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  • Behind The Scenes: Getting The Shot
  • bazzer
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    Also listening to the last jam, I now feel quite intimidated 😀

    Free Member

    Its really hard distilling it down to 16 bars, its like every note has to count 🙂

    I am by no means a great player but I am thinking to myself that bits OK but not brilliant. Then I think is that bit a bit too similar to the other bit.

    Its a lot of fun.

    Production on backing track is nice. @AdamT, how did you record it?

    Free Member

    Got it into logic, so will have a play over the weekend, looking forward to it 🙂

    Free Member

    Chord sequence is: Am7, Eb6(#11), D9, Am7, Eb6(#11), E9(ish).

    Showoff 😀

    Will have a play later 🙂

    I got a Native instruments Maschine Mk3 yesterday and Komplete 13. I know its mainly used by the young people “Making Beats” but its a completely different work flow to something like logic and for me means I create stuff that is different to normal.

    Free Member

    @AdamT I sent some stuff to a mate of mine to do some vocals for me on a song I wrote. It does work, but its not the same as being in the same room for me.

    And people never send it back the way I want it 🙂 Yes it sounds better with reverb on it, but I want it dry so I can process it myself 🙂

    Free Member

    Good work @AdamT good to have someone you can call on to deliver vocals like that 🙂

    Free Member

    I really enjoyed it. I also was not expecting much of Bradley Walsh when he was announced as being a companion. However he’s run rings around the other two, his acting was on another level to the other two. Hes done a good job of it.

    Free Member

    Sad to hear this, he was one of the old guard when I came here years ago.

    A real character on here.


    Free Member

    Cheers guys for the positive feedback, I was more chuffed how the video came out. I wish I had recorded it for longer as he melted even more 🙂 Its sped up and then processed into an animation.

    I appreciate you kind workds on my singing, I am always happy for people to hear me play. I am really embarrassed about my singing so it means a lot 🙂 My voice has got stronger with practice, but still warbles off a fair bit 🙂 I bet Holly Johnson also did a fair few takes to hit it all on the record 🙂

    Free Member

    Don’t knock yourself, that’s great, if a little sad.

    Thanks I really appreciate it, yes came out a bit sadder than I expected 🙂

    Free Member

    Not the best guitar or vocals but this video and twist on a a Christmas song, is something I knocked up.


    Edited to add, how do you embed youtube ?

    Free Member

    So good news if you’re an evening person, bad news if you’re a morning person.

    I am a morning person, but still prefer my extra light to be in the evening 🙂

    Free Member

    @surfer I would really recommend you learn some music theory to go with your “learning to play guitar” journey. Its the one thing I wish I had done when I was first learning guitar 30 odd years ago.

    I would second this, I have also found that playing a bit of keyboard where all the notes are there in front of you is an aid to learning music theory.

    Free Member

    Useless answer if you don’t use a Mac, but Logic Pro X is about £200 and the upgrades are free (or at least they have been so far)

    Great standard plug ins and virtual instruments if you need them.

    I generally record virtual drums and bass/keys and real guitar and vocals. Not had any experience of any other DAW other than Garageband, but Logic hits the mark for me.

    Free Member

    Negative PCR certificate less than 72hours old currently required for entry into Spain, along with the online form.
    Thats if you can find a filghht that doesnt get cancelled.
    New year, who knows, proof of vacination may well be required.

    Yeah thats OK, however its all up in the air at the moment whats going to happen 1st of Jan

    Free Member

    We have Portimao for a 3 day trackday booked at the end of May. I’m less optimistic about it than i was previously. It could get VERY complex though as i’ve got 20 mates booked too, i think 75% of them would still be up for going, even now…. So i don’t really know at the moment.

    Could be worse I am booked to go to Almeria for 4 days on track on the 16th of Jan 🙂 Still hoping stuff will be sorted. I work from home so the isolating is not a problem. I did that in Sept when I went.

    Free Member

    @tillydog What sort of issues did you have to sort out.

    I have been thinking about this for ages and the Chinese stuff is at a price I could justify.

    Free Member

    I think whats more worrying for people who already are struggling due to a drop in their income, is the lack of availability of NHS dentists. Its pretty much impossible to register as an NHS patient these days.

    It would seem that good dental health in this country is only for the rich.

    Free Member

    I’d pretty much stopped playing guitar until lockdown when I got the THR and it simply made everything so easy and fun that I bought a new guitar and a bunch of stuff.

    I used to pick up my acoustic and strum often but for very small amount of time. All stuff I knew and nothing new.

    Then lockdown came and I started learning new tunes, then bought a midi keyboard to create some backing tracks on Garageband.

    Now I am hooked on recording stuff and writing daft songs 🙂 I still had all my guitar kit etc, but I rarely plugged in an electric guitar. Now I am doing something pretty much every day.

    The keyboard is brilliant for learning music theory as all the notes are there in front of you and you can see the patterns etc. Though strangely if I hear a tune I still have to play it on the guitar to work it out then play the notes on the keyboard as I know where everything is on the guitar 🙂

    So I upgraded to Logic Pro X and I am now also fascinated by syths, I was a teenager in the 80s so even though I am a rocker at heart I do love a go synth.

    Problem with all the music production stuff its its time I could be improving my guitar 🙂

    Free Member

    I have a Rab Infinity 500 and its small warm and very light. I was really lucky it was on special offer for £200 at Snow and Rock, to this day I am sure they got the price wrong on it 🙂

    Free Member

    Yes I use a Helix, I really love it. Use it with a Headrush FRFR speaker. I have had previous line 6 “pods” and I never really liked them other than their convenience. The Helix is on another level to me. Only thing that I would really like is if it had the wireless built in like their spider amps.

    I get great sounds out of the speaker, I am still working on getting good tones for recording. Though I think its learning the fact that what sounds good on its own does not always sound good in a mix.

    I use Logic pro and there are great options for recording and re-amping etc with the helix.

    Its a top bit of kit.

    Free Member

    I think there is a 30 or 60 day demo.

    I love it, if only I had this sort of thing when I was 18 🙂

    Only thing I find is it dilutes my focus, I don’t practice guitar as much as I used too, am playing with a synth or working out drum patters. However I have found myself creating more with the skills I have, rather than being more interested in increasing skills. So maybe its actually a good thing 🙂

    I watched an interview with Ed O’brien from Radiohead the other day, I am not a particular fan but something he said resonated with me. Instead of worrying about your skill level or the kit you have, concentrate on being creative with what you have and not worry about stuff you struggle to play or having cheap kit. I am paraphrasing 🙂

    A bit like people who always feel you need to have the newest bike. Having the right friends to ride with is more important 🙂

    Free Member

    There are loads if you can manage to upgrade to Logic. Even the AI drummer is pretty good once you work out how to drive it and make it follow tracks etc. Though that said most my stuff is rock rather than anything fancy 🙂

    I sent some stems to a mate in Garage Band this week as he does not have logic, it really made me realise how worth while the upgrade is.

    Free Member

    Is it not just a case of the money is spread out over more artists now? Instead of a few making loads of money, we have loads of artists making a little?

    I buy CD, vinyl and stream. I don’t feel its upto me to decide how an artist chooses to sell their work.

    There are artists who don’t allow there music to be streamed on Spotify etc (KLF for instance) So they do have a choice.

    There are a lot of smaller artists who would NEVER have been able to get their work out there in the past, with the traditional music release process. Now anyone can, you can literally record, mix and master in your bedroom and have it on Spotify.

    Its not all bad.

    Free Member

    Ahhh I want one now 🙂 I just watched some videos and it would be great for recording where you want different sounds.

    I have a Helix so I assume it would work well with that.

    Free Member

    Is that James Tyler a Variax? If so how do you get on with it. I am very intrigued by them.

    Free Member

    I was tracking him and I went to bed with him having 6.5hrs to complete the marathon, I had my fingers crossed. It was the first thing I checked when I woke up in the morning 🙂 I was so chuffed he made it 🙂

    Free Member

    I paid £1200 for a single from Skandoor down near Portsmouth.

    I have to say I am really pleased with it, so much easier than the old up and over door. I can ping it open from the house when its raining and not have to struggle with all the locks getting wet now 🙂

    Free Member

    Another vote for a second hand Herman Miller.

    Free Member

    I use keyboards to create stuff to play along too and would like to get a bit better.

    Is there the equivalent of Justin Guitar for Keyboards ?



    Free Member

    I did 2500miles around North of Scotland last week. First time north of the Boarders (Seven Stanes MTB) I was blown away.

    Just nipped out this morning to get the Tuono MOT’s I don’t ride it often these day’s but think I will take it out for a spin in the sun this afternoon 🙂

    Free Member

    I am a Triumph (triple) fan not ridden any of the twins but love the look, though would not work for me as my only bike.

    I tour on a BMW S1000XR
    Trackdays on 765RS with daytona fairings and clipons.
    Aprilia Tuono V4 APRC for local jaunts
    Husqvarna FE350 for when I want to get muddy.

    I have had a 675 Street and two 675 Daytona’s love that triple sound 🙂

    That bobber looks ace, never had anything like that but do fancy something like that or an R NineT maybe.

    Free Member

    Does anyone else differentiate between the BLM organisation and the black lives matter cause?

    A bit like being liberal and that not meaning you vote Liberal?

    Free Member

    Glad you hung onto it 🙂

    I love the N260 also the Col du Boxiols towards Tremp awesome 🙂

    I was meant to go to the Alps on Friday, off to Scotland now instead.

    Enjoy 🙂

    Free Member

    The writing is on the wall for cars like this, so we should embrace it while we can. All be it from afar for the majority of us 🙂

    We are seeing the final days of the traditional IC powered supercar. Its an amazing bit of engineering and I for one applaud it.

    Free Member

    How does where the zip is make a difference when having a pee during a race 😀

    tri-suit every time for me and like people said long sleeved. More aero on bike, more sun protection and less chafing.

    Sprint distance no socks is a real time saver as people have said. Also practice, practice, practice.

    Oh and walk the entry exit from transition and look for landmarks you can use to find your spot. It would not be the first time someone went down the wrong row and thought someone must have stolen their bike 😀

    Free Member

    Cheers for that @theotherjonv any tips for what would make a good second hand buy in the £200-£300 range ?

    Free Member

    I do a bit of recording on Logic Pro, generally play guitar and then use electronic drums and I use a synth for the bass line.

    I fancy a cheapish bass to record bass lines rather than the synth, what would guitar track world suggest.


    Free Member

    It is, but that’s why there’s a published methodology – to manage that.

    You establish your velocity during the sprint. This is what your team is capable of. You don’t then put pressure on the team to increase the velocity, you accept this for what it is and factor it into your project timescales.

    It comes down to what I said earlier – does your PM work for the team, taking the heat, defending them, and pushing back against unrealistic demands; or does your PM work for the bosses, seeing themselves as a driver who can pass the pressure downwards to get things done quicker?

    I totally agree with everything you say there. However even the most enlightened companies seem to crumble under the commercial pressure and revert to type.

    Even more so if you work in a seasonal industry, for example I worked in the Leisure Marine Electronics industry for a long time. If your product was not ready for the boat show season that was a big deal and if a month late you might as well be a year late. Also with some embedded products there is only so much you feature de-scoping you can do before the things does’t even switch on 🙂

    I have a real love hate relationship with SCRUM 🙂

    Edited to add I lose track of the number of times I have said that our velocity would indicate that committing to this sprint would be dooming it to failure. Then listening to people tell me why that this time its somehow different and there were extenuating circumstances why we failed last time (and the previous 20 times). Its like people don’t realise that doing the same thing will give the same outcome. I appreciate this is a problem with people not the SCRUM methodology.

    Free Member

    A lot of the issues with companies adopting SCRUM and other Agile methods is their expectations. They often think its the silver bullet to improve the performance and volume of output from a team, unsurprisingly this rarely happens.

    I was a massive evangelist for SCRUM initially and I think done well can create an ordered and exciting way to work. However I am less so now as the majority of implementations are so flawed it creates more issues than it solves. How many times have people been told “This has to fit in this sprint”? How many people have seen sprint after sprint fail and then at the next planning session see people agreeing to another sprint that’s doomed to failure. I know people will say thats the not the fault of the SCRUM process and they are right, its the human nature part that breaks it. However this can lead to a team that constantly feels its failing.

    I am a contractor and every project and every company I have worked on for the last 12 years or so has used SCRUM. Without exception they have all suffered from this to some extent or the other. Some worse than others, in really bad cases it puts so much stress on developers they leave as they feel they are constantly failing to deliver what they are asked to deliver and feel pressure to agree to deliver it at planning.

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