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  • Fresh Goods Friday 695 – The Enduro Beckoning Edition
  • bazzer
    Free Member

    ““nothing” – really ? What do you think would have happened if subjects were told “watch this clip and tell us how many gorillas you see” ?”

    They would miss the ball passing and the people leaving and entering the room. That’s the point, once you have more than a couple of tasks it becomes impossible for the brain to keep up.

    The point of it is that it is easy to miss things that you would think would be unmissable, like a cyclist in hi-vis

    For instance if you saw kids playing with a ball on the grass by the side of the road, you might deem that to be a big threat to safety. Once you do that other observations suffer, there is science to back this up.

    Edited to add, Easy to miss in “certain” circumstances.

    Free Member

    “That gorilla clip relies largely on people NOT LOOKING for gorillas, as well as having to track a deliberately complex “distraction””

    Its got nothing to do with people not looking for gorillas, its to do with task loading. As soon as the brain has something it sees as important to deal with it ignores other things. If it has more than one thing it deems important it gets even worse.

    From oxford dictionary

    “an unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in damage or injury.”

    Sounds like what happened to me, so I think you’re wrong about it not being an accident.

    Free Member

    My guess is she won’t be back driving in 12months.

    Free Member

    Yep I have 2 Anker 4 ports and both have been faultless.

    Free Member

    Princess Bride if you have not seen it 🙂

    Free Member

    “I’ve met plenty of people with loads of money who have led very unsuccessful lives as well as lots of people with lots of money who are always jealous of someone else having more.”

    Well they have been successful at accumulating wealth 🙂 Success is a bit like fitness, fitness for what, success at what. No such thing as success at life, unless you consider passing on your genes as success.

    What I have seen on this thread though are people who don’t know the best man, have no idea of his motives assuming its some sort of showing off or “willy waving” Chances are the guy is doing his best to organise a nice weekend for the groom and his mates.

    I am not sure there are lots of people with money who are jealous of people with more. Most of the people I know who are wealthy are just grateful for the position they find them self in.

    Free Member

    @anagallis_arvensis “So success is defined by your wealth?”

    Of course it is only poor people will tell you anything different 🙂

    On a more serious note you will see I never defined what success was, only unsuccessful and I think being resentful and judgemental of people with more than you does not demonstrate succeeding in life. If you are happy and have a feeling of satisfaction with your lot then you would not feel the need.

    Free Member

    So hes proposing 3 nights, does it happen to be a bank holiday weekend then?

    Free Member


    Just how expensive was the wine he was proposing?

    Free Member


    A £200 per person accom bill for three night is hardly showing off is it. Hes not booked them into the Dorchester has he.

    I have another possible theory, some people on here have a chip on their shoulder for being unsuccessful and think everyone who is, is out to show off, when the reality is they are just being normal.

    Free Member

    I feel for the poor best man organising this. Whats probably happened is hes looked for accommodation for 8+ people with secure bike storage etc. There is probably one place suitable. Hes worried its going to be booked. The place only takes booking for 3 nights or more. So hes now in the position of taking a chance and booking it or letting down the groom. Hes (at big financial risk) chosen to book it.

    The along come along a load of people ( I know this is not you tjagain) who probably have never organised a group trip in their life, come along and moan about it.

    I organise quite a few motorbike tour holidays for mates, its a nightmare. Also it always seems the people with the most to say are the ones who like to do the least organising and take the least financial risk them self.

    Free Member

    I traded in my RSV4 factory for a Street Triple 765 RS at the weekend. Its eventually going to replace my track bike when I convert it in the autumn for next year. I have had a few 675’s before, however I had forgot how much of a riot the street is. Its so light and easy to ride, such a laugh 🙂

    I still have the XR for more sensible touring duties and the Tuono APRC for the odd blast. However I think I will miss the Street on the road when it gets converted to track duties 🙂

    Free Member


    The fuel argument is a good on and I think for me that would be a bigger more tangible positive than the safety one. Even a small % reduction in fuel usage would make a big difference to CO2 output in the EU. Again though would have to see that it really did this and I can’t see why it wouldn’t I can’t really see why it would cause people to accelerate harder. Though I guess there is always the chance it would make people who drove under the speed limit before drive at the speed limit now 🙂

    Interesting though.

    Free Member

    Haha The information I found was in KM as it was world wide comparison and I didn’t convert it. My point was the risk is a lot lower than peoples “gut feeling”.

    Point I am making though is there may have been 1770 road deaths last year, but there were circa 77,000 smoking related deaths. Its not that I don’t care about the 1770 but I think its pissing in the wind. If you told me this legislation would stop all 1770 of those deaths I would be yeah its a good idea, but the reality is it will be way less.

    Making this sort of technology optional for people who want to pay for it (and pay for the technology to be developed) and not putting the cost on every driver until it trickles down cheaply would be the way forward for me. Like I said I would be happy to pay for it as an option and use it as a tool.

    I am really diligent in 30s and 40s I drive a van so outside those limits my van does not really have the option to speed badly 🙂 However I don’t want to waste peoples time and money because it does not really make a difference to me.

    Also there might be evidence to show reducing speed reduces accidents and deaths, that is very different to saying automatically limiting speed does the same as its not exactly the same thing. It might even increase them. If people have some studies that this is the case and the actual number I would be really interested.

    I thought someones comment about people not caring was interesting. Just because someone does not jump on every thing that SEEMS to be a good idea without looking at the actual evidence in detail does not mean they don’t care about society as a whole.

    I just think if your’e going to force stuff on people, force stuff that really makes a difference rather than stuff that makes people feel all fuzzy.

    Free Member

    I am sure it will save a some lives, though would be genuinely interested in the stats that show the numbers.

    Lets tackle the big hitters before we worry about the stuff down in the noise. Smoking, child obesity would be my starting points. They prematurely kill an order of magnitude of more people than RTA’s when we have those down below the level of RTA’s. Then lets start worrying about the 5.6 people killed per billion KM driven in the UK.

    Free Member

    There are features already built into cars, an accelerator pedal, a brake pedal and a massive dial in the center console called a speedometer.

    Cool so you agree that this legislation is not needed then and we can leave people to be responsible and put a little interest back into their driving and maintain the speed limit them self. Glad we are on the same page 🙂

    Got to love Virtue Signal Track World 🙂

    Free Member

    Given you think it’s a good idea but want to turn it off so you can ignore limits probably reinforce why it should be legislated.

    One does not actually necessarily follow the other does it? Because I think it would be a good tool in some circumstances does not mean it’s worthwhile legislating for it does it.

    I am not really into legislating for anything unless there is good evidence that it makes peoples lives better.

    People seem to forget that UK’s roads are amongst the safest in the world, its not exactly the wild west out there.

    Though the STW anti car lobby are not letting facts get in the way of their dogma 😀

    Free Member

    Its interesting that if its was implemented well (which I am sceptical about) its hard to argue against.

    However I have to say that of all the problems that face the people of the EU and the UK for that matter. Is this really something that is worth spending the money, time and effort putting into place when there are other issues that would make life more most people a lot better.

    I assume in the first instance it will be like ABS where its mandatory for all new cars to be fitted with it as apposed for to be mandatory for it to be switched on.

    A feature I could switch on when I want that auto limits my speed to the limit would be great. I would probably pay for that option on the van. However I am not convinced making it mandatory is a so important it needs legislating for.

    Free Member

    A true artist gone 🙁

    Free Member

    Thats sad news 🙁

    Will think of him when my use my lumen Liberator !!!


    Free Member

    Its interesting what you say about the damping of the XR, loads of people on the forums agree with you. I think it depends on what sort of bike you come from. If you come from the more sporty end of the spectrum it feels positively plush 🙂

    I did manage to put a ding in my front rim on the XR on one of our less than favourable roads.

    Free Member

    Divide the distance into 4. I use power rather than HR but the plan goes along these lines.

    1st quarter aim to build to your target HR, don’t go easy but avoid going out hard and building lactate in your legs

    2nd, aim to hold your target HR being careful not to burn those matches on and of the hill, make those gear changes early to keep the leg speed up.

    3rd How is my target feeling, decide to increase or hold where I am.

    4th quarter, bury yourself totally you are nearly there, live with as much pain as possible.

    Thats how I play a 10miler, not tried it on 15miles, might want to divide it into 5 rather than 4

    Free Member

    @weeksy I should just go and ride one 🙂 Though thats one of the problems the lack of a sizeable dealer network.

    I know where my local, BMW,Aprilia, Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki and Ducati dealers are. No idea who is my local KTM dealer. I know the one in Fareham only does Enduro and MX bikes

    Free Member

    Thats interesting Mboy, I was expecting it to be more practical SuperDuke R. What I really would like is Aprilia to put the V4 engine into something like a Caponord.

    Its about time some other manufactures had some competition for the GT, XR and Multistrada

    Free Member

    Its a pain they don’t do the Super Adventure with a 17″ wheel. I am not intersted in taking it off road but like the riding position etc. I know you could argue thats what the GT is but as people has said on this thread its not really.

    Currently ride an S1000XR amongst other things, which is sort of that and has a sensible sized front wheel, however it lacks a bit of character.

    Free Member

    I just noted your, “I don’t want to go heated” Just do it you won’t regret it, I go out with mates and they are pleading for a coffee stop and I am toasty.

    Free Member

    I used a “warm and safe” heated jacket and gloves.

    I have to remind myself sometimes its not a summers day and my tyres might not be as warm as me 🙂

    Heated clothing is the way forward, especially if you are doing long stints where the cold really has time to work its way into you.

    I use a Klim Apex jacket and Klim Badlands trousers, works well for me.


    Free Member

    Erdinger is one of my favourites

    Nanny state is a bit hoppy for me.

    Big surprise for me was the 0% Heineken, I loath real beers like that, however it does not have as much of the funny low alcohol taste a lot of them have.

    Becks Blue is horrible !!!

    Free Member

    “Bit of both. Arcam amp and CD player with monitor audio speakers in the lounge. Have a Chromecast hooked up to the TV which feeds into the amp so I can stream stuff through it. Yamaha WiFi speaker in the kitchen and a monitor audio Bluetooth speaker in the bedroom.”

    I have a Arcam Alpha 10 and a an Arcam Alpha 10p biamping some monitor Audio GS20’s in my lounge now and I love them. Effortless would be the word I would use to describe how it sounds. I have an Arcam CD player with a Cambridge Audio DAC. However I also have an Alexa that does the streaming stuff too. I am looking forward to the Echo link being released to I can connect it to my DAC.

    I have an Arcam 8 upstairs in the office that I use with a CD’s and another Alexa.

    Also an Alexa in the bedroom and the Kitchen. “Alexa play six music everywhere” 🙂

    So a mix of old and new for me.

    Free Member

    “the solution to this doesn’t lie in more police, it lies in giving some hope to young people who feel (rightly IMHO) that they’ve been abandoned, and have little, if anything, to lose”

    That is something ALL of us could help with, if we all spent 1 weekend every 3 months organising group activities for young people. There would be loads of stuff going on in the country. Kids would be seeing there is so much more out there and that people care.

    For me the the reason I don’t do more with stuff like that is the fact that the law makes it really hard to do it. We worry more about things that are not a threat to kids than we do the things that at really are a threat to them.

    Free Member

    I agree with you Binners, most people are “Actually quite nice” but most are pretty ineffectual when it comes to actually doing stuff which inconveniences them. Nice does not mean they can be bothered to lead a Scout trip at the weekend.

    So Binners what should the government do that’s free? and what can the government do thats not free that you are prepared to pay for? How much more tax are you prepared to pay each month to combat knife crime? Put some figures on it.

    Free Member

    “And you think that plenty of us aren’t doing those things already?

    Or is that just you? Spreading your benevolence, from your ivory tower, to a grateful nation?”

    I think a few are doing this already, deffo not plenty. In facr very few people are doing it. Hardly any, very small % indeed.

    Why do you think I am somehow in an Ivory tower? I am as guilty as the next man. I just realise that its not the government its us. Don’t get me wrong we have a crap government too, but we have the government we deserve. If they did the right thing we would never re-elect them.

    I don’t understand why you seem so hurt about the fact I am pointing out that as a nation we are we are pretty selfish. Yeah some people are better than others, but on the whole we all could do a lot more to make the UK and the world a better place. Yet everyday we choose not too.

    Free Member

    “Ok then… I’ll bite. So exactly what would you suggest that we, as individuals, do to combat knife crime? Seeing as this is apparently the answer to societies ills…

    Some actual concrete suggestions?”

    Be prepared to pay more tax to pay for the stuff you think the government isn’t providing or plant some money trees.

    Actually get involved in community projects and activities for young people. Even if its organising stuff for your and friends kids. Do it regularly not just a one off.

    Stop moaning and being all PC when the police are doing their job and stopping and searching people.

    Report sightings and young people you suspect might actually be part of the problem.

    And don’t just say ‘bring your kids up properly’. I’ve two teenage daughters who have been brought up ‘properly, and I’d suggest that despite what the Daily Mail would have us believe, people who don’t bring their kids up ‘properly’ are a tiny minority, otherwise they’d all be knifing each other”

    If your assertion is correct then we don’t actually have a problem.

    But the biggest thing you can do its just ask the question “What can I do to help” and do it.

    Free Member

    “I had a look but I don’t have the funds to restart sure start centres, to reduce the massive inequality in the nation or help large numbers out of poverty. While there is much the individual can do recent governments should not be let off the hook for their actions that are contributing to this.”

    We voted for them, so its our fault, the major problems in the world are not caused by governments, its us. We are all too greedy, apathetic and selfish.

    We all talk a good story but at the end of the day leave it all for others to fix. Be that knife crime or climate change.

    Free Member

    Maybe people should stop blaming other people (government) and actually start by working out what they can do themselves.

    We can all report anything we see, give the police more intel. If your a parent then do some parenting, spend some time with them.

    Volunteer for some community or youth based work.

    The trouble we have is we never look to ourselves enough anymore to make things better, we always think its someone else’s job.

    Free Member

    Awesome work guys 🙂

    All we need now is some decent weather again 🙂

    Free Member


    Was it the Academy you saw them ?

    If so, I was there 🙂

    Free Member

    Good job you all think Geetee has a thick skin, as people seem to think its OK to single him out for special treatment. The irony of it all, its bullying pure and simple.

    If only there was as much effort put into debunking his arguments, rather than just criticising him as a person. That’s how its meant to work, someone puts their position forward with their evidence and if you don’t agree with it counter it with your evidence.

    Free Member

    “One thing I will say though, (IMO) this place is not a “Community” it’s a forum, an online service where users can post some text and read whatever others choose to post nothing more, and should perhaps not be given the weight or treated as seriously as a (real life) community. I wouldn’t rely on STW for support personally”


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