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  • Shimano GF8 (GF800) Gore-Tex Shoes review
  • becky_kirk43
    Free Member

    if you look on the madison website they have a size guide somewhere so compare measurements of your hand to the size of the glove, might help you sort it out 🙂

    Free Member

    Depends who your local too…
    these people are good IMO

    Free Member

    My Wii age ranges from 18-20 which is fine be me as I'm 19 😛

    Wii fit is really good, 'cept I keep getting bored of it and only do it once every couple of weeks instead of every day!

    Free Member

    Glad you got it all sorted out eventually. Sounds like a horrible place to work so I'm sure you'll be loads happier now 😀

    Free Member

    Scaphoid's on the other side isn't it? (i.e below the thumb)

    I'd get it checked out if I were you, just to be on the safe side

    Free Member

    9.18 tonight where I am apparently. I might have a look out, although the trees behind my garden might not help!

    Free Member

    Mr H – Member
    Pity, wife's selling Trek fuel ex 14.5".

    sorry…slight hi-jack but Mr H has no e-mail in profile,
    How tall is your wife? could I have details of which model, year etc please 🙂

    To the OP. If you want to buy new I'd recommend the Specialized myka. If the budget can stretch or you go second hand there's the spec Saffire or the myka FSR or of course trek exs in WSD

    Free Member

    My top 3 would be
    1) We buy any car
    2) The stupid faked falling / tripping over people
    3) Go compare

    But…you could almost say their advertising has worked…because I remember the adverts and therefore if I ever need to use their services they'll be first to come to mind!

    Free Member

    room in you're house for one more? 😛

    perfect weather for riding today, although my local woods isn't quite the same as that!

    Free Member

    Might be worth giving Virgin a look. Just moving into a house with my mates at uni. For 50mb broadband, unlimited evening /weekend landline calls, plus one of the mid-range virgin packages for tv we're paying £50 a month between us.

    I'd imagine if you're looking at a much lower speed broadband package (and probably not wanting all the tv stuff we've got), you might well get something decent from them for <£25

    Free Member

    That's awesome!
    You'll have to go into business!

    Free Member

    Yes, yes, yes and yes!

    Perhaps I should do some hill climbing practice!

    Free Member

    I hate to say it but if you amend a bike you already have, you'll be losing a bike – how will you replace that one? 😉
    And at that price…surely the saving justifies it? 😛

    On a serious note…modify an existing bike. Spend the remaining money that you would have spent on upgrades for another bike, or in fact treat yourself (or your SO?) to something nice 🙂

    Free Member

    I went up Mam Tor around new year when it had snowed a lot. Really nice morning walking up and down it 🙂

    Free Member

    mine was £75 reduced from £150 as they were trying to get rid of it – comfiest mattress I've ever had!

    Free Member

    Glad nothings broken. Hope you mend fast 🙂

    Free Member

    I've got 2 sets of them, quite like them in fact. I've had no problems thus far (bar not being able to get them off because you can't use a pedal spanner!) when / if they break I think I'll try some "proper" eggbeaters though…

    and to answer the question:
    its not the whole platform that comes off, just a "bumper" around the edge so that you can change the colour of some of it
    its the grey bit that comes off on the black and grey pedals, and the black bit on the black and blue ones.

    Free Member

    My mum washes most of mine but she does it with the rest of the washing @40 with the ariel liquid stuff

    Free Member

    its my name 😛
    I wish I'd picked something more interesting now but sadly its too late…

    oh ,and the 43 came from an online game I played years ago…my name was taken and it was the random number they suggested to put on the end, and its stuck with me 😛

    Free Member

    Thanks for the advice guys…
    I went for these
    they were comfy, worked well on testing and I think they look quite good too 😛
    Thanks for the tip about the no socks…much better! 😛

    Just need to work on my technique / strength now (did a bouldering competition last night and almost certainly came last!)

    Free Member

    079 tends to be t-mobile
    voicemail might be a good shout though 😛

    Free Member

    Thanks guys!
    I am planning on try before I buy, its just a matter of finding a shop near me – the climbing centre I climb is only little so they've only got a few shoes to chose from. Anyone know of a good shop in the Northampton area?

    Its interesting about the sizing, the first time I went I hired shoes the same size as I normally take and ever since I've got the size above because after half an hour with them on I had to take them off every time I came down because they were hurting my toes! Although I did have socks on…

    If I can find a shop I might well invest in belay device and stuff as well, that's another thing you have to pay to hire to I'll class it as an investment…

    Lots of brands and what not to look at …I'll get researching.

    And I climb at the (recently newly opened) pinnacle centre in Northampton 🙂

    Free Member

    Pretty good going 😀
    I got 9 As, 2 Bs and 1 C back in the day…and got £20 for it 😛

    anyone else notice all the people they showed on the BBC did well and didn't look that surprised about it?

    Free Member

    don't think my road bike's been posted on here yet…

    now with a slightly shorted stem. Think I need to fiddle with the gearing as I never seem to have the right gear for the gradient!

    Free Member

    My sympathy is with you 🙁

    We've got 2 dogs, a 3 legged springer who's getting on for 10 (and struggling now, bless him 🙁 ) and we've got a 1 year old cocker who follows Barnaby (the springer) everywhere, he won't go for a walk without him and if we ever take Barnaby out the cocker spends the whole time trying to look out of the window and whining. Trying to teach him to be a bit independant for when the inevitable happens but it'll be difficult. For us as well (I was 10 when we got him so I've grown up with Barnaby!)

    Free Member

    I ordered a saddle and it came the next day, followed by a "your order has been dispatched" e-mail the day after that! 😛

    Free Member

    yes I'd love to have mountain bikers come and stay but unfortunately they don't seem to come in pairs (only double bedrooms)

    Start of a cyclist dating business as well 😉

    Sounds like you're getting it sorted – speak politely to the council, doesn't sound like you're doing anything wrong (although the mtb bit on your website does encourage cyclists 😛 ), anything you might be doing wrong I guess you're unaware of so if the council tell you to fix something you can 🙂

    Free Member

    I think its a matter of posting the question on here and hoping the guys are nice about it, or saying you have a question that needs e-mailing to a lady or 2 and people will be only to happy to help (as long as I'm online I'm happy to offer what advice I can give)

    Free Member

    Up until a couple of weeks ago yes, got a bit wet the last couple of weeks.

    LBS (where I work) got a bit flooded once already and I suspect with the rain again today it might have got somewhat damp inside again!

    But I think if you compare to averages and what not it has been dry (and I like it 😛 )

    Free Member

    I've been using racing ralphs for the last couple of months, I haven't tested them much in the mud though, I'm thinking of getting some nobby nicks for the winter months.
    *awaits everyone telling me they're rubbish!*

    Free Member

    Pointing North[/url] by becky-kirk43[/url], on Flickr

    ooo that easy 😛

    Free Member

    New chain + old cassette = recipe for disaster IMHO
    I'd look at replacing that, and possibly your middle chain ring as well if that's causing problems.

    Free Member

    I was dubious to begin with but when buying my own (as a student) I use sainsbury's basics!

    Won't use the equivalent tissues ( when I have a cold though, (or the basics meat come to think of it…), just their regular own brand stuff – I have standards! 😉

    Free Member

    OK I haven't read this entire thread but my mum is a similar age to you. She has 3 tattos – a sun on her wrist, a rose at the top of her arm and a smiley face at the top of her back.
    She isn't a chav and I think they look quite good.

    If you think hard about what you want I'm sure it'll be fine (its the content / the volume of them that I think makes them loo kbad on some people).

    If you're just getting one, and you're thinking of something lizardy, I think it'd probably look quite good 🙂

    I think I'll probably get one at some point…it just might take me a few years to work out what!

    Free Member

    my itrip was pretty rubbish, could never find a station that it worked on without being rubbish so I burned some cds 😛 a new radio with an aux cable (and a usb) so my problems are sorted!
    my friend has one where you can plug ipod into a tape, that works well (but only if the stereo is old enough to have a tape player on it obviously)

    Free Member

    I spoke to rich today…it was an epic fail apparently due to his riding partner wanting to start late and then ride slow!
    he's gonna attempt to do the SDD solo when he returns from his holidays though 🙂

    Free Member

    it looks like it wants to dry out but might be a bit impractical because I expect it'll catch on your trousers and if you have a shower or whatever it might not help it dry either 😛

    Free Member

    I had that feeling from 9 o'clcok this morning! but got home eventually (despite getting soaked on the way back!)

    not looking forward to getting up early tomorrow though 🙁

    Free Member

    I've been to upper booth, it was very basic indeed but enough for what we wanted. and quite cheap too.

    no experience of field head though so can't give a comparison

    Free Member

    she's lovely 😀
    congratulations to you both!

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