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  • Fresh Goods Friday 719: The Jewelled Skeleton Edition
  • bazwadah
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    Joan As Policewoman
    Rocky Votolato

    Free Member

    Apparently its a song called “ucku” by a Japanese band called Osaka Monaurail

    Free Member

    Watching now – those fans trying to touch the cars as they passed! A guy getting his leg broken was happy because it was Walter Rhohl :-o

    Free Member

    Ahahaha! ‘Gait’ bit was ace

    Free Member

    DezB – hilarious! (although I wont be able to watch Peppa Pig with the kids without thinking ‘zombie attack shelter’ from now on). OT but what tyres for getting up that hill? got to have hellishly good traction.

    Free Member

    Mr Doherty appealed to his minder, Johnny Jeannevol, known as Johnny Headlock, and to Mr Roundhill to come to his aid.

    Mr Roundhill says that he tried to distract Blanco by setting light to his tweed cap, which was resting on a table

    I would have thought having a minder called Johnny Headlock would have made it easy to get someone to leave without having to set fire to his tweed cap..

    Free Member

    This week I have walked to work instead of cycling and although its still exercise, it not the same as cycling. When I ride I dont feel sluggish and dont feel guilty about stuff I eat and drink. One day I was struggling on the last bit of a climb and an old chap (walking down the hill) started clapping and said “go on!, almost there-keep going”. Made me feel great and I raced the last bit to work. :-)

    Free Member

    Cynic-al – fair point. I wrote that without considering the outright accidents and bad luck, wrong place at the wrong time, etc. (If I admit I am wrong does this break an unwritten rule of STW? :-) )

    Who is TJ? can someone explain?

    (joking! I have read the legends..)

    Free Member


    Lessons learned – drive and cycle defensively, defuse conflict situations rather than antagonise, don’t smack vehicles, take deep breathes, the aggro isn’t worth it.

    totally agree. All the incidents in the programme stem from one road user believing they have more rights than others..

    Free Member

    Glasses guy makes me want to sell my bike and buy a taxi.

    Free Member

    The semen of more than 26,600 French men was tested in the study, reported in the journal Human Reproduction.

    I scanned the article quickly and thought it said ‘tasted’ :-)

    you would need a fair sized spittoon…

    Free Member

    I worked at an IT company that only had one PC for all the sales staff to use. Someone changed the screensaver image to a photo from involving an oriental lady (in a bath) with an unsanitary aproach to waste disposal… Just so happened to be the day the board of directors (including Lord Keneth Baker ) had their annual walk through the office. Unsurprisingly the politician wasn’t shocked when he saw it..

    Free Member

    Cheers Stoner, would have missed that if it wasn’t for your PSA. that didn’t go as I expected!

    Free Member

    Good setup.. You are equal distance from the kettle and wine rack (beverage choice dependant on how well the service goes :-) )

    Free Member

    Coolhandluke – that’s the international trackstand stadium :-) . my commute to work had one section that I wished had a cycle lane, as it would save me going around the one-way system. the council have just recently dug up the road and put in a cycle lane!… I should really have saved that wish for something better..

    Free Member

    Had a box of wine sent to us once, delivered by citylink while my wife and I were out so they left a note to arrange a re-delivery. turns out they wouldn’t deliver any time other than 9-5 Mon -Fri (not handy when we both worked those hours), wouldn’t deliver to a business address either. parcel was being delivered from Carlisle to Kendal, ended up having to get it sent to Blackpool (my father in laws address) just so we could receive it (100 mile trip!). Mysteriously 6 bottles of wine were recorded as being loaded to the van at Preston, then disappeared on route and they couldn’t trace where… TRY ASKING THE DRIVER!. DPD have always given an hour timeslot and stuck to it.

    Free Member

    looks like the biker is going to need the leather jacket and helmet the way the officer was brandishing his baton…

    Free Member

    bigyin, tracknicko – I feel your pain. as a focus owner I have paid Halfords in the past and a weasely little guy (with freakishly small hands) fitted the bulb in seconds. The next time I was determined to do it myself to save £7, I found it helps if you don’t bother trying to look at what you are doing and go for the “key-hole surgery with a blindfold” method. I agree with the stupid design comment, battery cover is a nightmare.

    Free Member

    As an incentive during tough times, try to imagine yourself in the future when you have got more control over your problem – think of how much more healthy and happier you will be ( and the less concerned your loved one’s will be). You have taken a brave step milky, I wish you luck.

    Free Member

    The parents may not fully appreciate the efforts of volunteers but im sure the kids will. I was in scouts and only years after leaving did I realise the amount of time and effort the leaders put in to organise the activities. Wish I could thank them for getting me into walking, camping and cycling.

    Free Member

    Cheers for the replies and the link stuey, from what you have all said I think im going to have a go at building it myself. I will collect the wheel from the shop tomorrow and see if the spokes are worth reusing.
    I have never built a wheel before and don’t have a jig, however there is a bike co-op near me that could let me use the tools for a fee, might look into that.

    goatster..thats what i was originally thinking, will i rebuild it and then the hub bearings need replacing, before I knew it I was pricing up Hope wheelsets! (a broke spoke showing up in finances as £300 would take some explaining..) :-)

    Free Member

    So so good!. Saw them at Brixton on the Angel Dust tour, supported by L7. Brilliant gig, fantastic band, sad they aren’t around any more. Cheers for posting Pigface

    Free Member

    Sorry to hear that, not good.. but not the end of the world either (speaking as someone who has gone through redundancy 3 times). look at the positives, if you have only been there 5 months then the ‘business review’ was probably on the horizon before you started, therefore you are not a cause of it. Could be worth contacting the other two places you had offers from in case they didn’t fill the posts?. Good luck!

    Free Member

    Get out on the bike but dont plan on getting more sleep than normal, in my experience it takes a few days to adjust not being woken at night. I used to look forward to having time to myself – then spend a lot of that time missing the wife and kids!.

    Enjoy :-)

    Free Member

    I have a 2003 epic that has been very reliable, only needed one seal change from new (done during its only service). not had to change bearings so far. on the plus side it works very well (I have the fox float brain shock rather than the specialized one), on climbs the rear feels like a hardtail until you hit a series of bumps and it just feels like you have swapped to a FS bike. I have given it a fair amount of abuse and It has lasted better than I deserve :-).

    downsides, clearance is a bit of an issue, cant run tyres wider than 2.3, its a bit of a mud magnet having the suspension low down. servicing can be a bit of an issue – not everyone services brain shocks. I had to take mine to Evans in Kendal as I don’t think Mojo etc would take them (I could be wrong, might be worth checking). Couldn’t service the rear shock myself without buying a crowfoot attachment and torque wrench.

    Set up was easy, just followed the chart for rider weight and used shock pump. On the 2003 model sag is hard to set as the shock wont compress just by sitting on the saddle.

    (disclaimer: my knowledge of FS bikes is limited to a 10 year old epic so cant say if its better or worse than others!)

    Free Member

    Wow that’s a great song, thanks for posting that. +1

    more and more i’m discovering artist and bands that I should have been listening to growing up, instead of the stuff I was actually listening to!. I only ever heard “a good idea” by Sugar, Bob Mould’s voice seams to have held up well.

    Free Member

    mogrim – thanks for the link, had not seen that one. however, I must also add that as a tightwad I couldnt justify £130! just found this one – $6!! rocket pods!

    Free Member

    EKRANOPLAN! should always be in caps (with exclamation mark), and if the word is being spoken should be done in heroic stance – through a megaphone when available. :-)

    don’t think you could be in one of these if you were a nervous flyer, imagine looking out of the window when you are only metres above the sea!.

    tried to buy one in model form for my brother in law but they are very rare. EKRANOPLAN!

    Free Member

    There seems to be a lot of space both sides of the paths around Lancaster canal so I may not have had issues with anglers because there’s room to get by. Not a lot of big pole use either. Junkyard – :-) first time I have heard of a narrowboat being used as a revenge weapon. I approve!

    Free Member

    I can’t say I have ever met someone on the canal that feel they have more right to be there than me. My experience is that it is the only place I have ridden where all users are equal and considerate. Heck, even the dodgy looking kids on mopeds say good morning!:-)

    Free Member

    the sections part works for me. for example, if I approach a section from one direction it is all up hill, if I ride it on my way home from work it is a downhill approach. I couldn’t compare whole rides like for like unless I could just cut them down to the same sections. I don’t compete against other as I’m rubbish and overbiked, but Strava is useful to motivate myself.

    Free Member

    Grum, nice photos! looks like you picked a better spot than the Caton sprint – loads of people out despite the weather (good that the rain stopped just before the riders arrived as everyone got their umbrellas out of the way)
    I took 204 photos – only got two semi-decent ones.

    IMG_1572[/url] by Bazwadah[/url], on Flickr

    IMG_1571[/url] by Bazwadah[/url], on Flickr

    Got to say the police motorbikes were ace! they really seamed to be get the crowd going and enjoying the closed roads..lots of lights, sirens, weaving about etc.

    Free Member

    Grum – im heading to caton to watch it. Cant decide if I should watch the sprint finish outside the pub or to go a bit further to the left turn onto quernmore rd (they will have to slow down a bit)

    Free Member

    Also they may ask you if you have eaten recently, if you haven’t then you may have to go eat something prior to giving blood. Its best to make sure you are hydrated as this seems to speed up the process and avoid feeling dizzy/ faint. I have been told to avoid fatty foods 12 hours before giving platelets as it changes the quality of the donation (makes it cloudy and darker), don’t know if this is the case with blood donation.
    Rugbydick, I’m sure it will be straightforward and they take extra good care of first timers.
    Well done for volunteering – Good karma on its way to you from whoever get your donation!

    Free Member

    Before donating you have to wait 24 hours before doing hazardous activities – rock climbing, skydiving etc. It has motorcycling on the list but not cycling – wonder if this is because cycling isnt considered as dangerous? Surely they should ask “ rad/gnar are you?” :D

    Free Member

    HS125, I know exactly what you mean. I noticed that even with an appointment time I was often kept waiting. I now donate platelets instead – takes about 90mins to donate but has the benefit of only taking platelets (and putting the rest of the blood back in) so I never feel faint like I used to with blood donation.

    Free Member

    I dont jump lights – getting stopped at reds prevents me getting too serious about Strava results (thats my excuse and I’m sticking with it! :-) ). In response to the ‘Cyclists Dismount’ sign – there is one either side of a canal-side pub on my route. If I am passing during opening hours I ALWAYS dismount, If earlier/ later than opening hours I ride past slowly. a lot of these cycling specific signs don’t make allowance for cyclist having common sense.

    Free Member

    At SITS this weekend – found my daughters dummy in my pocket when I was about 10 mins into a lap. Luckily she didn’t notice it was gone.

    Free Member

    cant see the commentator in that link being quite so insulting if he was in the room with the guy. Valid point about is it fair to have to throw someone that weighs that much… could Japan enter their biggest sumo wrestlers?

    Free Member

    Thoroughly approve of the name change, sounds much more positive! Remember that the support is still out there.. got a good feeling you wont need it:-)

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