motion plus so I can actually play Zelda, might spend some of my money on some new converses seen as mine finally died last week after years of faithful service!

    Free Member

    I think Santa delivered to the wrong address – I asked for a shiny bike but didn’t even get anything shiny to put on a bike!

    Looks good – enjoy your ride today 🙂

    Free Member

    Lipgloss! Can’t fault my Grandma for trying to turn me into a proper girl though 😛 Lot’s of nice presents too (although for once I was more excited about watching the family open what I’d bought them!)

    Free Member

    Given that I’m hoping to graduate this summer, have a year out and then go into medicine I’d suggest that I’m not yet a success although have the potential to be a success at some point!

    Family are all apparently very proud of me though, I’m the first one in this branch of the family to be particularly academically minded and go to uni etc. so 🙂

    Free Member

    Could today be any more different? Looks a bit grim out… (or at least I think so – can’t see past the torrential rain!)

    Well done Becky. Huge step to take but sounds as though you are on the right road at last!

    I enjoyed some sunshine this morning, shouldn’t really be riding but I did. It was so nice to be out even though it was bloomin’ hard work. Still a bit nervous about crashing so avoiding muddy trails.

    Thanks – it was nice to get out again, spent most of yesterday afternoon complaining that my arm was sore, but still grinning from getting out there! I’m not supposed to be riding for a while yet, but I couldn’t resist! Think I’ll be waiting a while to hit the trails though!

    Free Member

    A general thanks to all STW-ers from me!

    Can always count on getting what you need – be it a smile, motivation, the answer to everything or something new to put on the bike!


    Free Member

    If it’s just the sniffles, and not on your chest etc etc then get out and ride. Just don’t overdo it (and don’t ride if it turns into a full blown cold!)

    Free Member

    thepurist – Member
    Yeah I went out for a ride this morning

    Aw 🙁 healing vibes in your direction!

    crazy-legs – Member
    Feeling more than a little bit sore now but it was worth it
    How’s the hand holding up?

    Anyone else making the most of this lovely solstice weather?
    Nope, working today and tomorrow.

    Just about got full movement back in my hand now which is good! Got some sort of compressed nerve thing going on, plus the fact my arm got pretty weak in the time I couldn’t use it so it’s still quite weak and gets painful, can’t really feel my thumb either – well on the mend now though 🙂
    It’s supposed to be raining tomorrow anyway so don’t worry about it 😛

    even in the wind i could still feel the sun.

    Nice isn’t it? 😀

    …’Cos I’m off snowboarding on Boxing Day. Can’t really complain!

    Ooo very nice!

    Cant think how not being able to ride a bike for 6 months must feel :(,hope you get out all lot more now.

    Could have been a lot worse! Just nice to be back, even if I did only manage 10 miles (and that hurt!) – back on the mountain bike soon I hope 😛

    Free Member

    Thankfully only the one proper crash (along with a couple of comedy ones!). Pretty sure everyone on here will have seen the pictures of resulting brake lever impalement at some point 😛

    Not managed to get back on the bike since (almost 6 months down now…) – think I might WTFU and get back out on at least the road bike soon though. Bored of not riding now (and several people have asked me if I’ve put on weight!!)

    Free Member


    Although for the last question I think both answers apply 😛

    Free Member

    Excellent news! Fingers crossed they can get any lung issues fixed/under control 🙂

    Free Member

    At least you should be on the mend now 🙂

    Lots of pain killers and take it easy! Hope you have a speedy recovery 🙂

    Free Member

    Hope all goes well 🙂
    Looks like you’ll be having an awesome Christmas! (even if there’s a certain amount of sleep deprivation!)

    Free Member

    Entirely defeating the object then.

    I’ve just realised there was a rogue apostrophe in my post – I almost feel ashamed of my poor grammar!

    Free Member

    I’ve been doing 30 mins to 1 hr but not really been doing anything structured. Just do what I feel like.

    Still a while ’til I can get back on the bike so I’m just trying to keep a bit of base fitness, will probably start doing more structured sessions soon but for the time being I don’t want to kill my spirit in the mean time!

    Free Member

    X as in cross?

    There’s an ever increasing number of acronyms used for various reagents in chemistry, get’s annoying when you have to spend as long looking up what at the reagents actually are, as working out what they do!

    Free Member

    A t-shirt (I do hope I picked the right size or there’ll be trouble!), and a microwavable cuddly toy/hot “water” bottle type thing.
    Giving the parents a copy of the leader’s picture for the university’s rambling society cos I’m now qualified as a leader and they have lots of pictures of my brother with his football team!

    Free Member

    I’m another member of the “yes, but sometime in the future club”

    My Wii is at home, and I’m at uni until the end of this week. Definitely up for a game when I’m home though 🙂
    I am a bit rubbish at the moment though, is remarkably difficult with only 1 fully functioning hand!

    Wait, I mean no…I’ll be revising far too hard for the entire of the holidays to play on mario kart!

    Free Member

    Was it really only a month ago that I asked the very same question? Seems like ages!

    Here’s my blog:

    I expect if you read any of it you’ll fall asleep though, I’ve not been doing anything all that exciting! (I like to think there’s the odd interesting post in there though…)

    Free Member

    Core Doh1Nut that’s a lot of water! How did you know where the path ended and the canal started? 😛

    This is far less impressive, more of a big puddle than a flood, and was 3 or 4 years ago now, but any-hoo:

    Free Member

    I made one for my mum’s birthday using photobox, chose them mainly because they offered me a free one (just had to pay postage), was really happy with it (as was my mum) – would definitely use them again!

    Free Member

    My landlord gave us a dehumidifier when I complained about the fact there was enough condensation on my walls that it was running down and getting my stuff wet!
    Not only do I now have drier stuff, no more mould and un-infected sinuses I have a much warmer room – although you have to run it regularly so might add on to your bills a bit (I have no idea how much it costs to run – we just accept a big bill cos with 5 students we use lots of power!).
    Definitely helps for clothes drying too!

    Free Member

    I probably have 2 or 3 times the recommended amount of crunchy nut!

    if I have porridge I cheat and use oat so simple sachets, but one of them seems to be the perfect portion size for me (porridge is filling!)

    Free Member

    I’ve never (knowingly) met any one from here (apart from picking up things from the classifieds) – I think most people on here would be good to meet 🙂

    Free Member

    franksinatra – Member
    Kyle has got a bot fly!


    Free Member

    Jacket spud and beans for dinner.

    Rest of my evening is going to ve filled with Merlin, Casualty (program not place!) and I’m a celebrity get me out of here; accompanied by some Sainsbury’s chocolate/caramel shortbread, hot chocolate (with maybe a dash of Baileys) and a couple of painkillers!

    Student life eh? 😛

    Free Member

    Becky – have you told them what you’re telling us? THey may not have the mid reading qualification. Especialy if they are male.

    I didn’t put it quite how I have above! But yet I have told them (couldn’t complain if they weren’t fixing something they didn’t know about!)

    It’s funny you should mention the male/female thing – I find my consultant (male) far easier to talk to than the hand therapists (female), its a pity I haven’t seen him for over a month, and am not seeing him again until April!

    I guess the logical thing for me to do would be to wait until I see the hand therapy people, seen as that’s only 2 weeks away (a slightly more reasonable wait!) and see what they say – if they’re not helpful then I’ll get looking for someone else!

    Free Member

    That looks very smart – you have a lucky GF 🙂

    Free Member

    In my experience the problem with a physio is that they expect you to go away and do exercises. Generally people want a magic instant solution.

    I’m under no illusions that it’ll be a quick fix, but I feel like I need someone that knows what they’re doing to tell me what exercises I should be doing, and how often etc. and importantly someone that can modify any exercise plans as necessary.
    It’s hand therapy specialist people I saw for a while over the summer (and am seeing once more), I’m not saying that they’ve been unhelpful, quite the opposite in fact – on several occasions they juggled their schedules and whatnot so that they could fit me in, but I’ve reached the point where they think I’m “fixed enough”, and I don’t – I appreciated that they’re not going to be getting back to riding strength, but surely to be deemed fixed I should be able to pick up a cup of tea in my dominant hand, and be able to cook myself a meal without too much pain?
    maybe I’m just expecting too much..

    Free Member

    Surrounded By Zulus – Member
    Nerve injuries take a long time to heal. What do you expect a private physio to do that a NHS one cant?

    Waiting another 6 weeks doesn’t appeal to me, and I’d expect that if I was paying someone my goals would perhaps be taken into account – i.e. I need to reach a certain level of function to continue with things that I want to do, as opposed to my experience of the nhs thus far which has been once you’ve ticked their boxes that’s it, regardless.

    I’ve done lots of googling in an attempt to find things to do to help myself, but I don’t even know what the problem is any more to be honest – my nerves have fixed enough that everything is moving, and the pain started getting worse at a seemingly random point so difficult to find anything specific to my problem! Also I think without some professional guidance it’d be difficult to know if I was overdoing/underdoing it or doing completely the wrong things!

    Where are you based, maybe someone on here can reccomend someone

    I’m in Nottingham for half year, Northampton for the other half

    And cheers for the well wishes everyone 🙂

    Free Member

    Saris Bones?

    Free Member

    Sometime in December last year 😛

    OK I didn’t take this one, but I’m in it 😛

    Hope this December turns out to be similar!

    Free Member

    I’ve just followed a few of you lot 😛
    I’m @becky_kirk43
    I expect there’s an occasional “good” tweet amongst the many dull, grumpy or mundane ones! 😛

    Free Member

    Actually brought tears to my eyes reading this.
    Glad he lived a long life and you guys had lots of fun together though!

    Free Member

    My hand has now started working again (even if it feels “asleep”), but pain in my arm has been getting steadily worse since I last saw my consultant and he told me he didn’t need to see me again ’til April.

    GP’s given me enough painkillers to last a couple of weeks, and referred me for physio with a 6 week waiting list (anyone else see the problem there?)

    Still can’t ride and cooking, uni work (written and labs!), etc. is getting more and more difficult!

    Feeling a bit sorry for myself at the moment 🙁 (especially seen as today looks like a perfect day for a ride!)

    But nothing compared to what some folks on here are going through/have gone through! Healing vibes too all!

    Free Member

    Just done it from start to finish 😛
    Takes you to the google results of the author at the end 🙂

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