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    Agreed that “the act” was bad enough, but the response is worse, because it speaks not only to an environment where this sort of thing is tolerated by the leaders, but that the women speaking up should just pipe-down and be grateful for their opportunity.  It’s shone a light on their institutional misogynism – including the normalization of what is sexual assault.

    Yes – this is a witch hunt, but this bloke seems to be an actual witch…..soooooo?

    Seems to me like the Spanish women’s team has been trying to be heard about this kind of thing (and generally being treated very poorly) for some time now, and have been ignored, belittled, gaslit etc by their leaders in response.  They’ve just done it again, on the biggest imaginable world stage – in front of the TV cameras, and the players find themselves with a platform to try to shine a light on this shithousery, and they are doing it in a very effective and dignified way.  More power to them.

    As for “white knighting” – personally I’d like to see more of those involved in the men’s game in Spain weighing-in.  Not because their opinion is valid to me/you – but I suspect that it’s only at that point that heads will actually start rolling (which is what’s required), and would maybe start to move the needle on a particular demographic’s perception of the issue.  I don’t think this is White Knighting at all, just men responding to a situation that is blatantly outrageous within their sphere of influence and trying to help effect positive change.

    Free Member

    Another Plex user here.

    Plexamp (their music player) is perhaps the best music player out there IMO, and I don’t think you need a Plex-pass any more to use it (ie: it’s free).  You obviously need a way to host your own media, so it’s a bit more involved than just signing-up, but still pretty easy for anyone who grappled with digitising our CD collections in iTunes etc.  FYI, it also does the same for your DVDs, but thats a whole different conversation.

    Of interest is the fact that Plexamp integrates with Tidal – with the intention of helping you to navigate your own music collection alongside a streaming service.  I haven’t done this myself, but it sounds like a good solution for those of us that are still emotionally invested in our crates of CDs in the loft, but that also want to stream music.

    In terms of hardware for Plex – you can basically run it on anything, but the best solution is something thats “always on” (hence a NAS is a good choice), but you can just as easily run it on whatever laptop/desktop you already have – with then client apps on your phone, iPad, TV whatever.

    Free Member

    gah – so sorry to hear this.

    Losing my dad when I was in my early 20s was beyond traumatic, and the weeks following his death (funeral etc) felt surreal – we were all in a daze.  I remember the hardest thing was that the world keep turning, despite your entire life imploding (or feeling like it had) still having to put petrol in the car and remember to buy toilet rolls was difficult to reconcile.

    My advice is to just slip into neutral and roll through the bumps of the next few weeks – just let the funeral directors manage the arrangements, try to delegate things to other friends/family if possible (who will be grateful to be able to help) and accept help where it’s offered.

    We’ve had some pretty serious family trauma since then and the “how do we cope?” question has been asked a lot.  The answer is: coping is getting through it.  This is something that’s happening “to” you – you don’t have to manage the situation any more than doing what’s required, you don’t have to cope “well” – you just have to get through to the other side without losing-it, that’s the only objective here.

    I stood up and spoke at my fathers funeral, because it felt like something that I should do.  It didn’t achieve anything, I don’t feel any weird pride in the fact I did it – in retrospect, all it did was make the week leading up to the funeral (and then the day itself) more stressful for me.  I would advise my younger self not to do it, and just focus on getting through each day/interaction instead of trying to achieve some imagined standard of how you feel you should cope.

    I’m not sure if that’s helpful (or even makes sense)

    Free Member

    My lay opinion is that it is more culture war bollocks to distract hoi polloi.

    This, 100x this.  It’s just intended to position the government as being “tough on crime / criminals” – whereas actually the reverse is true, because…..

    If the Daily Mail the government wants to see more prisoners in court being sentenced, perhaps they could hire more police officers, ensure existing police officers are less useless, ensure there are more prosecutors and Legal Aid defence lawyers, ensure there are enough judges and court staff and translators, ensure the court rooms are adequately heated or cooled or sealed from the rain…

    The victim impact statements are (in my understanding) addressed to the judge for them to consider as part of their sentencing – I didn’t think that the “audience” for them was the person convicted.

    I think peoples outrage here should be laser-focused on why she wasn’t caught sooner – not on this shameless attempt to froth-up the gammons (are we still calling them that?).

    Free Member

    All very interesting.

    I had thought that it was all a grift – that he’s calculated that every day he holds-out, repeating the same bollocks about stolen elections and suggesting he’ll run again earns him $X in donations, which he won’t have to return if he later decides not to run.  An I’m also expecting that the more his legal woes are in the press, the higher that X goes.

    I had expected him to eventually cut a deal – he’ll agree not to run, as long as the charges against him are dropped.  Everyone wins:  Don gets to keep the money and stay out of prison, GOP get a different candidate (who Trump endorses) and the country/world get to avoid the potential of a second trump term.

    However, I feel like that’s all backfired spectacularly – that the latest charges in Georgia (particularly the rico charges) can’t just be made to “go away” without some fairly heavy handed political interference in the judicial process.

    It’s possible that they might have cornered him too effectively.

    Free Member

    The reason I like my apple TV is the interface – the smart TV interface on my old Samsung, and now my new LG is just terrible (as is the wierd pointy remote thing).  Don’t know what the firestick interface is like – it’s android I think?

    Free Member

    Yeahhhh – it’s one thing buying up unwanted stock after bankruptcy and selling it on, another to brand those bikes as “Stanton”, another still to do so after the company comes out of administration and starts trading again.

    But the worse offence (to me) seems to be the attempt to somehow “steal” the whole brand wholesale – registering the name, working with the same factory, copy/pasting all the marketing guff from the website, and appropriating the brands history/ethos.  They have basically lifted up the brand and moved it to Germany under a different owner – whist presenting themselves as the same company.

    A total dick-move from Bike24.  Regardless of the technicalities/legalities – it’s very clear to see what’s happened here, and very disappointing that they are cool with it.

    Will be interesting to hear about it from the manufacturers perspective also.  One sympathizes with them for selling-on the original batch of frames – I can also partially forgive them for branding them as Stanton, if the company had gone into administration, I can see how they might think that was ok/zero risk.

    However, I hope that Dan is prioritizing discussions with them to make sure that they aren’t going to be making any more batches of frames for this “copycat” company to his original designs.  I assume that there are some restrictions in place to ensure that a company making frames to your design can’t then just start selling those same frames (either branded or unbranded) to a different bike company?

    That’s the difference between this being a one-off batch that is a fly in the proverbial ointment, to an ongoing issue to his continuing business.

    Free Member

    Yes – I’m finding this notion of dictating “no more than minimum requirement” to be depressingly soviet.

    The idea that it’s somehow wrong for business to treat their staff with anything more than the barest minimum of decency….it’s just bizarre.

    Also, the things you are describing as “luxuries” are really not.  Most of the examples you have given are well within the realms of justification – maybe you just don’t understand their business.  Macbook pro vs cheapo chromebook?  Have you not seen the levels of photoshopping estate agents do?

    My boss recently wanted to send me to Mumbai for a one day meeting:  16 hours each way, there and back within a working week.  Oh and sorry – it’s going to be economy, we can’t get approval for any business class at the moment.  Where does that sit on your scale?  Should I have travelled economy – arrived in a pissed-off, sweaty heap and done a terrible job at the meeting?  Or was the “luxury” of business class justified in your opinion?  To what degree do you think an economy-only travel policy affects retention in my industry?  The point is – you don’t know, and nor does the tax office.  The people who know are the ones running the business.

    I don’t completely disagree with you – I’m sure that sometimes small business owners buy stuff that is unnecessarily nice/good to perform the required task.  Maybe that’s a bad procurement decision, or maybe it’s to keep their staff happy and improve retention – or yes, maybe it’s some nefarious scheme to screw the UK public out of a few quid.  unless you are going to task the tax office with delving this deep into how people run their businesses – you’re never going to know.

    As has been mentioned above,  amongst the worst offenders for this kind of thing are MPs – who seem to be able to claim their houses (along with furniture and running expenses) as business expenses ie:  not just tax deductable – they are claiming the full amount from the public purse, and who seem the be able to employ wives/children on their staff.  Never mind Bojo who’s just gifted a random selection of misfits a job for life at an extortionate salary and a gold plated pension.

    Or what about the hilarious ironic (in this context) procurement decisions by the government to buy literal tons of PPE that was insufficiently spec’d for the required task, and had to be binned.  That wasn’t even just a tax fiddle – that was large scale, blatant corruption.  Are we going after that money?

    Sorry – I’m irrationally annoyed at this line of discussion.  the UK at the moment is spiraling to the bottom in terms of quality of life for “normal” people.  This narrative that somehow it could be resolved/improved by people tightening their belts, holding their nerve, subsisting on plain tesco-value pasta shells, or by self employed builders buying econoline transit vans instead of ones with mudflaps and A/C – rather than the political classes (particularly tories) choosing to prioritize the needs of the population over their own grubby self interest…. really pisses me off.

    I know that’s not what your point is – but it’s certainly adjacent to it.

    If you are concerned about tax evasion/avoidance and it’s impact on society – you are starting at exactly the wrong end of the list.

    Free Member

    The Pro hates all supermarket coffee though

    Yeah – the breville/sage grinder (either separate or integrated) is really at the very limit of it’s comfort zone with espresso….. it can do it, but I suspect it may struggle with really dark roasts which (by and large) need a finer grind, as do older beans. Supermarket coffee tends to be roasted darker to give it a longer shelf life.

    Try some from here – they are supposed to be good:

    Free Member

    This is what’s wrong with public discourse recently – why does EVERYTHING have to be binary?

    Police lying is bad, police press statements can be poor/wrong (and that’s bad), rioting is sometimes idiotic – sometimes justified, Young people dying is tragic, the police should consider the risk to the public and perpetrator when pursuing – which is difficult and (I would imagine) easy to get wrong, but its not the police’s fault that somebody (breaking the law) kills themselves trying to get away, at 16/17 you have a good idea of right/wrong and fleeing from the police shouldn’t be characterized as hijinks etc etc.

    Right now, nobody really knows the circumstances around what happened – expressing a (very) strong opinion on the internet regardless of that makes you a bit of a bellend, but going and smashing the place up regardless of not knowing the facts – more so. Even Cardiff.

    Apologies is that all sounds a bit obvious, but it’s essentially what people seem to be arguing about.

    I’d also agree with the sentiment that conditions seem ripe for civil unrest at the moment. A bit of that would be welcome: I’d like to see people on the streets outraged about any number of things going on at the moment.

    Free Member

    You need volume and length.

    As above, just rent until you know better what you want. But when you go into the rental place, you are wanting a longboard.

    Free Member

    And why don’t you think you’re getting the full story? What do you think is missing? And why do you think I’d leave whatever that is out? I’m genuinely baffled at what angle you think I’m taking.

    If you don’t mind me saying – it does seem like you don’t have all the (basic) information here – I’m not suspicious about that, but I think perhaps other people are.

    Why couldn’t it be fixed in the first place? What was the story from the original garage?

    Free Member

    Donald Trump’s former lawyer Rudy Giuliani is being sued for sexual harassment by an ex-employee.

    The $10m (£8m) civil case claims he coerced her into sex acts, making her work naked, and launched into “alcohol-drenched” and racist rants at work.

    It claims he frequently exposed himself, took Viagra “constantly” and told Noelle Dunphy satisfying his sexual demands was a job requirement.

    Mr Giuliani “vehemently” denied the allegations though a spokesperson.

    I mean…… thats not going to be able to be dismissed as “locker room bantz” is it?

    Rudy is d o n e obviously, real question is how much this damages the Donald by association. I’d guess not much.

    Free Member

    I’ve had company cars for almost 20 years.

    There are several issues here:
    It’s the Lease company’s responsibility to get the car fixed, but as the diver, you have a role to play too: dropping-off, picking up, and (to a reasonable degree) coordinating the repairs. What I mean is: the driver is involved in the process. Which is where I’d like to politely suggest this might have fallen down.

    I think the critical thing to understand is why Porsche (south) returned the car to your sister, unfixed. That seems to be the main issue.

    I would be speaking to them first and find out what the actual issue with the car is, and why they sent it back to your sister. Based on that, I would then be asking your sister why she has had the car shipped from “south” to Sheffield. Do Sheffield Porsche have a plan/idea of how to fix it? If so, what is it?

    Then, once you know that, I would be talking to the Lease company, and trying to explain what’s happening with the car, and what the plan is to fix it. Hopefully part of that conversation is whether it’s reasonable that your sister is paying Porsche money, but getting a volvo for an extended period – if it is indeed going to be off the road for an extended period.

    The issue is that the lease company will have ordered the Taycan especially, they don’t just have high value cars like that laying about to give people as loaners. Maybe they do have something a bit nicer than the volvo that they could give to your sister, or (once Porsche get the car back) they could ask Porsche to provide a loaner that’s a bit more swanky.

    Either way – ignore all the “contracts” chat – just get on the phone to people and start having some polite, human conversations. Once people understand that you are trying to resolve the problem, they’ll start playing along.

    My guess is that Porsche (south) told your sister that it needs a new part, and that they don’t know how long it’s going to take. I suspect that your sister either demanded, or just agreed, to take the car back…. which is the point that this went off the rails. Really you just want the lease company and Porsche to be talking to each other re the repairs, and coming to an agreement re: temporary car provision

    Free Member

    Doing my best Wallace & grommet grin trying not to get caught taking photos – somehow I’m early to everything…..

    I like that suit. Maybe it’s the light – it it’s looking like an appropriately regal colour

    Free Member

    What did I miss

    did you see floella Benjamin?!?!

    Free Member

    Watching with a slight delay here in Australia.

    But joined the nation, reciting together:


    Thought I was being an accidental racist – but no, the great lady herself.

    Free Member

    Full Member
    maybe a rethink on a more basic level like a bank card, etc., rather than full on photo ID?

    How would a bank card work? There’s nothing to really identify the person holding it, other than their name. I don’t have a passport, but I do have a driver’s license, and I also have a concessionary bus pass with a photo, which is perfectly acceptable, and anyone can apply for a voter card for free.
    I honestly don’t know why some people start clutching their pearls at any mention of carrying some sort of photo identification, it’s just a useful thing to have, even if it’s just for picking up parcels from the Post Office, where it’s always a requirement.

    It’s come in handy a few time for proving that yes, I am actually old enough to be able to take advantage of the cheaper concessions entry to a venue.

    Yes, I know it’s all very British to complain about the indignity of actually having to prove who you are in your own country, goddammit, but there are plenty of people all to ready and willing to take advantage of people not having some sort of official ID.

    There are two separate objections, as far as I understand:

    First is the requirement to carry some sort of identification, photo or otherwise, at all times. As far as I can tell nobody has actually proposed this, but it’s the imagined scenario that I think most people are objecting to. I too would have an issue if “not carrying ID card” became some sort of offence – but it’s not really relevant, as nobody is suggesting it.

    Second is the fact that the GOP are using this exact tactic in the US (particularly the south I believe) to suppress voting. There is a strong correlation between people with no photo ID, the lower socio-economic groups, and traditional democrat voters. I’m not sure the same correlation exists in the UK – but it’s what triggering most people I suspect, as is the rationale behind the move (voter fraud) which has been 100% manufactured by the GOP and used as wedge issue in the US.

    Like you, I personally don’t have an issue with producing ID, but I also don’t support the introduction of this requirement – if only because it’s a potential barrier for people trying to vote (even if somebody just forgets to bring it) just when we need more people to engage with democracy, and there is zero evidence that there’s actually a problem here that need to be addressed.

    Free Member

    I think it’s important that it IS happening – I suspect the French do too.

    Sticking a band-aid over the sucking chest wound of a poorly managed, chaotic exit from the EU only benefits the chancers who are still trying to sell it to you.

    The lunacy of Brexit, and the ineptitude of the people we have charged with making it work, must be laid absolutely bare for everyone (and I mean everyone) to see. The way I see it, with every “crisis” like this, peoples appetite for real change increases.

    I don’t want people stuck on buses – but sometimes the only way that people learn is if they experience the consequences of their own actions. I’m obviously not suggesting that the people on the busses voted to Leave – I mean we, collectively…. or 53% of us anyway.

    “why can’t we all get around the table and figure this out?”

    Because, the people we have chosen to “sort this out” are (at best) hopelessly, mindbendingly incompetent, or (at worst) deliberately sabotaging any effort to mitigate the effects of Brexit to benefit their mates/corporate donors and the UK gets asset-stripped.

    Also, lol at “just make an exception and bend the rules….. but I’m not an exceptionalist”

    Free Member

    Does anyone have the CEOs email address?

    Free Member

    Is this one of those weird sit-coms, where we both have the same partner and neither of us realise?

    I believe we’ve bonded over hoarding previously. From memory it was my wife’s compunction to put the recycling on the worktop next to the recycling bin….. rather than in it. I believe yours favors the lid of the bin.

    Free Member

    I wonder whether the number of cases of gender dysphoria will decrease, as society increasingly rejects biological sex as being relevant to almost* anything.

    How much of gender dysmorphia is based on our current cultural norms of how the different sexes should behave/dress/live?

    If it becomes perfectly culturally acceptable for a biological male to live their life like a biological female currently does, would the need for medical interventions decrease? (to be clear – I’m not saying that it’s “not acceptable” to me – I’m saying that it’s not yet completely acceptable in the eyes of wider society).

    This is where my thinking currently is. That this is all about gender rather than biological Sex – and gender is really a collection of expectations defined by society. As we slowly deconstruct gender, what biological sex you are becomes less relevant. You can live and behave exactly as society currently expects a male to, but while being a female. No need to have surgery of take hormones – just live how you want to live.

    Sorry – I am generally wary about speaking-up about gender issues – as I don’t want to risk inadvertently offending people, and this feels like a minefield

    *sport being one of the very few legitimate example I can think of

    Free Member

    My mother-in-law is a hoarder, and I’m beginning to see the warning signs in my wife.

    The MiL is (what I have categorized as) a “collector”: she will pick-up any leaflet/sample that enters her orbit (think free newspapers, plastic cutlery, hotel toiletries etc). She then can’t bear to throw them away. This seems pretty clearly a generational issue, and something to do with growing-up without much – she’s collecting these “free” things because she perceives them to have value, and then is refusing to throw them away because she can’t tolerate waste, particularly something that she perceives to have value.

    Whereas my wife seems to be a “keeper” – she’s quite good at not collecting things in the first place, but she has a real issue with getting rid of stuff – old clothes/shoes etc. but also (wierdly) she seems to avoid using the last of food/condiments, so she doesn’t have to put the empty packet etc in the bin. At first I thought this was laziness, but now I’ve noticed it, it’s very obvious what she’s doing. She’ll leave a literal thimble full of tonic/jam/milk at the bottom of the bottle/jar and put it back in the cupboard, then next time she goes, open a new bottle/jar. The bathroom is full of bottles with a tiny amount of shampoo/moisturizer – too little to get used, too much to throw away. Packaging tends to get put in a bag and then left in a corner – eventually making it’s way into a cupboard.

    Stuff clearly “expands to fill the available space” – but we have a different idea of what “available space” is. My wife will happily have food and stuff left out on the sides in the kitchen – because the cupboard is full of 12 different boxes of tea bags, each with 1 or 2 bags left in them.

    At first I was reluctant to deal with any of this – I didn’t want to throw “her” things in the bin – but now I have periodic rage-tidying sessions, where I just go through an fill a bin-liner with everything that she just wasn’t able to throw away.

    “rage-tidying” seems like a healthy way to deal with this….. right?

    Free Member

    Full Member
    I thought “defund the police” was a reaction to the US police brutalising and killing innocent young black men?

    It was just given as an example of the US right wing spinning a (well intentioned) slogan, in order to further fuel the culture wars in the US. Much like “black lives matter” being wilfully misinterpreted as “well are you saying that white lives don’t matter?!”

    Free Member

    Why don’t you go back and read the original conversation about the right-wing spin of some of these (well meaning) slogans, before chiming-in with a moderately shitty response.

    Of course they knew what they meant when they said “defund the police” – but it’s been wilfully misinterpreted by the right as the woke socialists wanting to abolish the police, which has been picked-up by swathes of the (gullible) electorate. Campaigning for the same things under a banner of “police reform” (for example) would have garnered much more widespread support, and not given the right wing such an open goal. “Defund the police” makes the movement easy to characterise as part of the wokerati’s out of control cancel culture.

    And before Ernie tries to explain it to me: I know that’s not what it is, but this is what it’s (successfully) being portrayed to people as

    Free Member

    Or as was said earlier: “do all lives matter?”

    There’s a lot of this clumsy spin-doctering going on within the right of American politics (“do you think we should protect the integrity of voting?”) – but the US population is so huge that even if a very small % are taken in by it, that’s still a massive amount of people.

    I’m sure a huge number of people now believe that “black lives matter” means that (by extension): “white lives don’t matter”.

    The left do come up with some stupid shit though…. who on earth thought “defund the police” was a good slogan? When what they actually mean is: “stop using the police to do tasks that they are not suitable for!”. How many people (tens? Hundreds of thousands?) of people not think that “the left” want to abolish the police?

    Free Member

    My initial response to wording of the question, and to the % of people answering that question as “no” was “that doesn’t sound right – there’s something else going on there” – and sure enough, it’s a racist dogwhistle that people answering the question recognized. I have a similar response then US republicans as whether “CRT” should be taught in schools.

    I find it interesting that various things that have happened in the last few years have caused a number of people to “out” themselves as holding pretty shocking views – and end up getting cancelled. Trumpism, BLM, vaccines, brexit etc etc

    Usually we would have no idea that the creator of an otherwise innocuous cartoon was a closet racist/nut-job – but give them a microphone to speak to the world, and they just can’t help it. In my view, that’s all “cancel culture” is – the unavoidable consequence of people outing themselves as bigots/homophobes/racists on twitter.

    Free Member

    I’m obviously aware of the name of the thread, but you should try buying your beans direct from a local roaster – just a couple of times, try them out.

    Supermarket beans generally can’t compete with freshly roasted ones, plus you get to support a local business.

    Free Member

    Aldi beans are good… but we have different aldis in the southern hemisphere, so dunno if that translates for you northerners.

    Free Member

    There are two camps; those who think she’s an innocent child trafficked away, indoctrinated and kept against her will. And those who think that’s a load of rubbish.

    Jesus christ, after 13 pages of almost unanimous consensus, you can’t even get that right.

    I’ll make it truly binary for you:

    You either believe that people are entitled to a fair trial prior to sentencing, or you don’t.

    If you believe that they are, then you should support her being brought back to the UK for trial and to face the legal consequences of her actions.
    If you don’t think they are, we find ourselves in middle-school ethics curriculum territory, and so this becomes a different conversation.

    Whether or not what the home secretary did was legal (in the context of international law) is largely irrelevant to most people. What most people are bothered about is what OUR government did to one of OUR citizens, and WHY they did it. back to middle school ethics again: if they have that power (and find out they can wield it without public consequences) then what’s to stop them wielding it again? Against whom?

    Free Member

    We use traditional project management methodology (in a non-IT environment)

    Every so often some consultant or other will arrive and suggest that we should be using Agile – but whenever we have, it ends up just being code for “making shit up as you go along”.

    We tend to focus more on realistic planning (particularly when it comes to timelines and budget), and then executing to plan – mostly because thats what our clients want. I am working with more biotech clients these days though, who definitely change their minds more often – but thats easier if you have a clearly defined scope in the first place.

    I understand why IT use Agile – but it’d do my head in.

    Free Member

    Yeah – have a look at Plex. instuctions

    You basically load the plex server software onto your NAS, point it at the content you’ve got saved, and it should recognize it all, index it etc.

    You then install the plex client on your phone, and link it to the server.

    A couple of things:
    I don’t know anything about your nas. Plex should run on it, but if it’s an ancient unit, you might run into difficulties, particularly if your music files are in a wierd format (ogg vorbis anyone?), which it then tries to encode into something else, so the client can play it. More of a problem with Video files, but I thought I’d mention it.

    You can set-up your plex server so it works over 4/5G when you are away from your home network. This can be a bit finicky, as it depends on your broadband provider. If you pay for a “plex pass” (which you can do by the month to try it out or “lifetime”) you get a MUCH better music player on your phone (PlexAmp, it’s awesome), which also allows you to save the music locally on your phone.

    There are other ways of skinning this cat, but plex is awesome, and you’ve already got a NAS, so you’re 95% of the way there already.

    Free Member

    Doesn’t there have to be an element of skill, thereby making it a competition rather than a lottery?

    Being able to say a specific phrase obviously passes the lawyer-test

    Free Member

    I think it’s a great illustration that, just because you don’t like somebody, or they often do/say things you don’t agree with – you shouldn’t automatically dismiss everything they do/say. Goes the other way too obviously.

    I’m finding the grand tour increasingly unwatchable, and his piece on Megan was vile. But Clarkson’s farm is excellent.

    I do think the lambing shed was made with the express intention of turning it into a restaurant – but I also think that the local council/whoever are being utterly ridiculous in not allowing a car-park. I thought they would make more of the local farmer’s cooperative needing the shop/restaurant – as that surely the best way to shut down nimbyism from the local residents.

    I was left feeling that effective diversification is going to be the name of the game for British farming, but that’s not just a magic word – you actually have to support farmers to do that.

    Free Member

    Cadbury’s Flake – but on a buttered roll

    I’m sorry….. what?

    Came here to say Drifter, but have now also been reminded of the magnificence of the raisin and biscuit Yorkie.

    Free Member

    I find I’m a stinking hypocrite on this subject.

    I think that’s probably how most people feel about it tbh.

    That’s the thing with principles innit – you don’t get to pick and choose when to apply them

    Free Member

    Ahhhhhh I see.

    Because you think STW is full of lefttards, whatever the majority view is here, that then automatically becomes your new definition of left wing?  Regardless of what is actually said?

    and because we are saying things that meet your new definition of left wing, it further reinforces your opinion that we are all “left wing”?

    He’s got us skewered!  How could we possibly hope to compete with such a towering intellect!

    Free Member

    “this place is an echo-chamber” in 5, 4, 3……

    Free Member

    It’s equally the usual left wing jizz fest to jump on a virtuous bandwagon now it’s been rattled around in the press again. Isn’t it?

    egh?  How is it “left wing” to want a member of a terrorist group to return to the uk to be tried and (if appropriate) prosecuted?  That’s practically what every poster here is saying – and seems completely fair/logical.

    Or is it now “left wing” to want the UK to comply with international law now? Or give somebody a trial before punishment is dispensed?

    So what do you think of the case?

    was the government right to remove her British citizenship without any kind of due process?

    where do you sit on the “trafficked or terrorist” issue?

    Free Member

    Yeah far too subtle for me. I hadn’t realised that you were being sarcastic and pointing out that Shamima Begum’s case had nothing to do with brexit.

    her case doesn’t (obviously?) – but I think the governments response does, particularly from a government/party/supporter base that was so frustrated at not being able to extradite Abu Hamza, and who have been leaning heavily on blatantly populist themes throughout the leave campaign.  To admit that they can’t just disown begum because it would violate international law probably brought them all out in hives, and would probably be quite confronting for their supporter base.  I thought that was pretty clear from my post, but maybe not.

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