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  • Fresh Goods Friday 719: The Jewelled Skeleton Edition
  • barkm
    Free Member

    but why though? (longevity). The problem is the idea of marriage, or long term relationships. We don’t apply the same principles to friendships, they come and go mostly.
    Trying to make a relationship ‘work’ for the sake of anything inhibits freedom to be oneself, in either or both parties. Which is a freedom too easily surrendered.

    Therefore for me, someone you marry must truly be a friend for life, a genuine soul mate. Besides a sensible minority, the vast majority rush into choosing life partners because it’s a social norm.

    Free Member

    “I understand.”
    You clearly don’t.

    It’s interesting that people seem to be quick to condemn the woman without knowing the full story, simply from viewing an edited video. Judgmental, much?

    her actions in the video are pretty unambiguous, there is really no need to know the full story which at best is a petty frustration. I suspect it goes deeper and she doesn’t like the facility being there at all, nonetheless her actions taken at face value are extremely inappropriate. The full story is completely irrelevant.

    Free Member

    it is, as with all of these books, massively padded out and a bit over elaborated to make it book length. The basic premise is simple, and nothing new. Get a grip of your emotions/instincts etc. The kind of thing that makes you eat the whole cake. But the key point is acceptance and control, not total dominance (ie. willpower).

    This covers it

    Free Member

    Problem with the aircraft

    Free Member

    my son was in a photo on the front page of the local rag some years ago. I was delighted. The end.

    Free Member

    No, but do tend to find everyone else seems to be obsessed by what everyone else is doing.

    Free Member

    I was on a jury, probably going on for 10 years ago now. Was a month long trial for attempted murder of a policeman, two accused.
    Found guilty, about 30 years each.

    Rewarding, fascinating, and depressing, all at the same time really. By far the worst part for me was witnessing the apathy and prejudice by most in the jury room.
    Quote from this article sums it up; “You will witness the best and worst sides of humanity in that room. It will both exhaust and invigorate you.”

    Judge awarded us a waiver for ten years, so I guess I’m just about eligible again!

    I don’t remember the waiting around as others describe, was pretty efficient, but lot’s of going in and out of the court. But hours sat in court can be hard work.

    I was the only juror not to swear in using the Christian oath, (there is a non-religious alternative). Not that it is relevant at all, but it was a very important thing to me at the time.

    Free Member

    Is this the same “experts” that overnight wiped out 80% of peoples credit files by deciding to change how they calculate the score?
    Yep – apparently thats an understatement too.
    People with perfect 999 scores dropping to 700, 700’s dropping to 300, etc

    that score is meaningless, ergo the consequences of them changing it are zero.

    I suspect why they changed it is to crank up the obsession over arbitrary credit scores, driving more custom to their service.

    Free Member

    yes- because that is our job- to educate about the difference between a sink and a urinal…. teaching standards eh?

    No it’s your job as a decent adult human being.

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t intervene with someone else’s kid.

    In my home I would, however if that isn’t appropriate/convenient or whatever, I’d address the parents directly.
    The situation isn’t complicated, our perception and interpretation of social etiquette is what makes it complicated.

    Free Member

    you politely, firmly, and quite openly, confront and challenge the inappropriate behavior.

    Works for both kids and adults.

    Sounds simple, but weirdly it has become one of those skills many have lost.

    Free Member

    when will what end? Death? I’m afraid I have some bad news for you :(

    Free Member

    I’ve come to the conclusion that all I do is work, look after the family and watch a bit of telly, no hobbies to speak off.

    That’s fine.

    I suppose I don’t do anything really.

    This is wrong. (as you said yourself)

    The problem is you’re looking for happiness in something else. Happy people are happy doing the things you mentioned…just living life.
    There’s no magic ‘hobby’ that makes you happy.

    Free Member

    i believe the standard stw answer is google maps on your phone

    If you’re going to use a phone, may as well use Waze, considerably better than google maps. I prefer waze over the in car satnav.

    Free Member

    These days kids’ friendships only seem to exist in cyberspace.

    that’s really quite a gross generalisation which reveals why you’re so anxious about this. My youngest plays online a lot…almost exclusively with friends he’s been spending all day with at school.
    He also goes to cadets,climbing club once a week, swimming club, etc.
    He’s far and away more creative, more social, and just annoyingly bloody cleverer than I ever was at 14, when all I was doing is hanging around furtively outside shops or thrashing a bike around a woods.

    I really don’t understand what the fear is here? Zombies?! Perhaps live a little and work out a compromise by yourself with your kids.

    Free Member

    that Norway video! I must have one of those. Presumably they’re using some kind of FPV camera/goggles?
    Watched the build video, looks like an ace project to cheer up this shitty month.

    Free Member

    half decent sailing boat, and the requisite courses/training to get me across the oceans.

    Or invested in whatever it takes to change from an office-bound career, into an outdoor one.

    Free Member

    ..and this ‘traditional seasonal thread’ wouldnt be complete without someone saying how wrong everyone is for not liking something :-)

    There’s nothing unique about today, it can be done any day of the year. Especially lego.

    Free Member

    one of the absolute joys of being an atheist or freethinker is being able to chill, observe, and sometimes laugh in wide eyed wonder at the indoctrinated. And that’s all you needed to have done.
    I just shrug and get on with my life, some choose to live by this shit, others dont, just the way it is and always will be.

    We had this with our boys, we just discussed it and always always encouraged an objective viewpoint, not being biased either way on anything and fostered individual choice. They have happily grown into well balanced thinkers able to accept everyone has their own take on this life.
    It’s a bit unfair to blame the school, if you object to it that strongly you could have withdrawn participation in the nativity play.

    We withdrew our son once from an overtly religious gathering organised by the school (harvest festival at local church), but he participated in educational trips to Mosques, and Churches. He was also in a nativity play.

    Free Member

    also agreed deadkenny, much of the bbc coverage seemed to be pitched at kids, or at best overly simplified.
    I watched the launch and it gave me the same thrill as it always has, just a huge sense of positivity, progress and hope. Then we cut back to screaming kids and some idiot presenter stumbling over his words to crack a funny, and I think perhaps we haven’t really moved on at all beyond this being a novel distraction for the masses.
    Tim Peake will probably be on Strictly Come Dancing this time next year. :lol:

    Free Member

    also struggling with this, for first time ever. Came on suddenly 4 weeks ago after some 3 weeks of regular running/long distance walking.
    I have a very weak ankle same side, which I had to have ligament restructure surgery on about 20 years ago, it’s never been the same since. I wear a support, but seems as a consequence of increased activity it’s caused pf.

    Extremely painful, like a burning sensation in heal. Reduced to a hobble in mornings, but ok once I get going, but after 2 miles or so it comes back on. A lot worse in my work shoes.
    I’ve also always had lots of problems with tight calves, which I imagine is a contributing factor.

    Was kind of hoping it would just go with some stretching and massaging, but getting a bit intolerable now, so considering going to GP.

    Free Member

    wtf is wrong with people, that’s madness.

    Only thing I can think of is counterclaim, for an equally spurious make believe cost of some kind.
    Or you can let her proceed, perhaps calling her bluff, but be prepared to dispute it and push it to either mediation or a court hearing, it will almost certainly be thrown out, or her claim massively reduced. However I suspect she’ll bottle it well before then.

    Do not visit, and refuse visits. If she’s willing to do this, she’s willing to make up other nonsense. Everything in writing.

    Free Member

    I don’t get it, are you being forced to listen?

    Free Member

    And apparently Capability is the topic of the decade?.


    Also ‘fundamentally’, used between every other word in a sentence.

    Free Member

    got mice for the first time ever this year. Making a right racket at night under the floor boards.
    Your local council should offer services. Ours was £30 for initial visit plus 3 re-visits by a council pest controller. Figured that was a bargain as at the time I feared the worst (rats).

    Free Member

    3. Superhigh house prices leading to the wealth effect which supports consumer spending

    most definitely not a good thing.

    I don’t dwell on bad things I can’t control (painful lesson learned long ago), but I like reading other peoples lists :-)

    Mine is;

    1. I am alive and healthy, warm dry and not hungry.

    1. Anything in the immediate vicinity that is likely to negatively affect number 1 in the good list, over which I have some control or influence.

    Free Member

    Police intimation and provocation were commonplace
    Really? It’s not that I don’t believe you; it’s just that the British police (while not perfect) have a pretty good reputation for deploying ‘soft power’ in a similar way to Canadian police (also not perfect).

    The idea that ‘intimidation and provocation were commonplace’ just doesn’t really jive with that.

    Then, maybe I’m just being really naive.

    Might want to get along to one and actually witness what goes on. Seriously, I’ve done it a few times as a purely objective bystander at some of the big London anti-capitalist demos.
    Police will incite, once control/containment is established, and snatch those who retaliate. Valid? Perhaps.
    I’d also expect disinformation spread across social media and news media outlets.

    Free Member

    Don’t see the problem. If you’re not doing anything you shouldn’t, why worry? If it’ll help catch the bad guys, paedophiles and terrorists (and would be’s) then it doesn’t worry me whatsoever.

    This has been done to death, but the problem with this argument is ‘they’ define the ‘shouldn’t’ bit. Which is why it is a problem.

    That said, I think the ship has sailed, there’s a whole generation now who have no idea the value of the personal data they are literally giving away, every single day, for free :)
    So it’s about the right time for the authorities to start asking for a piece of the action.

    Free Member

    It is, but that won’t stop employers doing it. Also, if an offer is made and the info is found out later, a company can let someone go for “no reason” within your first 2 years. The OP wanted some real world advice and, whilst that may not be overly nice or what should happen, it is what does happen.

    We often forget job selection is two way. If a company acted in this manner during the process of my application, I’d walk out of the door. Real world or not, you’d be a mug to deal with these types, so in my opinion, it may happen, but it’s a moot point (for any sensible individual.)

    Free Member

    I went through this recently, and had same anxieties regards selection by a new employer, which is particularly difficult when you are already recovering from depression and stress related symptoms.

    I had a simple questionnaire to fill in from the occ health department after an offer had been made. It came along with contract, employee handbook etc, all the usual stuff. But the health questionnaire was handled separately and an envelope marked confidential was supplied.
    Questions covered a typical checklist of common health issues, and I also had to state total of days off sick in past year. I also had to state whether I would require any adjustments to accommodate a disability or similar.

    I actually got offered the job during the latest period of long term sick for stress. I rang the occ health department of the new employer as I was concerned about my total sick days which at the time was >6weeks, but all on that one period of absence. I explained context, and my history, and they were totally cool about it.
    I started the new job 8 months ago, never been happier in work (seriously).

    Bottom line, if employer is on its game with this kind of issue, deals with it correctly, professionally, then you should have no concerns. Just do not try to hide anything. It is illegal to ask anything about your health during selection process.

    If an employer doesn’t handle it that way, then ask yourself whether they really are a suitable employer and whether you should even be considering working for them?

    All the best

    Free Member

    Spend a lot of times on the roads as part of my job, quote often able to sit there (going nowhere on the m25 normally) and and muse objectively at the sheer madness of it all.

    How bad does it have to get before there is a real change? And what would that change be? It’s one of those profoundly difficult (and depressing) problems we face*. Surely something has to give, as it’s only going to get a lot lot worse. So what is the solution?

    My thoery – mass public transit systems of some description, possibly yet to be invented, and ‘cars’ being increasingly the preserve of the rich/privileged.
    Either that or a dramatic reduction/removal in the requirement for so many people to move around.

    *See also; Obesity, over population, dwindling natural resources, economic inequality, etc..

    Free Member

    sounds like she has a lot of growing up to do.
    Good luck.

    Free Member

    whatever the rights and wrongs, outing it all on twitter is a shit thing to do, and she demonstrates considerable immaturity in doing so. Whatever she thinks she may have gained for her cause, it has seriously damaged her professional reputation.

    That said, I am soooo glad we didn’t have all this social media malarky when I was young and stupid :-)

    Free Member

    took a punt, and love it. It isn’t too big at all, mine lives in my pocket don’t even know its there, I like the landscape mode, screen, photo and most of all battery life. I travel a lot, and happier taking this around with me than a tablet.

    Free Member

    IT PM.
    Changed employer this year for first time in 16 years. Last employer I hated it and it literally made me mental. New employer absolutely love it. I went from an IT services company to one of the big construction companies. Totally different culture and awesome employer, thoroughly enjoying my job for now.

    Do not work for IT services companies.

    Free Member

    I think quite simply he was too low. It was a very hot day, maybe humid, which will have affected air density, he will have done that maneuver before at the same airspeed/altitude, but he may well have not taken into account the affect on aircraft performance the conditions may have had on this occasion.
    I don’t see any loss of control, just a lack of recovery altitude, the swerve may well have been pilot reaction to try and recover or avoid highway.
    He’s former red arrows I think.
    Let’s hope he recovers and answers can be provided.

    Devastating for all concerned.

    Free Member

    How many of the people supported by H4H were injured in action?

    I ask because of a trip to Kenya where a party of H4Hs were present. One was an officer who had broken her back and was in a wheelchair. She had broken her back skiing.

    It doesn’t matter. Assuming she was receiving support from H4H, H4H is a welfare charity for all service men and women providing support irrespective of how they received their wounds or injuries.
    All here on the website[/url], so you don’t have to make assumptions :-)

    From that FAQ;

    Help for Heroes considers anyone who volunteers to join the Armed Forces, knowing that one day they may have to risk all, is a hero. It’s that simple.

    Free Member

    Or, they criticised the government which responded by pulling its funding.

    They (or more accurately, she) started lashing out at the Government AFTER funding was stopped. As custodian of our money, I think the government have done the right thing.
    My gut feeling is being so close to the government they expected to just receive funding, no questions asked.

    Also, the government are not alone with their complaints/concerns.

    Free Member

    Been brewing for ages I think, they’ve received millions and millions of tax money and donations, but have not responded well to the financial scrutiny that comes with receiving so much public money.
    I think there’s an unholy mess here which the government is trying to extricate itself from, before the shit/fan interface.

    Free Member
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