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  • Nils Amelinckx, Rider Resilience Founder and all round nice guy: 1987-2023
  • becky_kirk43
    Free Member

    Working today, and tomorrow morning. Need to ride soon though, must work out where I'm going though!

    Free Member

    @countzero yes its easy for a cow to trample a person, but the cows could have gone in any direction, its just unfortunate that the farmer was in their way

    Free Member

    I shall keep my eye out for more freebies then. Not that it matters, they're the only pair of riding specific socks I own, but they are comfy 🙂

    Free Member

    I would think there is a far greater chance that they would be in trouble for the number of times they don't use the sirens when they should!

    Exactly! I obviously don't know a lot about this case but it sounds to be like a fireman in a hurry to go and save the lives of others (an rightly so), so in an effort to get through quickly used his sirens. Even if he knew it would scare the cows there was no way he could have predicted that his actions would have led to the farmer getting trampled. Yes in hindsight,perhaps he could have done something different to get passed but in the situation he needed to make a quick decision.

    Its very unfortunate that a man died, my condolences go to all who knew the farmer, but I don't think prosecution is the way forward.

    Free Member

    Looks like a simple poles in, pegs in and you're done sort of tent to me, can't see it being too difficult as long as you practise first 🙂

    Free Member

    It was just over a 2 hour drive for me. Can't wait to get up there again. Had a great few hours riding (and then slept very well!)

    Free Member

    No problems with the rear mech.

    my problem is my inbred is just a little bit too long, and no one seems to make stems that are short enough and light weight!

    Free Member

    I have a cam, I'd quite like to watch my line afterwards and see how I can improve, also good for filming people in front. Although saying that, I haven't got any decent footage yet (not had it long) and can't fathom out how to mount it properly…

    Free Member

    just over 2 years at my LBS (although I did abandon them for 6 months while I was at uni).

    working in the same place for 46 years takes some commitment, I don't think I could do the same thing for that long! (although I guess many jobs you're doing different stuff all the time!)

    Free Member

    cynic-al – Member
    glenp – Member
    Don't forget that you are completely in the right in asserting your choice about when it is safe to allow yourself to be overtaken.

    IS the the HWC or your rules?

    My copy of the HWC is currently on loan to a friend so I can't check, but I'm 99% sure that's pretty much the gist of what it says – cyclists are entitled to as much room when being overtaken as when another car is being overtaken (i.e cyclists don't need to get real close to the curb or whatever to let the car go past, the driver needs to wait until it is safe for them to go on the wrong side of the road)

    Or I may have totally misunderstood.

    As for the OP, personally, I undertake in traffic if there is space to do so, but slowly. And not at junctions either.

    Free Member

    Seb_C – Member
    I went SLX 9 speed


    I was gonna tell you to 😛 I just bought new shifters (XT 9 speed!), was contemplating waiting and upgrading everything to 10 speed when it comes out, but then decided that wasn't much point because I don't use all my gears anyway!

    I'm sure you'll but better forks / brakes (/extra money) to better use than an extra gear, especially when its highly possible that 9 speed stuff will go through a phase of being cheap before being discontinued (i.e. time to upgrade to 10…or stock up on spares!)

    Free Member

    cornering, positions and technique for up and down hill, lifting the front wheel, rolling over obstacles (you'd be surprised the amount of time newbies (and I'll include myself in this!) see something, stop, finally work up the courage to roll over it and then wonder what all the fuss was about!)

    Free Member

    I have almost zero mechanical skills…so I don't ride into places where I'd be in trouble if something breaks! I'm either with someone who is mechanically competent or I'm in my local woods which aren't big enough to make it difficult to walk back to the car!

    And, tom, I first impressions suggest there is an improvement over the deore shifters. And they have the 2 way release thing so you can use your thumb for both shifters. Other than that it just seems like it shifts faster.

    Free Member

    wrong date and a couple of spelling errors (although possibly mis-types from aP)
    If its real…that person has been waiting a long time to do that, and is very pleased to be going!

    Free Member

    After reading this thread earlier, I went to the LBS, bought some XT shifters (that I've had my eye on for a while…) and fitted them myself! Struggled a tad with the front cable cus I couldn't work out where to put it (dual pull mech I believe?), but I did it in the end 😀

    hmmm…need a new project now 😛

    Free Member

    Not read all the posts…have you looked at the crosstrail expert or pro? both come with hydraulic discs brakes and would seem to fit the rest of your specifications…

    Free Member

    That really makes me want to get out and ride…

    Free Member

    IIRC if you click on store on the top menu bar of itunes there is an option for deautorising

    hope you get it sorted!

    Free Member

    I've thought about it but never got round to it. I'm on the organ donor list though.

    Free Member

    Germany…had a bet on them from the start! 😛

    Free Member

    I rode it for the first time next week – can't wait to go again!

    Free Member

    they offered me a reasonable sum for my car, although I decided not to sell it in the end so don't know how much they'd have taken off…

    Free Member

    Doesn't seem to be much about it on the net, I only know as much as you. Hope she's not too badly hurt though!

    Free Member

    wheels tend to contribute a lot to weight, so it might take up a fair chunk of your budget but some new wheels (consider tubeless to save more I guess) will probably shave a fair amount off. and then things like post and bars will save a bit as well. Upgrading various bits of the drivetrain will save a bit of weight, and may improve the running, but will probably work quite expensive (although if your moving kit to another bike…might be something to consider as well!)

    Free Member

    My main account is hotmail, has been since I've had e-mail…
    used g-mail for a while…it was alright but didn't find it any better than hotmail (although that was a while ago so things may have changed!)

    Free Member

    I'm gonna say yes but I think its hanging in the balance, could go either way…only time will tell!

    Free Member

    at my brothers school they can either leave early, watch football on a big screen in the hall (and leave on buses as normal, or stay til the end and get picked up), or they will organise "alternative" activities if none of the above appeal (I assume DVD watching…)

    They didn't do it when I was at the school (and we must have had a world cup at some point!)

    Free Member

    Sounds like you're having a good time

    Yesterday: Went out with grandparents, went for a ride, pub
    Today: Swimming, unicycling, seeing my niece and nephew (and then maybe pub again!)
    Tomorrow: Going for a flight with my uncle (in a 2 person plane), going the the cinema with friends (and maybe pub again…)
    Thursday: My birthday…need not go into what that involves!
    Friday: Friends coming to my house from uni, bowling, food, pub.

    Good week eh? 😛

    Free Member

    big_scot_nanny – Member
    Well, to the logical willej who said 'swap out the wheel'

    I said it first 😉

    glad you worked out where its coming from, and at least you were right about it!

    different sized wheels is the way forward!

    Free Member

    old enough to roll = old enough to ride 😉

    I dare say the amazing moments are going to keep on coming!

    Free Member

    If out with HSBC they often have machines where you can pay in for free. If not, most banks have limits on the number of bags so you it might take a while to pay it all in (although you could get rid of the copppers that way, and then slowly spend the rest 😛
    +1 for taking to a shop, I know we quite often run out of change (once you're out of pounds everything goes down very quickly as you have to give small coins out instead!)

    Free Member

    if you think its the rear hub can you not stick another wheel in to test? or put that wheel in another bike and see if it does the same?
    or am i just being stupid? 😯

    Free Member

    I'm 5"4 and ride a 17" myka and a 16" inbred, both are a tad on the big side though, I think 14/15" would be good for someone who is 5"3 (although obviously this depends on lots of factors)

    Free Member

    I chuckled at both of those 😆

    my only 2 intellectual jokes are..
    the classic

    I'm hit, I'm hit I've lost an electron
    Are you sure?
    I'm positive!

    (edit: whoops I was a bit slow there!)
    and another…

    an electron, a proton and a neutron walk into a bar, the electron buys the first round of drinks "that'll be £5 then please sir", so he hands the money over. The proton buys the next round, another £5. Then the neutron goes and orders a round – "for you sir, no charge!"

    Free Member

    Figured I'd update you…got 66 and 61 on those 2 exams. Did well enough overall to get a first for the year (not that it counts but hey!)

    Free Member

    IIRC you can't get that many in, but I may be wrong (and you may be able to pack them more creatively that us!), if possible I'd try and get some sort of test run, or go for the Luton if its not too expensive just to be safe!

    Free Member

    I've always (well not always but for a long time!), wanted a tortoise. My mum had one when she was little and loved it. I'm just waiting 'til I've got the money (and a house!) and then I'll get one 🙂

    I think as long as you give them the right food and keep them warm they're not too difficult to care for as long as you don't let them "run" away!

    Free Member

    Slower than expected postmen mean my dvd hasn't got back in time (didn't realise it would need to be back 2 days before they take payment). I think I've agreed for them to charge me £3.99 (their cheapest monthly fee), so that I can cancel before the end of next month (I say I think I have because it was rather difficult to understand the 2 people that I spoke too!)

    Lesson learnt: be more organised!

    Free Member

    A bracelet sounds good 🙂
    other suggestions (as an 18 year old girl for nearly a whole year 😉 ) would be a nice necklace, or a photoframe / decorative album with some family photos so that when she moves on there's always a reminder 🙂

    Free Member

    Yeah make sure you practise unclipping! I love using clipless pedals on the road, but I'm still cautious about them on anything remotely technical just because I like the option of getting my feet down very quickly! I'm sure I'll get used to it though.

    Its amazing how much difference it makes being clipped in. Faster speeds for less effort 😀

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