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  • Bike Check: Erik’s Rat Race Drop Out Cargo Bike
  • barrysh1tpeas
    Free Member

    Citation needed for that

    I read the story on the Telegraph last night. Very bleak/disturbing.

    Agreed though, I wonder if western propaganda..

    The video associated with it, just grim. A truck that opens up and in they pop, evaporated

    Free Member

    Completely agreed

    Free Member

    He can always go back to the negotiating table and negotiate some agreement.

    Exactly. Europe is dependent on Russia for about 40% of its natural gas supplies. He’s calling the shots here!

    Free Member

    He’s fully mental

    Free Member

    “To anyone who would consider interfering from the outside: if you do, you will face consequences greater than any you have faced in history. All relevant decisions have been taken. I hope you hear me,” he said

    Free Member

    I think I’m a better person for it.

    I’ve definitely learned more about myself from them.

    Free Member

    Ah, also when you do become a parent, I’ve found you start to cry at anything

    Yep, me too.

    Watched Encanto on Sunday. That set me off! Wtf happened to me

    Free Member

    What a great thread!

    I don’t envy you though, tough situation to be in.

    There is absolutley nothing wrong with not wanting children. As grum said – You do you!

    BUT do you think the situation you’re in is one of self doubt (both of you) as opposed to really not wanting children?

    Everyone has posted their experiences, and circumstances…I have two, 12 and 6 (second one took a bit longer than we expected! But it was fun trying)

    It’s hard, but would absolutley not change it. Best thing I’ve ever done.

    All the stuff about being tired, skint, loss of time for personal hobbies, that all gets better – it’s the early years that are hardest.

    Well, yes you’ll still be skint. So what! We only live once (probably), the thought of not having kids and ALL of the experiences, lessons, stresses, general carnage and LOVE that goes with it so you can have a bit more money and buy material things!?

    Free Member

    We’re 3rd floor of 10 floor large office block. First time ever I felt it moving!

    Feel a bit sea sick and the lights keep flickering.

    Not your usual Friday.

    Free Member

    06.04 and we have the first news presenter on BBC, stood in quayside telling us it’s stormy and don’t go out, and definitely not by the sea 🤣

    Free Member

    Yeah just saw they changed it and that’s all in a red blob now.

    Joy! Driving to Bournemouth to work will be interesting…

    Free Member

    Similarly, got caught out on the wife’s car NOT auto renewing car tax!

    So we now have a fine to pay.

    According to their website, if on DD it will auto renew. But it didn’t and we didn’t think about as it’s on DD, my car auto renews.

    But they also state they don’t send renewal notices for DD, it’s owners reasonability (true of course) so tough shart!

    So this is my fault for not checking, but does seem unfair.

    Just a heads up for ya’ll

    Free Member

    Poor old Boris

    He’ll claim some credit for it!

    Free Member

    I’d love to bin off FB! But annoying my cycling club organise EVERYTHING on there.

    IG I can take or leave.

    Twitter is hillarious! They’re nuts

    Free Member

    take an off-the-shelf package, then butcher it to buggery, then complain that it doesn’t work very well.

    We had that, tooks years to get it right. You knew where you were with it. Then we upgraded to bespoke! 🤦‍♂️ At great cost

    Free Member

    We migrated to a new system for one part of our company structure. Was horrendous! Couldn’t take any downtime, so we had about half a Sunday to complete the migration. Then another 6 months making it all good.

    Even off the shelf solutions end up being highly customised, tweaked and patched to get to a stage where they satify the purpose.

    If it were me, I’d stick with what I had and optimise the crap out of it. As the systems evolve, there’s always room to improve things.

    Free Member

    As someone who works in tech support, you have my sympathy. Even with lots of planning and testing, things can go wrong sometimes.

    BUT I thought at least half STW worked in IT?!? You’d think they would go easy on you.

    Also, wow it’s still running on WP!

    Free Member

    Is it some sort of waterbourne practice for the Marines or SBS?

    It is exactly that. Used to watch them from the Bournemouth side of the bay doing drops. SBS based in Poole

    Free Member

    Looks like they redirected the URL to the NY Times site now.

    Free Member

    Do you have any concerns about your appiances malfuntioning / catching fire in the night?

    Our dishwasher caught fire. Luckily I was in the kitchen at the time, heard it making some weird noises, opened the door and there were flames in the base! Unplugged it and carried it out to garden quickly! (It was slimline so not too heavy)

    I’d never run anything at night whislt in bed now.

    Free Member

    I saw that earlier, but not sure how true. As the number is not revealed until the threshold met, at which point it’s too late

    Free Member

    Third letter (email) sent to my MP in as many weeks. They’re declining in their civility.

    He responded to the first, not since.

    Free Member

    Thanks @nt80085 that’s amazing

    One week down easy. Feel very good, espcially so with regard to mood.

    Did the big shop on Saturday, walked straight past the booze!

    Bring on “dryebuary” 👊

    Free Member

    Fair point @grum

    Free Member

    It’s personal pref. I’d personally rather carry a bit more and have good night sleep.

    Free Member

    Another Exped Synmat recommendation.

    I have the Synmat 7 wide/long. Comfy and warm. Also quite, not crisp packety like some others.

    Free Member

    Really sorry to hear that. I have been there and my thoughts are with you. Genuinely

    It’s incredibly hard, nearly broke me. I was closer to him than nearly every human.

    Of course you never forget them, I think of him still frequently. But it does get better.

    Free Member

    The one that prompted this was an all day sesh. So A LOT! (No idea how many). These are rare though. I feel pap on 4 or 5 pints the next day anyway

    Free Member

    I still crave the cigs now, 10 years quit! Probably always will. But that was definitly, without any doubt a good thing to quit

    Free Member

    Yeah @Nick that’s a lot more cons than pros!! Makes you really wonder why we do it

    Free Member

    You would be surprised at how many people no longer drink booze.

    I am! After I posted, It was a nice suprise to see that actually many of the regulars here are not drinkers/alcolhol free

    Free Member

    Thanks everyone. Great positive response

    I’m going to do it!

    I have a night out end of this week, curry and beers. What’s a good 0% beer?

    Free Member

    societies social norms are. explaining you really don’t want a

    I’ve been vegan before for best part of a year, believe me I know how screwed up society is if you don’t slot in to norms! Never ending debates/discussions

    Free Member

    chucking down, have a drink.

    Checks weather app…cracks open another bottle 🤣

    Free Member

    If you have to be pished to feel comfortable around your mates maybe that’s telling its own story.

    Indeed, I know this. I do get anxiety. But need to try it to know.

    I had a full fat beer, followed by a 0.0% beer, followed by a full fat etc.

    That’s a good strategy!

    Free Member

    Freeman made this as excellent as it is. Amazing acting. Forget you’re watching as end up fully engaged with the character

    Free Member

    Apparently you now have to say

    Why can’t they just leave shit alone!!?!

    My morning ritual, whilst making the porridge through bleary eyes, mumbling out…”alexa play 6music”

    Incidentally, I really love Chris Hawkins, what a top bloke.

    Free Member


    Similar boat. Both our kids are in the 5-12 bracket. And it’s certainly requiring much more consideration for if they’ll have it. It’s a weird one, I was happy to get it – stick it in me. But suddenly I’m very defensive about the proposition of the kids getting it.

    Actually, I’ve just been had the booster over lunch! I was putting it off slightly tbh as was pretty ill with Covid November and was just enjoying geting back into training again and feeling good. Zwift last night, so fingers crossed take today as a rest day and then get back to it! 50w ftp boost apparently with Pfizer

    Free Member

    I trust we don’t make the same mistake again!

    I would think Covid would be imprinted on us for decades.

    It’s clearly not compariable to a world war, but hugely stressful and will be part of conversation or peoples subconsious for a very long time.

    I have two school aged children (one of which gifted Covid to us actually! ). I do worry about the psychological effects on our childen. It’s hard to avoid it, but the constant level of fear/worry from us lot in everyday decisions and actions. The conversations we as parents have, and they’re there in the background. Hopefully they’re resilient enough to shrug it off!

    Free Member

    being ill for a week/10days and then trying to clear out a house etc.

    No ta! Moving house is bad enough at the best of times. I’d (regrettably) give that a swerve too if it were me.

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