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  • Reverse Base flat pedal review
  • becky_kirk43
    Free Member

    Northampton which has been called “N-town” (I wonder why…)
    Or Nottingham, which I’m afraid the only nickname I know of is “Shottingham”

    bit of a disappointment really

    Free Member

    14 views…woop! 😛

    Free Member

    Go for it! Just don’t have any big crashes cus it might be hard to expain!!

    Free Member

    Unless she was learning to jump that must be a warranty job?

    bad luck though!

    Free Member

    darn it, down for me too 🙁

    edit: with a bit of refreshing its working now 🙂

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Haven’t met any stw-ers whilst out and about (apart from the one that I knew before I started on here…), although I am hoping to get on a ride with you lot at some point!

    There’s people on here that, despite never meeting, I’d consider to be a friend though.

    Good bunch of people (even with all the arguing! 😛 )

    edit: I tell a lie…I met an stw-er when picking uo my new turbo trainer…and a top chap he was 🙂

    Free Member

    good effort (you still got waaaay further than most people!!)

    Good luck if you attempt it again, I’m sure it’ll be easier in a slightly warmer august!

    Free Member

    Whether or not its an indian summer it does annoy me that the forecasters just keep moving the sun…if they know they can’t accurately forcecast much more than 24 hours ahead, don’t bloody bother!

    Free Member

    should we start another “what would you do if you won the lottery?” thread? 😛

    I hope its a syndicate that’s won. Then lots of people will be a little bit happy instead of creating 1 rather rich person 😛

    Free Member

    Nearly all eastons.

    Free Member

    Commonly used among geeks to express their enthusiasm for something,

    that means I’m a bit of a geek then (although that’s no surprise!)

    Free Member

    PlumzRichard – Member
    becky do behave !

    Just having some fun on an otherwise dull friday – where’s your pics Rich? 😛

    Free Member

    Go, even if its just to put your mind at rest. If there’s a problem it’ll be sorted quickly, and if its just a check up then there’s nothing lost!

    Free Member

    the question is, do women prefer hulking brute strength or subtlety ?

    If I tell you that fave is on page 2 and is not one of c-g’s models it might give you a clue as to my preference 😛

    Free Member

    Think my winner is still standing! 😛

    Free Member

    I’ve picked my winner so far…but I shall leave you to guess who it is 😛

    Free Member

    (runs and hides!!!)

    good idea Hora!!

    Free Member

    Glad I’m not the only one that thought £30 was not enough for that!

    Think I’ll be giving that a miss

    If you need the money, give your local sperm bank a call instead.

    might be a slight problem with that one 😉

    Free Member

    Do you really play quidditch?

    we have a quidditch society at uni, as much as I’d like it to be its not proper qudditch…its more of a cross between between netball and dodgeball!

    student- 9 till 5 in the lab??

    Labs run 2-5 4 days a week. And then I have lectures in the morning.

    You don’t really say what your training goal is??

    maybe that would help 😛 My aim is to be reasonably competitive in the Theford Winter Series but I’m really trying to get ready for racing next something, nothing “endurancy” but I need to be fitter than this year 😛

    Perhaps I should get up earlier and find a long route to uni, that said its 7.20 and I’m already up and doing work (I’m just on here to stop myself from going completely mad because I can’t do this work!), not sure how much earlier I could get up and still stay awake all day!

    Free Member

    I was thinking flat out is probably the way to go. Wasn’t sure if there was something special I should be doing with intervals and what not.

    Apart from wednesdays I’m in 9-5 for lectures / labs. Wednesday afternoon is quidditch, sunday is walk in the peak district day and I have other social things in evenings some time, and yes I do have a job as well (and I still have to fit in all the lab reports and tutorials etc!)

    Free Member

    I sat and read all of those rules the other day.

    Lecture cancelled this morning as the lecturer is at a conference or something, otherwise I’d have ridden through the rain. Don’t have to be in until 12 now so I’ll stay dry!

    It helps that my options are walk or ride as to drive in (as well as taking ages because of all the traffic) would sting me with a £5 parking fee every time I do it!

    Free Member

    Height of the bars, not the lenght of the stem – try adjusting that.

    try moving your saddle around too (backwards / forwards)

    Free Member

    I did think about how you’d carry out a homeopathic trial though. Give one person the real drug and 99 the placebo. Select one person from that trial group at random and add another 99 people taking a placebo. Repeat 10 times or so. If more than 50% of the final group of 100 gets better, that’s definitive proof that homeopathy works.

    but then you’ve got the placebo effect to consider as well!

    Some people swear by homoeopathy, and I’m happy that it works for them but only when there are lots of clinical trials and there is definitive proof for each remedy they should be available on the NHS, much like all the “proper” drugs at present.

    Free Member

    As someone who isn’t very old I’ve never really seen him do anything but I have certainly heard lots about it.

    A great loss, but a grand age!

    RIP 🙁

    Free Member

    I’m reading Harlan Coben – The Final Detail (reading lots of his stuff at the moment)

    Although its slow going because I have to fit it between reading various chemistry textbooks!

    Free Member

    A 1-2 hour race round some awesome singletrack with enough open bits for overtaking.

    Reasonably cheap entry fee. Some little prizes for the winners as well as maybe some little spot prizes.

    Free Member


    z1ppy – Member
    Looks very cool, what res are the photos, any good for backdrops? (Can’t tell on my mobile)

    yes there’s a big version that would be good 🙂

    Free Member

    My dad went round a puddle a couple of weeks ago…and rode into a thorn bush (ending rather painfully…)
    I went through the puddle and came out cleaner than I went in!

    I’m always dubious about puddles in unknown places as you never know what lurks beneath!

    Free Member

    I’m gonna get the spokeshirt one when I have some money.

    Free Member

    I’ve always wanted one (or 2) of those 😛
    I think the cuteness more than makes up for the smell!

    Free Member

    In my experience if you have an *ahem* larger head, unisize helmets don’t necessarily fit. Might be worth looking at the measurements on the manufacturers website for whatever you go for.

    In general cheap helmets should keep you as safe as more expensive ones as they should all meet the same safety requirements but the more you spend the lighter weight they’ll be, and the better vented.

    Free Member

    TheBrick – Member
    Surrounded By Zulus – Member
    What uni course is it?
    I cant think of any that are intense all the way through til graduation and when you graduate it gets even more intense. I would also say that if you are, as a lowly 2nd year, finding it so intense that you cannot sleep then perhaps you are not cut out for, or clever enough to pursue whatever career you are studying towards.



    I always find reading something just before I go to sleep is good, just keep reading until you can no longer keep your eyes open. A couple of times last year when I just couldn’t get to sleep I found putting a dvd or something on really helped because I focussed on watching that rather than the fact I could’t sleep and consequently woke up many hours later!

    Free Member

    It’s bucketting here, has been for a while. Glad I don’t have to go out today! And living in the roof means its really quite loud, can’t see what the road looks like as I have a skylight but I expect the puddles to be big. Good thing its a sunday ‘cus it doesn’t take much rain to make mini floods on campus and cause chaos!

    I’m more worried about the fact we’ve ran out of milk and I don’t want to get wet!

    Free Member

    I really like him.
    Don’t like the comedy roadshow though as he seems to have a lot of people on that I just don’t find funny!

    Free Member

    Glad I live on the top floor of this house and I don’t have to go anywhere tomorrow!

    Free Member

    I quite fancy some DMs, a bit pricy though…need to find somewhere near me that sells ’em.

    Free Member

    I love my single speed (converted about a month ago), just brought it up to uni with me to play with…we shall see how I fair on the road hills!

    My theory is if I ride round here on SS all winter all be super fit by the summer 😛

    Free Member

    I find it far easier to play fifa on the playstation that the wii!

    Free Member

    Yes I think so, its just having the top end kit gives them a bit more help!

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