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  • Issue 155 Editorial: Going The Extra Mile
  • barca
    Free Member

    I've thought of another.
    Mr (relevant avatar) or Mrs (relevant avatar). For example: Mrs Barca.
    Life pretty dull? I'd happily settle for that for a few weeks with the way things are for me at the moment.
    That's it. I'm finished now.

    Free Member

    Bru – just sounds so very wrong to me. Bro is just as bad. Please don't. I'd be ever so grateful.
    Darkside. That really gets to me.
    And some more. Wee in his shoes. Own him with bombers. They're both very tedious now.
    Kings of Niche. Oh dear.
    I need to mention darkside again. That really bugs me.
    I'm beginning to think I've spent too much time on here recently.

    Free Member

    No offence intended to the author.

    "Poss. for sale"
    It either is for sale so advertise it or it's not for sale so don't.

    Free Member

    I seem to be doing quite well without access to a car. I've not owned one of my own for years but helped pay toward my wifes so I got to use that if I wanted to. I hate driving so I didn't use it much anyway. I no longer have access to the car and even though I still don't much want to use it, being told I can't is doing my head in. It's funny how having the choice taken away amplifies the desire.

    Ps. Kick it's arse nickhart.

    Free Member

    Other than plead, beg and throw your dummy out by threatening to change banks (and having your bluff called – more and more banks are standing firm against this kind of threat), not much at all else you can do. They might give in and drop the charges and they might not. It is entirely up to them. Until there is a definitive ruling on the charges legal action at least.
    You could help your case by taking in a financial statement of your income and outgoing and any mitigating evidence as to why you became overdrawn above your limit and a previously good account history should go a long way in your favour but ultimately, it's down to the branch manager.

    Free Member

    Out and back road ride to Chester on Saturday
    Dark Peak off road loop: Macc Forest, Goyt Valley, Hope, Edale, Hayfield on Sunday.
    Any locals feel free to join in. I'm a very nice person, honest.
    On and off road south end of Wales from Tuesday onwards.

    Free Member

    I was instructed by the headmaster to 'leave' school just before the end of 4th year (now year 10) and as my only present parent couldn't bother his arse to get me into a new school, I didn't get any careers advice.
    I ended up (eventually) with a Sports Science with Biology degree and currently work part time for a charity emergency relocating / rehousing vulnerable adults and families (love it) and part time for Greater Manchester Councils (MAGMA) doing various finance processing work (hate it but I get the Cycle Scheme)

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I've done it twice, both in one day from Winchester to Eastbourne. It's a great ride and if I can manage it (I'm up north and it's a logistical nightmare), I'm going to try and get down to do it again before the end of summer and take my time to enjoy it properly rather than zoning out to keep a steady rhythm going.
    If it takes longer than one day this time, so be it. I'll wild camp and finish it when the sun comes up.
    Have a great day (or two out). It's a lovely route and probably all the nicer for me as it's like chalk ( :lol:) and cheese compared with my local Peak District riding.

    Free Member

    While I accept that I must have a very bizarre posterior, I've found my saddle nirvana in a completely stripped down SLR – cover and minimal padding removed – right down to the carbon base and no padding in my shorts at all.
    Theoretically they should be agony, in practice they're lovely.

    Free Member

    thisisnota – sorry, only the kieran bars.

    Free Member

    I like my Langster Monaco but having said that, due to little use I'm selling it.
    I swapped the bars over to proper drops and fitted road brakes rather than the cross top brakes.
    No problems at all with the wheels. The shimano fitted freewhel lasted about 100 miles though. Absolute crap but replaced easily enough.
    £280 if anybody is interested.
    I'd be interested to know what turbo it was on. I can only find turbo's that work with qr wheels, not track nuts.

    Free Member

    Same thing happens Maxray. I'm convinced it's the hub nuts now it's been kindly pointed out to me. I need to buy some cone spanners. 🙂 (thanks to the grumpy bloke below)
    I love that edit button

    Free Member

    Cheers all.

    Free Member

    Brookbottom, Mellor, Roman Lakes, Brabyns, Chadkirk, Goyt Way, Woodbank Park, Behind British Gas, Reddish Vale, Tesco, quick road spin through Princes St and Heaton Lane, Mersey trail into Manchester. Not much road until you get near the city centre and very nice off road as far as Tesco.


    all of the above to Reddish Vale then stay on the vale as far as Reddish Vale school, quick scoot from Holdsworth Square to Longford Rd and then get the converted railway line that goes up to Sports City and then a very small bit of canal from MCFC into the city centre or go left before Gorton on the cycle path into Rusholme. This route is very little road all the way.

    I do Offerton Green to Manchester each day. I prefer the road route through Cheadle, Didsbury and rusholme but do the latter of the off road routes above once or twice a week. Usually coming home.

    Free Member

    Closing the qr with one finger and not much effort. I'm not going down Jacobs Ladder on Saturday with a qr that baggy. I'll stay at the top and see how the lovely wife gets on first 🙂
    I've just had a look at the Park Tools web site (thanks for the pointer). I think I might just loosen off the bearing nuts a tad, see if that works.

    Free Member

    Formula K18's and Hayes MPH.
    Cup and cone.
    Mine are 500 miles from brand new (Formulas)
    Wife's are quite old (Hayes)
    Both wheels spin lovely off the bike and just as lovely slid into the drop outs with the qr's unfastened. It's mad (or I am).

    Free Member

    Tried that Druidh. Loosend the calipers, brake hard on, tightened up the clalipers, released brake lever, spun wheel, quick shove, couple of turns, stopped wheel.
    I'm cursed.

    Free Member

    I've taken sabaticals with regard to mountain biking NBT but not cycling completely. I get fed up with the faff and muck of mountain biking and having done the Sarn Helen in three days last week, I'm taking a short off road break this week (but I can't ignore that lovely hardtail in the garage for much longer) I've always had a road bike and I've not owned my own car for over 10 years. I remember the first mountain bike ride I did with you lot and the derision when I asked if anybody fancied a road ride 😳
    Speaking of which, I come home from Manchester through Parrs Wood and then Cheadle each day now. Fancy an extended homeward commute ride one evening?

    Free Member

    "lunch time hero"
    Hardly mate, I just ride my bike.

    Free Member

    Oh my very word, I'm agreeing with TJ.
    Any regular cyclist should be able to do a 30 mile round trip each day, especially with 7.5 hours, food and drink in between.

    Free Member

    still possible to get through on a bike?

    It's obligatory James! Taking racing lines through those bends with no fear of a car coming the other way, it's unmissable. When's the closure? I went up and down a few times when they closed it for resurfacing last year. Great times.

    Free Member

    I'd have to guess my mileage, I don't have a computer on the Spesh'. Hazel Grove to Old Trafford and then on to Blackpool and then the same route back but I went right on the outskirts of Manchester to come home. I thought sinlgespeeding it was a daft idea, especially on the way home but one nutter was doing it fixed! I'm going to sell the Langster. Gears rock.
    Anybody doing the Manchester 100 mile ride in September

    Free Member

    Mine will be either Spesh Langster Monaco or green Bianchi or white and red Willier (not sure which has flat tyres – I know one or more has), I'll have my tattoo arm warmers on though. Any pushes along the way will be greatly appreciated.

    Free Member

    From my house terra', no Northern end of Manchester head starts 🙂
    I did the Sarn Helen last week. it was ace, you should do it. 3 days. Easy enough to navigate.
    I might nick the wife's car and drive over to O/T.

    Free Member

    I'm in, How are you lot (apart from terra) getting to the start and what route for getting back? I want to be home in time to see the tour on tv so I'll be starting at 7:00 but with the ride over from Hazel Grove, it looks like I'll have to set of at 6:00am.

    Free Member

    I've got a problem with mine
    Last day of my Wales end to end (Sarn Helen) I was working like a dog with a massively high heart rate but not getting far.
    The front brake was sticking on again, It was a problem I thought I'd fixed the week before. Some trail side bodging resulted in one piston popping out completely and some brake fluid spillage.
    I ended up doing the last 30 miles without a front brake (loads of air in the sytem now). The bike is in the shop waiting for a bleed to be performed.
    The piston on the front brake jamming in the out position has been a bit of a reoccuring nightmare.

    Free Member

    Ahh, one and the same then. How’s things? Not on the 3rd floor at the moment then? The HRM is still going strong as well.

    Free Member

    Not from the North East’ish are you?

    Free Member

    Eeeh, friday fun 🙂

    It’s the same as my EBC trailer Rich (I hope). It certainly looks the same and if it is, it weighs less than a YAK. I think they’re being a little eloborate with the “robust steel frame” :-).
    Not too worry, if it’s iron, my wife can use it.

    Free Member

    I know of another person who has their main office in this building Uplink.

    Thanks again for all the tips everyone. Work shall commence at lunchtime. I have the very bike sat next to my desk right now. I don’t think my line manager will be impressed but hey-ho.

    Free Member

    Thanks Uplink (are you local?).
    It makes that high pitched brake squeal thing as soon as I move the bike and on the odd occasion whilst riding, the front disc has been high pitched whistling. It drives dogs mad which is funny to see (in my own warped sense of humour).
    Clearly I need to fettle. I’m just gutted it’s now and not when I get back. I could do without the stress.

    Free Member

    Thanks for all the help fella’s.
    The bike is 300 mile old Cube Ltd Race. It seems to have occured over the last week or so. I’ll stick some new pads in. Where can I get this alcohol stuff of which you speak? I’m guesing dearest’s white wine isn’t going to suffice? I’ll be inspecting the rotors as well. I’ll be gutted if they’rer warped though. A brand new £1000 bike. It would happen just before the ride that I’ve been working toward all year. Typical. Last years attempt was rained off half way through but no go backs this year. I apologise to all of Wales for the deluge that will ensue.

    Free Member

    It’s only a gentle shove. I couldn’t say how may newtons. I’ve not had my forearm or wrist calibrated for a while 🙂
    I’ve had the pads out and squirted a bit of stuff (steady) around the pistons. No joy. I don’t have time now to get them in the shop so any help would be much appreciated.

    Free Member

    I’m 5’9″ and 32″ trouser leg and I need bikes with short top tubes. My ideal road bike top tube is 53cm, most people my size go for 54cm or 55cm. I have the 18″ Ltd Race, I’ve put a 110mm Deda race Zero stem on it and it’s still a tad short. This is unheard of for me. I had an Orange 5 in 18″ which was too big really. Replaced it with a 16″ which was spot on if that helps give you an idea of sizing?
    It’s been all over the Peak District every week over the last 8 weeks since I got it it’s been whacked by up flying rocks on every ride. Not a mark on it!
    I’ve said it before on here and I’m probably boring everybody to death with it by now but I love this bike and lord knows, I have had AND still have a few over the years.
    This one is a keeper.
    If your near me or riding this way soon Spud, shout up, you can have a go.

    Free Member

    I have one. LUSH! Blue and white and lovely all over. Watch out for the sizing though, they come up very small. I got mine for £935 including pedals.
    I love it,
    I’ll do a photo of it one day soon.

    Free Member

    I had this a few months ago. It just started on longer rides and then became more and more frequent on shorter rides. I ended up just being permanently sore.
    I fixed it though. Riding in shorts that have no padding. I’m now sore bottom free.

    Free Member

    Football. I played for my town school team (Stockport Boys), County Team (Cheshire Boys) was on school boy terms at Wrexham and also had trials at a few professional clubs. Got a contract with Luton just before leaving school but an injury and a rather problematic home life put paid to that.
    The biggest regret of my life and possibly the singlest biggest reason I hated my parents.
    All happy now though – I have bikes 🙂

    Free Member

    You do seem to have a lot of issues in your life don’t you?

    Free Member

    Take it further? Where you injured or anything on your bike broken? Was she drunk?
    I have just made my mate a cup of tea. He asked for coffee. I made a mistake. Should I be given a verbal warning from my line manager?

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