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  • Make Your October Better With Singletrack Magazine
  • beckykirk43
    Free Member

    Go stare at ugly middle aged blokes with beer bellies then 😛

    That’s more like it, exactly what I need to get me going!

    Rollers are much more interesting than a turbo so might be worth looking into some?

    Unfortunately I think rollers will give me the same issues as riding, can do the turbo as I only need 1 arm for that!

    Get a dog or take a mates for a walk. I’m still not quite right & building up strength & instead of battering myself on short crap rides so go for long walks checking out new trails

    I’ve spent many hours doing that over the course of being broken! 🙂

    Becky – I can’t believe that you’re still not fixed, what is the latest?

    I know, me neither! My latest consultant is at a bit of loss, getting some “proper” physio at the moment (my NHS referral got lost apparently…) and just waiting to see him again. We know lots of things that it isn’t, hopefully something will become apparent between now and the end of January that means they can sort it out!

    I shall have a look into spinning classes me thinks, and *maybe* try running again, I have done just over 40km this year! (not much I know, but more than I’ve done any other year!)

    Free Member

    You warned me…and I still watched it!

    Free Member

    Some sort of knife, I’m sharp me… 😛

    Free Member

    Make sure she picks A-levels in subjects she’s going to enjoy, that will invariably lead on to a uni course/job in an area that is also enjoyed.

    It’d be important to keep a range of subjects if at all possible (I did 3 sciences and maths at AS, and then dropped maths at A2 this seems to have worked for me so far because I knew I wanted to do something science-y just wasn’t sure what, but I know that it is limiting!).

    Id definitely recommend doing at least one or two A-levels that are “traditional” or at least considered properly challenging and Russell-group acceptable.

    This is probably important too – whatever she goes on to do afterwards having decent sounding a-levels is always going to be appealing!

    I think is aimed at people currently at uni, but it might be worth a look. You can fill out some questionnaire things based on your skills and interests and it suggests careers, and has information about the qualifications needed to get to them etc.

    Free Member

    Fish, chips and mushy peas – couldn’t resist the big “lunchtime special” sign as I was walking past!

    Free Member

    Whilst I understand NMG I don’t know what a “normal” result would be so can’t really help.

    Do you have a number for your consultant’s secretary? Might be on any copies of clinic letters you’ve been sent. Might be worth a call to see if they can help? Or your GP should probably be able to give you a rough interpretation.

    Good luck!

    Free Member

    Another Sufferfest fan here.

    I have been alternating between Angels and Local Hero. I put in so much more effort when doing these, to just watching TV catchup stuff/listening to music. Even if I only do half an hour of them! (I’ll get to the end one day…)

    Free Member

    Sounds nasty.

    Don’t rush it and follow advice. Listen to your body…it’ll soon let you know if you’re doing too much!

    Mend well! 🙂

    Free Member

    I can’t see it.
    Assume it’s along the same lines as the TV ad?

    I’m not sure that I’d want to give someone chest compressions based soley on having seen the advert. I think I’d be too worried about doing something wrong and making it worse, although I don’t suppose it could get much worse for them…

    Perhaps I should sign myself up to some sort of course!

    Free Member

    What does it look like now?

    I had stitches in my elbow (after tendon surgery) taken out after 12 days and didn’t need any dressing on as it had healed up sufficiently!

    Free Member

    Glad you’ve posted that because people have been talking about it but I have so far been too lazy to google it and find the list!

    It’ll be a tough call, there’s a few on the list who, whilst have achieved things greater than most of us ever will, just aren’t well known and popular enough to win – but plenty that are!

    Free Member

    Darnit – that sounded perfect for me! 😉

    Free Member

    Not sure it counts as retraining seen as I haven’t actually done anything with my chemistry degree…but I’m applying to do medicine.

    Free Member

    One of my housemates at uni swore by it as there was very poor signal in her area, but never had any issues since getting sure signal as far as I know…

    Free Member

    Well that’s my day made!

    Free Member

    I installed Sophos after having an issue which I thought to be a virus…turned out *someone* had messed up the settings for pop ups…

    The Sophos scanner didn’t find anything (as above…several years using the mac without any AV). I’ve have kept Sophos installed should I ever feel the need for it, bit haven’t bothered to get it on the MBP as well as I didn’t really see the point!

    Free Member

    If you straighten your arm out in front of you and then bend your wrist back, adding resistance with the other hand does that hurt? (I’m told that’s one of the best tests for tennis elbow…).

    Whatever it is I sympathise, I had “tennis elbow surgery” for “not really tennis elbow” a couple of months ago (having been in pain for quite some time) and it still hurts. No one seems to know why!

    Free Member

    My last 3 pairs of “walking shoes” (the shoes I wear all the time, as opposed to walking boots) have been identical Karrimor ones. Really like them.
    Haven’t had any issues with my bag either.

    Free Member

    And there was be proud of my 61 (100%)!

    Free Member

    So far not feeling very enthusiastic about it!

    My problems are tiny compared to many people’s but thinking back 12 months my current “situation” is not what I was hoping for/anticipating when I was looking forward.

    But, I am spending the festive period with my family, we’re lucky enough to be able to spend the week on holiday in Yorkshire so I shouldn’t complain. I’m sure the idea will grow on me…!

    Free Member

    I don’t want to spend lots on a decent bike, and then have to ride something cheap and rubbish! (Equally if I think now if there wasn’t somewhere relatively secure looking to leave the bike I just wouldn’t take it!)

    I rode into uni every day and locked my bike up with all the rest. Started off with 2 locks and a big cable, but ended up just using 1 lock by the end. Only ever saw 1 or 2 other decent looking bikes locked up.

    There were always people walking past and there were lots of bikes so I was relying on that to keep my bike safe (and it worked) although my friend did walk out in the middle of the day to see someone trying to saw through his lock so it is worth thinking about…

    Free Member

    Good choice! Enjoy it! 😀

    Free Member

    Now there’s a profit to be made…

    Free Member

    Poor thing has been sitting unridden and unloved for far too long. Although the tyre and wheel logos are now better aligned!

    Free Member

    Good effort! Not a bad speed either!

    Free Member

    Absolutely burned to a crisp! The fire was fierce enough to force 50 fire-fighters to back off. The site was levelled and cleared within 3 days

    Not good!

    I think I’d be tempted to look for a new dentist then, it might take them quite some time to get back on their feet (if they decide to) and if you get toothache in the mean time you’ll be stuck!

    Free Member

    A lot of dentists seem to only keep paper records, although presumably will have a computerised system with patients details on etc.

    When you say burned down, has it properly burned down or just a bit of damage? (i.e. does it look like they’ll be able to open up again soon?)

    Free Member

    Do it, road bikes are ace.


    Free Member

    This pleases me greatly!

    Free Member

    I used to hate getting muddy (I’d always ride around the thick mud and puddles!), having not done any mountain biking since last July (and only having a couple of months for limited road riding in between) I have to say I rather miss it now! Just want to get back on the trails… [/whinge]

    Free Member

    An iPad for a leaving present?

    I hope it’s either a very big office or someone that’s been there for a very long time!

    Free Member

    Work it out with the temperature in Kelvin instead then 0 isn’t a problem? 😛

    I’m pretty sure you can’t just add up the numbers as it’s about the insulation levels, but I’ve no idea how you’d actually work it out – sorry!

    Free Member

    Apparently it can be a contributing factor!

    Free Member

    My first year as a student I ignored a long cold, turned out it was sinusitis (possibly caused by student living conditions 😉 ) and I’d left it long enough that I grew a giant polyp and had to have surgery!
    Second year as a student, in a particularly damp/mouldy room I noticed the signs earlier but once again got sinusitis which needed antibiotics to clear up so it’s definitely plausible!

    Free Member

    Seems to be a sign of the times – there’s enough people wanting the job that it doesn’t matter to them.

    I’d got as far as being told by a potential employer we just needed to meet up to “agree terms”, but was then asked to do another phone interview and then someone else got the job. I wouldn’t have minded not getting the job, but being told we just needed to agree terms suggested it was mine…!

    Free Member

    Has it been plugged in to the computer recently? Still on the bike? In a rucksack or coat pocket?

    Free Member

    *jealous face*

    Free Member

    That sounds pretty rubbish. I’m in a bad mood too. Grumbletrackworld?

    Free Member

    I was skeptical but having tried a couple I cam recommend The Sufferfest videos. (not that I’ve made it to the end of one yet!)

    You only get out what you put in, but doing that a couple of times a week should get you in shape pretty quick!

    Free Member

    I don’t know what to suggest as a specific career, but if you’ve got 15 years of experience in a job that you’re good at I suspect that will count for a lot, so don’t put yourself down.

    Perhaps look on some websites where vacancies are advertised, put in something vague and just browse through, you might not find the perfect job that way but you might see things you hadn’t considered and be “inspired” to take a certain career path!

    Good luck! 🙂

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