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  • Is NRW About To Close Coed Y Brenin?
  • beanieripper
    Free Member

    All the gears,lumpy in reverse feels like it jumps a tiny bit every 3rd of a crank reveloution. Chain is slx with logos facing out and the right way up above the chainstay. indexing looks perfect from the back. Quicklink seems ok and doesnt catch. just feels awful backpedalling. On the 2nd xt rear mech as 1st one was bent, did it before. Mech hanger is good, i aligned it with a tool (was out from brand new).puzzled

    Free Member

    +1 mech hanger. Ive just set up a new 12spd drivetrain. hanger looked ok, everyting was new shifted badly, really badly. Put an alignment tool on it and it was maybe 5-6mm ff at the rim. Straightened hanger and its now perfect. No noise, no chain droppping on backpedalling, best gearshifting ive ever had.

    Free Member

    Hmm, they are pretty plasticity. Are the m8000s going to be as problematic as I think they are?

    Free Member

    The age of endless greed…

    Free Member

    ok cool, bought them from bikester so im assuming they are retail boxed ones…thanks for all the help

    Free Member

    Ok, new xt m8100 chainset ordered, anyone know what tool im going to need to install the chainring onto the crank? This has become an expensive excercise…

    Free Member

    old rf deus triple in the middle

    Free Member


    Free Member

    loads of clearance on frame and tyres, £100 for slx in 55m chainline, or £150 for xt in 52mm, which will work best??

    Free Member

    only on id360 hubs, earlier hubs wont take the conversion…

    Free Member

    nope not the quick link, the chain will mesh at the top and around to about 4-5 oclock then it looks as if the links are too short. i.e the chain links wont sit right down into the chainring teeth…

    Free Member

    Yep, slx chain arrived today. Ive used a derailleur hanger tool today and the rear hanger was out, not hugely but maybe 5-6mm at the wheel. I have a suspicion that the new xt mech is bent, i know they are not straight but its all over the show..

    Free Member

    Ok, just briefly.i work in a capacity involved in this, have done for a while. Simples, the heathland (which is actually quite rare globally. (Very infact) fairs much better with no Joe public around. It’s extremely valuable to most rare ground nesting birds (I’ve seen a few). Average Joe public with their 2 lovely labradoodles or cockapoos running roughshod around on a lovely walk are not helping at all. So a blanket ban is much simpler to enforce…

    Free Member

    Am i right in thinking that the m8100 rear mech is non direct mount, and im sure my frame is not direct rd….

    Free Member

    Cassette is brand new slx 10/51, chain in brand new as are chainrings. The rear mech is brand new. Chainline is standard triple with a nw ring in the middle. Frame is new, hanger looks straight. Ive set the low and high adjustment. Set up the b screw so the marks /line aligns with the biggest tooth on the 51t cog. If i try and drop gears down from 51 the chain tries to pull out of the jockeywheels sideways…. im really puzzled..

    Free Member

    cool will try a chain first thanks

    Free Member

    the chain keeps catching and seems an effort to get onto the 51t cog, loads of noise and grinding to get there. Top and bottom limit are good, chain length as per shimano instructions, even with the b screw adjusted to the 2 marks it nearly fouls the cassette…

    Free Member

    Thanks was thinking those 2 things, mech hanger looks straight to the eye (ill check with a tool) and was thinking it may be the chain…

    Free Member

    Are you climbing in them or ground working? In my experience Haix tand to last longer than Meindl but marginally at best. The price is ridiculous though, Meindl woodwalker (you can get them for about £170) are as good as anything ive ever worn for climbing and groundwork. I suppose it depends on how hard a life they will get, if your hammering them all day every day they all literally wear to bits, 12-18m for me…

    Free Member

    Ive just built up a clockwork evo 27.5 with dt wheels 2.4 tyres etc, its really quick and covers ground easily but is really good fun and wants to be thrown all over the place, cant recommend it enough..

    Free Member

    Nice, in an ideal world i think i would go for 25-27mm. Any better deals around than £320 for 240sp hubs with microspline freehub dt spokes and dt rims? seems like a good deal to me…

    Free Member

    But they are blue….

    Free Member

    cool, thanks will leave it as it is and go from there..

    Free Member

    Never been an instructor but as a kid who was naughty at school Cadets was a lifeline for me. Taught me so much and I have of great memories being ambushed by the TA at 1am on longmoor camp. Sgt Salmon wherever he is influenced me hugely.

    Free Member

    thanks all for the help, ive tried pretty hard to get it to sit inside my existing adaptor but it wont go, might try to hammer it in and if that fails i will buy a new tool..

    Free Member

    When I was 12 I got stopped riding my new racer down the street in my new ski jacket. A copper stopped me by pushing me in the chest and and shouting stop loudly, nearly fell off the bike. He asked me where i had got the bike (i had saved up all year and my dad paid the rest for christmas) i told him so. He then proceeded to pull my ski jacket and asked if it was nicked at which point i told him to leave me alone as my mum had bought it for me. He called me a little shit and punched me in the face and off my bike. No, the police never assault anyone unprovoked…

    Free Member

    Oh and Niwaki Japanese secateurs are the rolls royce, Felco’s are junk in comparison..

    Free Member

    My dads mate has been a motor trader all his life and has a bit of a thing for rollers. He owned the last roller to come off the production line in Hull. Silver with a handpainted pink stripe on it, sold it to the middle east for export for a fortune. He always laughs at how badly thrown together they were..tales of odd sized screws and lumps of scrap wood inside door panels to hold them all together….still loves em though

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Aah the Van Etten, I would challenge anyone alive to listen to her first album “Epic” and not be absolutely blown off their chair by it!

    Free Member

    I had 2020s and for the cash they are great with no obvious shortcomings, for the money thats their greatest strength. Depends what your expectations are of them..

    Free Member

    Way out weather – steve gunn. done

    Free Member

    31 years mtb here, only worn one twice, fell off twice and hit my head…true. Met a guy at swinley last week from cali who trained mtb racers, who we rode with for a bit, smoked hit on the ht. He asked the question and said he had seen some horrible head injuries…guess my bare head keeps me alive…..i dont want to hit it..

    Free Member

    im 45 and am still climbing with no ill effects, it can be badly paid if you just apply for a job with a local arb firm. I did my time running a powerline clearance team for a few years and now do domestic work for myself and work for a few ecological consultancy type companies. As with everything if you are prepared to work for very little (some do) it’s not worth it. Im lucky in the respact that my customers/clients are prepared to pay a decent wage, some are not. You cant really just do your tickets and go out alone or contract climb as you just wont be up to speed or have the experience to keep yourself safe. The best route in is to get your tickets and then get some time as a groundie/second climber but its likely to be crap wages. If you relish hard physical work and are prepared to work for not a great wage initially then go for it. Its not for everyone but i still absolutely love it.

    Free Member

    God knows what they are burning if they need glass cleaner. Just spit on a tissue and dip it in the ashes, rub in circles and repeat.

    Free Member

    Ok i dont post much these days… Why anyone with access to a thermostatically controlled heating system that is automatic and more efficient (and so less polluting) and requires no effort would replace it with a dirty and labour intensive stove whilst living in a city is the most bizarre idea I could think of. I live in a 200 year old cottage in the middle of nowhere with expensive econony 7 heating. Im also a tree surgeon with access to all the wood i need. I can either process this wood myself, pay someone to do it or pay £70-£80 per m2 here in the wilds of the south east (There is no free lunch) . For me it is a solution that fits. If i lived in an area with gas and central heating i would drop the stove in a second and play a dvd of a log fire on tv. Maybe all the people using this method to heat their homes in cities just need a good hard day in the countryside working and would appreciate coming home to a warm place. The problem is though, they need a 4litre 4×4 to get the kids to school too…

    Free Member

    Ok i dont post much these days… Why anyone with access to a thermostatically controlled heating system that is automatic and more efficient (and so less polluting) and requires no effort would replace it with a dirty and labour intensive stove whilst living in a city is the most bizarre idea I could think of. I live in a 200 year old cottage in the middle of nowhere with expensive econony 7 heating. Im also a tree surgeon with access to all the wood i need. I can either process this wood myself, pay someone to do it or pay £70-£80 per m2 here in the wilds of the south east (There is no free lunch) . For me it is a solution that fits. If i lived in an area with gas and central heating i would drop the stove in a second and play a dvd of a log fire on tv. Maybe all the people using this method to heat their homes in cities just need a good hard day in the countryside working and would appreciate coming home to a warm place. The problem is though, they need a 4litre 4×4 to get the kids to the schhol too…

    Free Member

    Weird, i have spent much of my life driving past the stones.But today me and a work partner talked about them. I personally find them quite unremarkable, can you imaging seeing the Taj Mehal for the first time? Or, a few relocated stones from the centre of a once huge settlement, which are truthfully, if you have seen them, are a bit well….meh…….

    Free Member

    Sorry, really don’t mean to offend your sensibilities… ill get my coat! :roll:

    Free Member

    Wow, i don’t frequent this forum much now (and i am reminded of that now), but i lurk from time to time. In the midst of whats happening right now, and I don’t just mean the election but the general world order of things. If you have realistically planned your kitchen for “years” you should view yourself as a seriously troubled person! Jeeeeeesus, it’s a place to cook and feed. Have a word with yourself. PS. On your deathbed i hope you don’t regret “The kitchen planning years”…. i think you May… (No pun intended) p.s. i really don’t mean to be offensive, but ask Theresa May what her kitchen looks like..(it’sprobably quite nice) :-)

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