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  • UCI Confirms 2025 MTB World Series Changes
  • beagle
    Free Member

    I’d agree with the Fairlight advice.  Lovely.  Or take a look at the Fearless Vulture V2. I’ve had a Fearless Warlock and been super impressed. Especially with advice/service from Tim.  I’m running wtb 700×50 wtb ventures in mine, but that’s tight, or 650×2.2 easily.  The Vulture Mk2 has loads more clearance too.  It’s only recently landed.

    Free Member

    Are we on the UK based website? When postage is prohibitive? Trailhead are the distro in the UK and the discount applies here to  on the PNW official Uk site.  Postage is standard Uk rates

    Free Member

    Suella spreading her views on LBC just now, in her standard fashion.  I like listening to all angles on stuff (well any sane ones at least) but her tone and manner has beaten me and I’ve adjusted the dial.

    Free Member

    “small” compatibility issues.  I guess it depends on how sensitive your gear set up and bike is to chainline issues.  Didn’t notice that as much with 10speed versus now (12) Using extra spacers isn’t ideal and running that set up on 3 different mtb frames (RF turbines) and one gravel bike (with Easton cinch cranks),  gave me sub optimal shifting/indexing. The pre load ring was often at the extreme end of the thread to take slack properly even with extra spacers.  Switched to Hope crank/bb on one mtb, with set up as insteuctions and the others have had wheels mf BBs. Set up/Spacers as per crank instructions and no further issues.  Hope will even tell you theirs isn’t compatible with other cranks. But, YRMV.

    Free Member

    Hope for Hope cranks IMO.  There are some small compatibility issues with different 30mm combinations (RF crank, Hope BB for  example). Shell width I think.

    I have other 30mm BSA BB combos and I can thoroughly recommend Wheels Manufacturing.  Proper quality with different bearing options.  Others, as stated above can be a false economy (NP, RF, Rotor, Praxis).

    Free Member

    Pipedream Moxie is a fun bike with sliding dropouts.  Easy enough to run mixed.  Plenty nice ones around used.  I’ve currently got a frame only deal on a Kona Honzo ESD. It’s an absolute blast. Not tried it mixed yet, I’d want a higher volume 2.6 in there as the BB could get low.  Again, sliding dropouts.  I’ve ridden it on some steep stuff – the trails off the back of Staunton,  if FOD is your reference, a lot of the steep off piste stuff in the peak, Macc Forest, Warncliffe and it’s never let me down or felt like the wrong bike.  I’ve had it out for winter all dayers too and it’s not been a slog.  Much recommended.

    Free Member

    giro won’t let order proceed.  Doesn’t like a UK shipping address.  Tried to pay via cc, PayPal and Apple Pay but no shipping country in drop down.

    Free Member

    Glad I got my hands on an ESD frame when I did.

    Sad times.

    Free Member

    I wish the Archer stuff was available in the UK at reasonable pricing.  Lots of advantages over AXS. They do drop bar kit too.

    That said, I’m riding AXS on the mtb and really wouldn’t change a thing at the moment.

    Free Member

    Big cheers to everyone here.  This is really helpful.  Started looking at Arrochar too – thanks for that. Ben Ime looks grand, potentially a fair bit of exposure from looking a the OS last night.

    Thanks too Poly for the SUP stuff.  Aware of the subs but with the kids out potentially as well, it’s going to be close to shore, for sure 😀

    Free Member

    Thanks Omar/Mashr- that’s bang where I’ll be and really helpful.  Road closed due to an oil spill apparently!

    Free Member

    Thanks for this.  Appreciate the response. Highlandmans sounds good for an early morning jaunt as it’s pretty local to where I’ll be.  I’ll pack the bike cleaning kit. Follow our nose on the gravel then. Looking at the map – probably head north for a bit of adventuring along that, or try Balloch, if the kids aren’t feeling it.

    cheers again!

    Any other decent riding in striking distance? Ben Lomond may be an option depending on how much time I’ll have.

    Free Member

    Either of the offerings from Nothing? I’ve got the ear two and they aren’t bad.

    Free Member

    If you can find one for less than a second mortgage, I like my acre hauser.  It’s the 10 L one, and unless it’s a big mountain full day, it’s sufficient for tools/spares and an extra layer.  Sits well too and available in 14L.  I’ve used Dakine, Evoc, osprey and camelbak over the years (on the bike at least) and this is my favourite. Only downside is it can be a little hot in summer on the back.

    Free Member

    They need to get a wiggle on with the warranty on my Grx shifter.  That’s for sure!

    Free Member

    That’s great to hear. Brilliant. Thanks for that response. I can’t get play when it would be extended and furthest inboard, but when in its pulling it’s self together for the high gears I get a creaking/play.

    Free Member

    Blacka Moor?

    edit.  Congrats!!

    Free Member

    Have you got/had shingles recently? I had similar after what I thought was an ear infection, but was localised shingles around my ear.  out of hours doctor didn’t come close enough to diagnose shingles initially (during Covid).  About a week later had facial paralysis down one side.

    Doc called it Ramsey Hunt syndrome.  Initially thought Bells due the facial paralysis, but after noticing I’d seen the out of hours doc, looked in my ear etc.  Loads of  horrid steroids for 10 days and fortunately made complete recovery.

    Free Member

    Said bye to the G13 Sim?

    Free Member

    The Jackson’s Lane cycle path despite being poorly built (huge undulations at the hazel grove end) does see a lot of commuter traffic from Stockport/ or Bramhall Park towards High Lane.  I see a fair amount of  family use and it seems to be being maintained/cleared.  SMBC have opened up Carr Wood to cycles and extended the Jackson’s Lane path through Happy Valley up to the high school to encourage the kids/active travel to school.  We have at least a couple of cargo commuters carrying the kids to primary school too.  I have ridden and chatted alongside an older dad riding with his son who I see on Jackson’s Lane regularly, his son has downs, rides a trike with a massive smile on his face.  I’m totally all for this and perhaps not for some of the judgemental comments on the thread 😘

    Im sure the Trek venture won’t last long, the  previous shop opposite was more a cycle themed coffee shop with a mechanic upstairs and a couple of bikes for sale.  It was a bad location IMO.  Lots of road clubs come through, but coming off the highway click clacking into a small precinct perhaps not ideal.

    Free Member

     New model Druid, driving upgrades to V2?

    Free Member

    I’ll hijack the thread a tad if you don’t mind.  Isopropyl Alcohol is my go to.  I’ve ran out though.  Where is best place to buy? Also – in a similar vein, which of these would be safe for removing peatys rim tape residue from carbon rims?  Don’t want to go too crazy with the chemicals I guess? Also, same probably applies with warming gently with a heat fun on low setting which I have done in the past for alloy rim stickers

    Free Member

    Speedplay as Haze.  Well easy in and and out, nice float options, fine walking about in and feel well planted with a half decent road shoe.   Nice and simple to service and spare parts aplenty.  

    Free Member

    It can suck.  Most definitely.  2023 has taught me that and scared me thinking of my own future, like Poopscoop.   Checked Dad into a carehome in the last month, who until February was active, mentally with it and most people had him down ten years younger than he was.  I’m also supporting mum at home with dementia/immobility and puzzling her next steps carefully at the moment.  I’m off to a nine year olds funeral/celebration of life tomorrow.  Life is fragile. Thoughts to everyone who’s struggling at this time of year.  

    Free Member

    Ahhh.  Saturday was grotty.  I may drive through at some point tomorrow, if time allows.  Crazy about working there for so long. Typical.   My best workplace spot was a regular black redstart on the green roof directly outside my window in Canary Wharf, twelve stories up. Gutted when I had to move to another desk! 

    Free Member

    Wow TLR.  Great photos!

    Bunnyhop – give @waxwingsUK a follow on twitter. They are pretty good with updates.  Lots in Hyde today – locations here;

    Free Member

    Long way east, but how about Fernie? Good riding scene.

    Free Member

    I’m too slow.  Didn’t even realize Rocketdog was in the article! I’ve had a nice Overland number, but my favourite is a north face – you’d think it was heavy cotton but it’s synthetic fabric which breathes really well 

    Free Member

    Rocketdog to the forum please!!!!!

    Free Member

    I’d go right back through Bob Mortimers Twitter timeline if I was looking for a name for a pet.  He often has them for sale, £8.00 per annum (no returns).

    I’d have bought ‘Chad Salad’ off him long ago if I had a cat.

    Free Member

    I’ve ordered three items on the same order.  Got a confirmation of two of them being sent – on their way.  No dramas.  Didn’t get a confirmation of the third item (the larger most expensive one), it just turned up today after ordering Saturday lunchtime.  I’m sure it’ll be fine for everyone after a wee bit of time.

    Free Member

    I’m keeping my fingers crossed on this. Ordered the possibly better drop stitch one (£150) and a carbon paddle (£30).  

    Free Member

    Drat.  I’d have bought one of those Red SUPs for my wife’s birthday.  What do we think of the Fohn ones?

    Free Member

    Sorry for your loss and what you have been through.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the replies all. Especially Bunnyhop.  That’s so kind and thoughtful.   I have a day off work to spend with my daughters today, museum planned at lunchtime and an early spanner has been thrown in the works.  I totally agree to comments re self funders – you just seem to get pushed some info and told to get on. I’m lost. 

    Social worker obviously wants him out of his current location asap.  Quick email yesterday giving option of one placement, and this mornings spanner in the works is being contacted urgently and pressured to accept the place without even looking at it or others,  understanding costs etc etc.  This despite being told that she (social worker) would arrange visits, help me through the process.  Being told I’ll lose the place, if I’m not quick.

    I don’t like rushing into any decision and like a bit of research/due diligence, but this seems crazy. 

    Free Member

    Thanks for all the suggestions and nuggets of advice.  All very much appreciated.  NJA – you have mail. Thank you 🙏

    I think we’ll be on our own with costs.  Social worker wise – brief meeting with Mum’s a few weeks back, confirmed she’ll be self funding and pamphlets issued/case closed.    Dad’s Social  Worker looking after the local authority discharge/rehab section of a care home is pushing for a discharge from there – Occupational Therapist says Dad is at his baseline, needing x2 staff to help him walk.  I’ve seen scant signs of Physio, and when I have seen them, it’s such a short session and irregular. His arthritic knees haven’t coped with being laid up for so long in hospital from the severe reaction to the antibiotics (circa 7 weeks),  and then from hip surgery, as a result of wrongly discharging him to an inappropriate setting.  Surgery then impacting him cognitively.  I’m struggling with the unfairness of that, then them both being faced with the full costs of a 24hr setting for him.

    I’ll get into contact with charities locally (for carers and Age UK).  Dad is ex Services too – last of National Service – though he did enjoy and stayed on for a while.

    Appreciate the words about looking after myself,  I understand that totally, just find it harder to put into practice.  With only 24hrs in a day, I’ll shave off what I can – which mostly means my own stuff.  Even eating on the fly, skipping meals/exercise.   I’ll admit and am conscious of the fact my own welfare has taken a battering.

    thanks again all and best wishes for those going through this/similar too 🙏

    Free Member

    Arise Sir Robert Mortimer! 

    Free Member

    Jalfrezi and B2M in Bramhall for sure.  And better options for a pre/post drink.  Saying that, Indian Tiffin Room on a different level last time I was there.  Totally banging //chefs kiss//

    Free Member

    Are they made at the Maxxis factory 🤷‍♂️

    Free Member

    Thanks for the tips! I am conscious of the sweat destroying things – especially expensive bits and bobs.

    it’s finding some space to mount the TV in the garage.  The back of the garage door may be the answer here!

    Thanks everybody 🙏

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