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  • 502 Club Raffle no.5 Vallon, Specialized Fjällräven Bundle Worth over £750
  • Barney_McGrew
    Free Member

    Well, that seems to have been lost on some…Deary me :roll:

    Free Member

    Hi Stefan,

    From the town, up Upper Allan st, past Burnhead, left on to Knockie towards Gormack, and that’s you on the Cateran Trail. Follow that to Brig’o’Cally hotel. Stop there for a shandy then head back the other side of the hotel and follow the trail up in to Blackcraig Forest, take the main track across Cochrage Muir then down towards Middleton Farm, down Marlee hill and out at the Marlee hotel.

    That’s a decent XC outing

    For DH stuff there’s a track up at Ballo hill by Campmuir/Abernyte.


    Free Member

    I like literally stopped reading it after I totally actually read this bit man

    i was like wtf???

    Yeah, but no, but…

    Free Member

    Im living in forfar at the moment

    I feel for you I really do :D

    Another vote for Jules at cyclewild at Laggan.
    He brought my wife’s riding and confidence on leaps and bounds in a couple of days.
    Very good indeed.

    Free Member

    I read

    well, on a 120-140mm steel hardtail frame, you would like the strength of a bigger axle, as it enhances the ride, after i went to 20mm from QR, i can tell you it makes a big difference. on bumpy stuff and turns it remains more controlled, feels stiffer and is more stable.

    and thought ‘this guy sounds like he writes for a magazine’…but then I read

    i remember having the wheel flex until it rubbed on my forks with quick release.

    and realised you were just full wind and pi$$.

    Free Member

    I’ll keep a look out down Perth / Dundee way.

    Free Member

    You swines!
    I just watched that vid and had this at the other side of the iPad

    Chyna (left) is coming up for 12 and very, very fit indeed bu she had a lump removed from her throat the other month that may have affected her thyroid. Wost case scenario…6 months. Granted, it’ll be 33% less drool, farting and snoring but it’ll kill me!

    Free Member

    ‘Made in the UK’…by a Polish worker…for a foreign owned company.

    Free Member

    When I was going away earlier this year I too had a similar dilemma. The EVOC did seem a little pricey so I started to shop around. There wasn’t too much come and go with the prices so I then started to look on eBay and Gumtree. Low and behold there was a guy selling a Polaris Bike Pod, which was the other case i was looking at and a hard case (like the DHB one but unbranded.) After a bit of haggling I ended up getting both for £150!
    I’d imagine there’ll be a few out there on these types of sites as more often than not they’re bought for a single use then found to take up too much room in the house to be bothered keeping them.
    Just thought I’d also mention that a couple of the other guests had the EVOC and I have to say it did look a very good bit of kit. Worth the premium? I’m not sure. If I find a second hand one I’d buy it but don’t think I could justify the cost. I saw loads of bikes getting carried that holiday most of which were in the CRC bags, no one I spoke to suffered any damage.

    Free Member

    Free Member


    Free Member



    Free Member

    Justify? Nah, trust me, if I wanted to brag about stuff I’ve other things I’d shout about :D
    You’ve clearly misinterpreted what was trying to put across (Oakley being rather patronising) and you’ve kind of gone off on one. I hope it’s gone some way to help you vent your frustrations today.
    Enjoy your free glasses…and chill!
    Just to rub your nose in it a little more I’m sitting typing this wearing Oakley flip-flops, T-shirt and ‘Chain’ reading glasses. and as an added bonus I’ve just wiped my screen with an Oakley microbag. How cool am I!? :wink:

    Free Member

    It is a light frame but an overall average weight build in the £999 SLX form.
    If you ride it in the mud with the supplied SLX triple it grinds away at the BB shell.
    These problems notwithstanding it does ride very well.

    Free Member

    Because Barney has a stak of overpriced glasses already dirtyrider, he feels more deserving of the opportunity to take advantage

    Wow! You’re quite far up your own anus! :o I like them, am fortunate enough to be able to buy the ones I like, so I do. I often buy them second hand too to avoid the higher prices.
    Nothing against the people taking advantage at all, in fact I did too. I just had a wee laugh to myself re. the ‘Oakley fan’ thing ie. Please like us…Even although we’ve been unable to price things properly on our website,told you you’re not getting anything, charging you twice, refunding you some, sending you another email and just generally acting very unprofessionally whilst selling products at a very professional price.
    Yes they’ve come through in the end to keep a fair percentage happy but will the free specs have people coming back for more when they’ve been dicked around so much the other side of them? I’m not so sure.
    The man hours involved in sorting all this out would offset any profit to be made so they take the hit.
    I don’t think ‘Oakley fan’ will come in to it, it’s just about appeasing the angry mob that were out for a relative bargain.
    I’m liking the FB guy’s idea that because he didn’t place an order then he’ s due something too…nice :D

    Free Member

    Thank you for being a loyal Oakley fan.

    I think I’d have to question how many ‘Oakley fans’ ordered against people looking to take advantage of a balls up to get a pair of glasses they’d not have bothered with otherwise :D
    My existing pile suggests ‘Oakley fan’ though.

    Free Member

    Wouldn’t T-cut it. As mentioned above, a compound is what you should look at. Something like 3M Finesse-it followed by a cleaning polish/wax to protect again.
    Check out for kit.

    Free Member

    Pay your £50 and it’s 20kg check-in, 32kg bike and your carry on too.

    Free Member

    Say what?

    I use TV Catch Up.

    Free Member

    Missed his last Scottish ride due to work and unfortunately I’ll miss this one too :(

    Free Member

    There’s method to my Multipla madness! That’s the uber practical car for bikes and dogs duties (mk II btw.) which allowed me to get the uber impractical Lotus Exige. There’s also a Mk I Golf GTi for old school fun and a Fabia vRS for the quick yet economical stuff. I hope they do something to offset the Fiat. It does pain me to say it though but the Multipla does what it does very well indeed!…that included looking like a fishtank/greenhouse hybrid. :D
    The thing with the Multipla is that it’s ugly, it knows it and certainly doesn’t hide the fact. The Accord on the other hand starts off all styled and designed at the front and then it looks like he designer (assuming there was one employed) just got bored as hell and just stuck a boxy bit that belonged to another car on the ar$e end of it.
    That said, any Honda I’ve had has always gone well.

    Free Member

    We have a Multipla amongst our cars and I can still happily say that the Honda Accord estate is an ugly car :wink:
    Glad you’re happy though.

    Free Member

    I’ve ridden a Golden Willow for the last 2 years and LOVE IT!
    Prior to it I had an 07 Spesh Stumpy which, if I’m honest was as much bike as I needed however one demo day at Laggan had me wanting the Bionicon.
    I read about the ‘magic button’ and thought it a bit of a gimmick however I was proved wrong on my first ride.

    They use their own proprietary shocks and forks, which do as much or more than other forks and shocks from companies who only make forks and shocks. This would make me suspect that their suspension will be lacking in performance, or reliability or both.

    I thought that too and that’s where my apprehensions lay but decided to buy anyway. Fortunately the system has proved to be very reliable with only one fault occurring in all the time and miles I’ve put on it. It was resolved by Squarewheels swiftly and cheaply (required new top cap with the valve control.) It is also very easy to maintain despite sounding quite complex.
    I find the button and geometry change as good as another gear but you really do need to have a test ride to fully appreciate the system and find out if it’s something you could live with.
    I have tested all kinds of blingy and exotic kit (Mojo, 5spot) with the look to replace it (only ‘cos I like new stuff and spending money) but I’ve yet to find anything I like to ride as much. The closest I’ve come to it was a Stumpy Evo but it was nowhere near as good on the ups.
    I would happily buy another one but don’t see me needing to anytime soon. Steve at Squarewheels has the Scandium framed version that he’s run for ages, loans out and uses as a demo (so it’s very well used and abused) and he commented the last time I saw him at the ‘Puffer that he finds himself in a similar position to me.

    Free Member

    I was considering one of those veho muvi as an alternative to the GoPro. I got a shot of the GoPro HD for going on holiday and bought the chesty for it. I was very impressed with the results.
    I’m glad you put the vid up Rockhopper70 as that has helped make my mind up…Has to be the GoPro. May be ten times the cost but worth it for the end result IMO.

    Free Member

    paulrockliffe – Member
    Like I said, I’m no even particularly good.

    Only the true messiah denies his divinity!

    Free Member

    All hail ‘paulrockliffe!’

    Free Member

    I like it!
    Although I don’t do books :D

    Free Member
    I’ve been with them on a MTB holiday but their road stuff looks great too. Garmin guided and the après bike stuff on offer is very good.



    Free Member

    I sometimes want a new bike then I test ride them and come away thinking that my existing FS is better which makes me hate it as it’s stopping me from getting shiny-shiny. It is however quite satisfying to know that after 2 years of test riding all sorts of nice stuff that I’m still delighted with what I have.

    Free Member

    Not a field but in ‘Gorgeous Gorge’ with JoyRiders Spain last week.

    Free Member

    It was every time my wife went out to do a lap. :D

    Free Member

    I like my cars. I’ve had my hot hatches, impreza, evo, merc, GTis and so on but I’ve started to calm it all down a bit.
    Ironically I’m now in the fortunate position to get the cars I want but don’t want to buy them as I’d hate to have to run them on the crappy roads and with fuel costs as they are. As it is I have a Fabia vRS which I have found to be a fantastic little car. There is a Skoda dealership in my village and I’ve had the opportunity to try the Yeti and the Roomster. Both seem to be good bike carrying vehicles. I moved my wife’s Fabia on but kept my vRS. I had considered replacing her car with a transit connect. Between dogs and bikes our ‘utility’ vehicle gets a hard time and a van could be abused without too many worries. She didn’t fancy a van though and did comment on the fact that when we go out on the bikes there’s usually 3 or 4 of us and the van would limit numbers or involve another vehicle. In the end I bought a Multipa off druidh from these parts :D and it’s been a revolution. 4 folks, 4 bikes (road, wheels on / MTB front off) and kit all inside the car! You do need some form of interior protection as the seats and carpets could get wrecked in no time.
    It’s not a bonnie bairn but it’s certainly a versatile car.
    The MK1 Golf and forthcoming Elise is for fun but as a ‘bike car’ the Multipla is very hard to beat! As a ‘petrol head’ it really is hard to accept that this is a great car but for what I need it for, it is!

    Free Member

    Why should we ignore it when you choose not to ignore it yourself?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Just make sure you go into it knowing exactly what the job entails. BC is a business like any other and there will be all the same issues as in other organisations. The bureaucracy, office politics and other nonsense will be the same there as anywhere else.

    Couldn’t agree more.
    I’m seeing something now in my job that I NEVER thought I would. People leaving the fire service!
    Without generalising too much, they tend to be ‘professional people’ who leave their dull, boring job and all the crap it entails. They come to the fire service wanting to save babies and fight ‘the beast.’ In reality, they spend the best part of their first three years box ticking in front of a computer then put up with an organisation that has taken on a business management model but cherry picked what they hope will work for them out of it. All the ancillary and support departments are battling for supremacy and the operational firefighters are almost left out as the minority group. The parts of the job I love outweigh those that irritate me and they have affected my career decisions ( handed back a promotion ) but I still don’t mind going in to work.
    It’s certainly not the job I joined all those years ago (some good, some bad) but it’s certainly NOT the job the sprogs think they are going to join!
    Be sure before you make the jump. It could be a nasty landing.

    Free Member

    Love it and hate it in equal measures.
    Love the way it rides and how versatile it is. :D
    Hate the fact that I’ve been to several demo days and tried all the bikes I thought I wanted to replace it with yet I’ve not found anything I’d change it for, so no shiny-shiny for me. :(

    *I’ve had the gardener put down some weed killer so it’s a lot tidier now, honest.

    Free Member

    Ah, so you’re the one. :o

    Free Member

    It’s not a bonnie bairn that’s for sure.

    Free Member


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