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  • It’s not easy being Singletrack. Please help.
  • bazzer
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    TandemJeremy – Member
    So no unemployed families re going to be allowed to live in any of our cities any more – where are they going to live? Where are the houses at under £400 a week that will take a family?

    Of course they should be able to live there, its people who are working and earning an average wage who should be excluded !!!

    People need to look around the world and see real poverty, no one on benefits is poor in this country. People are envious of the gap in wealth but that does not make them poor.

    Free Member

    On the point about whether she had the correct training or not, isn’t it pretty clear that she didn’t? That’s where the whole problem has arisen in the first place.

    Is it clear she didn’t have the training though ? From what people have told me who have seen the video, its clear she didn’t know what to do. That is different from not having the training.

    I was trained in first aid in an alpine environment two years ago, never used it or had a refresher since. So I am trained, but I am bright enough to realise I am not competent after that time.

    Free Member

    Mistakes are one thing, but knowingly accepting a position of care that you know you’re not qualified for is not a mistake, it’s wilful negligence.

    Is there evidence of the above ? This is a question not an argument as I have not read much about this, only heard it on the radio and I am genuinely interested.

    Free Member

    geetee1972 how much would they have to pay you to work in an environment where making a mistake can cost someone there life ? I bet its more than the nurse is being paid.

    If I make a mistake at work, the worse thing to happen generally is some money is lost. Not sure I would want to work in a situation where it might cost a life.

    Bottom line is we ALL make mistakes sometimes, something I think the STW collective forget sometimes.

    Free Member

    I had some snow chains left over from doing a ski season in France, so I was feeling all smug this year. That was right up until I broke one :-(

    I used the chains to rescue a friends wife I had loads of traction and it would have been no problem except I was worried I was going to be hit by someone else and also all the other cars were blocking the way.

    Up until this year I would have agreed that it was not really worth getting winter tyres. But the big snow this year meant I could not even get out of my road without chains.

    I think a lot of the problem these days is all cars seem to come with infeasibly wide tyres. If you fitted 155’s to a BMW I am sure it would not have as much of a problem as it does with the just for show 245’s

    Free Member

    Just being on snow is fun does not matter if you board or Ski.

    As people have said getting around the mountain is easier on skis, if you fancy doing any sky touring then skis make more sense.

    I ski but most of the guys I were riding with were boarders, they seemed to be having just as much fun as me :-)

    Thinking of trying a set of nice big fat rocker powder skis this year cant wait.

    Going out for the Val D’Isere opening weekend on the 26th of November :-)


    Free Member

    First, by “modem” you mean “router.” I don’t mean to be pedantic, but I’m easily confused; it’s like going to the garage and calling your distributor a ‘rotor arm’.

    Rubbish if its an ADSL connection you need a modem, it may be built into a combined modem router. Something has to do the CAP or DMT modulation and that is the modem (short for modulator/demodulator)


    Free Member

    Bare in mind you mind need to use heat to remove the bearings after you have used bearing fit, next time you come to change bearings.


    Free Member

    This is a security hole, but I’m happy that the rest of my LAN is secure even if the wireless gets compromised

    Do you have a VPN or similar between your wireless network and your “secure” network ? If not I would be sceptical about the level of security.


    PS IPcop firewall has the concept of a Blue zone to deal with this sort of setup, but for most people would end up being a pain in the bum.

    Free Member

    have been counting calories and eating no more than 1000 per day

    How heavy are you to start with ? Do you feel OK on 1000 calories a day ? Are you doing much riding/exercise too ?


    Free Member

    You can get more out of life it you can “enjoy what you ride” rather than “Ride what you enjoy”


    Free Member

    The views were drop dead gorgeous, tea and cake grand

    Sounds like you missed the point of this ride :-)

    Free Member

    Crud Road Racer Mk2’s fit with 23mm tyres

    I fitted some when I did a rainy sportive the other day.

    You take them out of the box and they look really rubbish, but do the job OK.


    Free Member

    335d Coupe also gets the same 1/4 mile time as a 135i. 13.9s. And a better lap time around Bruntingthorpe than the 335i.

    Is there a link to the brunty test ? Brunty is pretty much one big straight with one slowish corner and two fast ones. I would be more interested to see how it faired somewhere like Cadwell or even Anglesey.

    I used to love turn one at Brunty, its a 120mph flat out corner if you took a passenger out, you could see them going for the imaginary pedal and thinking why is he still accelerating and not braking :-)

    Free Member

    Problem with chipping diesels is it does not remove the 100kg extra weight over a petrol version from the car :-)

    Free Member

    Wife has a 120d and I have driven mates 123d, 130i and 135i

    The petrol cars are by far nicer cars to drive, but MPG is about half, 130i seemed to be the worst.

    130i seemed to handle the best, but 135i was a rocket ship in a straight line.

    Free Member

    I think he means that the relationship between pressure and friction is not linear..

    Sort of, in a situation where only friction is stopping two surfaces sliding against each other, increasing the area of the surfaces does not increase the force required to slide the two surfaces over each other, because as you increase the area you decrease the pressure (force pressing them together) by the same amount.

    Free Member

    205 Toyo Proxy T1 R tyres can be overcome with a set of standard Skoda Vrs brakes (probably similar to your Leon)

    I am quite a progressive braker too, so I don’t think its how I brake.

    The suspension and how the car transfers its weight under braking will have a huge effect on how well a car is able to use its rear brakes. This is more to do with the height and position of the COG than how hard the suspension is etc.

    PS Edited to add this would obviously not be true if tyres purely worked on friction. If that were the case wider tyres would not offer any more grip than narrow tyres. They work by deforming into the road surface providing a mechanical interlock, if that makes sense.

    Free Member

    LOL one of the worst handling/braking but stupidly powerful cars was the MG Maestro Turbo. You could have a 1000BHP in a golf and it still would not be as bad :-)

    My mate had one at the time I had a Renault 21 turbo, the Renault may have had massive torque steer but at least it had brakes :-)

    PS Edited to add my R21 turbo was chipped/tuned to 250BHP one of the most fun cars I have owned, but that might be through rose tinted oakely’s :-)

    Free Member

    I saw a Civic type R’s brakes catch on fire at Cadwell Park. It was so funny I said to the guy you need to throw a bucket of water on them, he said that he didnt want to warp the disks. Obviously happy for his car to catch on fire though :-)

    Free Member

    Fine if you disagree about chipped cars needing better brakes but I don’t think it’s total cr4p. Just a difference of opinion.

    I just think in the real world it does not make a lot of difference. If you are seeing brake fade on public roads in a modern car, its not the chip that’s the problem its your head.

    Changing the make/model of tyre on your car could make a bigger difference in my opinion !!

    PS I do drive it on the road occasionally, then I take put it away until I forget how crap it is on the road again :-)

    Free Member

    But give these “average” drivers more power without any more control and things can get nastier more quickly.

    They do them in black too :-)

    Free Member

    But give these “average” drivers more power without any more control and things can get nastier more quickly.

    I normally think you get picked on a bit SM but that comment it total carp.

    Someone chipping a 150BHP oil burner to 180BHP is not going to turn them into a moving death platform overnight. It really wont make that much difference.

    The worst drivers in the world are the ones who think they are good and modern cars do a lot to fool people into thinking they are good drivers. That includes your BMW even though its a RWD drivers car its still a piece of p*ss to drive fast. I know I am not a driving god when I drive a 300BHP 500kg car with no electronics to stop me from crashing. It shows me my mistakes and makes me realise in the scheme of things I am very average.

    Free Member

    Bigger brakes generally have better heat dissipation, they allow you to stop time after time consistently when the duty cycle on them is high.

    That said some brakes have a better feel than others and allow you to get closer to locking up and hence most effective braking.

    I know a few people who claim to have brake fade on the road, I am not that mad :-)

    Had plenty of issues with brake fade on my TVR on track though, but as you would imagine the duty cycle on the brakes in this situation is much higher.

    If the 335d has the same brakes as the 135 petrol they are the same as the huge yellow 6 pot motor sport ones, great brakes :-)

    Free Member

    I you are going to use anything use blue.

    Red or Green will make removing a small fastener like a rotor bolt very difficult. You tend to need some heat to dissemble with these.

    Free Member

    The fact you mention preload I guess means you don’t run Quaife ATB diffs.

    Free Member

    Which one do you run out of interest ?

    Free Member


    Does standard mean you are not allowed to fit an LSD ?

    Must be interesting with 270bhp and an open diff :-)

    Free Member

    Also on 5 speed VAG cars the diff is riveted onto the crown wheel this is a known weak point on modified cars. Especially oil burners that can develop a lot of torque.

    I am not sure about the 6 speeds, I know about the 5 speeds as I have had one apart and replaced the rivets with a bolt conversion.

    ARP do a kit for this.

    Free Member

    You could always use Bluefin. If you do have an accident or claim then you can just put your standard map back in and no-ones the wiser.

    If you are in a fit state to do so and have access to the car !!!

    Free Member

    I thought the same there was about 15mm-20mm displacement. It healed fine. Got a big bump but other than that its OK :-)


    Free Member

    Hmm luck, I will concede part luck.

    I see it more as spotting an opportunity and making the most of it, is that luck ?

    Paraphrasing my earlier quote, the harder I work the luckier I seem to get :-)

    You don’t get a PhD in say Molecular Biology for instance, by making some stuff up and being lucky it was right do you ? I realise I am being a bit trite and don’t want our debate to degenerate again so do forgive me.


    Free Member

    true but the odds are massively stacked against them due to less access to good quality education, less help from parents and less support and guidance from their peers.

    I totally agree with that, it would be easier if your parents, brother, sister or friends etc had experience to draw on.

    But as I said I never had any of that and I suspect from what you have said neither did you. So again what separated us from people who took a different path in life ?

    Free Member

    quite wrong actually. I was brought up on a council estate in a single parent family and have a degree, Masters and PhD. However I am also able to work out that I am unusual and have been lucky if you consider the statistics regarding educational attainment and social class.

    So what made me and you different to the rest ? There must have been other bright kids in our position that didn’t end up in a similar position ?

    I am happy to take this on a more pleasant level of debate if you are ?

    Free Member

    Junkyard I think you are getting the wrong end of my argument.

    I have not said that EVERYONE can do well regardless of there innate ability. I have said that they can be the best they can through effort.

    My original argument which seems to have been lost is, even people who come from poorer backgrounds can make the most of there natural ability if they try hard. I was arguing people can do well regardless of there economic background.

    Of course there are some people who are truly dealt a real crap hand in life and that is a shame. There are also a lot of people who have a medium hand and don’t make the best out it. That was my original point, though that seemed to be lost in the forum name calling.

    In reality my position is :-

    I think education should be free to all regardless of your economic background. In a perfect world I would like to see higher education free for all and people should not have to be put in debt to access it. I would also like to see other alternative opportunities for people who are not suited to academia but none the less have valuable skills.

    But I still stand by the fact a way (not the only one) to maximise your potential is to work hard.

    I think it was Nick Faldo (could be wrong) who said “The more I practice the luckier I get”


    Free Member

    How would you have the first clue what I say to kids?

    Well rather than me infer from you previous posts why don’t you tell me ?

    What do you think the chips on my shoulder are about?

    When you started insulting me it gave me the impression that you felt hard done by and perhaps resented people who said it was possible to do well even if you were not born with a silver spoon in your mouth

    Telling a “simpleton” to try harder is like telling a slow runner to run faster by just trying. Perhaps we could all be olympic sprinters if we just tried as natural/latent [lets call it genetics] is of no consequence only personal effort.

    Even if you are not born a good runner chances are if you train hard enough you can become a good one, maybe not the best but none the less better than people who don’t run at all. Most things in life are a lot like that :-)

    EVERYONE in this country has access to decent education until they are 18. A quality of education that some people in other countries would quite literally give their right arm for. Yes you can buy a better education but EVERYONE can have a good one. Its what you do with it that counts.

    Yes there are other factors involved and there are a small number of people who through no fault of there own can’t take advantage of this. Most however could, if we stopped the culture of asking what others can do to help us and instead created one where we asked what can I do to help myself.

    Free Member

    care to explain firstly what you know about what I say kids in difficult situations and secondly what the chips on my shoulder are about?

    Sorry for being a simpleton but that does not look like English to me, if you could simplify it I will try to answer :-)

    Free Member

    As opposed to simpletons who belive they are just not trying hard enough. Thats a hell of a lot of people who arent as great as you are with your degree.

    No I think people like you talk them down rather than setting an example and telling them they can do it if they work hard enough.

    Would you like some vinegar for that chip on your shoulder :-)

    Free Member

    Do you have a degree? Was it a good investment for the country?

    Yes and Yes :-)

    I thought my point was fairly simple, your reasonning is that of simpleton.

    But I have not had to resort to insulting you :-)

    If you mean that statistically speaking that people from less wealthy backgrounds tend not to do as well in education then of course I am aware of that. But maybe that’s because people like you keep telling them how hard done by they are and they can’t possible do well unless someone helps them !!!


    Free Member

    I didn’t just learn about medicine I became a critical analytical thinker, that I use in everyday in life. I can relate to your point too.

    Exactly, its about skills rather than facts, it also can give people a huge amount of confidence and belief in themselves. So to a certain extent it does not matter what they study as long as it challenges them to a high level.

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