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  • batfink
    Free Member

    I get my beans about a week after roasting, sometimes less.  A 1kg bag lasts me about 3-4 weeks – so at the tail end its 5 weeks old.

    Absolutely fine…. in fact, it tastes a bit better from about 3-4 weeks old (as long as you adjust your grind appropriately).

    I store my beans in a vacuum bag thing – so that might help it last a bit longer.

    HOWEVER:  the question is, in a bean-to-cup, are you going to notice a difference?  IMO, no, you’re not.

    I think it’s about what you value most:  do you want the best quality coffee you can get (albeit with a bit of faff), or do you want something better than Nespresso, and a similar one-button operation (ie: zero faff).

    Free Member

    Yeah – I’m deep down the rabbit hole and have quite a clear idea about what is/isn’t worth it, at this point.  I also took quite a logical approach of trying to standardize everything, and only then changing one variable at a time, while I was learning.  Consistency is the key – if your puck prep/volume out is inconsistent, then it going to be really hard to dial in your grinder (which is your primary variable) for example.

    Scales: absolutely worth it.  Dose-out vs time has been my primary (but not only) method of dialing-in my grinder.  Over-running a shot by even just a couple of grams can make a big difference to the taste (good vs crap).  Also used for weighing dose-in (beans or ground coffee).  Be aware that grinders that use “timed dosing” are hugely dependent on how full the hopper is.  if you keep the hopper full, they are ok, but as soon as the level starts to drop, the weight of grounds you are getting in the portafilter per “dose” is wildly variable.

    Timer:  As above, really useful to help you dial-in your grinder.  Most scales you buy (even the cheap ones) also have a timer built in – so this isn’t an extra “thing” or additional step.  I tend to go for 44g out in about 30-35 seconds (my machine has a slow preinfusion, so I like to run the shot for slightly longer).  Over the course of a week, the slightly older beans at the same grind setting might be down to 44g in 29 seconds or so, and don’t taste as good, telling me that I need to adjust the grind.

    Calibrated tamper:  I have this one (link) which is cheap and works well.  As mentioned above, the collar absolutely guarantees you get it exactly flat each time, and the spring makes sure that the force you use is consistent.  To be clear:  you don’t NEED this, but for the price vs a regular one…. it make sense to rule-out tamping (angle and force) as a variable.  Again, consistency is key.

    Puck “rake” or WDT tool:  Absolutely worth it.  These are super cheap (you can even just use a bunch of pins stick in an old cork) and make a real difference IMO.  It’s basically just a way of breaking up any clumps in the coffee prior to tamping, and making sure that the grounds are distributed evenly in the portafilter.  Sounds like bullshit – actually works really well.  When you are first starting out, “channeling” is one of the most common issues/results in the most bad shots.  Just doing this for 3 seconds hugely increases consistency.

    Spinny puck flattener/distributor thing:  Absolutely not worth it.  Make no difference IMO.

    Naked Portafilter:  I have one.  It’s helpful when you first start out to look for issues with your puck-prep (see above re: channeling), but really now the main advantage is extra clearance for bigger cups and easier cleaning.  Nice -to-have only.

    “Third wave” water:  I tried this (distilled water plus added minerals)…. couldn’t taste the difference vs my standard Sydney tap water (which is very soft).  Might be worth it for you, wasn’t worth it for me.

    I’m sure somebody will come along and tell me all this is nonsense…. but this is what I have found over the last 4 years.

    Free Member

    So in reality I am saying the Bambino is a very god machine for the money if you can be arsed with the separate grinding.

    Grinding is separate in both, surely?  Just in the touch the grinder is integrated into the left hand side of the machine.  For me, this is a bad thing – it means you can’t get the grinder you want/upgrade.

    Free Member

    Sage Bambino would get my vote.

    I know there’s a lot of love for the Gaggia classic on here – but I had a go on my mate’s, and I just don’t get it.

    Free Member

    They scream themselves hoarse about liberty when all along they wanted a king.

    Yes, I would imagine there’s some fairly furious re-writing of Independence Day speeches going on…… if the Dem’s can’t leverage this, now, then there really is no hope for them.

    Free Member

    Absolutely agreed.  Hot day, probably been on bus all day, first chance for a big drink of water.  Neck a pint of it when you have the chance.  Really strange thing to criticise someone for.

    IT’S.  A.  STAGED.  PHOTO.  OP.

    The point (and I can’t believe it needs making again, but here we are) is that the conservatives can’t seem to even organize a photo-op in a pub without cocking it up.

    Free Member

    blokeuptheroadFull Member

    Agree with that but I’d argue your first 2 points are by far the most important and give the biggest bang for buck.

    yes, almost like I’d put them in order!

    Free Member

    dissonanceFull Member
    but didn’t think to bring some alcohol free beer for him.
    Why if he doesnt like it regardless of the alcohol.

    Why?  Because it makes for a strange photo, at what is supposed to be a photo opp.  Although I assume a photo-op in a pub with a teetotaler was arranged by the same person that though an event at the titanic museum was a good idea on day 1 of the campaign, or announcing the election in the pissing rain.  That said, this could have been very easily mitigated with an ounce of forethought, and a bottle of alcohol free beer.

    This itself is obviously not the issue – the point is the competence of the campaign seem to be commensurate with the competence of his government/MPs etc.  I’m still amazed at the abject stupidity of an MP sending dickpics to a stranger on the internet, and now we have loads betting on the date of the GE….  they are just Muppets

    Free Member

    I’d imagine (thinking like Malcolm Tucker) that given his stature and general demeanour,  it’s to avoid the visual impression of a child who’s been given some fizzy pop, a packet of Monster Munch and some money for the pool table while the grown ups are talking

    Yeah – that makes sense……. but also highlights the fact that his campaign team are so abjectly crap that they arranged a photo op in a pub, but didn’t think to bring some alcohol free beer for him.

    Free Member

    I love a coffee thread!

    Having bought “artisan” beans for 4 years, I’ve recently switched to Aldi “Latzio” medium beans.  I don’t think you can get them in the northern hemisphere, but they are a big hit for Aldi in Australia – some cafe’s have been rumbled using them whist advertising that they’re using more expensive/trendier beans.  They are about 1/4 price, and just as good, roasted in Melbourne.

    Re:  Bean-to-cup.  I bought my mum one – and if what you want is “coffee better than Nespresso” but you don’t want any faff, they achieve that.  Even with great beans, they don’t do a great job, but will be consistently “ok”.  As mentioned above, if you are prepared to endure slightly more faff, the Sage oracle etc are a better compromise.  What you are getting here is “proper” espresso and can produce very good coffee.

    I’m deep down the coffee rabbit hole, and IMO, the best ROI for coffee stuff is:

    • Not-shit beans (ie: freshly roasted)
    • Not shit grinder (ie: burr not blade)
    • Not shit machine (ie:  one that can be consistent/accurate with temp and pressure)
    • Scales for weighing in/out

    Once you have achieved “not-shit” (+scales) then really it’s all just technique

    Free Member

    Wow….. of all the examples to use to try to show equivalence…

    Partygate vs currygate?

    And then on immigration?

    I’ve got time for the “there is not enough clear-air between the tory and labour policies” discussion, but this “they’re all the same” narrative is completely deluded – to the point that it’s just a fig-leaf used by many to cover themselves while they vote for somebody because they are different/tell it like it is/will shake things up, and is exactly the same mindset that caused people to vote for Brexit as some sort of protest vote (“ha!  I’ve shat my own pants – that’ll teach you!”).

    Imagine being so stupid to wail that Brexit has been a disaster – but then being convinced to vote for Farrage?  Or thinking that the Tories “flagship” policy on Rwanda was no different to what Labour were proposing on immigration?  Or Tory PPE corruption vs Angela Rainer’s council house.  I actually don’t think it’s stupidity – I think it’s this weird tribalism where people will perform increasingly baffling mental gymnastics to fit the facts to their opinions, rather than the other way around.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Assuming you don’t want to make a large investment in tools, and the Dremel is a horrible idea, I would say your options are:

    1. Drive to the nearest place that will cut it for you
    2.  Cut it with a hand saw.

    Personally I’d go for option 2, even if It meant buying a new handsaw to do so (although I wouldn’t in reality, because obvs I have a tracksaw).

    You haven’t said what this is for – but you might want to consider how square the squares need to be, and adjust your cut/cuts appropriately, don’t assume the the board is starting with perfect 90 degree corners

    Free Member

    I had one of those Kreg circ-saw adapters – used it a few times, but didn’t find it very satisfactory – It just felt a bit janky.  Also, for not much more you can get a cheap tracksaw, which is much better to use.  I since upgraded mine to a Makita – which I appreciate is significantly more cash, but I would think you’d get 90% of the benefit even from the budget tracksaws

    Which tracksaw can you get for 250 quid ?







    Free Member

    If we cared more about positive immigration, we’d have more doctors/staff and thus shorter waiting times.


    I refer you to my previous post.  We need to move the conversation about immigration away from all the stuff about illegal immigration, asylum seekers and people smuggling etc, which is what 99% of the “general public” are squabbling about (despite the fact that most people probably agree what needs to be done – anyone disagree that the boats need to be stopped?) and back towards actual immigration for the benefit of the country.

    How many workers do we need in medical/care sector, where do we need them, and how are we going to fill that gap with training and/or immigration.  How are we going to make sure that those people are going to be paid enough to properly contribute to society?  How will local infrastructure be strengthened to accommodate x new people?  What about housing?  What about their families?  What are our future needs year on year, and what % of these should be met domestically vs via immigration.

    We need to start talking about the grown-up stuff, not just all this “ban the boats” shit

    Free Member

    ^ is that Frankie Boyle?  Second from the right

    Jesus that photo is depressing

    Free Member

    I think the issue is that it’s impossible to have meaningful conversations about immigration without it just becoming a binary “open borders!”/”racism!” fight to the death – or until one side gets called in for their tea.

    Most of the issue is that people don’t act like they know that “Immigration” is different to “illegal immigration” which is different to “asylum seekers” which is different to “people smuggling” – they just lump it all in together.

    I think 90% of the country would agree on having sensible policies on illegal immigration, asylum seekers, people smuggling.  Most of the issue with those seems to be procedural, once central premises are accepted.  But I swear, when most people are talking about “immigration” they are actually talking about one of those 3.  It’s virtually the Tories policy to conflate those things, but the left also do it.

    When we can  just start talking about “legal immigration” only, hopefully we can start having a more sensible conversation without all the rhetoric.  I don’t think anyone (beyond a few loonies) thinks we should have either completely open, or completely closed borders – so lets stop referencing those things with the sole purpose of stoking a pointless argument.  I would also expect that everyone believes legal immigration numbers should be managed in some way?  So how? And according to what measures?  That’s the question.  Once we can start discussing that without all the pointless yelling, we might actually get somewhere.

    Free Member

    trump, same as leonara helmsley, believed that the law only applies to little people – meaning those people they considered to be ordinary and of no significance; not those short in stature.

    Precisely – he believes that with money you can buy anything.  And to be fair, his track record shows that to be mostly true – he’s used his cash to buy himself out of so many situations, where somebody without it would have been met with severe consequenses.

    His political career has seen him lie with impunity after realising (along with Boris and his ilk in the UK) there are absolutely no meaningful consequences for doing so – until now…. maybe…… we will see

    TBH, I don’t feel any real sense of schadenfreude with Trump being convicted, I feel incredibly sad that such a person was able to dupe enough people to support him in the first instance

    100% agree.  The problem is even that Trump ends up as a busted flush – disgraced and penniless, the “base” that supported him still exists, and will be just floating there, waiting for somebody to pick up the playbook that Trump/Bannon et al have written, and hook them with it again.

    Free Member

    exactly how low is Melania’s self esteem that she has not walked from this steaming pile of turd?

    Are we still pretending that she’s his wife, and not an employee?  At best, she’s a prop.

    Free Member

    Interesting about the tea!

    Yes, the consultant said that it’s also sugary foods that can set it off – but fatty foods for sure.

    I’ve only had a couple of attacks (overnight, as the OP has also experienced) and so having my gallbladder removed seemed a bit over-the-top….. asked the consultant this, and he said that they will just keep happening until you have it out.  Apparently it’s a minor op, and there is no real lasting effects of living without it.

    Free Member

    Yeah – what you are describing sounds like gallstones, specifically gall bladder inflamation as they move about and block the bile duct.,is%20made%20in%20the%20liver.

    Your gall bladder is particularly active at night, and the 40 minute gaps between attacks fits too, as does retching until there is nothing but bile left.

    Had it myself a a couple of months ago – exactly the symptoms you describe, and am now booked to have my gall bladder out in a couple of weeks, after an ultrasound revealed two “moderately sized, mobile gallstones”.  Apparently having the thing taken out is really the only way to deal with it.  Smaller stones (or fragments) can pass out of the bladder and cause horrific pain and complications – so the consultant has told me to just get it done.

    There is a randomness to the attacks, but you can reduce the chance of an attack by cutting back on fatty foods (anything deep fried, for example), particularly later in the evening, and by keeping regular mealtimes (according to the nurse).

    Go and see your GP, but he will refer you to a gastroenterologist most likely.  Dunno what the wait time for a gall bladder removal in the UK is?

    Free Member

    To be fair, you can’t blame her for being dismissive of prejudice suffered by other racial minorities. Her uncle Russ was a terrible anti-ginger, anti-Celtic, English cultural imperialist.

    Close the thread, we’re done here.

    Free Member

    Tories dropping a new policy tonight.

    Coporal Punishment?

    Number plates for bicycles?

    I think we need an ongoing game of batshit Tory policy bingo.

    I was going to suggest number plates for cyclists too…… but will instead raise it to “road tax for cyclists”.

    Also, I’ll go for something like: “real/whole-life sentences for paedos”.  That’ll really get people frothed-up.

    Also, on the “national service” angle:  how long before somebody suggests these young “volunteers” could be put to work fixing potholes?

    Free Member

    Satire is dead.  Imagine being so desperate, that with all the “potential improvements” possible in the UK which they could propose to the nation – this is what you pull out of your hat on day 3 of your campaign?  Jesus wept.

    I mean, even if he left out the national service bit and just went with something to incentivise volunteering in 16-18 year olds – he could still campaign on the “young people need more national pride, work ethic etc”.  It would still be weak, but not as monumentaly out-of-touch as this.

    Over 65?  Without any grandkids I suppose?

    It’s just moronic.  If labour have any sense they’ll refuse to even discuss it, instead pointing at what it is:  a ridiculous, unworkable brainfart, and the sign of a party who have absolutely no idea what the country want or need – how can anyone take these people seriously?  Dickheads

    Free Member

    Was chatting to one of the school mum’s at a kids birthday party a few months ago – she’s fairly senior at Singapore Airlines here in Australia.

    Topic of conversation was the fact that Turbulence is getting more severe due to climate change – apparently this is well understood in the airline industry.  We were talking about it as I’d had to fly to/around Vietnam recently and encountered some of the worst turbulence I’ve ever experienced.  We’ve also had a few flights recently that have made the news with people being hospitalised due to turbulence.

    So yeah – my seatbelt stays on.

    Free Member

    I went down the home espresso rabbit hole during covid – glad I did.

    In terms of an impact on quality of life, being able to make great coffee on demand has been hugely disproportionate for me.  Similar to buying yourself a mountain bike I suppose – but cheaper/easier to work in to your morning routine between getting the kids dressed and out to school, and getting myself to work.  My wife told me the other day that she wakes up in the morning looking forward to having a delicious coffee (beans are particularly good at the moment) – and to say she was previously a sceptic would be a massive understatement.

    I’m trying to avoid my usual upgradeitis – I think I’ve reached the point of diminishing returns, so I need to STOP looking at expensive grinders.

    Free Member

    I have 2 kids – one the same age as your son.

    It’s not unusual for him to come home with talk of “X hit me”.  After a chat they all turn out to be games that got a bit out-of-hand that end in a bit of pushing etc.  No action required.

    However, 5-6 year old’s do not usually go around punching each other in the face (in my experience) – what’s being described needs does need some follow up IMO.

    I think all I’d do is have a chat with the teacher and make sure they are aware of the incident – if they are, no action required.  If not, I would let them know, as it may be part of a wider (or escalating) pattern.  We are friends with one of the kids in my son’s class who has had a few incidents of angrily lashing out.  The school have had multiple constructive conversations with them about what might be causing it, what they can do etc.

    Other than that – the usual advice applies:  “oh, he/she doesn’t sound like somebody that you would want to be playing with” and “let me know if anything like that happens again”

    Free Member

    I subscribe to “smart DNS”, which works really well with the various streaming apps on my smart/apple TV – you can set it so different apps think you’re in different regions.  I don’t know how it works, but it just does – set and forget.  it’s also just on the TV – so it doesn’t interfere with any of my other computing needs.

    I suspect one of the biggest uses is the illicit downloading of movies to stash on something like plex.

    You don’t need a VPN for usenet, which is (ironically) what all the kids are using these days.

    Free Member

    That is, what’s technically called “a unit”

    Free Member

    *getting flashbacks to 2001*

    Yeah – pretty sure you can unlock them all with a trivial amount of effort – just google your model number – all but the high end ones probably run on one of only a few operating systems anyway.

    Failing that, if you own the physical DVD, there are few moral/ethical arguments remaining to then just downloading the movie in whatever format that you want it in.  Just use a vpn.

    Free Member

    Yeah – you’ll be fine.  As others have said – let them know on the plane about tight connections, at a minimum they have a team member there to usher you through, and they’ll hold the flight until you are on anyway (assuming you only need a few extra minutes).  I’ve seen announcements to allow people with very sort connections off the plane first too….. the point is – it’s for them to manage.

    Dubai-NZ is a long flight.  We tend to avoid flying uk-Sydney through the Middle East in favour of the Far East, as the flight times are a bit more “even”, although less so now with all the various detours going on.

    But frankly the idea of any flight without having to manage young kids sounds like a walk in the park.  Noise cancelling headphones are an essential though.

    Free Member

    I have the Ryobi one…. it’s ok.  Blade is on the left as you say, which means that you don’t have to look “over” the tool to see where it’s cutting.  I have a corded Makita tracksaw too, so the ryobi is just used for convenience, where accuracy is not so important.  Have also got a Kreg crosscutting jig that I use with it, which is handy, and somewhat negates the need for a mitre saw.

    Edited to say:  Like chainsaws, there is no such thing as a minor circular saw accident.

    Free Member

    Yeah – came here to say Kings of Leon and The Killers – after the first couple of albums it all became super insipid.  Particularly KoL who moved away from their high-energy style (velvet snow is a favorite).Such a shame, their early albums promised much.

    However, also agree about Muse and the Foo Fighters (The Pretender was their last decent hit), and Queens of the Stone age (Who’s albums seem to contain so much filler).

    I’m also inclined to agree with the Chilli Peppers, although I think By The Way was also excellent, if not quite as good as the Californication that preceded it.  By The Way, the Zephyr Song and Can’t stop are regulars on a lot of my playlists.

    It’s difficult, because maybe they’re just as good but my taste has changed, or maybe they have evolved into a different style that I’m just not the audience for?  Also – maybe once rock bands reach a level of success, maybe they are not interested in producing music that’s particularly popular….. but is just what they want to make?

    Free Member

    Cheaper than a carpet python?

    I’ve lived in Sydney for 10 years and only seen 2 snakes!  One green tree snake and one brown snake…. which could have just been a brown snake, rather than a brown snake.

    To be honest the Possum that lives in the tree in my garden sounds like he’s fighting off all manner of wildlife at 3am every night – it’s quite possible that he’s dealing with the snakes and rats himself.

    Going up to Palm Cove in July – will keep a lookout for anything suitable for dealing with rats

    Free Member

    I bought a Goodnature “humane” rat trap when Mrs Batfink saw a rat in the garden.

    Seriously impressive bit of kit – rat sticks head into hole to eat the delicious peanut butter, triggers sensor, kablam!  Co2 cartridge powers a piston that kills them instantly….. and you get a push notification on your phone.

    They are expensive though.  Have since sold mine on eBay, so total cost of ownership (-4 rats) was acceptable.

    goodnature website

    If you are so inclined, you can find something that looks suspiciously similar from Aliexpress


    Free Member

    it’s a balance of not wanting to spend vacation shopping vs probably much more choice…

    You can be in/out of a wetsuit shop within 20 minutes, with a suit that fits perfectly.  Alternatively, buy one online and potentially ruin your holiday surf because he’s freezing cold.  Vancouver in May is going to be chuffing freezing and so suit fit is going to be very important for retaining heat – especial if your child is not regulation size/shape.

    If I was you I’d do a bit of research on shops (rather than suits), maybe phone a couple of the local shops and find out which one has the most choice for kids suits – especially for his slim build, so you can go directly there, and have the best chance of success.

    Free Member

    Make sure the bearings are correctly preloaded. If they are loose, the hub will move no matter how tight the QR is done up.

    This was also my thought.  Should be fairly obvious that a QR is moving in the dropouts, but is the axle/skewer moving within the hub?  Would seem unlikely if it’s a cartridge bearing, but maybe they’ve put the incorrect endcaps on it or something?  If it’s cup/cone, maybe it’s not been preloaded correctly as above.

    Free Member

    I watched “scoop” last night – thoroughly enjoyed it (wasn’t expecting to).

    Gillian Anderson absolutely nailed her depiction of Maitlis, and Rufus Sewell was absolutely uncanny as Prince Andrew.  The actual interview sequence conveyed the absolutely toe-curling cringeworthiness of what was broadcasted and the whole thing re-ignited the whole “what the hell was he/his people thinking?!?” discussion in chateaux Batfink.

    Thought Billy Piper was good too – Although her performance was obviously a bit subtler than those other two.

    Free Member

    Him sending his own dickpic to a blackmailer was a resigning offence IMO (proper resigning, not just “resigning the whip”).

    However, sending the contact details of your colleagues to somebody you know to be a blackmailer, so they too can be blackmailed – is something that he should clearly be summarily fired, and probably face criminal charges for.  I know he was under duress (because of his own incomprehensible fecklessness), but ultimately he was complicit in numerous attempts to blackmail public servants.

    There is much about the current crop of Tories that I find offensive, but certainly in the top 3 things is that a great many of them (being careful not to generalise) just seem to be abject **** ing morons.

    Free Member

    I’m on the last episode of “3 Body Problem”, and have really enjoyed it.  People are bashing it for 2 reasons:  “it’s complicated/confusing” which is one of the reasons I’m enjoying it, and “Eiza Gonzalez is miscast – she’s too beautiful” which is another of the reasons I’m really enjoying it.  In all seriousness, it’s nice to have something that’s not too badly dumbed down – the performances are great, and the script is good (although Liam Cunningham gets all the best lines).  I get the feeling that there’s a lot from the books that has been lost to try to get it to fit a TV show – so I think I’ll be reading the book after I finish the last episode.

    The first few episodes, you sit there thinking “wtf is going on?!” – and personally, I really like then the gradual explanation of what’s happening in the subsequent episodes, with the pieces falling into place.  But I know that some people find it frustrating.

    Watched the first episode of “A Gentleman in Moscow” and was disappointed – I really enjoyed the book, and the fundamental nature of the character just isn’t coming across.  I’ll give it another episode to see if it gets better.

    Otherwise, I’m keen to start Shogun.

    “Ripley” can get in the bin.  The Mat Damon version was one of the dullest films I’ve ever seen – and this promises the same….. but in B&W.  Hard pass.

    “Sugar” is available now too – looks like a basic Ramond Chandler, private detective in the seedy underbelly of tinseltown, kind of thing.  Will watch the first one and see if it delivers.

    Bashed through True Detective S4 on Sky and it’s very good. Only 6 episodes, but that felt plenty long enough; the characters are all good, and the fact that it’s about women (where the others have been mainly about men) really isn’t A Thing, it’s just the story. Not sure why Christopher Eccleston is in it mind; he’s probably the weakest character, and the one that most takes you out of the moment, but hey ho.

    Yeah – I thought it was good enough, but S3 remains the high point IMO.  I’m found it frustrating that various plot-points/angles are just left completely unresolved at the end – with this being glossed over as part of the “supernatural mystery”:  how did the tongue get there?  What was the reason for the scorched retinas etc in the victims?  Having tied myself up in knots trying to understand what might have happened – just leaving a huge plot point completely unexplained/unresolved is beyond frustrating.

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